Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Name Index Abraham 14-15 Goetschius 200, 210 Adler 2, 30, 42-51 Goeyvaerts 106 Bach 144, 146, 149, 151, 164, 197, 233, Habk 15 288, 290, 296, 401 Hofstadter 57 Beethoven 272-273, 395 Husserl 47, 60, 91, 117, 118, 119, 421- Binet 57 422, 427 Boltzmann 42, 51 Huygens 14 Boulez 112 H~ndel 446, 459, 461,462 Brentano 44, 51, 117, 118, 121, 122 HSfler 50 Bruckner 47-48 Isaacson 6, 237 Budge 205 Ives 396 Cambouropoulos 6, 277 Jeppesen 226 Camurri 9, 495 Jodl 42, 48-49, 51 Canazza 8, 431,441 Carnap 72-73 Kant 13, 117, 122, 138 Carreras 4, 144 Keuler 5,214 Charbonneau 7, 375 Kirnberger 209 Chopin 95, 98, 397 Kitson 207, 210 Clynes 270, 414-415 Koffka 57-58, 63, 70, 108, 118, 144, 146, Cohen 7, 386 294 Cufaro Petroni 4, 169 Kohonen 150, 153, 165, 169-171, 179, 337 De Poll 8, 431,441 Kreichgauer 15 Descartes 14, 117, Krumhansl 6, 179, 196, 294 Dubnov 7, 386 Krfiger 70 Durand 206 Kurth 14 Delibes 459, 459, 466 K5hler 15, 18, 57-58, 70, 72, 75-78, 80, Ebcrlein 6, 225 108, 118, 147, 163, 363 Eichert 3, 70 Kiilpe 121,138 Epstein 253-255 Lach 42-43, 50-51 Euler 14 Larson 6, 321 Forte 237, 241-243, Leibniz 117 Franek 6, 253 Leman 2, 4, 9, 13, 98, 144, 169ff., 495 Fyk 8, 421 Lewin 15 F4tis 208 Ligeti 393 Lotze 138 Geyer 208 Louhivuori 2, 30 Godoy 3, 89 Luria 78 518 Mach 13, 42, 46, 48-49, 51, Schmidt 3, 70 Maler 225 Schneider 2, 4, 13, 117 Marpburg 206 Schoenberg 237, 247, 375 Mates 6, 253 Schubert 456 Mattusch 8, 469 Schumann 272 McCulloch 82 Schumann, K.E. 362-363 McHose 191, 197, 210 Seashore 15 Meinong 42, 44-51, 70 Seifert 3, 70 Metzger 70 Stevens 17 Meyer-Eppler 104 Stockhausen 3, 103-112 Modler 9, 482 Stumpf 3-4, 14-15, 23, 42, 48-49, 51, Moetants 6, 263 117ff., 363 Mozart 285, 296, 398, 431-432, 442, 447, 465-466 Tangiuane 7, 409 Terman 57 Narmour 294-295, 298, 300 Thorn 90 Narmour 6 Toiviainen 6, 337 Norman 204 Tricarico 4, 169 Palestrina 394-396, 398, 401 Ungeheuer 3, 103 Parncutt 4, 229, 231,181 Vidolin 8, 431, 441 Pavlov 78 Vivaldi 409, 411 Piaget 17 yon Bertalanffy 58-59 Pitts 82 von Ehrenfels 42, 46-48, 51, 58, 70-72, Plank 48 75, 99 Pribram 70, 76, 79 von Helmholtz 2, 14, 23, 117, 123, 126, Prout 200 127, 134, 137 Puccini 456-457, 466 von Hornborstel t5 118 Pythagoras 13 yon Oettingen 182, 191 Rameau 181,184, 185, 193, 207, 229, yon Uexkiill 61 Rapoport 8, 451 Wagner 47 Reuter 7, 362 \Vallaschek 42-43, 51 Reybrouck 2, 57 V~Teber (M.) 2, 42 Ricoeur 91 Weber (G.) 225 Riemann 14, 181, 184, 197, 225, 227, Webern 246, 396 229 Wellek 70 Rimsky-Korsakov 208 Wertheimer 57-58, 63, 70, 108, 118, 362 Rinaldin 8, 431 Wefts 4, 200 Risset 95 Wessel 362, 364, 365 Rochebois 7, 375 Wittgenstein 57 Rusko 7, 351 Wood 206 R~v@sz 14, 122 Wundt 48, 117, 118, 138, Wygotsky 78 Schaeffer 91, 93, 99 Schenker 182, 193 Xenakis 105 Subject Index comparative musicology - see musi- cology accumulation of knowledge 22 composer's pulses 270, 414 actions computational capacity 482 computational linguistics 18 - and sound-production 96ff. additive synthesis 214 computer music 483 aesthetic theory 17 computer simulation 144ff., 412 agents 495 - large scale 152 analysis by synthesis method 95, 438, computing 446 - age of 19 apperception 117 - emergent 81 approximationism 94 concept of root 184 architecture concepts of Gestalt - hybrid 22 - and interactive systems 482ff. conceptualization 17 - cognitive 22 artificial intelligence research 18, 30 concordance 121ff. atonal music 237 connectionism 80, 82 attack transients 364 connectionist models 337 auditory model 149ff., 339 consonance 15, l17ff., 216 auditory pathway 132 context-dependent auditory scene analysis 362 - pitch perception 17, 144ff. auditory system 131ff., 337 - movements 497 automata 82ff. correlographic model 79 avant-garde 16 critical bands 131ff. beats 126 cross-synthesis 375, 379ff. behaviorism 15, 18 19 cybernetics 15, 17, 37 biological clock 452, 456 dependence system 76 boundary inap 156 digital signal processing 19 brain modelling 80 digital sound generation 484 brain scanning 15 digital synthesis 90 brumendo 357 discrimination thresholds for tempo categorization 62, 91,469 difference perception 255 causality perception dissonance 117ff. - problem of 505 dissonance and roughness 134ff. circle of fifths 148ff., 169ff. distance metric 145,338 circulant matrix 187 dualism 71 circular order 174 ecological modelling 146ff. classification of musicology 32ff. electroacoustic music 483 cochlear amplifier 133 electronic studios 103ff cochlear filter bank 127, 131 emergence 73ff. cognitive map 145 - of tonal syntax 230 cognitive musicology -see musicol- emergent behavior of agents 495 ogy emergent qualities 89, 95 cognitive science 17, 33, 323 emotion 451 coloratura singing 459ff. emotion potentials 498 520 emotional expression 465 - part/whole problem 254 emotional state 431,500 - tempo 260 empiricism 63 Gestalt concepts enharmonic spellings 183 - and logical explication 71ft. environments - and interactivity 487ff. - tone generation 485 Gestalt forms 77 - multimodal 485 - in post-tonal music 238 - augmented reality 497 Gestalt laws 15, 17, 80ft., 108, 477 - virtual 496 Gestalt mechanisms 469ff. ethnomusicology- see musicology Gestalt principles 80ft., 247, 278, evolutionary forms ll0f. 295ff. expectancy 296 - of musical rhythm 280ff. expression 451ft. - of contextual distribution 303ff. expressive intentions 434, 441 - of expectations 317 expressive pulses 409ff. - and principles of timbre 362ff. - and context-dependency 414 - and the stylistic ideal 386 expressivity and clarinet perfor- Gestalt psychology 15, 294 mance 431ff., 441ff. - and Stumpf l18ffo fast Fourier transform 451ff. - central task of 144 fastest pulse 289, 454 - symbolic 498 field theory 78ff. - subsymbolic 498 figure ground 17 Gestalt qualities 42, 46ff., 71,214 filters 375 - of the musical configuration 223 - cochlear hydro-dynamical 149 Gestalt school/movement 15-16, flux 70ft., - audio-acoustic 92 Gestalt segments 409, 414 - retrospective images of 92 Gestalt theory 57, 70ft., 278, 300, folk psychology 18 422, 489, formants 15 - and schema theory 146ff. - stream segregation 363ff. - and paradigm 83 - and nasality 353ff. - and Gestalt psychology 83 Fourier holography 79 - limitations and possibilities 57ff. Fourier transform 377 - operational approach 59 frequency modulation 215 - and the brain 76ff. functional whole 76ff. Gestalt wholes 218 geometrical Gestalts or Gestalten - forms 107 - psychophysical 77 - forms and Verschelzung 119 - statistical 103ft. - organization of schemata 145 - perception-oriented 110 geometrization 90, 92ff. - learnt patterns 233 - internal and external 94 gesture recognition 493, 504 geometry 60 global listening attitude 219 Gestalt grouping 162, 277 - decomposition 73 harmonic successions 233 - definition of 16, 60, 72, 77, 91 harmonic theory 521 - of stacked thirds 181ff. - psychoneural 16, 18, 144ff. - of function 181ff. - psychophysical 76 - dualist- 191 - second order 163 harmony analysis 228 Kemp's echo 133 Helmholtz beats 127 key determination 323 Hensen's cells 133 key perception 208 holistic 61, 80, 97 kinesthetic synchronization 427 - form 223 Kohonen feature map - see SOM holonomic theory 76, 78ff., 427 learned schemes and texture 386ff., hybrid sounds 375 401 hyper-instruments 496 melodic completions 321ff. images melodic continuations 313, 321ff. - holistic 89 melodic expectancies 294ff., 314, - of dynamic unfolding 89 321ff. - of shapes 89 metaphor 92, 496, 498, 500 - auditory 96, 162, 169, 339ff., 488 - and Gestalt concepts 71 - - spectral 338 shapes 96 - gradient 338ff. meter 263ff. - cumulative retrospective 98 - in melodic surface 277ff. - completion 149 mind and brain 451 - context 150 mind-body problem 71 - tone center 152, 173 missing fundamental 128 - holographic 427 modelling 21 imagination 486 molar behavior 146 implication-realization model 295ff. morphology 59, 91 implicative interval 297 - of musical objects 93 information theory 104 multimodal environments 495ff. information theory/science 15, 17 nmsic performance 253 input devices 483ff. - study of meter 271ff. interactive computer systems 19, music theory and normative implica- 482ff. tions 14 interdisciplinarity 21 musical cognition 92 interval class 239ff. musical expectation 321 interval patterns 225 musical harmony 127, 225ff. intervallic features 233 musical imagery 92 intervatlic qualities 98 musical imagination 19 intonation 15, 183 musical objects 89 - in linguistics 389 - surface qualities 93 - in violin playing 421 musical sound and dynamic qualities - and wave/enveloppe 409 91ft. intonational protention 421ff. musicology introspection 14 - systematic 13ff., 30ft., 43 invariants 62, 341 - cognitive 13ff., 18, 30ft. invertibility of chords 226 - comparative 13, 43, 50 isomorphism 60, 71, 81, 147 - ethno- 13, 18 522 - Marxist oricnted 16 physical system 76 - history of t3ff. physicalism 16, 35 - historical 30ft., 43 physiology of singing 454ff. - future of 21ft. pitch algorithm 185 - cognitive foundations 118 post-neopositivism 18 nasality 351ff. post-tonal music 237 nativism 63 preferred tempo 265 natural science 36, 49, 71 prevailing tonality 185 - methods of 38 principal component analysis 376, naturalism 18, 20 378 - definition of 22 principles of timbre 362ff. nature and nurture 61ft. probe tone technique 157~ 322 neopositivism 60 protention 421ff. neural harmonic analyzer 133 Pr£gnanz neural information processing t33 - principle of 80ft., 147 neural network 18, 71, 79, 82ff., 98, psychoneural isomorphism - see 145ff., 148ff., 169ff., 237ff., 470, 499 isomorphism - backpropagation 238 psychophysics 80 noise 104 punctualism 106 - white- 393 realized interval 297 octave equivalence 214 representation 15, 89ff. operationalism 15 - musical 18 organ of Corti 133 - formal 19 organism 50, 58 - topographical 148 paradoxical sounds 218 - topographical 155 pattern recognition 80 - multilevel 497 perception of timbre 337 - analogical 91 perceptual analysis 441ff. - signal 91 perceptual learning 17, 144, 152 - propositional 475 perceptual organization 80, 83, 264, root of a chord 184ff. 278, 294ff., 317 root-support intervals 185 perceptual root(s) 181ff. root-support weights 187 performance roughness 124ff.

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