Winter 2004 ewsletter Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc. SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME OR SCURVY? INSIDE THIS ISSUE page By C. Alan B. Clemetson, M.D. 1 - Shaken Baby Syndrome or There has undoubtedly been a grave also jaundice, which was still evident Scurvy miscarriage of justice in the conviction four weeks after leaving hospital. His 1 - Pushing the Vaccine Agenda of Alan Yurko of Orlando, Florida, health was further impaired when he 3 - VRAN News who was accused of “shaken baby syn- received six inoculations (for diphthe- drome” and was sentenced to life ria, whooping cough, tetanus, influen- 13 - Archie Kalokerinos, MD imprisonment for murder. The error za B, oral polio vaccine, and hepatitis 15 - Rubella Vaccination seems to have arisen because of fash- B at eight weeks of age. 18 - Rubella in Babies & ionable adherence to a diagnosis now Actually, the autopsy findings of Pregnant Women in vogue, and from a desire to blame subdural hemorrhage, four broken one single preventable occurrence for ribs, severe anemia, and a few bruises 21 - Vaccines & Autism - IOM an infant death. Everything is supposed are characteristic of Barlow’s disease, Testimonies to be preventable nowadays. or infantile scurvy, but that diagnosis 25 - Letters Surely Alan held his 10-week-old son went out of fashion many years ago, so 31 - Dr. McCandless - Autism by the heels and slapped him on the no blood analysis for vitamin C or for bottom after he began wheezing, spat histamine was conducted. The prosecu- 31 - Chicken Pox & Shingles up, and stopped breathing, but he did tors suspected both parents, but 33 - Newsclips not cause his son’s death: he was trying Francine Yurko refused to implicate to resuscitate him. her husband, and Alan Yurko refused Actually, the infant died from a con- to plead guilty to a lesser charge, catenation of circumstances, having because he knew he was innocent. PUSHING THE VACCINE been born prematurely, weighing 5 lbs. Undoubtedly, many others have also AGENDA - AT ANY COST 8 oz., of a malnourished mother with been wrongly convicted on equally several medical problems. After becom- flimsy evidence, sometimes just because By Edda West ing pregnant, she became sick and there were petechial hemorrhages in “What’s occurring here is a cover-up remained so during her pregnancy, the retina at the back of the eye, or under the guise of protecting the vac- often to the point of dehydration, because the fatal event occurred more cine program.” going from her original weight of 130 than the usual 3 to 7 days after the Mark Geier, MD, Ph.D (1) lbs. down to 120 lbs. at one point, and inoculations. finally coming back to her original Undoubtedly, child abuse does occur, Vaccines are THE most protected weight of 130 lbs. at the time of deliv- and we are all alarmed when we hear class of drugs in the world. Medical ery. She said she was too sick to take about an infant with bruises and bro- monopoly’s big guns are ever poised her prenatal vitamins. ken bones, but we must appreciate that to shoot down any heretic who steps When one considers that the current- there are genetic disorders such as out of line to question the vaccine par- ly recommended weight gain for preg- osteogenesis imperfecta, fragilitas osse- adigm. Even worse if you have sound nancy is 25 to 30 lbs., it is clear that um (brittle bone disease), other meta- evidence that points to a real problem she was malnourished, and so was her bolic disorders, and also nutritional – like British gastroenterologist unborn child. The infant had several states like Barlow’s disease, which can Andrew Wakefield who has just suf- medical problems, including respirato- be mistaken for child abuse. fered another series of attacks in the ry distress syndrome, pneumonitis, and Shaken Baby or Scurvy cont.on page 5 Vaccine Agenda cont. on page 7 VRAN Newsletter Fall 2003 Page 1 VRAN NEWSLETTER The contents of this publication reflect the opinion of the authors only, and Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc. P.O. Box 169, Winlaw, B.C. V0G 2J0 are not to be construed or intended as medical information. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Coordinator and newsletter editor: Edda West The particulars of any person’s concerns and circumstances should be dis- [email protected] 250-355-2525 cussed with a qualified health practitioner prior to making any decision which VRAN Board of Directors: may affect the health and welfare of that individual or anyone under his or her Mary James - President care. Rita Hoffman - Vice-President DISCLAIMER Edda West - Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Jason Whittaker - Director VRAN Speakers Bureau Winnipeg often being the epicentre of Leona Rew - Board Member Frank Luschak - Board Member VRAN NEWS vaccine awareness in Canada!!! Leona Gloria Dignazio - Board Member co-founded the Association for Vaccine Susan Fletcher - VRAN Researcher VRAN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Damaged Children with Mary James in With thanks to Lisa Farr for the newsletter layout. the 1980s and worked with Mary urg- The VRAN annual general meeting Statement of Purpose ing the Manitoba Law Reform as announced previously in the Fall •VRAN was formed in October of 1992 in response Commission to investigate vaccine to growing parental concern regarding the safety of 2003 Newsletter, was held on March damage which resulted in the current vaccination programs in use in Canada. 13 via telephone conference. In atten- •VRAN continues the work of the Committee Against Commission publishing recommenda- Compulsory Vaccination, who in 1982, challenged dance were Mary James, Leona Rew, tions for a "no-fault" injury compensa- Ontario’s compulsory “Immunization of School Pupils Rita Hoffman, Susan Fletcher, Dr. Act”, which resulted in amendment of the Act, and tion in 2000 entitled "Compensation Jason Whittaker, Scott Hunter and guarantees an exemption of conscience from any of Vaccine-Damaged Children." ‘required’ vaccine. Edda West. •VRAN forwards the belief that all people have the Elections were held as required and AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSED: right to draw on a broad information base when several new Board members were wel- deciding on drugs offered themselves and/or their -Vaccine Reaction data base. We children and in particular drugs associated with comed and a new position was created discussed the frustration of inaccessi- potentially serious health risks, injury and death. on the Board. VACCINES ARE SUCH DRUGS. bility to Health Canada’s adverse vac- •VRAN is committed to gathering and distributing VRAN AGM EXECUTIVE VOTE cine reaction records. No one knows information and resources that contribute to the creation of health and well being in our families and WENT AS FOLLOWS: what these numbers are in Canada. communities. Edda suggested we start a project to Mary James re-elected for another VRAN’s Mandate is: obtain Health Canada’s acumulated term as VRAN President. Rita •To empower parents to make an informed decision adverse reactions reports via access to when considering vaccines for their children. Hoffman elected as Vice President information requests. It was pointed •To educate and inform parents about the risks, Edda West re-elected for another term adverse reactions, and contraindications of out that this would be a lengthy and as Secretary-treasurer. Jason Whittaker vaccinations. frustrating process, that the vaccines •To respect parental choice in deciding whether or elected to the VRAN Board of and formulas have changed and that not to vaccinate their child. Directors and also elected to a new •To provide support to parents whose children have people are more interested in knowing position as Director of the VRAN suffered adverse reactions and health injuries as a about reaction data on current vac- result of childhood vaccinations. Speakers Bureau. Gloria Dignazio, cines. A case in point is the time it •To promote a multi-disciplinary approach to child elected to the Board. Leona Rew and and family health utilizing the following modalities: took CBC to obtain Health Canada’s herbalist, chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath, Frank Luschak remain as Directors. adverse drug reaction reports. It took reflexologist, allopath (regular doctor), etc. Welcome to the new board mem- •To empower women to reclaim their position as pri- them 5 years to obtain the data which bers. Your contributions in time, ener- mary healers in the family. is now posted on CBC website with •To maintain links with consumer groups similar to gy and creativity to vaccine risk educa- the “Disclosure” show. Scott Hunter ours around the world through an exchange of infor- tion are deeply appreciated!! mation, research and analysis, thereby enabling par- has investigated the vaccine adverse We’d like to take this opportunity to ents to reclaim health care choices for their families. reactions reporting system and feels it •To support people in their fight for health freedom thank out going VRAN Vice-President is hopeless – that we are better off and to maintain and further the individual's freedom Leona Rew for her contributions these from enforced medication. gathering our own numbers via a data past 3 years, and for the many years VRAN publishes a newsletter 3 to 4 times a year as base we set up. Scott reiterated that we she has worked so hard in Manitoba, a means of distributing information to members and need to shake the vaccine system on the community. Suggested annual membership fees, speaking, writing, organizing public the "Benefit/Risk" claim. The “bene- including quarterly newsletter and your on-going and political meetings and activities support to the Vaccination Risk Awareness Network: fit” claim is not based on an effective and working to raise awareness at the $35.00—Individual $75.00—Professional reporting system and the data is not We would like to share the personal stories of our legislative level.
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