Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 1 No 1 Spring 2011 incorporating Islington History Journal The retail palace of Holloway The tale of Beale’s emporium, from humble beginnings to Victorian splendour Memories of Dame Alice Owen’s School at Angel in the 1950s l Caroline Chisholm, the emigrants’ friend l Canal transport in Regency times l Regency lives uncovered via household insurance l New galleries at the Museum of the Order of St John l Your local history questions answered l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society Committee hesocietyarranges President lectures,walks,visits Wewelcomecontributions, theminandourtireless RtHonLordSmith Tandoutingsinrelation includingarticlesonlocal researcherMichaelReading ofFinsbury tothearchaeologyand history,memoriesandmore –andmaybeotherreaders historyofIslington. academicpieces. –willanswerthem. Vice-president Weliaisewiththecouncil Eachpagetakesabout500 lSeeLetters,page6 MaryCosh andothersinmattersof words,andmostarticles planninganddevelopment takeuponeortwopages, Copyright Chairman and acting torecordandprotect butdon’tworrytoomuch Copyrightofeverythingin secretary Islington’ssitesthatareof aboutwordlength. thisjournallieswiththe AndrewGardner archaeologicalandhistorical Welikereceivingpicturesto creatorunlessotherwise [email protected] importance. accompanyarticles,but stated. Wealsoaimtodocument pleasecheckfirstthatwecan Whileitcanbedifficultto Membership and events archaeologicalfindingsin reproducethemwithout tracecopyrightownershipof CatherineBrighty theborough. infringinganyone’scopyright. archivematerials,wemake 8WynyattStreet Localhistoricaland everyefforttodoso. London literarywalksarearranged Ever wondered…? EC1V7HU forgroups. Doyouhaveanyqueries Any questions? 02078331541 aboutIslington’shistory, ContacteditorChristy Why archaeology? streetsorbuildings?Send Lawrance(detailsright) Treasurer Archaeologyisnotjust PhilipAnderson aboutwhatisburied;it phlpandrsn6@ includesstructuresand Join us and benefit from membership btopenworld.com fragmentsthatstillexist,and thepeoplewholived, Membersreceivethis making,building Committee members workedanddiedinthem. journalandareinvitedto restoration,architecture, KathleenFrenchman Weareheretoinvestigate, 10talksayearwithguest entertainmenthistory, PeterFuller learnandcelebratewhatis speakers,andotherevents. health,crimeandpolitics. MichaelHarper lefttous. Werunawiderangeof Membersalsoreceivethe DerekSeeley talks,withtopicsgoingfrom journalfourtimesayear. Our website Romangardenstothe Non-membersarealways Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto Routemasterbus,theKing’s welcomeattalks–weinvite LesterHillman,former findoutmoreaboutusand Cross/StPancrasstation a£1donationtowardsthe visitingprofessorLondon findoutaboutourevents. redevelopment,map- speaker’sexpenses. MetropolitanBusiness School,London $ MetropolitanUniversity Membership form Newsletter editor Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint ChristyLawrance concessions£8;corporate£15 [email protected] c/o6Northview Name(s).................................................................................................................................... TufnellParkRoad LondonN70QB Address.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. ispublishedfourtimes ayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArcheology&HistorySociety”for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:IslingtonArchaeology&History PrintedbyCLPHolborn Society,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 16BaldwinsGardens LondonEC1N7RJ 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Spring2011Vol1 No1 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 1 No 1 Spring 2011 Islington has always been outspoken ’m sometimes asked whether the society is political. We are not, Ialthough many members are Contents politically aware. Many are active, some more seriously than others – I had my fun in 2005 in my leopard print News 4 top hat at election time. Planning inquiry takes note of Canonbury character Yet radicalism does crop up rather a Face of Islington changes with major housebuilding lot in our lectures. This simply Feminist of Newington Green recognised with green plaque demonstrates just how much radicalism in Islington there is to study. Letters and your questions 6 Dissent takes many forms – political, Questions and answers on the origins of street and house names, a moral, sexual, theological, theatrical, workhouse tablet and a blue plaque literary, architectural – and is integral to Islington life. Sometimes I wonder if Beale’s store of Holloway Road 8 10 lectures a year is enough when Beale’s was a landmark in one of London’s most fashionable shopping dissenters alone can cover the schedule. parades. Its founder’s grandson tells of its origins But dissent does not mean objecting for its own sake. You may know (news, On many a well-remembered field 10 page 4) that a proposed tower block in A former boy scholar looks back at his time at Dame Alice Owen’s School Canonbury Road was rejected by a at the Angel in the 1950s; and the school magazine in 1960 public inquiry. All the local amenity and conservation societies, alongside Regency transport 13 Islington council, were opposed to the This year sees lots of Regency bicentennials – and Islington is an excellent scale of it. place to celebrate the company that set up Regent’s Canal We are not singing pompous songs of victory, though. All those who Lords and laundresses 14 opposed the tower agree the site as it Research Regency lifestyles through Sun Fire Office insurance policies stands is still an eyesore. We would like to see housing on a fitting scale on a The emigrants’ friend 16 sensitive site between two The work of philanthropic pioneer Caroline Chisholm, and why her basement conservation areas. was equivalent to the Australian High Commission Our new look Museum makes a modern move 18 Welcome to our redesigned journal, New galleries, more treasures and a research room at the refurbished which reflects that more people wish Museum of the Order of St John to cite our articles. Under his editorship, Peter Fuller took this Coffin plates 19 publication from being a very good Recognise an ancestor’s name? newsletter to a much admired journal. Our new editor is Christy Lawrance. Publications 20 Please send news, features and Including guides for spring walks research articles and events to her at [email protected]. Events 22 Andrew Gardner Directory of societies and museums 25 Chairman Islington Archaeology & History Society Islington Archaeology & History Society events 27 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Spring 2011 Vol 1 No 1 3 news In brief Effect on character leads to public MP becomes IAHS inquiry rejecting tower of homes honorary member JeremyCorbynMPhasbeen Planstobuildaseven-storey madeanhonorarymember towerneartheUnionChapel oftheIslingtonArchaeology inCanonburyhavebeen &HistorySociety. rejectedbythePlanning Acceptingmembership,he Inspectoratebecauseofits said:“Inafast-changing scaleandtheeffectitwould borough,I’vealwaysadmired haveonthearea. thewayoursocietyincreases Theinspectorsaidthe itsmembership,maintainsits schemewouldharmthe enthusiasmandencourages characteroftheareaand allcommunitiestobepartof diminishthesettingofthe therichandvariedpageant UnionChapeltoan whichisourborough’spast, unacceptableextent. frompre-Romantimesto NottingHillHome Union Chapel: the inquiry heard about the high quality of its the21stcentury. Ownershiphadplannedto architecture and how its setting would be diminished “Itmakesourboroughthe buildtwobuildings, fantasticplacethatitis.” containing134flatsand bysevenamenitysocieties. whichisofnationaland commercialspaceat85 Duringthesix-daypublic localinterest,wouldbe Heritage Lottery wants CanonburyRoad,theformer inquiry,alotofinformation harmedifthedevelopment HighburyFordgaragesite. emergedontheuniqueness weretoproceed.” your views on its work NottingHillhadappealed andhighqualityofthe lTheinquiryreport,by TheHeritageLotteryfundis tothePlanningInspectorate GradeII*listedUnion FrancesMahoneyDipTP seekingviewsonwhatits afterthecouncilrejectedthe Chapel’sarchitecture. MRTPIIHBCofthe prioritiesshouldbe,whatit schemelastyear.Islington TheCanonburySociety PlanningInspectorate,can shouldcontinuedoingand councilhadreceivedmore said:“Towinthiscase,itwas bedownloadedfromthe whatitshoulddodifferently. than600writtenobjectionsto ofparamountimportanceto CanonburySociety’swebsite Consultationrunsuntil theschemeanditsrejection demonstratethatthe atwww.canonburysociety. 26April. oftheschemewassupported ‘setting’ofthisbuilding, org.uk lwww.hlf.org.uk/ consultation2011 Views wanted on local listing Workhouse gains CABE and Design Grade II listing Council merge EnglishHeritageisasking heritageassetsand TheCommissionfor forcommentsforitsdraft managingthemthrougha
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