Van Golu Kiran MALTEPE 38°E WEST 40°ESARICAK YENIKOY EAST Budak 42°E 44°E 46°E 48°E 50°E 52°E KATIN KURKAN YATIR YENIKOY Hazro N SOUTH Hazro-1 & 2 Hezan Handof-1 Divana Silvan-1 38°N KURKAN BARBES Hazro S Kmbosdag Korudag Katin-1 SELMO 38°N CELIKILI Indet BEYKAN KAYAKOY Doondag Indet MALTEPE Tayarat Formation Indet Indet O. Sungurlu-1/A Indet Kastel-1 SILIVANKA DODAN Caspian Indet Indet Indet ADIYAMAN Indet Indet Macfadyen (1938) pointed out the presence of a fish bed, in presumably Cretaceous sandy limestones, at Indet Indet Coskunsel-2 PIYANKO E. Kahta SAHABAN KURTALAN Tabriz Tut Adiyaman-8 Karakus-10 KAYAKOY WEST GERMIK Kavikadag-1 Gur Ayarat, where abundant teeth but fewer bone fragments and vertebrae were found (n67). Durukaynak-2 Cemberlitas-14 K. Akceli-1 Bucak-1 Diyarbakir Gölbasi Indet Sinan-1 Indet Siverek-1 Alidami Siirt Diagnostic fossils and age Fossils in the Tayarat Fm include: Loftusia morgani Douville and Ompahlocyclus Karakopru-1 Alidag-2 SEZGIN MAGRIP Besni-1 GARZAN Kentalan-7 macropora (Lamarck). According to H. A. Field and K.D.Jones (unpubl. data, 1958) the Tayarat LimestoneSea contains Terbüzek ADIYAMAN KAHTA Besikli-6 Daryacheh ye Orumiyeh Indet WEST RAMAN Kentalan-2 corals, rudists (including Eoradolites?), gastropods, lamellibranchs, and algae. They maintained that generic SOUTH identification is often difficult as most of the original structures have been destroyed by recrystallisation and Sahabe-1 Kahta-2 RAMAN K. Maras Indet some by dolomitisation. In addition to the fossils recognised in the type section, the following microfossils Indet have been determined from the subsurface sections: Lepidorbitoides socialis (Leymerie), Indet Gercus-1 Orbitoides media (d’Archiac), O. apiculata, Ogivalia parisiensis d’Orbigny, Rotalia skourensis Pfender, TURKEY R. trochidiformis Lamarck, Globotruncana spp., Dictyoconus sp., Dicyclina schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas, Rumelan-1,4,5,6 LOWER and Pseudochrysalidina sp. (n67). Map 21a Souedie-1,2,3,6,7,11,16,30 Indet GERMAV Sh (ni72) Palaeontology: Lofutsia morgani Douvillé and Omphalocyclus macropora (Lamarck). Indet Type Section Indet Argill LST Harbol Samur Dag Thin silty Kurra Chine (top) Aqra Limestone Fm. Avsar-1 Mardin Shiranish Fm. Cudi Dagh “The formation as a whole is of shallow water deposition and is often highly porous. Species of Loftusia and (sc64) Sh Mirga Mir N Flank Ora Fold (top) also at Dar-e-Tesu interbedded with Tanjero (d63) Shish Lepidorbitoides are common in the limestones, and Omphalocyclus in the shales” (on58). latest Campanian Gel-i-Senet Geli Khana Chia Zinnar Zap clastic Fm. Rasht Bakuk-1 B.Yolacan-1 DERRIK N. Kaista Village A similar fauna is present in the Tarbur Formation of Iran and the upper part of the Aruma Formation of Saudi G.Dincer-1 Yolacan-3 Chalki Nasara (top) Darari Ora Police Post Also at Gerwa Zhori, Qamish, Jebel Gara, Cilesiz-1 LAILAK Benavi Geli Khana Arabia (jw65). jalan-101 DERRIKSh(d63) Shiranish Aq Ora Cirque Zinta Gorge, (vb59) C-102 Zakho (d59)Sh Hadiena/Aq(d59) Kanun ALIANE Badran-1 KARATCHOK Banik (d59)Hadiena Village Argosh Shamu-1Camurlu-101 Qaratchok Dagh Marly Govanda Plateau HST to K180 MFS Qaratchok hi hi L Qamichlie-1 Aoda LST TAWKE (d59) Amadia (d59) (d59)Tj Oudeh-107 Dagh N. f Qaratchok-2Sh Sh Chia Gara Aq I R-6 Sh HAMZA (d63) Gel-I-Garagu/Garagu Zaita M Hadidi-1 R-7 (am79) Baluti (NW) Naz Oucharheu El Bouab & El Barde OUDEH MUSHORAH I K East-1 K East-2 Mushorah-1 Gara Village Baluti Village (SE) Aq & Tj T Ceylanpinar areas only received K-5 (am79)Sh Sufaiyah-1 (ao90) Aq Ru Kuchuk Tyron Malout Sh Dohuk (NE) (d59) Zhazhoke Tj (d59) Baflioun-1 very thin Shiranish Khurbet-1 K East-3 SOUEDIE Top-Cret in(ao90) Zibar O Shiranish Formation (68 Ma) Aafrine K EAST Sh SUFAIYAH AQRA Mirgasor Tj(d59) F Amanos Baflioun Dome Afendi-1 cover (am79) gansseri zone Dohuk (top)\ Aq & Tj Barde-2H Naur-1 (ka82b) SHAIKAN Tj(d59) Kourt Farmuz El Barde-1 A-29 Dohuk (SW) Shaikan-1 (d59) O AL BARDE Naur-101 A-16 AIN ZALAH Gund-i-Shikart MaznaTj(d59) P Passes laterally westward into the neritic Tayarat Formation (n67). Meidannki Sirrine Pm (d63) Abtakh-1 Aqra (top) El Bouab-2 Tel Brak El Barde-101 Naur-102 A-19 Abs(d59) JEBEL KAND (d59)Tj Naouren Tj (d59) H Aleppo-1 GULLAR Simrit-1 (d59) Diza Diagnostic fossils and age Fossils include: Cytherella spp., Bairdia spp., Nodosaria sp., Bassouta Kharab El Bouab-1 Sh(d63) V. thin Sh Gullar-1 Butmah-1 Rafan-1 Aq?Bekhme (top) I Echlé LST Jebel Khand-1 Diyana Tj(d59) O Globotruncana spp., Cristellaria spp., Gyroidina naranjoensis White, Anomalia sp., Map dated at 67.7Babol Ma Marly LST LST(d63) (d59) Sh B-2 B-7 Sh (oec89) Sh Jafar-1 (b99)Sh Tel Aswad-1 Nora-1 (cc re-interp. after Barsarin Naokelekan L Marssonella oxycona (Reuss), Gaudryina sp., Bolivina incrassata Reuss, Buliminella laevis (Beissel), AL HASAKAH ka82b data) Gusair-1 Abs B-15 BUTMAH Condensed Sareshmar I Maghlouja-1 (d59)Abs (d59) LST, marl Tj(d59) T Cibicides beaumontianus (d’Orbigny), Bolivinoides draco (Marsson), Textularia cretosa Plummer, Hasakah Kurrek Rowanduz Razan Tel El Arous Sufayah-1 to 3 GUSAIR Alan-2 Bashiqua (d59) E Gumbelina sp., and others. The formation is Maestrichtian in age (n67). Base map last amended 1/1/11 Data last amended 14/3/11 J. Aziz Abu Hadjar-1 Alan-1 Maqlub Tj(d59) Tj Tj Abba-1 Sheikh Sh(b99)Hol-1 (ka82b) Abs IRAN Suleiman-1 Mamissa SASAN Sh Zar Gelli S Aleppo (jd76) Abs(d59) Hawler-1 TANJERO Sh(d55) Sasan-1 ALAN HAWLER Tj(d59) Raqqa-1 TISHRIN Tchembe-1 Sinjar (d59) Sh Shaqlawa Kometan Endezah Syrom-2 (w74) Bara Hawler-2 Yayladag Buhayrat Al Asad Kharbaka-1 Tishrin-5 Sh Jaddala Loc Atshan-1 Abs Mosul Ain Safra (sy84)Sh FLYSCH Hamadani-1 Syrom-3 (kh97) Sh IBRAHIM Tj Shailkan © Use of this map is subject to the conditions Sh Jaddala Town Ibrahim-1 (d59) Kenan-1 Syrom-103 Syrom-1 SALIEH GHOUNA(d63) Al Hasu Umm a Dhiban (d59) 36°N Beida-1 (d59) Sh ATSHAN Balki Syrom-4 Jibisi-208 Ghouna-1 TEL HAJAR Rania Tj(d59) of the contract of purchase. For more 36°N Salhia-1 Sh(d63) AIN GHAZAL DEMIR DAGH J-203 J-2 Tel Hajar-1 ADAIYAH QALIAN Demir Dagh-1 Strike equivalents (d59, n67): Hairan-1 Gbeibi-101 (ka82b) Atshan-1 is noted as Arbil Kolosh Qalaat Jebissa-1 J-3 GBEIBE Sh (d59)Sh Qalian-1 Sh (jg06) NE Koi Sanjak The Tayarat Formation, described from the Western Desert area, information contact Jabar Makman (ka89)Abs being more eroded Adaiyah-1 (d59) V. condensed Shorish-1 is more closely comparable with the Aqra, in age, fauna and facies, Rim-1 JEBISSA Abs Koi Sanjak hi Well 151 (d63) Sheikh Sollakh-1 than Alan-1 on the (d59) Qasab-12 QUWAIR (d59) than is the Pilsener. However the Aqra and the Tayarat formations www.cambridgecarbonates.com Abs QASAB TAQ TAQ Tj SYRIAMaskane-1 Cheikh Judid-1 d63 notes absence Sh(ka82b) chronostrat (d59)Sh Mishraq-1 Quwair-1 KIRKUK are given separate names because they are palaeogeographically Qasab-2 Taq Taq-1 S Jawan-2 Quwair-2 KHURMALA Taq Taq-2 (d59) hi Khanasser-1 of lformer atest Maza-1 h (jg06) Gulneri (d59) and genetically distinct. The Aqra is limited to the tectonically- e Sh l NAJMAH Kirkuk-117 Markada-101 f Tj Tj Maastrichian in & Kirkuk-114 HARTHA FM. TAYARAT JAWAN N-2 Najmah-29 Dokan Qamchuqa top active, NE margin, and the Tayarat to the more quiescent, gently- Slenfeh Bahri-1 s Balikian WNW Rasafeh l K-317 Dokan New Bridge Jib Ganem-1 Jebissa, Ghouna o Abs(d59) Sargelu (NW) shelving, SW margin of the broad Upper Senonian basin. There Mityah-1 p Q-2 Sheikh Alas KIRKUK Mouth of Gorge Joubeh Markada-1 Toueman-1 HIBBARAH e QAIYARAH SUBMARINE Hajrawa Mawal are no comparable, linking, neritic rock-units connecting the two Tehran Jub El Abyad (b99) MARGADA (w74) HIATUS AVANAH Sargelu (SE) Azar-1 Sh Lk Hibbarah-1 Q-13 Qaiyarah-1 Absent Azkand Surdash (SE) formations across the central zone of the basin. In the subsurface Well 7 Well 201 Makhmour Avanah/Kirkuk-116 Diza 0 50 100 150 200km Dolomites (d59)Sh npc(d59) Zahis Miran E-1 sections of the Basrah area, the equivalents of the Aqra limestone, Sfiyeh1 Amara-1 Rasafa-1 Derro-1 Q-55 Ali Rash npc (d59) Derro-2 Tel Zrab-1 Enayat SHIRANISH Qarah Chauq-2 CHEMCHEMAL Pir-i-Mugurun Choarta in comparable facies, are the Tayarat and Hartha formations. The Wadi Aabeid-1 Tibni-1 Makhmur-1 Miran W-2 Well 203 Sh(b99) QARA CHAUQ BH-3 Kirkuk-14 Qal Kand Qurna Formation, which separates the Tayarat from the Hartha, is Zidan-1 Misrame-1 Habari-1 (Thin) KIRKUK BABA Miran W-1 a marly globigerinal unit which would be interpreted in northern Well 34 Hatra BAI HASSAN Bazian-1 Koni Kawa Panjwin Datayeh Well 153 Biar er Rhoûn/Jebel Bishri BH-81 Kirkuk-175 Sarchinar Kseibyeh Well K-16 Al Suwar-1 BH-13 Kirkuk-109 Iraq as a Shiranish formation tongue. Well K-5 Zemieh-2 Massoudeh-1 Qarah Chauq-1 Tourkmaniye Fort Well 33 K-1 Abs(d59) Chemchemal-2 Shahr-i-Zur Well-6 Kabbaz-4 Tj (d59) Dolaa Bishri-101 Shaafa-101 Sadid-1 Kirkuk As Sulaymaniyah Projection : Lambert Conformal Conic El Mamlaha SW Rejm Tar 400m Tabiyeh-104 KHLEISIA KHABBAZ Qal’Gah Hamah Hajjaneh SADID KHANUQAH K-3 Kirkuk-85 Qadmous Well K-25 Tabieh-101 Well-5 Ghilizardia Ellipsoid : Clarke 1866 J.
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