L j I THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY JANUARY 15 1910 H ++ t- a < IN THE SOCIAL WORLD DULIX MARTIN CO Lamps and Lansburgh Bro I I eTi President and Mrs Taft Hear ElectroliersI- 420426 7th Street f Finale of Opera n Distinctively 417425 8th Street 1 i1tt I Rich Effects FIVE OTHERS IN THEm BOX are many sugges ¬ THERE for home beauti ¬ WOMENS i in our excellent Bull and Cotillion for Mina Olfta collection of Lamps and Elec ¬ FINE WAISTS Roosevelt Given by Her FureutH- troliers 3Ir unit Mrs Robert U Roosevelt The designs are the richest k Lothrop Proves a Brilliant Function Many and most distinctive weve Worth 3 275 250 225 t Woodward Evening Dinner for Favorites shown in many years 2 175 150 t WASHINGTON D C I The finest imported and do- ¬ It and 125 All to 6 C 4 c 5 mestic productions are repre- ¬ The President and Mrs Tuft attended i oat sented in a variety offering j i i- thejpera again last night the last night 865 Womens Fine White 0 > Wishes to It Has every advantage for satisfac- ¬ Our Mens Store Announce That of the season of Opera With I- Jf 1J Manhattan Waists This lot of waists is them werp Attorney General and Mrs I tory selection an aggregation of some of our a Secured a Portion of the Surplus Stock of Wickersham Senator And Mrs Hale and Lieut Commander Leigh Palmar Gas Portables- best selling numbers of Plain + Mrs Elkins wife of Senator Elkins had An assemBlage above the White Vomens Mantailored in their box Mrs Samuel Spencer Mrs ordinary in beauty and rich- ¬ and Lingerie Waists that have Hat Schaffner Marx John W Foster and Miss Katherine ness We are showing Gas become slightly mussed in the- Brown Mrs Loiter Secretary e had the Portables in the same hand ¬ great crush of business that of War and Mrs Dickinson Gen Clarence has been so phenomenal these 5 Edwards Mrs Henderson of London some designs as characterize- > Clothing and Miss Janet Flair of New York Mr our Electroliers weeks COME t iiandTailored and had with Mrs John Hays Hammond DEARLY DOXTMISS them Senator and Mrs Newlands and THIS CHANCE Womens Mr and Mrs Herbert Wadsworth and Dulin Martin Co Comprising Suits and Overcoats of the highest character The op- White Waists worth had a late supper afterward in the Ham- ¬ Pottery Porcelain China Glass 300 J portunity we thus offer is one of unusual importance as striking mond home which Is the former home or Sliver Ac 275 250 225 200 t former Vice President and Mrs Levi 1215 St G St and None reductions have been made in every instance and the styles color¬ F and 121418 175 r5O 125 P Morton and was also the Russian tel- J + sent C 0 D No ings and patterns could not have been better if we had chosen Embassy for many years C- In another box opposite the Presidents ephone orders 56 be them to made especially for us werovformer Ambassador and Mrs Henry tiny silk American nags for the women + In connection with this endoftheseason stock of Hart Schaff White Mrs James W Wa tew rth and and badges representing Cook and Peary r + the Spanish Minister Marquis de Villa for the men also another Other favors which were ner Marxs we offer special purchase which we lobar The Minister from Salvador all imported consisted of exquisite gilt Odd Not secured from a wellknown New York tailoring firm at a substan ¬ and Mme Mejia had a box and with baskets filled with daisies and dainty silk Tngs Found Elsewhere tc them were the Minister from Honduras- sunbonnets for the women riding crops lit tial reduction from the regular prices Dr Luis Lazo and the MteMC Mejia for both men and women wands of pink And then there are several broken lines left from our own l1At i- Miss Mathilde Townsend entertained a ross and tambourines for the women and Pearls- I ip J party of young people in her mothers reins ash trays and pipes for the men stock of Hart Schaffner Marx clothing and other reliable makers 1 box Mr and Mrs Bradley had ji- Edeon Are constantly increasing- all on sale savings well worth investigating as their box guests their daughter Mrs The military attache of the United t at i wWtJ Herbert Shipman of New York Mr and States Embassy in London and Mrs Syd ¬ in value OVERCOATS blacks Oxford grays EHY I 4- Mrs Wiltsie of New York the Duke ef ney A Cloman who are visiting In i1 Plain with velvet collars i We have some very yI Vallambrozte and several others who Washington were entertained at an in ¬ with velvet collars and grays in plain and fancy weaves some also dined with them before the opera formal dinner followed by a bridge rich pieces in particularly p- party night by Maj last and Mrs J effects show j with velvet collars others with collars of same material Tnt Assistant Secretary of State and E Hotter The other dinner guests were lacy that the Mrs Huntington Wilson entertained at Col and Mrs Barley Maj and Mrs pearls to the dinner beauty of SUITSMostly blues and grays in the popular and stylish last night in honor of the Vice Cole and Col and Mrs Downey President and Mrs Sherman They had best advantage striped effects Theyre fine suits in every respectfrom the set of to meet them Baroness Rosen wife of Mr and Mrs Philip Poe arrived In the Russian Ambassador the Chilean Washington last night to be the to of week Berry 1 the collar the working the buttonholes they are just what i- Minister and Mme Cruz Marquis de I Villalobar the Spanish Minister Senator Continued on Page 0 Column 1 careful dressers desire t ttiiicr Fry and his daughter Mrs Briggs Whitmore Co I I Representative and Mrs James Breck Sizes to fit most all men and young men Berry Whitmore Building Perkins Representative and Mrs Frank O Lowden American PRESIDES FAVORS F and Eleventh Streets the Ambassador to I Lot No 1 Mens Suits and Overcoats- Mexico and Mrs Henry Lane Wilson the American Minister to Uruguay and Para- ¬ at 1975 Values up 3250 guay Mr and Mrs Larz Anderson Mr RETIREMENT PLAN to ti- jv U1Co- p and Mrs F B CrowninehteM and Miss Christian of Richmond Va hones guest Choicest Lot No 2 Mens and Young Mens Suits of Mrs Wilson 99 and Overcoats at 1475 Values up to 82250 i The Italian Ambassador and Baroness Gives Conference Delegates Tidbits for des Pianchos were the guests of honor of Mrs Richard Townsend It dinner last Some Encouragement Luncheons night The other guests were the Am- ¬ AustriaHungary and Bar- ¬ WATTE a specialty of Plrftht goo by HarI ScbaffBc Mini bassador from ATE WOODWARD C LOTIIROP Copyrlgbt 190 by Hart Schgacr Marx oness Hengelmuller the Danish Minister and toothsome ADDRESS AT WHITE HOUSE V 11 rare and Countess von MoUke Senator and dainties suitable for Mrs Aldrich Senator and Mrs Root II c Senator Warren Representative Hamil- ¬ serving at luncheons teas ton Fish Mrs Robert Patterson Lieut Believes Contributory System Would i Let us assist you in preparing- Col and Mrs Charles L McCawley Mr Be Less Ilurilojisome to Govern- ¬ J an outoftheordinary menu exhaustion on tb part of the appiaudws and Mrs Lawrence Townsend Mr and ment IVclcump by Commissioner I you want DINNER and the diva WWB obliged to repeat Mrs WoodborjrBUUr Mr and Mrs Georg E71f delicious coffee KNIGHTS AT TRIBUTE TO A WOMAN FAREWELL TO OPERA the nincfnrlnnil Committee to Drnw Up long and difficult Tltana sons with Its Howard Mr and Mrs Thomas Nelson use our lilciul of Java mil Mocha j trille cadenzas and strings of pearly Page Mrs Ladenberg of New York Bill Xnineil Heated Discussions The finest produced Price 3Se lb notes house guest of Mrs Robert Roosevelt Mr Miss Commander JJ ¬ McCormack came In for his share Miss Boardman Patten G G Cornwell Son Event Held by Wash- Mrs Lockwood Given Recep- ¬ Mine Embassy Animal Tetrazzini Is Given a of the appiauM and WM alto obliged to Retxmaan of the German staff More than ltd delegates to the Civil Grocers and Importers repeat hl aria The entente cordiaLs be ¬ Baron Hardenbroeck of the German Em- ¬ Service Retirement Association which ington Conimaiulery tion at Arlington Splendid Ovation i 14121418 tween the Manhattan company and Wash- ¬ bassy stair and Mr John Barrett began its conference here yesterday had Penna Av- ington has been materially strengthened a busy day Including a call on President by the liberality in encores though It The British Ambassador and Mrs I James Bryce were the guests of honor Taft the discussion of a bill to be I BROTHERHOOD EULOGIZED seems a pity that singers should be at SING SONGS OF BY THE SPEAKERS SINGS FOR THE PRESIDENT evening charge submitted to Congress providing for the eR obliged to repeat Is dinner last of the ECOR D Ht what to them a employes I daffaires of Turkey A Rustem Bey superannuation of government 5 tremendous ordeal But it Is flattering ¬ 1 The guests asked to meet them were the and the creation of some kind of a retire- For the I nevertheless to hear such enthusiasm Commander the Real Only Onu Man Succeeds In Getting a and Mme Mr and ment fund Grave 3Inke At Special Request of Mr Taft Nicola ¬ Swiss Minister Rltte I X Zerola was one of the sur- Among delegates were em ¬ Speech Occasion Urging Slem- Place on So He TalkM Mrs Kennard of the British Embassy the Federal VICTOR or VICTROLA of the Platform Diva Given from 3IiK prises of the evening for his singing- ¬ Polonaise ¬ ployes from this city New York Phila- n Memorable Evening foi IVomnn Suffrage of CaRlo last night and he the Naval Attache of the French Em- ber to Hnvo and Mnkcs lion And enco Wild with Delight was also delphia ton And other places Dis- ¬ For all the + obliged ttye bassy and Viscountess dAzy Mr and i Principles Order Good Yonnp to repeat solo at the end of j Outlines of the Women Graduates PaKllaccl
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