Chapter 10 References Chapter 10 References Printed References California Department of Fish and Game. 1964. Problems of the Lower San Joaquin River Influencing the 1963 Salmon Run. January 15. The Resources Agency of California: Department of Fish and Game, Department of Water Resources, Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. California Department of Water Resources. 1999. The hydrology of the 1997 New Year’s Flood: Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins. Division of Flood Management. ———. 2003. CALSIM II simulation of historical SWP-CVP operations technical memorandum report. November. California Department of Water Resources Bay-Delta Office. ———. 2003c. Preliminary bed sediment monitoring in the South Delta study. July. Sacramento, CA. ———. 2005. CALSIM II Model sensitivity analysis study technical memorandum report. October. California Department of Water Resources Bay-Delta Office. CALFED Science Program. 2002. CALFED Science Workshop summary: water operations and environmental protection in the delta: scientific issues. A CALFED Bay-Delta Science Program workshop. Prepared by Zachary Hymanson and Sam Luoma. CALFED Science Program. October 2002. ———. 2003. CALFED Science summary report: science symposium on environmental and ecological effects of proposed long-term water project operations. A California Bay-Delta Science Program Symposium. June 19– 20, 2003. Prepared by Kristen Honey, Zachary Hymanson, and Sam Luoma. California Bay-Delta Science Program. November 2003. Dettinger, Michael D. .2005. From climate-change spaghetti to climate-change distributions for 21st Century California. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. Vol. 3, Issue 1 (March 2005), Article 4. Available: <http://repositories.cdlib.org/jmie/sfews/vol3/iss1/art4>. South Delta Improvements Program December 2006 Final Environmental Impact Statement/ 10-1 Environmental Impact Report J&S 02053.02 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, References and the California Department of Water Resources Entrix and Resource Insights. 1996. Draft environmental impact report/environmental impact statement (EIR/EIS), Interim South Delta Program (ISDP), Volume 1. July. Prepared by Entrix, Inc., Sacramento, CA, and Resource Insights, Sacramento, CA. Prepared for Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CA, and Bureau of Reclamation, Folsom, CA. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2001. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K.Maskell, and C.A. Johnson (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 881pp. ISBN 0521 80767 0. Available: <http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/index.htm>. Kimmerer, W. and S. Monismith. 1992. An estimate of the historical position of 2 ppt salinity in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Appendix A in: Managing freshwater discharge to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. J.R. Schubel, ed. San Francisco Estuary Project, Oakland CA. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region. 2004. Biological opinion on the long-term Central Valley project and state water project operations criteria and plan. October 22. Available: <http://swr.nmfs.noaa.gov/sac/myweb8/BiOpFiles/2004/Biological_Opinion _Long-Term_Central_Valley_Project_and_State_Water_Project_Operation_ Criteria_and_Plan.pdf>. Accessed: January 17, 2005. State Water Resources Control Board. 1987. An Input-Output Model of the San Joaquin River from the Lander Avenue Bridge to the Airport Way Bridge (Vernalis). Appendix C of Regulation of Agricultural drainage to the San Joaquin River. State Water Resources Control Board Order No. W.Q. 85-1 Technical Committee Report. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 2004. Biological Assessment for the Long-Term Central Valley Project Operations and Criteria Plan. June. Mid-Pacific Region. Sacramento, CA. ———. 2005. Recirculation Pilot Study Final Report. June. Central Valley Project, Mid-Pacific Region. Sacramento, CA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2004. Formal Section 7 Consultation on the Coordinated Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project and the Operational Criteria and Plan. July 30. Sacramento, CA. ———. 2005. Reinitiation of formal and early Section 7 Endangered Species consultation on the coordinated operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project and the operational criteria and plan to address potential South Delta Improvements Program December 2006 Final Environmental Impact Statement/ 10-2 Environmental Impact Report J&S 02053.02 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, References and the California Department of Water Resources habitat issues. February. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento Field Office. Sacramento, CA. Unger, P.A. 1994. Quantifying salinity habitat of estuarine species. Newsletter. Interagency Ecological Program for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Estuary. Autumn 1994:7-10. West, G.J. 1994. A Class III archeological survey of the South Delta water management program area, San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties, California. Prepared by Bureau of Reclamation, Sacramento, CA. On file at Central California Information Center, California State University, Stanislaus (Study CCIC-2391). Turlock, CA. Personal Communications California Department of Water Resources. 2003c. Preliminary bed sediment monitoring in the South Delta study. July. Sacramento, CA [updated September 2004]. McQuirk, Jacob. BDO, South Delta Management. California Department of Water Resources. Sacramento, CA. October 11, 2005—memorandum to Paul Marshall, Chief, BDO, South Delta Management, California Department of Water Resources. South Delta Improvements Program December 2006 Final Environmental Impact Statement/ 10-3 Environmental Impact Report J&S 02053.02 Appendix A Signatories of Form Letters Appendix A Signatories of Form Letters The following tables list the people who signed and submitted copies of a form letter on the South Delta Improvements Program Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environemntal Impact Report. Table A-1a. Signatories of Form Letter 1 Letter Letter No. Last Name First Name No. Last Name First Name 1 Cangelosi Dorothea 2315 Ball Nacny 2 Wood Erik 2316 Spencer Rene 3 Patterson Jeff 2317 Hadley Cavan 4 Smith Barrie 2318 Connolly Jill Polakoff 5 Zagorski Anna 2319 Butler Robin 6 Cobb S.G. 2320 Porter Camille 7 Dennis Lou Anna 2321 Grundy Chris 8 Bebb Deanna 2322 Mattar Monica 9 Tjeerdsma Peter 2323 Lehnen Sandra 10 Gibson Christen 2324 Tina Garza 11 Kriteman Erendira 2325 True Kathryn 12 Herson Gail 2326 Anderson Lori 13 Anderson Greta 2327 Aycock Barbara 14 Cleary Lynne 2328 Rosenfield Meg 15 Peterson Kimberly 2329 Meijles Andres 16 Gergel Inna 2330 Maughan Margith 17 Carlson Ravin 2331 McClintock Catherine 18 Smith Wayne 2332 Beck Tony & Sharon 19 Motz Marcie 2333 Metzner Peter 20 Curry Mary 2334 Hess Edward 21 Bruno Carol A. 2335 Penski Judy 22 Wilda Matthew 2336 Lausell Susan 23 Mellinger Rebecca 2337 Frederick Nicholas 24 Waite Mark 2338 Hogan Thomas 25 McKnight Shoshanah 2339 Angeli Patricia 26 Auch Faye 2340 Minnerly Don 27 Dubin-Vaughn Sarah 2341 Kervorkian Kristine 28 Peerenboom Cody 2342 Barbone Shannon 29 Wauters Will 2343 Meyer Bob 30 Reid John E. 2344 Dennis Larry 31 Anderson Zach 2345 Schurr Arthur 32 Harding Grete 2346 Scalzi Francis South Delta Improvements Program December 2006 Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental A-1 Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report J&S 02053.02 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Signatories of Form Letters and the California Department of Water Resources Table A-1a. Signatories of Form Letter 1 Letter Letter No. Last Name First Name No. Last Name First Name 33 Marino Regina 2347 Burch Kristin 34 Beckman Nicholas 2348 Stout Matthew 35 Bagott Dan 2349 Moran James 36 DeBin Joe 2350 Clark Mark 37 Reece Walter 2351 Seekamp Edward 38 Romanowski Scott 2352 Torson Dianna 39 Kelly Bev 2353 Klein-Hegge Sandy 40 Dusine Cindy 2354 Wieland Loren 41 Corby Kathleen 2355 Ortega Kathy 42 Ryder-Morore Lisa 2356 Mortellito Nina 43 O'Keefe Roberta 2357 Ruppert Mary 44 Mitchell Dennis 2358 Alden Jennifer 45 Thompson Floyd 2359 McGettigan Timothy 46 Steffens Howard 2360 Hamilton Laurel 47 O'Neil Justice 2361 Richards Steve 48 Murray Noel 2362 Oftedhal Diane 49 St. Julien Deborah 2363 Ewing Tracy 50 Rachmuth Marc 2364 Roevekamp John 51 Meyer Laurie 2365 Jones Carla 52 Collins Steven 2366 Regan Bill 53 Weis Angel 2367 Lamontagne Cynthia 54 Johnson Douglas 2368 Maguire Lynn 55 Aguirre Elyssa 2369 Yamaoka Elaine 56 Holt Jo Ann 2370 Baide Cindy 57 Reback Mark 2371 Sullivan Patricia 58 Marks Jeremy 2372 Starr Gary 59 Glover Joshua 2373 Domulevicz Glen 60 Sobel Stacey 2374 Kohler Lisa 61 Todd Bryan 2375 Jones Crystal 62 Taylor Steven 2376 Oggiono Nanette 63 Leininger Dale L. 2377 Cole Elizabeth 64 Laker Merritt Janet M. 2378 Tate Chris 65 Yeager Will 2379 Sternberg Lewis 66 Styrna Jacquelyn 2380 Richards Melinda 67 Bartel E. Andrew 2381 Flip Mike 68 Harmon Corey 2382 Stratton Gail 69 Dechant Kevin 2383 McRoberts Kevin 70 Bryant Ellen 2384 Kowalchuk Stephen 71 Hooper William 2385 Duggan Beth 72 Ruiz Daron 2386 Duplicate of 788 73 Zwiener Susie 2387 Etherton Stephanie 74 Stewart Patricia 2388 Refsell Nadine 75 Lindsay Holly 2389 Simmons Barre 76 Santone Joe 2390 Douville Linda 77 Oldford Susan
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