SAC and FOX NEWS Nemîshâtênemo êhthâkîwiyâni Phone: 918-968-3526 • 920963 S. Hwy. 99, Bldg. A • Stroud, OK 74079 • Vol. 41 • No. 9 • September 2019 Resolution Passed to Not Renegotiate Tribal-State Gaming Compact On July 24, 2019, the Sac ing a quorum present; and and Fox Nation Business Com- In Response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s Recent Comments Whereas, the Business Com- mittee unanimously approved a mittee is authorized to transact resolution in response to Okla- Tribal-State Gaming Compact. Committee issued the following The Business Committee of business and act on behalf of the homa Governor Kevin Stitt’s Following approval of the res- news release regarding its posi- the Sac and Fox Nation unani- Sac and Fox nation pursuant to prior comments regarding the olution, the tribal Business tion on the matter: mously voted to pass a resolu- the Constitution and laws of the tion that states the Nation will Nation; and not request to renegotiate the Whereas, the Sac and Fox na- terms of the Tribal-State Gam- tion entered into a Tribal-State ing Compact. The resolution, Gaming Compact (the Com- voted on during a Business pact) with the State of Oklaho- Committee meeting on July 24, ma in 2005; the terms of which 2019, responds to Oklahoma have been approved by the Sec- Governor Stitt’s statements re- retary of the U. S. Department garding the compact. of the Interior; and The resolution further af- Whereas, the Sac and Fox Na- fi rmed that the compact’s ever- tion’s successful operation of its green provision is clear and pro- gaming enterprise has positively vides for the automatic renewal impacted Oklahoma’s economy, of the compact on January 1, created numerous jobs, and pro- 2020. vided for essential services for Principal Chief Justin F. Wood tribal members; and stated, “The Sac and Fox Nation Whereas, the Sac and Fox na- remains dedicated to protecting tion and the State of Oklahoma the interests of our tribal mem- have a government to govern- bers. Our gaming facilities pro- ment relationship and all inter- vide much needed employment actions must be based in a good opportunities in central Oklaho- faith effort at direct communica- ma. In rural Oklahoma, the casi- tion; and nos are the cornerstone of eco- Whereas, the terms of the BIA Offi cials nomic growth. Increasing the Compact allow both parties to Visit For Land exclusivity fees in the compact request renegotiation of subsec- will negatively impact the Sac tions A and E of Part 11 of the Development Tour and Fox people, so I strongly Compact. The Sac and Fox Na- Bureau of Indian Affairs oppose any proposed increase. tion has not received a specifi c Southern Plains Regional The compact will automatically proposal of terms for the afore- Director James Schock, and renew on January 1st; any other mentioned subsections from the associates Gabe Morgan and interpretation is legally inade- State of Oklahoma; and John Worthington, from their quate. The Sac and Fox Nation Whereas, the Business Com- Anadarko, Okla. offi ces, vis- already contributes to Oklaho- mittee opposes Governor Stitt’s ited the Sac and Fox Nation ma’s economy, infrastructure, statements regarding an expira- on July 18 for a tour of the and culture and will continue to tion date of the Compact. The Sac and Fox Nation range- do so.” evergreen provision of the lands. In the side photo, The Sac and Fox Nation is Compact is clear and all condi- the BIA offi cials are pictured a federally recognized tribal tions have been met; the Com- being greeted upon their ar- nation of over 4,000 enrolled pact will automatically renew rival by Sac and Fox Realty members. The Nation is led by on January 1, 2020. Specialist Shanarae Boyd the Business Committee, com- Whereas, the Business Com- and Land and Cattle Direc- prised of fi ve elected offi cials: mittee fi nds it is not in the best Enbridge Donates Over $7,000 tor Andy Warrior at left, and Principal Chief Justin F. Wood, interest of the Sac and Fox Na- Sac and Fox Business Com- Second Chief Audrey Rose Lee, tion to renegotiate terms of the To Sac and Fox Nation mittee Member Robert Wil- Secretary Jacklyn King, Trea- Compact. liamson, second from right. surer Jared King, and Commit- Following the rangeland tour, tee Member Robert Williamson. Now, therefore be it resolved Director Schock is pictured The Nation’s jurisdiction lies in that the Business Committee of above, second from right, as portions of Payne, Lincoln and the Sac and Fox nation, pursuant he spoke to Business Com- Pottawatomie counties, with the to the authority vested therein mittee members and others capitol complex located outside by the Constitution, does hereby about BIA land management of Stroud. declare that the Sac and Fox Na- planning services and BIA Resolution SF-19-197 reads: tion will not request to renegoti- funding programs for fi re Whereas, the Business Commit- ate the terms of the Tribal-State fi ghting equipment, controlled tee of the Sac and Fox Nation Gaming Compact and reaffi rms burns and the eradication of met in a Regular meeting held the Compact will automatically Red Cedar trees. the 24th of July, 2019; there be- renew on January 1, 2020. Chief Justin Freeland Wood’s Address to the Nation Brent Rush, who serves as senior community engagement Let me begin my fi rst address The Tribal Needs survey dedicated to planting seeds for a advisor for Enbridge Inc. in Cushing, Okla., on July 24 pre- to my fellow Sac and Fox peo- has been a success. The Busi- brighter future. sented checks totaling well over $7,000 to the Sac and Fox ple with a sincere thank you for ness Committee appreciates I am thankful for the current Nation. Rush is pictured above, second from left, presenting this honor of serving you as your everyone who took the time to Business Committee’s willing- a $5,680 check designated for environmental testing that is Chief. I have a desire to commu- respond. We will take your re- (Continued on Page 3) conducted by the Sac and Fox Nation Offi ce of Environmen- nicate with you about our future. sponses and use them to help us tal Services. Accepting the check on behalf of the Nation The Sac and Fox Nation will create a plan to best serve the is Sac and Fox Nation Business Committee Member Robert no longer follow. We will lead Nation. I am especially excited Williamson. Others pictured from left are Sac and Fox Na- from a position of power on all about the enthusiasm surround- tion Secretary Jacklyn King, Second Chief Audrey Rose Lee, issues relevant to our people. ing economic diversity and the Principal Chief Justin Freeland Wood, Treasurer Jared King You will soon be seeing real tan- need to serve more tribal mem- and Mason Williamson, who serves as chairman of the Sac gible success on projects across bers across the state. and Fox Nation Powwow Committee. (Photo by Mike Brown) our jurisdiction. I am excited to Much of July has been ded- report that we are making great icated to preparing for our An- progress on completing our ap- nual Governing Council. I am plication to place the Tanger excited about my fi rst council property in Stroud into Trust. as your Chief. Council will set Second Chief Audrey Lee has the tone for the upcoming fi scal led a valiant effort to expedite year. My hope is that we will the process, beginning in ear- focus on our future and not our ly July. We have received fi ve past. In my inaugural speech, community letters of support I focused on the importance and contracted with partners to of moving forward towards a begin environmental and feasi- common goal. I understand that bility studies. The City of Stroud there are past frustrations and is thrilled to see our sudden ex- failures that plague this Nation. pediency. It is also important This administration has spent to note that we are optimistic our fi rst 60 days working hard Sac and Fox Nation about economic opportunities in to fi x some of the past wrongs Principal Chief Enbridge Inc. Sr. Community Engagement Advisor Brent Shawnee and Cushing, as well. so that the next 60 days can be Justin Freeland Wood Rush is pictured second from left presenting a $1,000 dona- tion to Sac and Fox Nation Powwow Committee Chairman Mason Williamson.. Rush also presented a $1,000 check September 2 September 11 Sept. 13-14 September 21 from Enbridge to Sac and Fox Business Committee Members Upcoming Sac and Fox Sac and Fox Elders Our Languages Sauk Enterprise to be used for the upcoming Language Festival to be hosted Business O ces Meeting & Potluck Festival at Board Shareholders Sept. 13-14 by the Sac and Fox Nation Cultural Center and Events Closed for Shawnee Sac and Fox Meeting, 9-12 noon Sauk Language Dept. (Photo by Mike Brown) Labor Day 10 a.m. Nation Community Bldg. Page 2 - Sac and Fox News - September 2019 Sac and Fox News The Sac & Fox News is the monthly Obituaries publication of the Sac & Fox Nation, located on SH 99, six miles south of Maxine ‘Carol’ Wakolee Mills Stroud, OK. Shawnee resident Carol Wakolee graduated from Oklahoma School for Gerald Fixico, Wendell and Stephen Pap- Mailing address: Mills, 67, passed away Sunday, July 21, the Deaf in Sulphur, Okla. in 1972. She pan, and nieces Mary and Loretta Pap- Sac and Fox Nation 2019 at her home with her husband, Da- was a home body, and loved taking care pan.
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