CITY OF GLOUCESTER PLANNING POLICY SUB COMMITTEE Meeting: Wednesday, 14th March 2012 at 18:00 Committee Room 1, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP Membership: Cllrs. Taylor (Chair), Lewis (Vice-Chair), McLellan, Dee and Smith AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive from Members, declarations as to personal and/or prejudicial interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Notes 1 and 2 overleaf. 3. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 4) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 th January 2012. 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) To receive any questions from members of the public provided that a question does not relate to: • Matters which are the subject of current or pending legal proceedings, or • Matters relating to employees or former employees of the Council or comments in respect of individual Council Officers 5. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (10 MINUTES) To receive any petitions and deputations provided that no petition is in relation to: • Matters relating to individual Council Officers, or • Matters relating to current or pending legal proceedings 6. STROUD CORE STRATEGY CONSULTATION (Pages 5 - 124) Planning Policy Sub Committee Wednesday, 14 March 2012 Report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 19 th April 2012 at 18.00 hours. ................................................... Julian Wain Chief Executive Notes 1. A personal interest exists where a decision on a matter would affect to a greater extent than other people in the District:- (a) the well being, financial position, employment or business of the Councillor, their family or any person with whom they had a close association; (b) a body employing those persons, any firm in which they are a partner and any company of which they are directors; (c) any corporate body in which those persons have a beneficial interest in a class of securities exceeding the nominal value of £25,000; or (d) the Councillor’s registrable financial and other interests. 2. A personal interest becomes a prejudicial interest where a member of the public (who has knowledge of the circumstances) would reasonably regard the Member’s personal interest as being so significant that it is likely to prejudice the Councillor’s judgement of the public interest. Please contact Democratic Services, Tel. No. 01452 396127/e-mail: [email protected] if you have a general query on any agenda item, wish to tender your apologies for absence from the meeting, or would like information on any decision taken by the Council. Agenda and enclosures can be viewed on the District Council’s Website - www.gloucester.gov.uk 2 Planning Policy Sub Committee Wednesday, 14 March 2012 If you would like a translation of agenda/minutes/reports or would like a large text version or an audio version please contact the Democratic and Electoral Services Manager and we will try to accommodate your needs. 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3 PLANNING POLICY SUB COMMITTEE MEETING : Tuesday, 24th January 2012 PRESENT : Cllrs. Taylor (Chair), Lewis (Vice-Chair), Dee and Smith Officers Mick Thorpe, Group Manager, Regeneration, Strategy and Delivery Tim Watton, Spatial Planning and Environment Service Manager APOLOGIES : Cllrs. P. McLellan 9. APOLOGIES 10. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Smith declared an interest in the subject matters on the agenda being a member of the GHURC Board and Councillor Dee declared an interest in any matter relating to the County Council being a county councillor. 11. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on the 10 th November 2011 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. 12. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no questions from the public. 13. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS There were no petitions or deputations. 14. FLEECE HOTEL CONCEPT STATEMENT: CONSULTATION FEEDBACK The Sub-Committee considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Council updating Members on the outcome of the consultation undertaken for the Fleece Hotel Concept Statement and for Members to adopt the Concept Statement as revised following consultation. The Sub-Committee noted that the Planning Concept Statement had been generally well received with no major objections. Members expressed reservations concerning the depiction of materials on page 14 of the Planning Concept Statement (page 26 of the agenda pack) and agreed that the page be amended prior to its submission to Council by the substitution of photographs which more clearly illustrated the desired modern use of brick and wood appropriate to the historical context. 1 Page 2 PLANNING POLICY SUB COMMITTEE 24.01.12 Discussion took place as to possible occupancy of the premises and some of the suggested uses identified in consultation feedback. Various possible uses would be examined by the Steering Group. The Sub-Committee recorded its appreciation to all involved in the renovation work to the Fleece Hotel and the speed by which this had been undertaken. RESOLVED That Council be recommended to adopt the interim Fleece Hotel Concept Statement to guide development of this site. 15. CITY PLAN (PART 1) The Sub-Committee considered a Report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture the purpose of which was – 1. to present and seek endorsement of “Part 1” of the emerging City Plan which sets out Gloucester’s context, links to the Joint Core Strategy, key development challenges, Gloucester’s strategy for growth going forward and development principles. 2. to provide a framework for the remainder of the City Plan’s key message that Gloucester has a positive outlook and is encouraging growth as long as it is provided in the right location to support the ongoing regeneration of the City Centre. During discussions the following principal points were raised by members in respect of the documents submitted - Gloucester’s City Plan 2013 (pages 55 to 64 of Agenda Pack) • Page 60, second column, third paragraph, 15 th line: the word “sought” to be substituted for “sort” • Pages 61 and 62, The wording of Key Development principles 6 and 11 to be re examined before submission to Council • Page 61, first column, first paragraph, 6 th line: sentence relating to peripheral growth to be restructured to indicate that there was a need for peripheral growth and that the Joint Core Strategy identifies this to the north of the City. City Plan Appendix 2 – Part 1 Sustainability Appraisal Summary (Pages 65 to 100) Appendix 1 Appraisal results Page 84 Key Development Principle – in addition to existing descriptions the word ‘quality’ to be introduced in describing jobs for the local population Page 86 Urban Centre – the substitution of the word ‘skills’ for ‘sills’ in the commentary 2 Page 3 PLANNING POLICY SUB COMMITTEE 24.01.12 Page 88 Historic Environment – Impact - change ‘0’ to ‘+’ Page 89 Education/Skills and Culture Tourism – sections to be transposed Page 90 Housing Impact – change ‘?’ to ‘+’ Commentary – substitute the word ‘would’ for ‘could’ Page 91- Crime/ Fear of crime - Re-examine impact in the light of commentary Page 91 – Health – Re-examine the wording of the commentary. Page 92 – Historic Environment – commentary – delete the words “The impacts of this development principle will be dependent upon the implementation. Page 92 – Health – Impact – change ‘+’ to ‘++’ Page 94 - Biodiversity – Impact – change ‘+’ to ‘+/?’ Page 96 – Historic Environment – Re examine impact currently ‘++’ Page 96 – Urban Centre – replace the word ‘legibility’ with a suitable description Page 98 – Sustainable Appraisal stages A4, B1, D2 – section relating to Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive Requirement to be appropriately completed – if ‘not applicable’ this should be stated. Page 98 - Sustainable Appraisal stage B2 - Strategic Environmental Assessment – wording to be re examined. Appendix 3 Part 1 Consultation Response Report (Pages 101 to 121 of Agenda Pack) Page 102 – Representation – last paragraph – add ‘Road’ after ‘Brunswick’ . RESOLVED That Council be recommended: 1 To endorse the Development Strategy and Key Development Principles contained within Appendix 1 as part of the emerging development plan for Gloucester City to assist managing development in the City. 3 Page 4 PLANNING POLICY SUB COMMITTEE 24.01.12 2 To endorse the City Plan Part 1 for further consultation. 16. KINGS QUARTER CONCEPT STATEMENT With the agreement of the Chair, the following matter was taken as a matter of urgency. The reason for urgency related to the timescale for publishing the Concept Statement for Kings Quarter in partnership with Stanhope. RESOLVED That the Concept Statement for Kings Quarter be approved for consultation. 17. JOINT CORE STRATEGY The Sub Committee was advised that, in respect of the next stages for consideration the Joint Core Strategy following consultation, it was proposed that later in the year respective Councils would consider this matter on the same day and it may therefore be necessary to seek a special meeting of the City Council to fit in with this arrangement. Members were reminded of the work of the Joint Core Strategy Member Steering Group and that Group Leaders were invited to meetings of this Group. It was suggested that in instances where a Group Leader was unable to attend a meeting they be encouraged to send a representative as meetings of the Member Steering Group were pivotal in keeping all groups apprised of the evolving strategy and joint arrangements. The Member Steering Group would be given the opportunity to discuss scenarios following the results of consultation. 18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 19 th April 2012 at 18.00 hrs. Time of commencement: 18:00 hours Time of conclusion: 19:41 hours Chair 4 Page 5 Agenda Item 6 Gloucester City Council Committee :GLT Planning Policy Sub Committee Council Date : 28th February 2012 14th March 2012 22nd March 2012 Subject : Stroud Core Strategy Consultation Decision Type : - Ward :All Report By : Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Culture No.
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