The LAWRENTIAN Volume 87—Number 4 Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin Friday- October 13, 1967 25 Students Join March Lawrentians in Milwaukee Say ‘Certainly Worthwhile’ Last weekend, October 7 and Singing for an hour and a half on entering the white neighbor­ 8, twenty-five students from Law­ left the demonstrators emotion­ hoods the attitude was less friend­ rence and a Post-Crescent report­ ally charged as students at a ly: several police appeared to es­ er went down to the near north pep rally before a big game. Af­ cort the marchers as the whites side of Milwaukee to participate terwards, representatives from looked on with indifference, cur­ in demonstrations for an Open the out-of-town marchers intro­ iosity, or dislike. Housing ordinance, a law which duced their groups. One lady, coming out of a bar would allow Negroes or any oth­ At 5 p.m. the demonstrators as the marchers passed, chanted, er minority group to live any­ were ushered outside the church “No More SchJitz!” motioned where in Milwaukee so that they for the nearly five hour march thumbs down. Other whites, es­ would not be segregated into the Saturday night. The commandoes, pecially those on the Polish south ghettoes in which they now live. all powerfully built, well organ­ side, muttered obscenities at the As the bus departed from the ized, courteous, male Negroes, marchers. Jim Snodgrass narrow­ Chapel Saturday morning, Dave lined the marchers up in threes ly missed getting struck with a Chambers, Student Senate pres­ along the sidewalk. Soon the flying salt-shaker. ident and co-organizer otf the civ­ march began: the demonstrators, When the marchers entered Wis­ STUDENTS from I .awrence gather with other demon­ il rights trip, told the group about over 300 strong, sang and clapped, consin Avenue, the main street of strators in the basement of St. Boniface C hurch in Milwau­ the commando organization which the commandoes, bringing up the Milwaukee, the column divided kee to join in freedom songs before the rally in the sanctu­ carries out and plans all Open front, rear, and sides of the col­ into subcolumns which walked ary. Housing marches. umn shouted words of encourage­ along both sides of the avenue, The bus arrived about 1 at St. ment, halted traffic along the attracting much attention. route, discouraged any would-be Boniface Church, site of the dem­ That night, after a relatively trouble makers outside the col­ onstration rallies, starting point peaceful but tiring march, the To, If,... and When To Proctor; umn, and kept the column itself for the marches, and headquarters Lawrence group met with the orderly. for the commandos, the NAACP commandoes at the St. Francis Yes . That Is The Question Youth Council, and Father James Marching through the Negro Social Center for a brief party. Groppi, leader and key advocate districts, many smiling families All the students that talked to the Tuesday’s meeting of the Com­ plained that the committee is mittee on Administration saw of the Open Housing demonstra­ turned out on the porches of their commandoes found them “con­ “ intent not on legislating what the approval of two proposals will happen,” but that it found tions. At St Boniface, the Law­ homes—some of which were quite cerned, very perceptive, and concerned with the administer­ last year’s “absence of enforce­ rence contingent was greeted cor­ decrepit — and cheered and sang quite intelligent,” especially the ing of open dorms. Of notable ment and discussion of sexual dially by Negroes wearing NAACP along with the demonstrators. Up- commando leaders who wore ar­ and Commando sweat-shirts with significance was the sanctioning ethics intaler ab4e.’’ my badges of rank like lieuten­ of a pledge system in Coleman slogans on the back like "Soul Tf»e Committee on Administra­ ant's bars on their sweatshirts Hall. Under this plan students tion is also sending to the trus­ Brother," We Love Father Grop­ or shirt collars. participating in the open dorms tees a proposal calling for Sat­ pi,” “Freedom Fighters,” "Sock Enrollment Up On Sunday morning many of the program will sign an oath of al­ urday afternoon group visitation It to Me Black Power," “Keep demonstrators celebrated Mass at legiance to the University’s rules ri^hLs. Venderbush referred to the Faith Baby,” and many oth­ To 1,294 Here St. Boniface. Parts of the service governing visitation. this proposal as an “act of good ers. The university has opened its (Continued on Page 5) Trever Hail also had its pro­ faith to the students.” At 3 p.m., all demonstrators as­ 120th year with a total enroll­ gram approved pending revi­ The committee is anticipating sembled in the yellow, gold, and ment of 1,294, about 20 more sions in the punitive clause. A proposals of three general types. white St. Boniface sanctuary for than last year at this time. sub-committee of the Commit­ The first would make provision the rally which proceeds all The lost includes nearly 40 Frosh Tutoring tee on Administration, composed for the hiring of a proctor, such marches. As the demonstrators students at the study center at of John P. Dreher, Harold K. as a housemother or a head resi­ seated themselves in the pews, Boennigheim, Germany, as well Schneider, and Kenneth R. Verv dent. The second would leave the responsibility of enforcement the commandoes stationed them­ as smaller numbers participat­ To Begin Here derbush will reconsider the sec­ with the officers in the living selves on the periphery of the ing in programs of the Associat­ A new program involving vol­ tion in question. untary academic aid for interest­ unit. The third program would sanctuary, and Youth Council ed Colleges of the Midwest locat­ Open dorms will once again be ed freshmen has been planned call for students to sign a kind members led in freedom songs ed in the Chicago area. 9tudents scheduled on Sunday afternoons are involved there in the Urban here this year. Upperclassmen of social pledge and indude spot and civil rights chants which soon from 2 p.m. to 5 pjn., subject proctoring. had the whole assembly clapping, Semester in Education and the Rich Bush and Sara Lynn Wil- to the committee’s acceptance of Argonme National Laboratories more, concerned about the diffi­ Whatever the proposals, and singing and shouting. some system designed to ensure program in science. culty many freshmen have adjust­ whatever the decisions of the A young Negro girl grabbed a that the rules governing open committee; open dorms, proc­ Other students engaged in off- ing to the academic pressures of microphone and danced up and dorms — namely rooms illum­ toring, and the legislation of Stu­ campus work are in a classics Lawrence, having initiated a pro­ down the center aisle belting out inated and doors ajar — are dent morality seem destined to program in Rome and indepen­ gram of voluntary tutoring. songs including "Sock It To Me followed. be issues of major importance dent study at the Guthrie Thea­ Any freshman who might wish Black Power,” “Get Ready, The first proposal approved by again this year. tre in Minneapolis. additional help in a particular ’Cause Black Power’s Cornin’,” There are 728 men and 565 the committee was submitted by subject may call Rich Bush or “Which Side Are You On, Boy?” women in the student body at Phi Kappa Tau and includes the Sara Lynne Wiknore, and an up- and old favorites like “We Shall present. The Conservatory of following list of provisions. porclass volunteer will then con­ Overcome." Music’s enrollment is 106. tact the freshman to arrange per­ Guests will be signed in and Judge Reports iodic tutoring sessions. The tu­ out in a book to be kept by the toring program will be conducted housemother. Enforcement of On Car Parking with the cooperation of the fresh­ the “rooms illuminated and doors ajar” dause will be the Charles A. Judge, assistant man’s professors. responsibility of the fraternity dean of men, reports that 44 non­ The originators of the proposal, president or his delegate. First commuting seniors have register­ when interviewed by the Lawren- time violators will be subject to ed cars this year. The total for tian this week, stressed the fact reprimand by the house coun­ this year is expected to surpass that they “do not expect to offer cil, while any second violation the 66 which were registered last a panacea.” Rather, the tutoring will send the names of the cul­ year. group will supplement the efforts pable parties directly to the So far there have been 10 vio­ of advisors, counselors, and pro­ dean of men. lations, all of which were first parking offenses imposing $5 fessors. Kenneth R. Venderbush ex- A dozen upperclassmen have fines. However, Judge con­ been enlisted to do the tutoring, fessed, “I’m not sure that all cars on campus are registered.” and more will be added to the If this is true, there will proba­ group if necessary. Vettderbushes bly be more fines. By Sunday, Oct. 8, all cars not LAWRENTIAN REGRETS Branch Outregistered by seniors or commut­ ers will have to be removed from We regret that the first two Monday, October 9th, brought the campus. issues of this year’s Lawren- with it a new addition to the tian came late to our subscrib­ family of Mr. Kenneth R. Ven­ ers. Unavoidable delays were derbush, dean of men. At 2 a.m. THE LAWRENTIAN wishes encountered in converting our that morning Mrs. Venderbush to extend congratulations to subscription lists from an Ad- gave birth to a five and one-half Mr.
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