y > SATUKDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1942 FOUBTEEN £oanins IbraUk Average Dally Circulation The Weather For the Month of dnnanry, 1943 Forecnet of U. B. WentlMr Borena Scouts’ Court To EntcFtain Defense Group 7,088 Oontlniicd very cold tonight, dt- About Town Heard Along Main Street DINE and DANCE at mlnlshlng winds. Makes Awards Member of this Audit Is Organized And on Some of Manchetter*a Side Streets, Too Bnrenn of Clrculntlona ' lC«nb«n or tlM Hl-LMCue «nd DANTE’S RESTAURANT MancheHer-~A City of Village Charm tlM Bpwortli Lm c u c of the South The manager of a Main street' the north end. The hounds were Badges and Merits Given io,East Center street Odd FelhiwR BuHdtaf Itethodlat church are reminded of having a merry fight over an arti­ PRICE THREE CENTS auaper tomorrow evenlnj; at Rev. Dr. Walson Wood­ business house whose home is In (Claaaliled Advertiaing On Page 13) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) cle that proved to be an inner tube. To Local Boys for ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING VOL.V WA-ie LXI.,a^Am*e* ' *NO. 'w o I l l . ______ __ ____________________ ■ ^ ^ alx o’clock at'the church. Each ruff Is Nainefl (’.hair- Hartford, experienced 'one of those They were tearing away at the Festdrinx Chicken, Steaks, Spnghetti and Ravioli. one attendlnf U reque^ to days" this past week. And when tube in true Japanese ferocity. Passing Their Tests. 7 Orders Pat Up To Take Ont. brtnc a baeket lunch. Tea Md man of Unit. we say he had "one of those dasra" Dogs must be taught they can't do coffee wUl be fumtohed. .^ter NOW FEATURING: we really mean it. such things—and they must learn The Boy Socut Court of Honor th e iu p p er th e Kev. Newell S. ■Rev. Dr. W atson W oodruff, Things started to happen to him to conserve on dog food, too. If was held last evening at the South Booth who la speaking at both pastor of the Center Congrega- they expect their lords and mas­ ART McKAY A m HIS BAND Methodist churches here tomor­ at three o'clock in the morning. He Methodist church, with 25 scouts tlonar Church, was elected chair­ took his wife to a hospital in the ters to win this war. row, will show motion pictures of attending. Members of the Court man of the Amity and Unity Com­ city where she gave birth to a A frica. baby. He was pretty milch excited We never did hear the end of included, Raymond Mercer, chair­ mittee of the local Defense Coun­ thla story, because our informant Singapore iJefenders Rally for Attack; about the happy event and re­ man; Richard Smith, secretary The Salvation Army band cil, sponsored by the State De­ mained at the hospital as long as was too busy to wait and see the which la In charge of the special fense Council. Rev. Earl Furge- outcome. and Clarks Field, assistant scout­ he could before coming to Man- m aster of Troop 98, N orth M ethoi week-end services wdll present sop. .pastor of the North Metho­ che.ster to open the store. A town highway tnick was sta­ Rev. E. Denton Lackey this eve­ dist CTiurch. was elected secretary. tioned along Main street last Mon­ dist church. BINGO TONIGHT When he arrived here he found Many badges and awards were ning at eight o’clock at the cita­ The meeting was called by George that he had forgotten -the keys to day morning as the men accom­ del. and has secured as a speaker H Waddell, chairman of the lo­ panying it were engaged in thejr made at th? Court. Two second -in- the store. He dashed back towards class scouts received five badges tomorrow night Major Padglngton cal Defense Council acting for the Hartford and while going through regular pick-up jobs. The driver of the Hartford corps. State Council. got out of the cab to talk to one and eleven first class scouts re­ Preliminary plans for bettering East Hartford he was arrested for ceived twenty-two badges. Philip New Attacks Repulsed by Bataan Units of the men handling the shovels The British American Club relations between all classes, races speeding. He got his keys and re­ Dolson, member of Troop 98 re­ Bay F^th alumnae in the town turned to Manches-er (driving when along came a gust of wind of Manchester are invited to at­ and creeds will be initiated after and slammed the door of the truck ceived a Star Scout award. Maple Street more Information is received from slowly through East Hartford! and W ard Strange, of Troop 15, re ­ tend the meeting of the Hartford MKw Judy Mc<1arthT he thought his train of mishaps cab abut. The door either locked or ceived the Life Scout award association, Tuesday, February 10, the State Defense Council. jammed and the keys to the vehi­ Home Defense Council was at an end. which is mtide after a scout has Playing Starts 8:13 Admission 25 (3ents at 8 p. m. at the Hotel Garde. At Judy McCarthy, young daughter But it was last Saturday and it cles were on the instrument board. received ten or more merit badges. Jap Invasions Spread Over Vast Area The meeting was called to order The driver was on the point of this meeting plans will be made of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mc­ by George H. Waddell, chairman was pouring cats and d ,gs. He re­ Also, Robert Kurland an Eagle Come Early for Penny Bingo for the annual seml-formal dance. Carthy of 72 North Elm street, is membered he had Jeft his automo­ smashing the glass in the door Scout and m em ber of T roop 25, Pin Japanese Down FOr information about the club, of the Manchester Defense Coun­ when our informant had to leave Manila Bay’s Forts another of Rolda Martin’s dance cil who spoke briefly of the as- bile on Main street so he sent a and one of the outstanding scouts which Is composed of alumnae in boy who works in the store out to the scene. If you see a town truck of Manchester, received an Eagle pupils who will appear in the en­ .sembling of s Home Defense force with its cab window busted you Hartford and vicinity, gradutes of upw ards of -3..')00.000 men and move the car to the rear of the Bronze Palm. This award is made should call Miss Helen Hohl, tele­ tertainment at Pulaski hall tomor­ building. The young fellow moved can write >’our own ending to this to a scout only after he has obtain­ women In the nation, five sixths story. phone 4702. row evening at seven o'clock, un­ of whom were enlisted in the last the car all right, but the storm had ed the Eagle rank and has made let up for a few minutea and when application ^or 25 merit badges. To Ten-Mile der the auspices of St. John's two months. He had little to offer The Youth Fellowship of the he parked the machine be parked Next to the moat discussed topic Silence Japs’ Guns; church. At her teacher’s June re­ the ministers in the way of form­ Other Awards Made South Methodist church are hav­ it right under a ralnwater 'spout. along the main stem this past cital last year, Judy thrilled with ing or operating the organization Other awards were as follows: ing a valentine party at the which is intended to cement rela­ When it started to pour again week was the increase in the doc­ m i STB! her performance on a high pedes­ church Friday evening, February the w-ater shot right into the hood tors’ house call fee. You can have second class scouts, David Cross­ tal in the form of a candlestick the tions by community, state and Na­ cup, Troop 98, F irs t Aid and P e r­ U a t 7:30. diameter of which was only 24 tion during the all-out war ef­ of the automobile. And when our one guess at what was the most .store manager started for home discussed subject shout town. sonal health; William Sutton, ! Japan Claims inches. Judy loves to dance and is fort; At Mr. Wadd^ell'a suggestion, Troop 98. award for Safety Music. I Halt Rangoon Drive that night he couldn't get a mur­ It isn’t fair to criticize the doc­ one of the cleverest acrobatic temporary officers were elected. First class scouts: Phillip Dol- | Praised Local Group mur out of the engine. He had to tors generally for their decision to dancers in town. have the ignition system dried out. son. T roop 98, F irst Aid and P er- ; The program will continue for Chairman Waddell stated that change the fee schedule. W e.are CMUNGRiNO Australian (ieiieral De­ He finally got home, and says told that this change has been un­ sonal health; Richard Dolson, No. ; CASH Heavy Infantry Fight­ RepoH Brili.h Defend- SluO AseUCy PIHLCO Manchester, in his opinion had more than two hours, and 25 pupll.a; everything turned out happily be­ 98. Handicraft. Safety. Life sav- l British Appear to L. S s C C n of Mrs. Martin will have a part in an “excellent" Defense Council, der discussion for a long time and Ing, Rowing, Public health and | INDIA ers of Singapore rail- V O %/ clares Situation Is R C A RADIOS leaders who took up matters of cause he found hla wife and new­ that one group of the medical men Have Stabilizednhiiixod SalSfli- Vr u r I S ing Occurs at Several either solo or ensemble numbers.
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