KNOWLEDGE TRANSMISSION IN CYBERSPACE Discourse Analysis of Professional Web Forums as Internet Subgenre Cristina Varga TESI DOCTORAL UPF / 2011 DIRECTOR DE LA TESI Dra. Clara Ubaldina Lorda (Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Dr. Mircea Borcil ă (Catedra de limba și litertura română , Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai ”, Cluj -Napoca, Romania) Maria, Ioan, Elena and Ştefan, in memoriam ABSTRACT Since the beginning of the Internet, its features have been used to communicate knowledge between researchers in different universities or scientific laboratories, and later, with the increasing growth of the World Wide Web, knowledge became a collective good shared by its users. The current investigation has three main objectives: a) to describe the professional web forum as a discursive subgenre of the web, b) to illustrate the mechanism of knowledge transmission on the professional web forums, and c) to observe the variation across languages of the professional web forum as a subgenre of the knowledge transmission process. In the analysis of the linguistic material of the professional web forum corpus we used a theoretical framework based on different linguistic trends and theories currently developed in France. The analysed material consists in a comparable texts corpus, organised, in five sub-corpora, in function of the language the participants in the web forums use to communicate: English, Spanish, French, Romanian, and Catalan. The analysis of the linguistic material of the professional web forum corpus provides essential information concerning the discursive features of the knowledge transmission process in different languages. RESUMEN El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y el uso del Internet como nueva plataforma para la enseñanza crean nuevas modalidades de interacción comunicativa entre los usuarios de Internet con el fin de aprender, comunicar y transmitir conocimiento. Tres son los objetivos que nos proponemos alcanzar en la presente investigación. El primero se refiere a la descripción de un género discursivo fundamental para la transmisión del conocimiento en Internet: el foro de discusión profesional . El segundo objetivo, relacionado con el primero, contempla la construcción del conocimiento a través del discurso dentro del género mencionado. Por último, examinaremos las variaciones en la construcción discursiva del conocimiento en diferentes lenguas. El marco teórico utilizado está constituido por diferentes corrientes y teorías lingüísticas existentes en Francia en la actualidad: lingüística textual, análisis del discurso y análisis de la conversación. El material analizado está formado por un corpus de textos comparables que pertenecen a varios foros de discusión y está organizado en función de la lengua de comunicación en cinco subcorpus: inglés, español, francés, rumano y catalán. El análisis del material lingüístico nos proporciona informaciones importantes en lo concerniente a las estrategias discursivas que se usan en la construcción, comunicación y transmisión del conocimiento en varios idiomas. REZUMAT Prezenta lucrare se dore şte a fi o incursiune în universul virtual creat odată cu apariția Internetului, univers în care comunicarea iese din tiparele obi şnuite şi caut ă forme noi de reprezentare a lumii şi cunoa şterii. Obiectivele pe care dorim s ă le atingem în acest periplu virtual sunt legate de modalit ăţile de comunicare şi transmitere a cunoa şterii în Internet şi de varia ţiile ce se înregistreaza în construirea discursiv ă a acesteia în diferite limbi europene, totul studiat în cadrul unui gen discursiv concret pe care încerc ăm s ă îl definim şi să îl descriem în prezenta lucrare: forumul web profesional . Cadrul teoretic în care se dezvolt ă cercetarea este constituit din teorii şi curente ale lingvisticii textuale, analizei discursului şi analizei conversa ţiei dezvoltate în ultimele decenii în Fran ţa şi care furnizeaz ă o baz ă solid ă pentru elaborarea unei metodologii de cercetare adecvate obiectivelor pe care le urm ărim. Materialul analizat este constituit dintr-un un corpus de texte comparabile, textele cuprinse în acesta fiind organizate, în func ţie de limba utilizat ă în comunicare, în cinci sub-corpusuri diferite: englez, spaniol, francez, român şi catalan. Analiza acestui material complex şi eterogen furnizeaz ă date importante asupra strategiilor discursive utilizate în construirea cunoa şterii în diferite limbi, precum şi a felului în care aceasta se construie şte interactiv prin intermediul conversa ţiei online. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. v RESUMEN ............................................................................................................ vii REZUMAT ............................................................................................................. ix 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 Motivation of the Investigation ........................................................... 3 1.2 Hypotheses .......................................................................................... 4 1.3 Purpose of the Investigation ............................................................... 5 1.4 Phases of the Investigation.................................................................. 6 1.5 Outline of the Investigation ................................................................. 6 2. EXPLORING TEH DISCURSIVE FIELD OF CYBERSPACE .................................. 9 2.1 The Cyberspace: communicational environment................................ 9 2.2 Electronic Discourse. General Overview ........................................... 11 2.2.1 What is E-Discourse? ............................................................... 12 2.2.2 E-Discourse Categories ............................................................ 15 2.2.3 Emergence and Development ................................................. 16 2.3 The Virtual Communities ................................................................... 25 2.3.1 What is a Virtual Community? ................................................. 25 2.3.2 Categories of Virtual Communities .......................................... 29 2.4 Professional Web Forum: a Virtual Community ................................ 32 3. KNOWLEDGE TRANSMISSION ON THE INTERNET ..................................... 35 3.1 What Is Knowledge? .......................................................................... 36 3.2 Knowledge Structures ....................................................................... 39 3.3 Discursive Forms of Knowledge ......................................................... 42 3.4 Transmission of Knowledge ............................................................... 49 3.5 Explanatory Strategies Used in Knowledge Transmission ................. 53 3.5.1 Definition ................................................................................. 54 xii 3.5.2 Procedures/Instructions ........................................................... 57 3.5.3 Prototypical Explanation .......................................................... 58 3.6 Knowledge Transmission on the Professional Web Forums .............. 59 4. APPROACHES IN DISCOURSE ANALYSIS...................................................... 61 4.1 The Complex notion of Discourse ...................................................... 61 4.2 Approaches to Discourse Analysis ...................................................... 63 4.3 A Social-Communicational Model of Discourse ................................. 66 4.3.1 Discursive Identities.................................................................. 68 4.3.2 Objectives of the Verbal Exchange ........................................... 69 4.3.3 Discursive Device ...................................................................... 70 4.4 Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis .............................................. 71 4.4.1 Explanatory, expository, and informative texts ....................... 73 4.4.2 Parameters of the Explanation ................................................. 75 4.5 Conversation and Verbal Interactions ................................................ 76 4.5.1 The Construction of Interactions .............................................. 78 4.5.2 The Organisation of Actions within Interactions ...................... 79 4.5.3 Thematic Progression ............................................................... 79 5. COMPUTER WEB FORUMS CORPUS DESCRIPTION .................................... 82 5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 82 5.2 Issues in Corpus Creation ................................................................... 83 5.3 Design and Implementation ............................................................... 86 5.3.1 Protocol .................................................................................... 87 5.3.2 Methodology ............................................................................ 88 5.3.3 Parameters of the Sub-corpora ................................................ 90 English Sub-corpus .............................................................. 90 Spanish Sub-corpus ............................................................. 91 French Sub-corpus ..............................................................
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