ijwAiii «> ty~ -, ^ r.fF"T-t ^*^2 - i *• .X-T-T/ri'S ' ^ ' *-i L ;*& '.' '-'-ft * v 'C-^j - * ' g' f • '(;"- An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests. • [$1.00aTesur. v Founded in 1800.] NUMBER 3. A VOL. XCII. NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY I 5, 1892. i'v, Ought to Be. - THE WEATHER. • r Ex-Gox. Charles R. Ingersoll is in The Dally Gazette TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN. "I have tried different kiads of Bak­ The weather to-day promises to be Washington, KILLED BY A HORSECflR. Is Issues very weelc-iay AT 3 P. M.,'&t ing Powder. I prefer Cleveland's. It considerably colder and from partly ONE CENT FEB COPY. Cardinal Simeoni died in Rome yes­ Eleven more deaths from the grip in is the most economical, and the best; I cloudy to clear. To-morrow it prom­ have ever used, and the best is good The Cheapest Bates for Advertising, and terday. New York, yesterday. Edward S. Wyman Run Over and ises, to be clear and colder, with a ''eold THE LARGEST CIBCTJIIATION. enough for me."—Mrs. P. S. r - ; This weather is hard on the Itnights William Mullen of Franklin avenue Killed on the Winnipauk Branch tvavc.'' . The Weekly (x&sette* of the road. _ • is seriously ill with the grip. A Deserved Compliment. ; • v| - Last Night. • SOUTH NORWALK. [Combined with Fridays DailvJ The man who jokes about the grip About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, hasn't had it. James Merritt is quite ill at his home TUt GAZETTE is on note at tlie news office Is issued every Friday at Noon'at i Probably Had a Fit. Chief of Police Vollmer was summoned THREE CFSTS PER COPY, OB $1.00 FEB TEAS. in Dublin, with a complication of dis­ to the police rooms at South, Norwalk, of Fred Coleman, .f.U.Vlffnti, W.X.Ather- Have you read "Th» Voice of a Vio­ and was not a little surprised to find a ton, and If. E. Ttodwell. Advertisements lin" now running in the WEEKLY GA­ eases. flie Daily and Weekly. Edward S. Wyman, who lives on the number of city officials and* others as­ and Orders for all kinds of tfOlt ZETTE ? Joseph Skillen, colored, an old ser­ Wolfpit Hill road, was run over and sembled there. He was made aware of INQ- received at our branch office on Kail- Sfrred 10 Local Subscribers at- vant of President Lincoln, died yester­ Hon. Chauncey M. Depew has been killed by car No. 7 on the Winnipauk what was wanted of him when City At­ road Square. TEN CENTS PER WEEK. OB $4.53 PER YEAR. day in Richmond, Ind., aged lOOyears. branch of the horse railroad line about torney Light stepped up to him and Adelina Patti was in this city yester­ A. H. BYINGTOX. Proprietor. re-elected president of the New York Union League club. 8:45 last evening, in iront of the resi­ presented him with an elegant gold day. The funeral of Mrs. Amelia Williams dence of Fletcher, fierce, in Winni­ police badge, prefaced by a neat little Annual dinner of the Canoe Club to­ This paper has the largest circulation of will be held at St. Paul's Church, Sat­ pauk. ^ speech. Chief Vollmer attempted to morrow night. any paper in the State west of Bridgeport. Miss Etta Carter of West avenue is urday, Jan. 16, at 2 p. m. Wyman left Norwalk about 8 o'clock make a speech in reply but his heart visiting her sister, Mrs. D. M. Marvin, in the evening with a horse and car­ was too full for the utterance of more Mr. and Mrs, "Danbury Jack'' were in New York city. in town again this morning. —Have you seen the new table linens riage which he/was to take to a house than his thanks. He, however, invited JOB PRINTING. in Winnipauk for Thomas Lawlor. the party to indulge in cigars and an Bread and cake sale at the W. C. T. W. B. Hall & Company are out with at the Norwalk Boston store ? They ME. HARRY M. GARDNER, JR., formerly of are beauties and so cheap, too. - He drove to the house and left the adjournment was made to the City U. rooms to-morrow evenirg. an important announcement to the la­ team and then hastened to the termi­ Hotel. The badge is valued at over New York City, is the superintendent of our A. Kunz proposes starting a news dies in to-day's issue. nus of the road to catch the 8.40 horse- $125. It was purchased by a number office at No. 19 Railroad Place. „ ^ ' Printing Departments. He is an experienced Captain George A. Cornell, state car for Norwalk. of Mr. Vollmer's appreciative friends Francis Higgens was sent to jail for Book, Job and Newspaper Printer, and all There was a family re-union at the armorer," has been granted a patent on He boarded the car and stood on the and is a splendid testimonial of the residence of Geo. W. Selleck on Mer- his unique ridge-pole splice for tents. ten days this morning, for vagrancy. work entrusted to him will be satisfactorily front platform with the driver John S. high appreciation in which he is held. win street yesterday. Lockwood. That he was deserving of it the GAZETTE C. F. Tolles is doing jury duty at the el one. Special care and attention Riven to Ex-Deputy Sheriff Charles Adams, LockwOod says that he noticed that fully believes and extends to him the Court of Common Pleas, in Bridgeport. CHURCH AXD SOCIETY PRIKTIXG. —New Hamburg Edgings of hand­ who has been ill for some time past at Wyman was intoxicated and after talk­ heartiest of congratulations. In the Butcher J. Schaub is sick at his some design from lc per yet. up, at the his residence on Adams avenue, died ing with him a few minutes took him center of the badge is the coat of arms home on Woodward avenue, with the Cardinal Manning Norwalk Boston store. this morning. bv the arm and put him in the inside of Connecticut with motto, surrounded grip. of the car. by blue enamel circle with "Chief of F. L. Piper of New York will preach The venerable Cardinal Manning, Ex-President Noah Porter was a lit­ While going down the steep incline Police, SoutU Norwalk, Ct.," in letters Patti's hair has changed color, but in the Advent church, East Norwalk, who died yesterday in London, was not tle better last evening than on Wednes­ near the residence of Fletcher Pierce, of gold; this is surmounted by a gold next Sunday. her box office figure is as robust, day. He passed a very comfortable in Winnipauk, the driver's attention eagle, over which is set in a rising sun only one of the most learned men of plump and round as ever. day yesterday. Stephen Naphey moved into his new was attracted by the jolting of the car a large diamond. On either side of house on South Osborne avenue, yes­ the Catholic hierarchy, but he was and on turning around discovered tnat the circle is a wreath of gold leaves. thoroughly devoted to general moral Several of the players of the dis­ —It will pay you to see the new and Wyman had gone and that the car was The badge must be seen to be fully terday. elegant line of ladies' cotton under­ and social reforms. His influence over banded New Haven polo team skipped empty. Hastily applying the brake appreciated. Builder Raymond has the contract the city leaving unpaid board bills. wear just received at the Norwalk Bos­ and stopping the car he went back and for a $2,500 house for Charles Bosch, the labor organizations was very great : ton store. N about twenty feet from the car he found How to Introduce Your Husband! on Girard Place. ^ and was steadily on the increase. Since Mrs. George R. Hendrickson of Main The first of the new series of excur­ Wyman lying beside the track. In speaking of her husband a woman The latest agony on £he 5 o'clock tea the great church leaders of the middle street has been suddenly called to Long sions which are being gotten up by the Mr. Pierce was summoned and Wy­ never makes a mistake if she calls him table is a loaf of bread with a pink cra­ ages there have been few ecclesiastics Island by the death of her mother. Pennsylvania railroad will leave Jersey man was put aboard the car and laid "Mr." or "my husband.'' It is some­ vat tied in a huge bow. ?:; whose abilities and opportunities have City on Jan. 21st. on the seat and with Mr. Pierce hold­ times difficult to decide when the hus­ The new bakery at East Norwalk will ing his head, the car was driven to the availed in a wider measure for the mor­ —A special linen and cotton sale be­ band has a title just what the wife start up on Monday. It will be con­ Mr. Austin Corbin, J. A. Bostwick and residence of Dr. S. H. Huntington, should do with it. This is the severest ducted by New Canaan parties, al, social and material welfare of the gins to-morrow and continues for one No. 129 Main street, which is on the week,at the Norwalk Boston store. J. S. Macaulay, the railroad magnates, rule. In speaking of her husband she Mrs. Johanna Conners died at the masses of the people.
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