Crail Matters extends its condolences to the families of those bereaved by the atrocity in London on Wednesday, and we offer our deepest sympathy to all affected. www.crabpublishing.co.uk CRAIL MATTERS W/C 22 March No 8 incorporating About Crail Free Crail Kirk Daffodil Coffee Morning On Saturday morning, 18 March, the Crail Parish The Daffodil Coffee Morning was a great success and Church opened their newest addition to the Kirk Hall - the Kirk Hall team wants to personally thank everyone a back garden patio. The Kirk Hall was built in 1998 (69 guests) that came to open the garden patio. There but the back garden needed a facelift. So it was decided were lovely homemade scones, pancakes and short - by the Church to add a lovely back garden patio area. bread for everyone to enjoy with coffee or tea. There Mark and Jan Johnson started the work last year. Typi - was of course a stall with Daffodils, homemade jam and cally our regular Scottish weather gave them a few chal - lemon curd which sold out. The raffle was a great suc - lenges to get the patio done. Mark and Jan just dug in cess with over 200 tickets sold. The Kirk Hall team to get the job done. Well done Mark and Jan! wants to also thank everyone who brought from the stall and the raffle tickets. We raised £395.70 for the Hall Saturday morning Rev Ann Allison cut the ribbon to of - funds. ficially open the patio at 10:30am. The visitors of the coffee morning followed Ann to see the beautiful new So the next time you are planning gatherings please area. Everyone loved the daffodils and the large space check out the Kirk Hall and the back garden patio. It is that could be used for any event. Many said what a a very lovely place to have your special event. lovely place to have a barbecue or family gathering. So now the Kirk Hall has the lovely inside and the beauti - ful back patio. Everyone is welcome to come in to see Book bonanza! the newest addition. Sale of pre-loved books – adult fiction, non-fiction and children’s old and new favourite authors Crail Community Choir Crail Town Hall March 27 Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd April 2017 7.30pm 10am-5pm all day both days Kirk Hall Admission free All welcome! DONATIONS OF ANY UNWANTED BOOKS OF Everyone will be made very welcome. ANY SORT FOR OUR CHARITY TABLE MOST WELCOME – WE SUPPORT VARIOUS ANIMAL There is no obligation to attend every week. WELFARE CHARITIES 1 !"#$%& "#'( #)*'+ ,$ -. &/'0 $ ! ! ! ! %" +) ('$ 1( "#+. !0$2$-' 11.3'$#"$("--4 !)#)'1$ $ -5 66785$9: ;<$(=>59$ (;?6@7 AB5$%= >B$3;:<B5C$D%- $ ! "# $%&' !(&# )$*+,!%-! -* ,,'+',!./! )0'!)1* 2%&! '3' +)-! %+!4#+,#+!#+!5',+'-, */! 66! 7* 1&0 !689:;!! ! <=1! )0#=20)-! *1' !>%)0!)0'!3% &) %?-@ !)0'%1! 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'?' 12 '+&/! ,%*$!NNN;! ! ! !"#$%& "#'( #)*2'+ ,$ -. &/'0 $ Letter from America Susan Fleming, Washington DC It is that time of year, whether you are in Crail or the the gardener’s sanity is the swelling deer population Washington DC, when our thoughts turn to readying the that, as in parts of the UK, brings with it the risk of garden for the growing season ahead. It is also the time Lime disease. Although we live less than 20 minutes when I wish I was living in Crail where gardening from the White House we have processions of dear seems like a more relaxing endeavour. Washington munching though our garden day and night, especially does have its beautiful azaleas in early spring and of in spring with the succulent buds on offer. Of our gar - course the famous Japanese cherry trees around its tidal den plants hosta is their favourite but they will also basin. But for the average gardener establishing and gladly eat any - maintaining a beautiful garden is an uphill struggle. thing else that doesn’t smell In the Washington area we have a climate of extremes or have a fuzzy where temperatures can go down to -17C in winter and texture. up to 38C with high humidity in summer. From this you can appreciate how challenging survival is for the Thankfully plants. Without constant summer watering it wouldn’t some plants, be possible to have a garden. The best thing we ever like ligularia, did for our garden was to invest in a sprinkler system. are not to their taste. To pro - As tends to happen in hot humid conditions we are also tect the others I challenged with bugs – both the plant eating variety and have to spray every two weeks with a foul smelling or - the gardener eating variety. Mosquitos can get quite vi - ganic mix of garlic, rotten eggs, dried blood and many cious – in particular the striped Tiger mosquito that car - other revolting ingredients. No one else in the family ries a nasty bite. West Nile virus, a serious imported is inclined to help with this task. So next time you feel disease spread by mosquitos, is also a risk to gardeners. tempted to complain about the adverse conditions for gardening in Crail spare a thought for me! If that wasn’t enough perhaps the biggest challenge to Crail Folk Club March is working well so far - an excellent singers night Planning Notices on 9th with more singers than listeners; a fabulous show - Installation of porch and internal alterations in con - from Wizz Jones on 16th. So, we have generously de - junction with subdivision of existing dwelling house cided to give you a bonus Singers Night on Thursday to form two cottages at Sea Cottage Wormiston 30th. We are back to old and now, for most of the rest of Anstruther Fife KY10 3XH the year, our regular haunt - Crail Town Hall 8pm. - Alterations and single storey extension to dwelling - Thanks to Crail Kirk for letting us have the excellent house at 5 Balcomie Road, Crail Anstruther Fife Kirk Hall for Wizz Jones. It worked well for us. KY10 3TN - Listed building consent for installation of replace - Our Singers Nights are an opportunity for local perform - ment windows - 4 Marketgate South Marketgate ers and visitors alike to demonstrate their talents. We are Crail Anstruther Fife KY10 3TL fortunate in Crail, and surrounding districts, to have so many talented singers and musicians so always a high Sponsor forms are now available for Mandy standard. If, like me, you are not one of them just come Guthrie’s Half Marathon in aid of Crail Church along anyway and enjoy listening – it only costs £1. funds. They can be found in the Butcher, the Chemist, The Golf Hotel, at the back of Crail Full details of our programme can be had at www.crail - Church and in the Hall. folkclub.org.uk Dear Readers Re: Crail Matters Funding Following our appeal in Issue No. 7 for funding, we are delighted to announce that several anonymous donors have made very generous donations towards our weekly operating costs. We would like to publicly acknowledge our grateful thanks for these donations which are truly much ap - preciated, thank you all very much. Please continue to support us. Editorial Team 3 Editorial Comment Fife Plan Adopted Public objections ignored by both Fife Plan - ners and the Scottish Government Reporters. Following publication of the Report of Examination by the Scottish Government reporters on 18th November 2016, all recommended modifications to the Fife Plan were accepted by Fife Council’s Executive Com - mittee at their meeting on the 28th February 2017. The Scottish Ministers will be informed of Fife Council’s intention to adopt FIFEplan, the Proposed Fife Local Development Plan (as modified). A formal notice will be published in the Dundee Courier (Fife Edition) on the 24th March 2017, and following a statutory period of 28 days, unless Scottish Ministers indicate otherwise, the Plan will be adopted. This is what the Plan means for Crail: 1. 320 houses to be built to the North of Crail over a 20 year period, with an indicative total of 160 being built within the Development Plan period. 2. A new local centre (including shops) will be located within this development 3. This site will form a new gateway to Crail; building heights (1 or 1 1⁄2 storeys) will be appropriate along the north - ern approach and edge with a transition to higher densities around the proposed central square. 4. Proposals will be made for an alternative route to Balcomie Road. 5. Unspecified industrial units are included in the Plan. Significant public objections were made to the proposed scale of development, the creation of a new centre in com - petition with the existing centre of Crail, and the negative impact all this will have on the provision of services in Crail.
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