SALZKAMMERGUT MAGAZINE17/18 salzkammergut.at The Sound of Music On the tracks of the Trapp family The Salzkammergut Trophy An El Dorado for mountain bikers Photo: OÖ.Tourismus/Robert Maybach Photo: OÖ.Tourismus/Robert Joy is the best reward Advent in the Salzkammergut DACHST EIN Mittersp. Torstein Bischofsmütze Grimming Krippenstein GOSAU KAMM St. Martin Dachstein Lungötz TENNENGEB IRGE Kulm Salzkammergut Annaberg GOSAUSEE Zwieselalm Wörschachwald Bad Mitterndorf STEIN ERN ES M EER E Obertraun Tauplitz Öden see Hallstatt RSE E KÖNIGSS E E Ausseerland STÄTT Gosau L n see Abtenau S chwar ze Salzkammergut Tauplitzalm HAL S teir e r see G r oßsee Bad Aussee Russbach S ommers- Pötschen ber ger see Golling Voglau Scheffau E E L S D Altaussee GRUN R Bad Goisern Gößl SSEE E AU LT SE A TOPLITZSEE Kuchl TOTES GEBIRGE KAMMERERSEE Loser Katrin 1542 St. Koloman Postalm L a h nga ngsee Bad Ischl Bad Dürrnbern Bad Vigaun OSTERHORN GRUPPE Wildens e e Hallein Bad Ischl Adnet Oberalm Ödseen Almsee Nussensee Puch Offensee Gaißau Krispl Hintersee Strobl Wolfgangsee St. Wolfgang Grödig WOL FGANGSE E Hinter see Sch war zen see W iesta lsee Anif Feuerkogel Schafberg Ebensee St. Gilgen Weißenbachtal Faistenau Filblin gsee Grünau Traunsee im Almtal Weißenbach Langba t h see Unterach Ebenau Steinbach Fuschlseeregion Traunkirchen Fuschl am See Traunstein FUSCH MONDS E E SALZBURG L a u d a c h see LSE Koppl Almtal Steinbach E T R AUNSEE Hof Salzkammergut bei Salzburg Grünberg N A T U R P ARK MondSeeLand, Grasberg Scharnstein Neukirchen A TTERSE E-T RAUNSEE Oberaschau Mondsee – Irrsee St. Konrad Thalgau Altmünster Mondsee Reindlmühl Attersee A TTERS E E Gmundnerberg Pettenbach Nußdorf Eugendorf Hagenmühle Gmunden Salzkammergut Oberwang Gschwandt Weyregg Pinsdorf Attersee Strass im Attergau IRR Henndorf am Wallersee Seekirchen am Wallersee Zell am Moos St. Georgen i.A. Seekirchen am Irrsee S am Wallersee Kirchham Schörfling E E SE Buchberg St. Georgen E R Berg im Attergau Attergau E Laakirchen im Attergau L 9 AL Vorchdorf Seewalchen W Weng Lindach Neumarkt Liezen am Wallersee Obertrum Oberhofen Lenzing am Irrsee Schmidham Attnang-Puchheim Köstendorf Bad Wimsbach Timelkam Neydharting Roitham Straßwalchen Vöcklabruck Frankenmarkt Mattsee DACHST EIN Mittersp. Torstein Bischofsmütze Grimming Krippenstein GOSAU KAMM St. Martin Dachstein Lungötz TENNENGEB IRGE Kulm Salzkammergut Annaberg GOSAUSEE Zwieselalm Wörschachwald Bad Mitterndorf STEIN ERN ES M EER E Obertraun Tauplitz Öden see Hallstatt RSE E KÖNIGSS E E Ausseerland STÄTT Gosau L n see Abtenau S chwar ze Salzkammergut Tauplitzalm HAL S teir e r see G r oßsee Bad Aussee Russbach S ommers- Pötschen ber ger see Golling Voglau Scheffau E E L S D Altaussee GRUN R Bad Goisern Gößl SSEE E AU LT SE A TOPLITZSEE Kuchl TOTES GEBIRGE KAMMERERSEE Loser Katrin 1542 St. Koloman Postalm L a h nga ngsee Bad Ischl Bad Dürrnbern Bad Vigaun OSTERHORN GRUPPE Wildens e e Hallein Bad Ischl Adnet Oberalm Ödseen Almsee Nussensee Puch Offensee Gaißau Krispl Hintersee Strobl Wolfgangsee St. Wolfgang Grödig WOL FGANGSE E Hinter see Sch war zen see W iesta lsee Anif Feuerkogel Schafberg Ebensee St. Gilgen Weißenbachtal Faistenau Filblin gsee Grünau Traunsee im Almtal Weißenbach Langba t h see Unterach Ebenau Steinbach Fuschlseeregion Traunkirchen Fuschl am See Traunstein FUSCH MONDS E E SALZBURG L a u d a c h see LSE Koppl Almtal Steinbach E T R AUNSEE Hof Salzkammergut bei Salzburg Grünberg N A T U R P ARK MondSeeLand, Grasberg Scharnstein Neukirchen A TTERSE E-T RAUNSEE Oberaschau Mondsee – Irrsee St. Konrad Thalgau Altmünster Mondsee Reindlmühl Attersee A TTERS E E Gmundnerberg Pettenbach Nußdorf Eugendorf Hagenmühle Gmunden Salzkammergut Oberwang Gschwandt Weyregg Pinsdorf Attersee Strass im Attergau IRR Henndorf am Wallersee Seekirchen am Wallersee Zell am Moos St. Georgen i.A. Seekirchen am Irrsee S am Wallersee Kirchham Schörfling E E SE Buchberg St. Georgen E R Berg im Attergau Attergau E Laakirchen im Attergau L 9 AL Vorchdorf Seewalchen W Weng Lindach Neumarkt Liezen am Wallersee Obertrum Oberhofen Lenzing am Irrsee Schmidham Attnang-Puchheim Köstendorf Bad Wimsbach Timelkam Neydharting Roitham Straßwalchen Vöcklabruck Frankenmarkt Mattsee www.salzkammergut.at Contents Lamm Foto: © TVB Ausseerland-Salzkammergut/Tom Summer & Winter 2017/18 05 the lakeS - a Source of lIfe Attersee, Fuschlsee and Offensee in portrait 10 DIScover, experIence, anD marvel! Twelve top excursion destinations around Lake Attersee and in the Attergau region Photo: OÖ Tourismus, Hochhauser 05 12 cult tv SerIeS “SchloSShotel orth” a real boon for the Traunsee region 14 lIvIng anD workIng In the DachSteIn 29 the Salzkammergut long mountaInS DIStance traIl A look behind the scenes. On Shanks‘s pony through the Salzkammergut 16 beer of the Salzkammergut 36 the SounD of muSIc Brewery Schloss Eggenberg On the tracks of the Trapp family 18 DelIcacIeS to take wIth you 40 lIvIng traDItIon on the workbench The taste of the Salzkammergut “to go” Crafts from the Salzkammergut 22 recIpeS for cookIng 44 lake traunSee The Salzkammergut in your own cooking pot Culinary and musical highlights 24 natural beauty 46 aDventure on the katrIn Paradise MondSeeLand A favourite mountain with a lot to offer 26 SparklIng anD StIll 48 eventS In the Salzkammergut Rivers and lakes of the holiday region Fuschlsee 2017 - A varied programme lIvIng traDItIon ImprInt 50 Publisher: Mag. Michael Spechtenhauser, STMG Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH, Salinenplatz 1, 4820 Bad Ischl, Austria Tel .: +43 6132 26909, Fax: +43 6132 26909-14, www.salzkammergut.at The Pranger Shooters from Koppl Project Leader: Mag. Waltraud Palmetzhofer, Ingrid Deisl-Reisenbichler, STMG Advisory Panel: Pamela Binder, Mag. (FH) Thomas Ebner, Robert Herzog, Ernst Kammerer, Andreas Murray, Simone Puchner, Stefan Schimpl, Mag. (FH) Christian Schirlbauer, Mag. (FH) Hildegund Schierlbauer, Hans Wieser Editor in Chief: Dr. Martin A. Schoiswohl, Kommhaus Editorial Team: Griselda Fosen, Martin Huber, Gerald Marl, Robert Pliem, Dr. Maria Schoiswohl, Franz Thalhammer, Kommhaus Design: Mag. Anna Schoiswohl, Dominique Limberger MA, Kommhaus Sub Editors: Griselda Fosen, Mag. Maria Grill, Maria Plamberger, Kommhaus Project Leader: Dipl.-Päd. Astrid Schoiswohl, Kommhaus Editorial Office Address: Das Kommunikationshaus Bad Aussee, Altausseer Straße 220, 8990 Bad Aussee, Austria Tel: +43 3622 55344-0, Fax: +43 3622 55344-17, www.kommhaus.com Advertising Office: Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH Gedruckt nach der richtlinie „Druckerzeugnisse“ des Photos: see photo credits; Advertiser photo rights belong to the respective companies. Translation: Adrian Rye Österreichischen umweltzeichens, Corporate design guidelines: C + M Consulting GmbH, www.cplusm.at Johann Sandler GesmbH & Co KG, uW-nr. 750 Print: Johann Sandler GesmbH & Co KG, www.sandler.at Mission: The Salzkammergut magazine is published annually. It informs guests, locals and friends of the Salzkammergut about the region and its people. Subject to changes, errors and printing errors. Gender: We attach great importance to gender equality. Due to the readability of the texts, only one gender form is Wir bedanken uns bei unseren Wirtschaftspartnern: selected if necessary. This does not imply any discrimination of the other sex. 2 51 THE SalzkammErguT TropHy The biggest mountain bike event in Austria 14 79 54 NikolauS HarNoNcourT “Music is the umbilical cord that connects us with the divine.” 56 HikiNg plEaSurE “Schmecktakulär Almtal” Weihold Photo: Volker 58 HuNTiNg for golf ballS The most beautiful courses in the Salzkammergut Photo: Endl 74 ToboggaNiNg 60 bad iScHl lovES iT! Slip, sliding away … The Lehár Festival in Bad Ischl 75 SNowSHoE paradiSE - THE SalzkammErguT 62 STrENgTH aNd iNSpiraTioN Winter fun in a fantastic natural landscape High above St. Wolfgang 76 THE kaSbErg cookS 65 wHErE THE wild fiSH livE Gourmet-Hut-Tour in the middle of Austria Fish from the Salzkammergut lakes 78 TradiTioN: glÖcklErlÄufE 68 wHiTE gold A Cap, a bell, a stick, and a white outft Promoting health in the Salzkammergut 79 floaTiNg abovE THE alpS 69 TrENd SporT biaTHloN Ballooning in the Gosau A fascinating sport 70 compETiNg iN a wiNTEr 80 HEad bElow THE icE woNdErlaNd Ice diving at Lake Attersee 39th International Steiralauf 82 joy iS THE bEST rEward 44 Advent in the Salzkammergut 86 cold oN THE ouTSidE, warm oN THE iNSidE Winter relaxation in fve-star surroundings 90 oN your markS, gET rEady, go! learning to ski 94 grEaT piSTES, grEaT dayS Winter sport in the Salzkammergut Photo: brainpark.traunsee, MTV Ferienregion Traunsee www.salzkammergut.at 3 Photo: STMG Mühlleitner EDITORIAL Grey, barren mountains rising over rich green forests and deep blue lakes. Crystal clear rivers cutting through bright green meadows on rolling hills, with the occasional vibrant town or city. Rosy cheeks on laughing faces. See all of this and more as you travel along the new Salzkammergut-Weitwanderweg which opens this year. running through the ten regions of the Salzkammergut it is a feast for the senses: see, hear, taste, smell, feel! Are you ready for the “Sound of Music Tour“ and Franz Lehár‘s “Lustige Witwe“ (Merry Widow). See the local artisans at work, and experience local traditions like the Glöcklerlauf. Hear the pop, pop at the biathlon, and the infnite silence during a dive under water. It's so much more than just a journey. Salzkammergut magazine is your guide to the hidden “tenth state“ of austria. Taste the pure drinking water from one of the 67 Salzkammergut lakes, or a beautifully prepared fsh dish that melts in your mouth. Take something sweet as a souvenir. It will taste twice as sweet at home. Alternatively you might like the salt of life from the depths of our native mountains. This Salzkammergut magazine is your guide to the hidden “tenth state“ of austria. A sprig of fresh mint on the mountain during a spring hike, or a baked apple by the lakeside during Advent. The smell of freshly mown grass on the golf course, the crisp morning air just before a winter balloon ride, and the smell of a hearty fry-up in a comfortable inn.
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