Ask Army Corps Aid,i Sunny and Warm Mostly sunny and warm FINAL today, a little cooler along coast. Partly cloudy tonight; Red Bank, Freehold mostly cloudy tomorrow with Long Branch EDITION chance of rain. 34 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 210 RED BANK, NJ. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19,1972 TEN CENTS iiHiiimittHffiHaniminmiiiiiiuiimtiHuiiiitHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m mi iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtjuiiiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinn Income Tax Plan Hit in Brookdale Forum LINCROFT - A standing- - which it says will ease the Sea Girt. is by a tax on income." nicipal and county services. $75 million annually in county room only audience of approx- property owner's burden and Top rating on the applause Mr. Sears and Assem- "But we can't reduce the and local welfare costs and imately 300 crowded into a distribute tax responsibility meter went to state Sen. J. blywoman Klein pointed out property tax unless we re- SliO million annual cost of Brookdale Community Col- more equitably, the Tax Po- Edward Crabiel, D-Middlesex. that the state will have to as- place the money," he said. courts and prosecutors to the lege forum last night for a dis- licy Committee recommended "a panelist. sume fiscal responsibility for Don't look to the sales tax state; eliminate tax ex- cussion on proposed state tax shifting financial responsi- Sen. Crabiel, a member of public education in light of re- for replacement because that emptions for properties owned reform — and vigorously ap- bility for operation of public the Tax Policy Committee cent court decisions, including raises only $550 million a year by the state, counties, public plauded opposition to a slate schools from local commu- and author of a minority one recently in New Jersey, "one-fifth what the property authorities and regional income tax. nities to the state. Local statement on its report, con- ruling that local support of tax yields," Assemblywoman boards of education; up the Speakers were former state school taxes would be re- tended that the proposals schools discriminates against Klein said "and the lottery corporation income tax rate Sen. Harry L. Sears, chair- placed with a graduated in- "will be a $285 million wind- children in poorer commu- isn't a major source of in- from 4'4 to 714 per cent, and man of the N.J. Tax Policy come tax and a state school fall to business." nities. come. It raised ^50 million hike the business personal Committee, and Assem- tax of $1 for each $100 of real But there was some ap- Mr. Sears said his com- last year, less than one-tenth properly tax rate from $1.30 blywoman Ann Klein, D-Mor- property, plause, too, for Long Branch mittee's proposals would slash what the sales tax-raised." to $2 per .hundred. ris, a committee member. That would reduce the gen- Mayor Henry R. Cioffi, also a $867 million from the $2.2 bil- The tax" Policy Com- He favors the bulk of those There was a six-man reactive eral tax rate — often substan- panelist, when he said that lion raised annually at the lo- mittee's proposals would in- proposals, Sen. Crabiel said, panel. tially — in every Monmouth "the most equitable way to cal level in real property crease property lax deduc- but opposes the committee's Among its key proposals, community but Allenhurst and raise money for government taxes now for schools and mu- tions for senior citizens; shift Sec Tax Forum, Page 2 Judge Sets Precedent In Edict on Apartments By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI hold Development Co. of West used did operate to attain va- the judge, noting that the New York. lid purposes, the-ratio would practice was to determine the FREEHOLD - In a prece- J. D. Construction wanted nonetheless be invalid as im- number of single-family resi- dent ruling, Superior Court to add 130 units to its devel- pressing an unnecessary and dential units by the number of Judge Merritt Lane Jr. held opment of homes and apart- restrictive regulation on the certificates of occupancy yesterday that a municipality ments without having to sub- use of private property." which had been issued but can't use numerical ratios in mit a new application, and This particular holding by that the number of existing determining the number of Freehold Development want- the judge clearly expands the apartment units was deter- garden apartments it will al- ed to erect 168 units near the decision from Freehold Town- mined by the number of units low. Stonchurst complex, which ship, which had, a particular authorized by special ex- The decision could affect all the Zoning Board denied. way of determining the ratio, ception, regardless of whether municipalities in the state Judge Lane ordered J. D. to every municipality regard- such units had been construct- IWliitir Staff Pholo ed. •Sen^. Hawy. .R, - .. that have zoning ordinances Construction to submit a new less of how it arrives at the Sears, chairman of the state Tax Policy Com- which restrict ffie number of "application but riot subject to ratio." "The effect is that an appli- mittee, addressing approximately 300 persons at- ^ftden apartment units to a the ratio and upheld the Zon- "Density, overpopulation cant may be denied a special tending tnfublic discussion an the committee's ratio of single-family homos. ing Board's denial of the and congestion in the streets exception because of an appli- proposals at Brookdale Community College, Lin- The legality of the ratio — Freehold Development pro- are proper considerations in a cation of the 15 per cent ratio, croft, last night. which many municipalities posal. determination on a special ex- based on a number of apart- employ — has never been Judge Lane, in a 12-page ception application," said the ment units which do not exist ruled on before in state opinion, noted that a number judge. "The 15 percent ratio and may never be construct- courts. of court rulings hold that con- to promote those purposes is ed," he said. Since it appears unlikely trol of density of population is unnecessary." The township, through its that Freehold Township, the a proper zoning objective and attorney John A. Kaye who Senate Opens Mr. Halleran and Mr. municipality involved in the that problems of congestion did not draft the ordinance, case, will appeal Judge and overcrowding are legiti- Schaefer also attacked the ra- had argued that the ratio less- Lane's ruling since the town- mate concerns of the munici- tio on the ground that the or- ened congestion in the streets, dinance did not specify how it Rigltler Sloll Pluto ship repealed its eight-year- . pality and may be regulated promoted health, morals or was to be applied, maintain- SUSPECT — Detective Jerome Hamlin, left, Long Vietnam Talks old ordinance provision last by zoning ordinances. general welfare since as the Branch juvenile officer, leads Forest Covin, 17, of ing that the zoning officials November, the court's opinion Concerning the township's relationship of the number of were allowed to determine in- that city from police headquarters there after he WASHINGTON - The Sen- nam or out of the race for re- will become law. The town- argument that it had adopted apartments' increased", the discriminately the procedure surrendered yesterday to city police as a suspect- ate is opening debate on the election. ship had a ratio limiting gar- the 15 per cent ratio to pro- general welfare of the com- with the result that the actual in the fatal shooting Monday of Charles E. John- Communist invasion of South Today's debate was the first den apartment units to 15 per vide for a well-balanced com- munity decreased. procedure was arbitrary. son, 13. Vietnam and the U.S. bomb- full-Senate airing of the situ- cent of single-family homes in munity, Judge Lane said that ing response. War funds may ation in Vietnam since the the township. since the number of apart- hang in the balance. North Vietnamese crossed the "A zoning ordinance must Judge Lane's ruling came ment units depended on the be clear and explicit in its Three hours of the Senate DMZ in a conventional ground on consolidated complaints by number of single-family resi- terms, setting forth adequate agenda was set aside today assault. The Senate Foreign two developers who wanted to dential units existing at any standards to prevent arbi- Youth Held in City for a discussion by 22 senators Relations Committee already build garden apartment com- one time, the ratio did not ac- trary and indiscriminate in- of President Nixon's Vietnam has spent two days this week plexes in the township. complish any of the purposes terpretation and application policy. While no specific legis- hearing administration ex- Challenging that provision set forth in the statutes. by local officials," said the lation is involved in the infor- planations of Nixon's decision were John R. Halleran of "In fact," ruled the judge, court. mal discussion, the Senate to send more warplanes north- Toms River, representing J. "as the number of single fam- Slaying of Boy, 13 next week will consider an ward, where last weekend D. Construction Co., devel- ily residential units increases, The township's ratio provi- amendment to the cut-off they bombed targets around opers of "Slonehurst at Free- the ratio could operate in such sion did not specify how a de- LONG BRANCH - Forest- shot his victim in the head at Police at first were told he funds supporting U.S. combat Hanoi and Haiphong. hold," Schank Road, and Mar- a way as to violate the statu- termination of the available Covin, 17, 10D Rockwell Ave., about 8:10 p.m.
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