3-0 Imaging Past & Present Arubk.tbnd National Stereoxopic Mation, Inc. Volume 3 7, Number 1 A taste of the late '40s through the early '60s found in amateur stereo slides I by Mark Willke I or exteriors of su~ermarkets.There few images that were labeled Views from a Grocery Store were several diffkent bracketed included only the name of the exposures of most scenes, which store (like IGA or Piggly Wiggly), ntil now, this column has reduced the total number of indi- so I am not even sure if these never included images that vidual scenes to not all that many, images were taken locally or not. were made with a View-Mas- u and even with the bracketing, The first view shows a store's ter Personal or Mark I1 stereo cam- many scenes still had no properly meat department, and includes a era. The absence of such images exposed stereo pair! butcher posing in his blood- has not been an intentional exclu- Most of the images did not stained apron. Some prior plan- sion, however, but was entirely due include any people, and while it is ning was apparently done for this to the fact that no View-Master fun to see 1950s-era store shelves shot-it doesn't appear that the images had yet been submitted for full of light bulbs or canned fruit, photographer just walked in with use in this column by readers. its so much more enjoyable if an an on-camera flash and snapped Actually, this lack of submissions employee or customer is also the shutter. Judging from the vari- is still true, as I came across the included in the scene. ous shadows on the walls, and the images reproduced below myself at Still, a few gems were evident fact that there were several other a local photographic swap meet. mixed in with the duds, so I pur- exposures of the same scene, I sus- The find consisted of seven or chased the set and have selected pect that the photographer had set eight View-Master Personal reels the two best views for reproduc- up a tripod and several off-camera bundled together as a group, and tion below. Unfortunately, most of lights or flash units. all of the images were of interiors I the reels were unlabeled, and the The other view shows a woman who I believe was an employee (judging from her outfit) in the produce department proudly hold- ing a cellophane-topped package I. I." of some unidentifiable item. Some Christmas decor is visible in the background, so I am assuming this shot was taken around then. an is column combines a love of stereo rphotography with a fondness for 1950s-era styling, design and decor by sharing amateur stereo slides shot in the "golden age" of the Stereo Realist-the late 1940s through the early 1960s. From clothing and hairstyles to home decor to modes of transportation, these frozen moments of time show what things were really like in the middle of the twentieth century If you've found a classic 50s-era slide that you would like to share through this column, please send it to: Fifties Flavored Finds, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. As space allows, we will select a couple of images to reproduce in each issue. This is not a contest-just a place to share and enjoy. Please limit your submission to a single slide. If the subject, date, location, photographer or other details ore known, please send that along too, but we'll understand if it's not availoble. Please include return postage with your slide. Slides will be returned within 6 to 14 weeks, and while we'll treat your slide as carefully as our own, Stereo World and the NSA assume no responsibility for its safety. National Stereoscopicml Association. Inc. volume 31, Numb --34-2005 NSA BOOrd of Direct1 Bill C. Ini'alton, Chairrna Andy Criscom Dieter Lorenz Russell Norton Page 7 7 Page 20 Page 26 ichard Twichell ' na E. Wright NS,A Officers Lawrence IKaufman, Preskknt MAW.Ann ..... Sell, Vice Presiclen t 3 Coming Soon to a Dean Kamin, Vlce President, P Larry IHess, Secretory Stereo World Near You ... David h(heeler, Treasur~ SterecI World Sto 2 Editor's View 4 Accidental Stereo- lohn Dennls, Editor Comments and Lawrence Kauf~nan, Contributing Edltor with a Stereo Camera Observations Mark W illke, Art Director by /ohn Dennis by Quentin Burke Sylvia Dennis, Subscription Manager won-~~ K.rn bloos,- 8 L. Back Issues M------ 6 Zeiss lkon and Stereo Cinematography now ro weacn I 11 The Society by Dieter lorenz NSA Membership News from the (New mernhrrrhipr, r?oewoii k oddri'r Stereoscopic , P.O. Box 86708, Portland, 01 Society o Amer~ca 12 Old Abe: Wisconsin's Battle Eagle by Roy Zone by Dr. Peter H. jacobsohn Questions Concerni Stereo World Subscr~pl PO Box 86708, Portland, 01 e-mall rtrwld@teleportr( 16 Creating Stereo Blazing Fast or larryh~kerfi'jyahoocor - by Michael Beech Stereo World Back Issue Service 23 NewViews (W'rjrr for ovo!iohil8fy & pncer .) Current Information NSA, 23575 C.R. 77, Calhan, (10 80808 on Stereo Today 20 Building a Better Mousetrap by David Storkrnan by Ray Zone Stereo World Editorial 1 & /ohn Dennis (Lerrurr to the rdtfor, orriilrr & mlend 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, ( (503) 771 -4440 25 Ghosts Haunt New Tissue Views e-mail: [email protected] by lohn Dennis Stereo WI orld Adverti!ring 38 Classified [Cbsh Ired & dsrp!oy odr) 5610 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, ()R 97206 Buy, Sell, or 26 Digital Stereo and Moore's Law: 150,. 3) 771-4440 Trade It Here .- The State of the Art in 2005 e-mall: [email protected] by john Hort [Inserf C~rrB aiirt,oo odr) Jeffrey Kraus PO Box 99, Modena, NY 12548-0099 (845) 255-791 3 e-mall: [email protected] Oliver Wendell Holr nes Stereo WoM(1SSN 01 91-4030) is pub- Library Ihshed b~monthlvbv the Nat~onal Stereoscop~cResearch I Stereoscopic ~srdciat;on, Inc., PO Box Front Cover: (ARiiiofrd ivrih 1111. Nor!orliii ilert30rcopaAriariotiooi 86708, Portland, OR 97286 Ent~re The final camera designed by Zeiss lkon for its single strip 3-0 movie technology H 45208' 3665 Erie Ave., Cinc~nnati,0 contents 02005, all rights reserved. "Raumfilmverfohren System Zeiss Ikon" (with images turned 90" head to foot) is e-mail: [email protected] Materlal In this publicaton may not - be re~roducedw~thout wrltten oer- seen here shooting the 1953 film Plastischer Wiesenbummel (Octoberfest in 3-0) mrs~dnof the N~A,Inc. Pr~ntedIn ~SA Stereoscopic Society of i produced by Firtz Boehner. The history of the Zeiss system is illustrated with A subwr~pt~onto Ifrreo World IS part ~Aflilinf~dwlfh lliv Nnt~nnnliferro$ropit of NIA membership. production photos and frame pairs in "Zeiss lkon and Stereo Cinematography" Les Gehman, Membersh~pS Annual rnernberrhip d~er by Dieter Lorenz. 1736 Rochdale Dr, Fort Colltns, S32 ~YIC,M \ $4lrv r 5, (970) 282-9899 $44 all ~nternat~onalmemberrh~ps. Back Cover: e-mall [email protected]~ Annual memberrh~prInclude SIX 15rues of irerpo World a olart~c lorgnette H.H. Bennett No. 1060, "Old Abe, the Wisconsin War Eagle." Stereographed here in the 1870s at the state capitol building in Madison, the famous Civil War mascot Stereo World on the 1 vlewer, a1nd a membhrrh~~directory. www.stereoview.org Member, was featured in a number of stereoviews of the period. To learn where else his image ltionol Stereorcop " un~o"appears, see "Old Abe, Wisconsin's Battle ~agle"by Dr. Peter H. /acobsohn. Comments and Observations EDITORSWEW ]ohn Dennis Long Lost 3-D Films camera near the low end consumer era could create image files of range of a Loreo would have its transposed pairs with a dark border n this issue, we are finally run- limitations. Non-zoom lenses and ready for high resolution digital ning the second part of Dieter the most basic autofocus might be printing on on 5x7 inch paper. I J Lorenz's historical research on T combined with the lack of any have no idea if such a camera Zeiss Ikon and stereo-this one on LCD screen, a movie mode or could be marketed for under $600, 3-D movie technology developed much in the way of exposure1 or if it would encourage anybody by the famous German company. speed choices. The resulting sav- to produce a "prosumer" version The article on Zeiss Ikon still cam- ings might make it possible to with more digital bells and whis- eras, stereo adaptors, and viewers offer something like 5 megapixels tles and bigger, better sensors with appeared in Vol. 29 No. 2. "Zeiss per image for reasonable print 7 or so megapixels per image. It's Ikon and Stereo Cinematography" pairs. And if stereo prints were the probably not a fantasy that should was to have followed shortly after intended final product, the format make my Realist feel threatened that, but too many articles that fit could be square-saving on the anytime soon. Rut as one who lost exquisitely in the available space size and cost of the sensors. a job of 22 years to the relentless (and with each other) arrived in a Unlike the mainstream brands, growth of digital imaging, it's at seductively steady stream about the Allen Lo related cameras least a way to put a brighter spin that time-making it far too easy already include a variety of 3-D on things. ma to postpone the cinematography print viewers.
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