W~lters, Perry approved tQ fill v,ice chancellor 'positions duties include" overseeing change in title was recom­ Tom Wolf the office of development, Office mended by Chancellor Grob- of Public Information, Dean of man." . .. Chancellor Arnold Grobman Student Affairs, Affirmative Walters, whose duties will be announced last week the ·ap­ Action, International Studies and expanded in his new post, feels proval -of the appointments of KWMU radio. he has had experience in those" Everett Walters and John Perry, Perry, who came to UMSL jn areas. "I regard my appoint­ by University President C. Brice 1963 as business officer, was ' ment as an academic appoint­ Ratchford, for tWo vice chan­ selected for the post of Vice ment," said the former Dean of cellor posts at UMSL. Chancellor in charge of Admin­ Faculties. All areas assigned to The selec~ions are part of an istrative S~rvices. Perry said his him are related to academic overal1 reorganization plan de­ responsibilities will continue affairs. tf signed to aid in the admini­ to revolve around the business Both men accepted the vice stration of departments and pro­ and financial concerns of the chancellor positions after being grams at UMSL. campus. asked by Grobman of their Walters, who came to UMSL Perry said under the reor­ desire to serve. EVERETT W ALTERS: An as Dean of Faculties in 1971, UMSL staff member since 1971 ganization plan "my areas of No increase in salary was JOHN PERRY: UMSL business was appointed Vice Chancellor responsibility will remain the mentioned for either position at officer for twelve years Is now moves from dean of facultles to for Community Affairs. His vice chanceUor for community same, and therefore, simply a this time. vice chancellor for admlnlstratlve' affairs. [Photo courtesy OPU] , services. [Photo courtesy OPI] 'Facultv, Grobman name search committee Windy Watkins appointed chair was logical. He ,views on the desirable qualities preparing budgets. Al1 academi~ scholar," he said. The search committee for the said, "when I was chairperson and acting as each others sound- deans will report to the vice Randy Klock another student vice chancellor of academic last year, most of the search ing board:" chancel1or, and seats on senate member of the committee affairs has been named. Based committee's business was COD- In a letter addressed to the committees, formerly held by echoed Killoren and added, "I on a resolution from the arts and ducted over the summer months. university community, the com- the dean of faculties, would be feel that the vice chancel10r for sciences faculty, the committee This made the work load man- mittee asks for assistance in held by the vice chancel1or. academic affairs should posses a is composed of members nom- ageable. But I understand the developing criteria, and also Bob Killoren a graduate stu- certain aca<!emic' and admin­ inated by constituents from each rationale of an appointed chair seeks nomination. Kimbo said, dent on the search committee istrative sophistication." division. Chancellor Arnold that would be able to handle "We want the university com- expressed his views on what Sylvia Lang, director of Af­ Grobman determined the final committee business during an munity to be involved with this qualities the vice chancellor firmative Action, attended the selection from the list of those academic year." committee. We want everyone to , should have. " I think it should search committee's first meeting nominated. The search committee which feel that they have a part in our be someone with good leader- to explain affirmative action They are: Howard Baltz has met only once has not yet decisions." ship ability. Someone who un- guidelines and answer (business), Ronald Munson established a formal criteria. Ac;cording to the plan for re- derstands the concept of the questions. "I discussed some (philosophy), Lynn Sargent (pol- Chariperson Kimbo said, "At organization the vice chancel10r urban commuter campus, and its affirmative action procedures itical science), Doris Trojack this point we are still in the for academic affairs will be responsibilities.' The person with the committee. During the (education,) Robert Murray planning stages. So far we have responsible for implementing should be open to change, and comillg meetings I will be work- (chemistry), Randy Klock (stu- been discussing each members academic policy and assist in of course they should be a [continued on page 2] dent), Bill Moody (Office of Finace) and Bob Killoren (grad­ uate student). Chancellor Grob­ Contingency plan reduces library budget cut man appointed Conney Kimbo (dean of students) as the admin­ Lynn O'Shaughnessy September. At this time, Gov­ the money in the l1udget cut cel1or. istrative representative to the ernor Christopher Bond in­ will be restored." The largest cut was aimed at committee. Grobman also named Chancellor Arnold Grobman formed the university system Preparing for the possible the library, Grobman explained Kimbo chairperson of the search has recently accepted the con­ and all other state agencies that state income reduction, Grob­ because, "we wanted the cut to -committee. tingency budget cut proposal fo'r the state is anticipating three man, John Perry, vice chancel10r effect ea,ch department across Some faculty members ex­ UMSL submitted by the Senate's per cent reduction in income this for administrative purposes, and the board." pressed concern over the final Fiscal Resources and Long fiscal year. Consequently the Everett Walters, vice chancel10r On October I, Grobman pre­ selection being made by Range Planning Committee. This four Missouri campuses were for community affairs drew up sented his budget cut proposal Grobman. The chancellor ex­ plan trims the library acqusitions instructed to develop plans for UMSL's original contingency to the Fiscal Resources and Long plained why he felt it necessary budget from an original figure of reducing their state appropriated budget cut. The $338,537 budget Range Planning Committee for to make the final decision. He $175,000 to $105,000 and further budgets by three per cent as a cut plan slashed $175,000 away its approval. The committee de­ said, " I asked the different units increases the equipment and ex­ precautionary measure. from the library acquisition clined to endorse the plan. The to nominate representatives for penses but by $70,000. It will not be known until this fund. Other sizeable slices in committee, according to Bernard the search committee because I Grobman's acceptance of the spring if the cuts will have to go line items included $50,000 from Cohen, chairperson of English wanted to be sure that affirm­ budget cut proposal ends weeks into effect, Grobman said. "If special equipment and $24,183 and member of the committee, ative action principles were of budgetary juggling anti com­ the state revenue has not been reduction in the contingency had no previous knowledge of fol1owed . I wanted to be sure mittee haggling which began in reduced by three per cent then account control1ed by the chan- the proposal nor did it know that that there would be at least one it was to be presented by woman and one minority mem­ Grobman at the meeting. "We ber on the committee. By having did not want things thrown at the representatives nominated us," Cohen remarked when rather than elected I could be commenting on the October assured that affirmative action meeting. "We must be given would be fol1owed. I didn't want full information and plenty of a committee of all white males." time to study budgets. After all, Grobman continued, " As it he added, we are not experts on turned out those nominated were budgets. " selected for the com~ittee and I In reply, Grobman felt he reserved the right to appoint the could not be faulted for pre­ senting the budgetary plan to administrator on the search w committee." the committee when he did. "I Grobman went on to explain his brought a workable proposal to reasons for selecting Kimbo. "I the committee and asked for felt that it was important to have their reactions and ' they an administrator on the com­ reacted." mittee, since the committee will After observing the areas be interviewing candidates for subject to reduction, Cohen an administrative position. termed the $175,000 cut in the Kimbo was named chairperson library acquisition "disastrous." because he has access to the Because the committee was support services that a chair­ unsatisfied with the way the cuts ,person needs; a clerical staff, were apportioned, . Cohen and access to travel funds etc., and Bob Killoren, graduate student the time to tend to committee and committee member, drew matters that a faculty member tfp an alternative reduction pro­ would not have." posal. .. After talking with Neal Primm, chairperson of faculty,': Cohen explained, "we last year's chancellor search STUDENT SWITCH: A member of the UMSL commun1ty attempts to understand the problems felt it better to sacrifice E&E to committee, commented that UMSL's dlsabIed students have In getting around the campus. See related feature story on page 8. get $70,000 for the library." The Grobman's explanation of an [Photo by Jeane Vogel] continued on page 6] Page 2 November 13, 1975 UMSL CURRENT Criteria for. vice chancellor positiQn Tentalive Criteria' fOr the Selection oi a directors of academic units. II. Academic Qualities . '.lice Chancellor. for Academic Affairs The vice shancellor should hav.e ex­ The .vice chancellor should be a University of Missouri-St. Louis .. perience in preparing budget requests distinguished scholar, and this means in Vice Chancellor Search Committee and allocating resources. part, qualifying for a professorship in an I. Administrative Leadership The vice chancellor should be suppor­ academic discipline. The Vice Chancellor for Academic tive of open administration, requisitE. The vice chancellor should also possess .
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