October 24, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1915 prosecute the perpetrators of anti-union vio- partment located in Morris County, New Jer- are truly commendable. With each hour of lence, and to provide basic internationally-rec- sey, which is celebrating its 85th Anniversary. training with every call answered, firefighters ognized worker rights, I cannot vote for the At a meeting of the Denville Athletic Club on give up their precious time to help and protect agreement before us today. June 6, 1926, a committee was formed to in- others. f vestigate the terms under which a fire depart- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues ment for the Township of Denville could be to join me in congratulating the Denville Volun- HONORING THE HONORABLE formed, to research the type of fire fighting ap- teer Fire Department as they celebrate 85 JUDGE RUSTY LADD paratus most suitable for use and, most impor- years of community service. tantly, the costs involved in the undertaking. At f HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER this same meeting, the first officers of the OF TEXAS Denville Fire Department were elected. HIGHLIGHTING THE NATIONAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Though the founding members of the fire DEBT CRISIS Monday, October 24, 2011 department were initially met with some resist- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I rise ance by the governing body, the persistence HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL today to honor and remember the Honorable of its dedicated volunteers paid off. After the OF NEW YORK Judge Rusty Ladd, a great man, a tireless township passed the ordinance establishing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public servant, and an advocate for the home- the official status of the department, many vol- Monday, October 24, 2011 less. Larry Brown ‘‘Rusty’’ Ladd passed away unteers offered their garages as home for the Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Friday, September 30, 2011, and he is missed first fire apparatus. On New Year’s Day 1927, highlight the National Debt Crisis. We are in by all of us who knew him. I was privileged to the final push was made to finish the structure the midst of the worst economic crisis since know Judge Ladd, and I know the legacy he that would be the department’s first official the Great Depression. Our deficit has leaves behind will not be soon forgotten by his home. After furnishing the building, complete ballooned to the highest sum in history, 14.8 family, friends or community. with a siren, the first meeting was held on Rusty was born in Breckenridge, Texas on March 22, 1927. trillion. Our nation’s unemployment hovers at August 8, 1952, as the oldest son of a cotton Through dedicated fundraising and the sup- 9.1 percent and a record 46.2 million Ameri- ginner. He graduated from Lubbock Christian port of their community, the Denville Fire De- cans live in poverty. This problem cannot be College in 1975 with a degree in Biblical Stud- partment managed to keep their facility up and sustained without running the risk of destroy- ies and joined the police force in 1977. In running and to acquire the necessary tools to ing our Great Nation. 1988, he graduated from Texas Tech Law keep the community safe. In July 1935, the As I stand before you, I make a plea to our School and started his own practice as a de- Denville Board of Education gave the depart- spiritual leaders throughout the United States fense attorney in Dallas. He then moved back ment the Old School House property on Main to be heard and to speak out for the gridlock to West Texas as a prosecutor in Amarillo and Street. The building was demolished to make that exists here in Congress. It seems to me Plainview. In 1996 he continued his practice in room for a fire house and remains of the whether we’re dealing with the Koran or the Lubbock as Assistant and then Deputy District structure supplied additional material for the Bible or the Torah, one thing that is abun- Attorney at the Lubbock County District Attor- department’s new home. dantly clear is that we have a moral obligation ney’s Office. Over the years, many changes came to the to take care of the vulnerable among us, es- In 1999, Rusty assumed the judge’s bench Denville Fire Department. In 1940, the depart- pecially during our current economic crisis. of the Lubbock County Court-at-Law No. 1. ment formed a first aid squad. In April of 1956, This great nation now has broken all records When taking the bench, he said, ‘‘I’m a new it was decided that an additional fire house in terms of our middle class actually being judge, and in taking the bench, I’m going to be was needed. Construction of the Union Hill shrunk as people are forced into poverty. able to fulfill my oath to defend the laws of the Firehouse began in early 1957 and was com- Therefore, cutting funding to entitlement pro- state in an absolutely fair and impartial way.’’ pleted by February. In 1963 the Denville grams will exacerbate this problem. Let the He was true to his word, serving fairly and im- Board of Education donated a piece of land to churches, synagogues, mosques and the tem- partially, compassionate when possible and the Department for construction of an addi- ples be open so people can express them- firm when necessary. tional firehouse. This would become the loca- selves. Our spiritual leaders could encourage Rusty showed kindness not only in the tion for the Valley View Firehouse. Ground- people not just to pray but to become active. courtroom, but also on the streets of Lubbock. work on the structure began on May 8, 1963. So whether you’re a Protestant, Catholic, Jew, He opened his heart to the homeless in the The finishing touches were made in January Gentile, Mormon or Muslim, this is a time Lubbock community, serving on the homeless- and February of 1964. when America needs you. ness committee of the Lubbock City Council By the 1970s, the department boasted a The Congress has an obligation as well. Let since 2010 and volunteering through Car- 100 plus membership with five fire engines in this Congress attempt to be more civil and penter’s Church. Rusty dedicated his time and service at three firehouses. With their ever- recognize that we have a responsibility that effort to serving the poor and marginalized. growing group, new construction began on a goes beyond the election. We have a respon- ‘‘The thing a homeless person misses the new facility for the Main Street Fire Station in sibility to the American people and our Na- most is not food or shelter,’’ Ladd said in a 1973. By the fall of 1974 their completed, tional Debt is a priority that we must address. 2010 interview, ‘‘it’s a genuine relationship present home was open. Continuing in their Since the 1970’s Keynesian economics has with somebody that’s got a stable life going growth, the department established the Junior been the guiding principle for both parties. It on.’’ His Christ-like attitude toward the poor is Fire Auxiliary in 1983. stated that you should spend when times are inspiring, and I hope and pray we can con- Over the last 20 years, the fire department bad to stimulate the economy and balance the tinue the selfless acts that he carried out. has continued to flourish. Recently they ac- budget when times are good. Therefore, the Mr. Speaker, please join me in extending quired a new engine and two new ambu- Government must increase spending to fill the my sincere thanks to Judge Rusty Ladd, for lances. The 2009 Smeal 1,000 gallon Engine void left by the private sector in a Recession. leaving this world a better place than he found replaced a 1989 ICME 750 gallon Engine. The However, the Republican Party has aban- it. I am truly honored to recognize his accom- two ambulances replaced the ambulances at doned this principle of economics in favor of plishments. He will certainly be missed, but he Union Hill and Valley View Fire Houses. Every ‘‘Reaganomics.’’ The Republican Party has will never be forgotten by those who knew him year, they answer approximately 500 fire and prioritized cutting taxes and decreasing spend- and were touched by his life. 1,000 first aid calls and assist surrounding de- ing. While this would make sense when the f partments as they respond to calls in neigh- economy is strong, trying to balance the budg- HONORING DENVILLE VOLUNTEER boring communities. In the summers, they et this way in a Recession is dangerous. The FIRE DEPARTMENT hold the annual Denville Firemen’s Carnival tax cuts will cost the Federal Government $65 which brings Denville and surrounding com- billion for 2011 alone. They will continue to HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN munities together for lots of food and fun. add to the debt, while the Government strug- The past and present members of the gles to raise revenue. Without revenue the OF NEW JERSEY Denville Volunteer Fire Department have gone Government cannot fund vital social programs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES above and beyond their call of duty. From such as Medicare and Medicaid, among oth- Monday, October 24, 2011 their dedication to the safety of their commu- ers. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise nity, to raising funds to maintain each fire Moreover, with low revenue the Government today to honor the Denville Volunteer Fire De- house, their unwavering and resilient efforts cannot pay its bills and its debts.
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