Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald departed Among Hyde Park students honored by Tuesday over the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy scholarships by the Versatile Art School, Miss Railroad for Vancouver, where they will em- Marie Leffler was one of the winners. The bark on Saturday for a cruise to Honolulu and scholarships are gifts in money to be applied the Orient. to a course in newspaper and magazine illus- trating, and reproductions into black and white. Mrs. Louis Kupper, of New York, is a guest Miss Leffler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at the Windermere while she visits friends in Julian Leffler, of 1114 East 52nd street, and EVERAL of Palm Beach's most noted the neighborhood, and her daughter and son- the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph hotels are now entertaining quotas of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Furth, of 5000 Stadecker, of the Madison Park hotel. She is visitors, but the traditional beginning East End avenue. a young girl of quite unusual artistic accom- of the social and sport season begins Mrs. Carl Appel and Miss Ida S. Rose, Mrs. plishment. She has a bright future in store tomorrow with the opening of The E. Bigelow and Miss N. J. Palmer, Mr. and for her and a host of friends who are inter- Breakers and its famous beach and casino. A Mrs. Max Herz, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ested in her career. glance through the list of reservations shows Kohn are among residents of the Windermere Mrs. Mary Rosenwald Herbst sang a group that the old line of seasonal guests from Chi- for the winter who have gone to California of French songs at the meeting of Le Cercle cago will be back to participate in the rounds season. Francais on Tuesday afternoon at 825 Fine of dinners, concerts, and other daily displays Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Kline, of the Winder- Arts Building. Mr. Henri David, the speaker of the island. Among the prominent Chi- mere East hotel, are wintering in California. of the afternoon, had as his subject "The New cagoans who are expected at The Breakers are Poetry." Mrs. Joseph Hiner gave a short talk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deutsch and Mr. and A capacity crowd filled the Bal Tabarin on with piano illustrations on " The Language Mrs. Milton Florsheim. Monday, December 15, at a musicale and tea Which Everybody Understands." given by the Friends of Music of Chicago for Mr. and Mrs. William Goldberger and their their new members. A program of Victor Her- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Norian, of 6938 Pax- daughter, Irene, of 3734 Pine Grove avenue, bert's various operettas was rendered by the ton avenue, are leaving next week on a trip left on Sunday, December 14, for Florida, following soloists: Mesdames Sara Waxman to Mexico and Central America. They expect where they plan to spend the entire winter. Kissel, Seymour Schiff, Walter Schwimmer, to be away for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Eckstein, of the Drake Benjamin Gazul, Walter Jacobs, Edward Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Sol H. Goldberg, of the Jack- hotel, left the city last week for New York. L. C. Barnett, Bernard Neuberger, Estelle Mayer son Towers, had as their guests for dinner They will remain away indefinitely. Klein, Sara Rose Wexler and Miss Ruth Kane, and the opera "Tannhauser" on Wednesday assisted by the choral ensemble. A surprise fea- evening, December 17, Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. ture of the afternoon was the boy violinist, Magnus, Mrs. F. Muhlstein, and Dr. W. M. Maurice Drubeck have just landed in England Emanuel Stillerman, who held the audience Federmann, of Berlin. on their honeymoon trip and expect to spend spellbound by his masterful rendition of several On Saturday, December 6, Mrs. Louis Mali- some time in Europe. Mrs. Drubeck is the difficult selections. He was accompanied by soff, of 5240 Sheridan road, was hostess at a former Pearl Bloomfield, of 1962 East 73rd Miss Stillerman. The chairmen of the afternoon luncheon and bridge given in honor of Jeanette place. were Mrs. Benjamin Gazul and Mrs. Edward Rapaport, bride-elect of Si Feinstein, of La- eve- A dinner dance was given on Saturday Harris. Mrs. I. H. Kaplan, president. fayette, Indiana. Miss Rapaport was also hon- B. Drell ning, December 6, by Mr. and Mrs. ored with a miscellaneous shower given on of at 900 North Michigan avenue, in honor Saturday evening, December 13, by Mrs. Nathan Miss Marian Udelovish and Jerome A. Drell, Malisoff, of 2251 Rosemont avenue. who recently announced their betrothal. Covers Mrs. S. Singer, of 5408 Kenmore avenue, were laid for forty guests. is spending the winter in Hot Springs, Arkan- "Tannhauser" in its last performance of the sas. season was attended by a large and fashionable Among those who are occupying apartments audience on Wednesday evening, December 17, in the new Drake Towers on Lake Shore drive, at the Civic Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chicago, are Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Wormser, Grunsfeld, Hal Nobel, Miss Marion Grunsfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. L. Rothschild, Mrs. August Glaser and Benj. V. Becker, Mrs. David B. Stern, Mrs. Mrs. Edwin Austrian were in the Julius Rosen- Abraham Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ettlinger. wald box. Mrs. Ida Mayer, of Chicago, is in Florida Among the recent social events of the season this winter. was the marriage on November 26 of Miss Ida Albert D. Lasker is having a talking movie Florsheim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney theater, large enough to seat forty people, Florsheim, of Little Rock, Arkansas, to Jack built on his estate near Everett, Illinois. M. Franks, son of Mrs. Jack Franks, of the An unusual program is scheduled for members Drake hotel. After a honeymoon trip which of the Chicago Woman's Aid at 12:30 today. will terminate about February 1, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Herbert A. Byfield, former chairman of the Franks will be at home at the Drake hotel. art and literature department, will read Philip "Hotel Universe." This is the play Mr. and Mrs. LessingiRosenwald, of Phila- Barry's that has just finished an extended run at the delphia, have been the guests of their parents, Goodman theater. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, in Chicago. SARA WAXMAN KISSEL.
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