The Powys Review NUMBER SIXTEEN The Powys Review Editor Belinda Humfrey Reviews Editor Peter Miles Advisory Board Glen Cavaliero Ben Jones Ned Lukacher Correspondence, contributions, and books for review may be addressed to the Editor, Department of English, Saint David's University College, Lampeter, Dyfed, SA48 7ED. Copyright ©, The Editor The Powys Review is published with the financial support of the Welsh Arts Council. We are grateful to Mr Francis Powys and Laurence Pollinger Ltd., for permission to quote from the writings of John Cowper Powys and T. F. Powys, and to the late Mrs Evelyn Elwin for permission to quote from the writings of Llewelyn Powys. The Powys Review may be obtained from Booksellers for £2.50, or from Gomer Press, Llandysul, Dyfed, for £2.50 plus 60p postage. The Powys Review is printed by J. D. Lewis & Sons Ltd., Gomer Press, Llandysul, Dyfed. Enquiries about advertisement in The Powys Review should be made to James Dawson, 99 Corve Street, Ludlow, Shropshire. Tel. Ludlow (0584) 2274. Contents Theo Dunnet Reviews J. C. Powys in the 1890s (with 14 photographs) G. Wilson Knight Klinton Top Glen Cavaliero PETER FOSS 58 John Cowper Powys: Ralph W. V. Elliott Space Traveller 24 Thomas Hardy's English BERNARD JONES 60 N. L. Rothman "A Spiritual Tragedy": an Donald Stanford, ed. American review of Wolf Solent, 1929 32 John Masefield: Letters to Margaret Bridges Paul Roberts R. GEORGE THOMAS 62 Becoming Mr Nobody: Personality and the John Holloway Philosophy of John The Slumber of Apollo: Reflections on Recent Art Cowper Powys 34 J. R. WATSON 64 Morine Krissdottir Lynette Hunter G. R. Wilson Knight: George Orwell: The "Master in Discernment" 44 Search for a Voice ALLEN SAMUELS 65 John Cowper Powys 52 Jeremy Hawthorn, ed. D. H. Lawrence (1932) Criticism and 55 Critical Theory Letters to the Editor CATHERINE BELSEY 68 58 Richard Poole, ed. Reviews Fiction as Truth: Notes on Contributors 77 Selected Literary Writings by Richard Hughes PAUL BENNETT MORGAN 70 Jeremy Hooker Poetry of Place: Essays and Reviews 1970-1981 PETER LEWIS 72 Emyr Humphreys The Taliesin Tradition CARY ARCHARD 74 The Powys Review Number 16 1985 Volume IViv Theo Dunnet John Cowper and Littleton Powys: Cambridge in the 'Nineties, and a Wedding To H. Sholto Searle Parker came upon the name Parker, Harry Sholto Searle a few names down from that of Thro' many paths, by many differing ways, Powys, John Cowper. J. A. Venn, Alumni Some perilous and steep, some smooth and Cantabrigienses 1752-1900 (Cambridge, plain 1940-1954) provided more information Together we have wandered—once again We meet where the soft wind more sweetly about H. S. S. Parker and subsequently the strays information on many of his and John 'Mid heavy-fruited orchards and ripe corn Cowper Powys's contemporaries. Than when it kissed the maiden flowers of After more research I traced H. S. S. Spring- Parker's eldest son and arranged to meet him Break, O my friend, the fond environing in London on 28 November 1984. Mr. W. S. Of present things and dear delights unborn Parker was very helpful and we had an inter- And tread with me the sweet ways of the Past esting conversation. He lent me his copy of A little while; too soon the masked years The Rottingdean School Magazine, vol. X, Lay bare their faces to the gaze of time no. 4, March 1921, which carried an obituary But precious-burdened Memory can outlast of his father who had died on 1 March 1921, All pleasures, can forestall all future tears And prove a golden and Elysian clime. from which the following is taken. "Jack" Harry Sholto Searle Parker was born at The Grange, East Barnet, Herts, on the 20th. April This signed poem in John Cowper Powys's 1872. He went to King's School, Canterbury handwriting is inside the front cover of a where he was four years in the school cricket copy of his Odes and Other Poems (London, XI, of which he was captain his last two years, 1896). The book is in the Bodleian Library, and he was also a member of the rugby XV. In Oxford, in Sir Hugh Walpole's "Nineties" 1891 he gained an open classical scholarship at collection (Walpole e. 581); he "bequeathed Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He to the library his collection of books and played in the Freshman's and Seniors' manuscripts relating to English authors of matches, and as showing the standard of the last decade of the nineteenth century" cricket in those days, it may be noted that among those playing in these matches were (Bodleian Library Record, vol. 2, no. 18, F. S. Jackson, C. M. Wells, and K. S. pp. 40-41, 1942). Ranjitsinhji. I was intrigued as to the identity of H. Sholto Searle Parker and resolved to find out On leaving Cambridge he was an assistant who he was. After several months of looking master in several schools before going to through the works by and about the Powys Rottingdean as assistant master in 1902. He family, checking various bibliographies and was headmaster, in partnership, April generally going around in circles I was no 1911-July 1916 and sole headmaster from closer to my elusive friend. It then occurred July 1916. to me that he might have been at Corpus Mr W. S. Parker also showed me his Christi College, Cambridge with John father's photograph album with many group Cowper, so I started searching through the photographs of his father's Cambridge days Cambridge University Calendar from the at Corpus Christi College between 1891 and late 1880s and in one for 1894-5 (Fig. 1) I 1894, as well as his school days at Canterbury John Cowper and Littleton Powys 634 CORPUS CHJUSTI COLLEGE. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE. 635 LL.M. + Clarke, Charles Erskine Cole, John William Edward Oakley, George Douglas 1 Stokes, Rev. Henry Paine tPearce. Edmund Coortenay Mar&hall, Hugh John Marcy, WTilliam Nichols Shepbard. Stuart Lewis. Rev. Robert Walter Micba.: May all, Reginald 'Alhawes. Edward Jidin SiiofiVrih Lro\i^htoii-Rou«e, Edward Dondney. Charles Edmund Dawes, Alfred Wilkinson Gibson, Frederick Harris Lrurghmn Bullock. Herbert Somerset Hodgson, John St Barbe lies, Francis George Yrrnon Drawbridge. William Hamilton Watson. Rev. Alfred Ralph LL.B. per Stat. Eliz. Chapman. William Daniel LL.B. Gosnold, Percy Hicks, Kev. William Henry Grant. Rev. Charles Dondney, Herbert William Parsons, John Edward Hockh;g * Swift, Godwin Clark, Hamlet Edward 6 B.C. Wuorlow. Rev, Alfred Davis, George Brocklesby Duintrgue, Herbert Walter Dawson. Rev. Oliver Robert Pensioners Patch. Noel Jauies Slauway Byrde. Rev. Louis Blunt, George Edward BA. |Loiicneld,Geoi?e Francis Cox, Arthur Swann, Arthur Henry f Pain, Barry Eric Odtll Halaban, Samuel Crosby Metcalfe, Hope Cranstoun Morley, Edmund William Absolom. Edward Heyworth fWaller. Edward Harry Mansfitlu Wing-field, Frank James Robert Stephens, Alfred Metcalfe Ellam, Rev. George Sidney tWliately. Arnold Robert Lockhart, Robert Wallace Marriott, Edward Augustin | Borrow, William Sidney {^Masters, Frederick George Norman. James Richard Reynolds, Chark-s Percy Herbert Tredennick, Rev. Arthur Hey wood fEasten, John Atkins Rowland, Rowland John Chapman, John Charles Berridge, Edward Hams, Rev. Arthur Philip Frederic Wilson, James Caughey Wylie, Robert Will-am 18 Baskerville, Rev. Geonre Knyfton f Moule, Henry William Plunket, Hon. Benjamin John Bourne, Stanley Garland, James Lorance "Brind, Walter Hinde de Boinville, Rev. Basil William Ryder, Cosmo Alan Cuthbert 33 Chaste] Pyper, Ernest Theodore TinckJer, Abraham Richard Todd, Gavin Henry Lart, Charles Edmund Knocker, Harold Cos Watton, George Edward ^Colston, Edward John de Boinviile, Rev. Aubrey Chaste! Yinter, Percival Jackson Standfast. Henry Arthur Edwin Morrison, Gresham Wynter •^Harriott, Rev. Herbert Fawns, Cecil Anderson Lingley, Arnold Gale Outram, Arthur + Piatt, Peter Poldin? Wood, William Wilson ilumford, Arthur George Reeve Bruce, Robert Evans Phe, Rev. George Stanley Wood, George Edwin Vauglian Cobham, George Henry Butlin, James Punnett Clark, Hamlet Edward Fisher, Frederick Anstice Adamson, Robert John Seton Michell, Eardley Wilmot Leathes, Carteret Eustace de Mus- Thomas, William Htnry Bancroft. Henry Pegg, John Stanton feoden Kerr, William Francis Thorns, Francis Arthur Jamieson. Harry Edward Young, Herbert Charles Mansfield, Charles Reckitt, Frank Norman Powys, Littleton Charles Weill, Melville M'CuDoch Grieve PowvsJUdmXwUltr.. Clatworthy, Hneh Edward Carpenter, John Baker J Roe. Rev. Henry Chatham Graham, Thomas William Dawson, Frederick Rowland Kenny, Lewis Fenlon Parkes, Septimus Alexander fWilliams, Edward Osborne Jones, Frank Herbert Lea, Sidney Ernest Kitf.on, Francis Reginald Koelle, Constantino philpot Griffiths, Isaac Davies Smyth, John William Wallace Watney, Rev. Charles Ernest fPflrT=i»r. Hurry ^bplto Searle "Withers, Edward Jones, George Ellis MEXTVell, Ernest James Riddell, Granville Brown Edmocd Petter, Horace Bournes, George Henry Owen, Rev. Arthur Alan de Ville Cobham, John Lawrence Whitfield, Ernest Salisbury Butler Griffiths, Rev. Richard Barton, Alexander Ed ward Herklots, Bernard Wilson, Charles Dereham Martin. Eustace Meredyth Lar.fear, Rev. Arthur Herbert Matthews, Basil Septimus *2Frazer, Norman Lewis Titley,Edward Addison Waliis, \\ illiam Kendall Br ace well, William fStevens, James Algernon Greene, William Henry Clayton Collett. Rev. "William George Knowles, Henry s 'Humphrys. Percy Raymond Moore, Henry Masters Fison. Edmund Towers i Candler, John Pycock Hersee, Stanlev John 1 Clarke, Edward Bramwell Calvert, Rev. Joseph Dark. Walter Alexander Mills, Charles Frederick Phillips, Edward Ffitran Janiieson, Rev. Frederic Ernest Humphrys, Llewellyn Winter Lawrence, George Henry Latham, William Leeke An dry fPaterson, Robert Stanley Wiglitwiek, Huniplirey Thomas Hart, Arthur Budgen. Rev. William JElwin, William Hed;er Herbert Smith, Frederick Charles •JGardiner. Frederick William Markby, Frederick Edward Clarke, AJm-ed George ^Tendall, George Frederick Sowcrbv, Rev. Robert William Rogers, Arthur Charles Lewis, Gerald William Weaver, George Cherry Gilbert," Rev. Henry William Wilson, Walter Ree-inald Birks, Edmund Iucbbald Sampson, Coldstream Ernest Crockett. Rev.
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