CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-03 HIMACHAL PRADESH - - DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B LAHUL & SPITI DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY -¢- VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT - - c>-I) Cl7j ~-:!~ PfOl'l f ORlfNTrD Directorate of Census qperatlons, Himachal Pradesh Data Product Code 02-012-2001 - Cen-Book (E) en) '. \ '" I I 8 \ A , .., ' _0". .... _·_._ .-l'. ..... _",' .'.. r-. ' ~ _.r' ... / ., ...... ....:, \.. ..I' '( ' ~. ",,'" \ ......2r ,..... :1 ..... .,.. ,,' <"' ." ., .. -'.. G) '. .::0 i'" ( '" .», \ '-f () i o \ . '). J .' r' r ') »­ ro \ .~.J :r: r ).... - c o " r o -+ '" (. ••J' "if) ::' .; ;<; ::I: ,. i » 1"'1 o .,., N » > o " \....... o .... c: » l :;u I -I I'TI :;u VI I. 1 I z ,.' \ ..... .lr-.. .J '-J , ..1 .A. .. -../ .,.,... ..":. (- ! ;,... -;0 _ ",.. \ I .- ........ ',! / .i '..,., (.... '"" I .-......... _. ..,' 0 I ..... , - ",.. .".' ; .4 V) -I r :::u , ......j - () ::r:: ". ."'. ...... ...... 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Kee Monastery was probably built in the early of 18th century to replace a Monastery at Rangrik which was founded in the 11 th century and then destroyed 600 years later by the invaders. The upper buildings house the :five Gomphas of the Monastery, a large kitchen, a special cell for the Abbot and number of store rooIDS. These Gomphas are focal points of the Monastery, for in them one looks for the treasures and symbols of the Buddhist faith. Each Gomphas is dominated by a statue of Lord Buddha, looking dov.n on his prostrate followers. On either side of the statue there are rows of wooden pigeon holes, where the numerous volumes of Kan~gyur. the Tibetan scriptures and canomical commentaries are housed. These books and wall paintings are the oldcst and most beautiful of all Kee's relics. The wall of Central Chapel are beautifully printed with scenes from the .latakas and from the historic Buddha's life. Thc pictures arc all drawn with great skill and painted with brilliant colours. The Thanglms (paintings on the piece of banging cloth) in the Kee Monas­ tcry arc the finest. It is said that these have been brought from Lhasa (Tibet) by the local monks who went there for study or on pilgrimage. Monasteries in the district are the centers of education, Buddhist study and symbolise socio­ economic and cultural fabric of society. (v) Contents Pages Foreword (XI-XII) Preface (XIII-XIV) Acknowledgement (XV-XVI) Dlstnct HighlIghts - 2001 Census (WII) Important StatiStiCS 10 the Dlstnct (XIX-XX) RankIng ofTehsIls/Sub-tehsll In the DistrIct ( .... XI) Statements (\. XII-\. '\ IV) Statement 1 Name of the headquarters of dlstrIctitehsll/sub-tehsIl, their rural-urban status and distance from distrIct headquarters, 2001 ('\ '\ II) Statement 2 Name of the headquarters of dlstrIctiC D block their rural-urban status and distance from distrIct headquarters, 2001 (XXII) Statement 3 _ PopulatIOn of tlre district at each census from 1901 to 200 I (XXII) Statement 4 Area, number of vII lages It owns and populatIOn 10 distrIct and tehsil/sub­ tehsll, 2001 (XXIII) Statement 5 CD Block-wise number of vIii ages and rural populatIOn, 2001 (xx 11 I) I Statement 6 PopulatIOn of urban agglomeratlOnsltowns, 200 I (X.,(III) Statement 7 Villages with populatIOn of 5,000 and above at C D block level as per 2001 census and amemtles available (XXIII) Statement 8 Statutory towns With populatIOn less than 5,000 as per 2001 census and amemtIes avaIlable (X XIV) , I Statement 9 Houseless and InstitutIOnal populatIOn oftehsIl/sub-tehsIl, rural and urban, 2001 (xxw) Analytical Note 1-60 (I) History and Scope of the DistrIct Census Handbook 3-4 (II) BnefHlstory of the Dlstnct 4-8 (III) Admmlstratlve Set up 8-10 (IV) PhYSical Features 10-21 Location and Size, PhYSiography, ClImate, SoIl and Croppmg l>attem, Forestry, Flora, Fauna, MInerals & Mmmg, Land and hand-Use Pattern & Tenancy, Agnculture, Horticulture, Bee Keepmg and Sen-culture, lITIgatIOn, Ammal Husbandry, Industry, Trade & Commerce, Bankll1g, Transport, Roads, ElectriCity & Power and Gram Panchayats (vn) (v) Census Concepts 21-26 Bulldmg, Permanent Houses, SemI-Permanent Houses, Temporary Houses, Dwellll1g Room, Census House, Vdlage, Rural/Urban area, CIty, Urban AgglomeratIOn, Household, InstitutIOnal Household, Houseless Hou<;ehold, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes, Language and Mother-Tongue, Literates, Literacy Rate, EducatIOnal Level, Work, Main Worker, Marginal Worker, Non~Worker, Cultlvator,Agncultural Labourer, Household Industry I Worker, Other Worker, Work PartiCIpatIOn Rate, PopulatIOn DensIty, Age, Sex-Ratio (VI) Non Census Concepts 27-30 Improved Dnnkmg Water, System of Sewerage, Type of Latrine and Method of DIsposal of Night SOIl, Fertlhty, Crude Birth Rate (CBR), Crude Death Rate - - I (CDR), Natural Growth Rate, Age Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR), Age SpeCific Mantal Fertlitty Rate (ASMFR), General Fertility Rate (GFR), General Mantal FertilIty Rate (GMFR), Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Total Mantal Fertility Rate (TMFR), Age SpeCific Mortality Rate (ASMR) q 1, q2 q5, Infant Mortaltty Rate (IMR), Neo-natal Mortality Rate (NMR), Early Neo-natal Mortality Rate, Late Neo-natal Mortality Rate, Post Neo-natal Mortality Rate (PNMR), Perl- natal MortalIty Rate (PMR), Still Birth Rate (SBR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Eligible Couple, ChIld Woman RatIO (0-4), Child Woman RatIO (5-9), MigratIOn, CIVIC Status of Urban Ul11ts, SIze-Class of UA/Town, Slum Area and Mega City (Vll) 2001 Census find mgs - PopulatIOn, Its d Istn butJOn (a) DlstnbutlOn of populatIOn In rural-urban areas 31 (b) Size-class and CIVIC ~tus of towns, PopulatIOn, Growth, DenSity and Sex RatlO,Work ParticipatIOn Rate, Literacy, Avallablltty ofUl11verslty EducatIOn 111 the Dlstnct 31-32 (c) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes population 32 Tables (I) Bnef analYSIS of PCA data 32-44 (II) Bnef analYSIS of the Village Directory data 45-49 (Ill) Bnef analYSIS of the data on houses and household amel11tles, HouselJstlng OperatIOns, Census ofIndla 2001 49-5: (Vlll) Major SOCial and Cultural events, Natural and Admll1lstratlve developments and Slglllficant activIties dur1l1g the decade 52-)C (IX) Places ofRehglous, Hlstoncal. or Archaeological Importance and Tounst Interest m the dlstnct 54-5' (x) Major charactenstlcs dthe dlstnct 5 (Xl) Scope of Village DIrectory and Town DIrectory 57-61 (VlU) PART A - VtILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SectlOo-I : Village Directory 61-172 (a) Note explammg the abbreviatIOns used m Village Directory 63-66 (b) LIst of vIllages merged m towns and outgrowths at 2001 <;ensus 66 (c) 1 (I) Map of Lahul CD block, Lahul tehstl and Udaipur ~ub-tehsIl 67-71 - , - (II) AlphabetIcal Itst of villages alongwlth location code 1991 and 200 1 73-79 (lIl) Village Directory data of Lahul C D block 80-119 2 (I) Map of SPit I C D block-cum-Spltl Tchstl 121 (n) AlphabetIcal Itst ofvtllages alongwlth location code 1991 and 2001 123-127 (Ill) VIllage Directory data of Spit I CD block 128-153 (d) L\ppendlces to VIllage Directory 154-155 Appendix I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amel1ltles 111 VIllages - CD block level 156-161 AppendIx LA' VIllages by number ofPnmary Schools 162 I AppendlxIB Villages by Pnmary, MIddle and Secondary Schools 162 AppendlxIC Villages with dIfferent sour'ces of drinking water facilities available 162 Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above populatLon which do not have one or more amelllties available 162 Appendix II A Census Towns 162 Appendix III Land utilIsatIOn data m respect of Census Towns!Non-Munlclpal Towns 162 Appendix IV CD block-Wise lIst of mhablted Villages where no amel1lty other than drlnkmg water faclllty IS avaIlable I()j Appendix V Summary showmg number ofvtllages not havmg Scheduled Castes population 163 Appendix. VI Summary showmg number ofvtllages not havmg Scheduled Tnbes populatIon 164 Appendix VII A LIst of villages accordmg to the proportIOn of the Scheduled Castes to the total populatIOn by ranges 164-166 Appendix VII B LIst ofvtllages accordmg to the proportIOn of the Scheduled Tnbes to the \ I total populatIOn by ranges 166-172 Appendix VIII LIst ofvtllages under each Gram Panchayat 172 SectIon-II Town Directory (There IS no town m the entIre dIstrict) Part B - Primary Census Abstract 175-259 (a) Bnef note on Pnmary Census Abstract 177-179 (b) Dlstnct Primary Census Abstract (General) 181-187 (IX) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 189-195 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 197-2{)J C 0 Block-wise Village Primary Census Abstract 205-259 Annexures 261-271 Anne'\ure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 263 Annexure II FertilIty, Mortality and MigratIOn, 1991 Census 263 Annexure III
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