1111!='-1" '7,ORPS H..1-0ACAL OCT 21 1966 ARWIts&LIBRARti O /70 filetord , Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii Oct. 7, 1966 Art Entries Four Brigade Marines Due Thursday Receive Decorations Active duty, retired, reserve and military de- Two Bronze Star Med- charge of Air Support Ra- pendents over 17-years of als, an Air Medal and the dar Team B in Vietnam. age, have until 9 p.m. Navy Commendation The Lieutenant was Thursday to submit en- Medal were presented to commended for his "out- tries in the Fifth Annual four MACS men Friday standing professionalism Armed Forces Art Show. during informal cere- and resourcefulness in monies at Brigade head- planning and preparing Entries must be taken quarters. organization and equip- to Pearl Harbor's Bldg. Sergeant D.V. Duvall, ment for the first Mo- 347 from 9:30 a.m. until First Lieutenant F. A. bile Direct Air Support 9 p.m. on that date only. Finzio and Captains Kurt Center in support of MACSmen DECORATED -- Col. D.H. Stapp, Brigade CO, Operation Piranha. The show, to be staged presents Mason and T.H. Wold, decorations to (kr): Sgt. D.V. Duvall, Copts. Captain Mason on the street level lanai F.A. Finizio, Kurt Mason and T.H. Wold. received decorations was area at Ala Moana Shop- from Colonel D. H. Stapp, awarded a Star in lieu of ping Center Oct. 23 Brigade CO, for their ac- his 16th Air Medal for through Nov. 5, offers Corps' Youngest Captain tions while serving with meritorious achievement Savings Bond Prizes and units in the Republic of in aerial flight as a pi- will be in four categor- Vietnam. lot with H&MS-16 from 1966. ies: oil paintings; pastels, Stationed Here At K-Bay A gold star in lieu of July 3-21, The ci- tation commended the water colors, drawings his , second Bronze Star and prints; mixed media, Youngest captain in camp at Parris Island, Medal was awardea to Sgt. captain for contributing including collage, stain- the Corps! At least that's S.C., and infantry train- Duvall for his action last materially to the success of ed glass and mosaics; and the distinction held by ing at Camp Lejeune, N. June 23 while heading a his squadron and for non-functional sculpture Marine Capt. David B. C., before being assign- fire team from H&S Co. his courage and devotion in any media. Damrosch until the next ed to the President's Hon- 2/9. The team's mission to duty in the face of promotion go-around. hazardous flying condi- No fee re- or Guard in Washington. was to reestablish com- entry is A tions. a jet pilot and legal The spit - and -polish munications from the quired, however, lima The Navy Commend- of two officer with the Brigade's job lasted only six command post, however, entries, regardless and Main- ation Medal was pinned of category, may be sub- Headquarters months, because, before Duvall and a member of tenance Squadron, MCAS had on Capt. Wold for his mitted by an individual. that, Damrosch ap- his team were wounded Kaneohe, Captain Dam- plied for flight training when a Viet Cong mine meritorious service with No work will be ac- rosch is closing in on under the MARCAD pro- was detonated. Immed- Direct Air Support Cen- cepted unless suitably and hiss twenty-third birthday. gram and was accepted iately after. the mine blast ter with Marine Air Sup- sturdily framed for hang- He was born on the eve in May, 1962. the team began receiv- port Squadron Two from ing, complete with wire of Marine landing on After 18 months at ing VC sniper fire. May, 1965, until June, and screw eyes. Bougainville, Oct. 30, NAS Pensacola, Fla., 1966. 1943. Damrosch emerged with The Bronze Star Med- He was lauded for his Drawings, watercol- al was also presented to ors and prints must be From South Bend, his wings, a commission exemplary performance Pic- Ind., he traveled east to and a wife, the former Lieutenant Finzio for as officer-in-charge of framed with glass. meritorious achievement the squadron's support tures, including frames, Watertown, Conn., grad- Shirley Young of that city. uating from South Hun- A stop at Kingsville, while serving from May, center. mut not exceed four- 1965, until last June as feet, six-inches in either terdon Regional High Texas, preceded the School there and enli sting couple's move to Hawaii Air Support Control Of- direction and no wet ficer and officer - in Retamp 1111 Officer paintings will be accept- in the Marine Corps at in February, 1964. ed. Stands will be pro- Trenton, N.J., in August, vided for sculpture. 1961 when he was 17. Retention Policies He completed boot Reserve officers Artists submitting within one year of com- work are requested to Opportunities hist pleting initial obligated indicate sales price if service may request re- works is for sale, how- tention on extended ac- ever, prospective buyers For illoernment Jobs tive duty or Standard will be referred to the Marines are eligible Written Agreement for artist concerned. to apply for the Presi- two years. Such officers Named to judge the ident's White Hour Fel- automatically enter Car- show are Ben Norris, lows Program. eer Reserve status. professor of art at the Selection, based on in- Reserve officers now University of Hawaii, telligence, character, under SWAG or EAD Juanita J. Vitousek and ability and future prom- which will carry them Ken Shutt. ise, gives rising leaders beyond obligated service a year of "first-hand, plus two years mist, if ATTENTION high - level experience" they desire, request un- working with government limited active duty orders Contrary to some leaders. during the year preceding opinion in the new hous- College graduates be- expiration of their cur- ing area, the red box on tween 23 and 36 who are rent status. Failure to retaining wall for each citizens may inquire or request or accept will re- quarters complex is not a request application sult in voluntary release fire alarm system. blanks from Director, to inactive duty. It is the electrical cut- Commission on White Further information, for the attached House Fellows, The White advice and instruction is off switch LINEAL LIST -- Captain D.B. Damrosch units. Boxes will be paint- House, Washington, D.C. CHECKING available at all squadron ed blue in the near future. 20500. makes sure he is the youngest captain. offices. 2 Windward Marine -EDITORIAL Your Own 'Horn of Plenty' WHEN the Veteran's Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966, more familiary known as the Cold War GI Bill, NOTICE 1965 ISUZU BELELLE, 4 door hard hots, one with face bubble; sedan, diesel engine, $1650. DWH tools. '64 model 7880 miles must was emphasis was given to the educational IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATION passed, much 72483. sell, asking $400. DWI-I 72877, ORDER 5720. 4, ALL REQUESTS benefits it provided. 1964 CHEVELLE "Malibu" Super AWH 252-722. FOR ADS MUST BE SUBMITTED This emphasis is quite proper. The educational provi- Sport. Midnight blue, w/white wall Girl Scout UNIFORM, ON A WEEKLY BASIS, size 12, belt sions of the bill are available to all servicemen with 2 years' active UNLESS AN tires, push-button radio, heater, ADDITIONAL RERUN tie and socks- Child's Singer Sew- duty and to veterans with service after Jan. 31, 1955. Hence these IS RE- seat belts, floor mats, floor mount- by the most people. QUESTED ON THE ORIGINAL RE- ing machine, practically new; Do benefits are ones which probably will be enjoyed ed automatic transmission, 220 h.p. many provisions in the bill-benefits that QUEST. Not Call After 6 p.m. 252-414. However, there are other w/ four barrel carb. Beautiful cond- OFFICERS UNIFORMS. Eve and DWH 73550, AWH FOR SALE ition. 252-546. mess dress, winter and summer, all 1965 CHEVELLE station wagon, accessories incl. sword I am 6'2" 6 standard transmission. $2200 1962 RENAULT, $500. DWH 72903 cyl. 190 lbs. Will sell items separately DWH 72926, AWH 252-344. 1961 RAMBLER American Station or all together. DWH 72154. AWH Wagon. Automatis Transmission TELEVISION - Sylvania 19" port- 253-061. radio, excellent running condition. able w/stand. PIANA Howard CANNONET 35mm CAMERA with Available 25 October. $700 AWH (Baldwin) Excellent condition. Has flash attachment $50. 16mm 252-143. heater and 50 month guarantee. MINOLTA with filters $25. Anytime 1960 BUICK Invicta Convertible Black color, stool. DWH 73550, 253-317. Power steering and brakes, auto- AWH 252 -546. GE PORTABLE STEREO, Garrard matic transmission, excellent mech- BRAND NEW 1966 TRIUMPH TR-4A turntable, AM, FM radio. Anytime anical condition. Best Offer. Any- never been driven. Red with black 252- 304. time. 252-455. interior. Radio, heater/defroster, NEW CAR TOP Luggage RACK 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, blue, WSW, independent rear suspension, wire with vinyl cover. DWH 72892, Any- radio, 37,000 miles, excellent wheels, Tonneau cover. $3100 Any- time 253-932. tires. $850. DWH 73234, AWH 253- time 252-271. Roll-a-way BED with Simmons 689. 1964 HONDA 305cc. Dream with mattress, 30"X72", like new, $25. 1960 STUDEBAKER Lath Convert. saddle bags and luggage carrier. Anytime 252-069. ible. Brand new top, new tires, in- DWH Sgt. Perkins, 73532, anytime REEL TYPE POWER LAWN MOW- terior like new, rebuilt engine. Call 1966 YAMAHA 125cc. 4 months old ER: needs work, $4. Anytime INCREASED FARM LDANS 73132 or 72144 and make an offer. 900 miles, $375. Anytime 252-271. 253-223. Ask Cpl. Stevens, if not there "HONDA 305 SUPER HAWK". CABINET GERMAN STEREO AM- A Mg 7P/a *op please leave a number.
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