Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-5-1997 The BG News December 5, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 5, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6259. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6259 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION ■■■■■■■ 2 TODAY Switchboard 372-2601 Men's Basketball Paranoia or theft? The Tom Mather experience. Classified Ads 372-6977 Display Ads 372-2605 VS. Editorial 372-6966 Sports 372-2602 Maine Entertainment 372-2603 Falcons hope to stop the STATE snow Slory idea? Give us a call bleeding in the Springfield, Ohio Public Defenders Office argues that they will weekdays from I pm.lo5 pjn., or Missouri Pizza Hut Classic e-mail: "[email protected]'" 4? defend the "Volunteer" despite his wishes. High: 32 Low: 28 FRIDAY December 5,1997 Volume 84, Issue 68 The BG News Rowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years // # Students Take it easy Police investigate get ready residence hall □ Fires broke out in rector, as a result of finding no for BGSU suspects, the University is offer- Compton and Batchel- ing up to $5,000 in reward to preview der stairwells last week. anyone who has information about either fire. By SARAH BEDNARSKI "We hope someone might re- The BG News member something that would □ The University hosts lead us to find out who did this," high school seniors for University police are in- Boutelle said. "Maybe someone vestigating two suspicious fires smelled smoke or saw someone." day of visitation. that occurred on campus last Boutelle said evidence of arson week. was found after the fires were extinguished. He said the fires By BRANDI BARHITE According to Dick Gullufsen, The BG News were discovered soon after they University public Information were started. officer, the first fire occurred Miami University. Kent State. Nov. 24 in the stairwell of Comp- "They were found by custo- Ohio State University. The Uni- ton Residence Hall. He said versity of Toledo. The list of col- dians probably within a few several newspaper pages were hours of when they were start- lege choices are endless. As high set on fire, but the only damage school seniors approach gradua- ed," Boutelle said. was a staining of several floor Boutelle said this is the first tion, the pressure of what college tiles. to attend becomes intense. time that a reward was issued for Gullufsen said the other fire a fire on campus. He said he This weekend the University occurred Nov. 30 in a stairwell of Admissions Office will be pulling hopes this will send a message to Batchelder Residence Hall. A the students. out all the stops to make Bowling poster was taped to a wall and ig- Green State University the No. 1 nited, he said. choice for high school seniors. "Hopefully this is a signal to On Saturday, the second Preview The only damage found at Bat- residents and keep people on Day this semester will be held. AtoocUCed Prrii photo chelder was several scorched alert," Boutelle said. "Maybe "This day is an excellent op- ceiling tiles apparently from a they (will) give second thoughts portunity for students and their cigarette lighter, Gullufsen said. about whether they saw or heard families to visit the campus and Black dog "Raisin" rests on a couch in the back of a pickup truck which leads a house-barn moving up Gullufsen said both fires were anything." get a good overview of what the Quaker Meeting House Road in Sandwich, Mass. discovered by members of the campus has to offer," said Cecilia University custodial staff. He By offering a reward, the Uni- Bom, assistant director of ad- said neither fire generated versity shows it is concerned missions. enough smoke to set off the fire about campus safety, Boutelle The last preview day was held alarm. said. He said It sends the mes- Oct. 18 and over 1,400 students sage that the University doesn't "They may or may not be re- want things like this to happen. attended. This time, the majority Red schoolhouse opens for class lated," Gullufsen said. "Once a of those students who attend will suspect is named, we'll In- Anyone with information about have already applied to the Uni- □ 'Day at the School- show them what it was like for their great- grandparents to go to vestigate to determine whether either fire should contact the versity and will begin to make he or she is a viable suspect." Bowling Green Fire Department final decisions. house' program attempts "The bottom line is school," Braatz said. "Progress only depends on the understand- According to Cllf Boutelle, at 352-3106 or Crime Stoppers at The event will kick off at 9:30 to replicate typical day the system is staying University public relations di- 352-0077. am. in the Lenhart Grand Ball- of school during late the same, we're just ing we have of our past." room of the Student Union. Retired elementary school Throughout the day there will 1800s Ohio. changing the make teacher Beverly France devised be more than 86 booths set up up." the syllabus for the program and representing all departments and By ANDREA VITANZA admitted how easy it is to get Alleged shooter's sister several campus organizations. The BG News caught up in the day's events. Students will also have the op- Tara Core "I wanted to set it up like returns to high school portunity to seek information on The historical one-room USC president school really was at that time," schoolhouse located behind Kohl their majors and extracurricular France said. "By the end of the two shotguns - were for accom- activities Hall has come alive this week The Associated Press day, you've lost all sense of time. plices. Departments will offer special during the second annual "Day at and using slate boards to teach You really feel like you are living the Schoolhouse" program. WEST PADUCAH, Ky. - Kelly "He did bring five guns. Is he tours of their facilities and other math problems, retired Bowling In another era" the only one who was supposed to The program attempts to rep- Green area teachers will instruct Cameal returned to classes for faculty, student and staff will be In addition to France, five be there?" the sheriff asked. available to discuss the features licate a typical day in a one-room third graders from nearby cities the first time since three stu- other former teachers contribut- "Are there more people Involved of the programs and other ser- schoolhouse during the late 1800s including Oak Harbor, Norwalk, dents were shot to death and five ed their time to the program. others were wounded in the in this who maybe chickened-out vices the University provides. in rural Ohio. LeMoyne and Luckey during the Among them were Roberta Lane, lobby of Heath High School - a or used him as a pansy?" Students will also have the op- Allowing students to experi- program. Ruby Spoerl, Eileen Avery and horrible crime blamed on her portunity to go on guided tours of ence customs and traditions of Marilyn Braatz, school tour co- Suzanne Avery. younger brother. Augustus said, however, that the campus and several resi- generations past, the "little red ordinator, says the schoolhouse Several University students he didn't anticipate other arrests. dence halls will be open for view- schoolhouse" contains authentic stands to teach students a history Afraid she would be ostracized, will assist in the program, acting she found instead classmates The boy remains in a juvenile ing. desks, books and other objects lesson, showing them the impor- as schoolhouse tour guides and who welcomed her Wednesday detention center in another part The Financial Aid Office will that create and complete its tance of advancement into the fu- helping students with indoor of the state, charged with mur- dated appearance. ture and insight into the past. with a remarkable sense of for- giveness. der, attempted murder and burg- • See PREVIEW, page four. Dressing in vintage clothing "We bring children here and • See SCHOOL, page four. Principal BUI Bond said one lary. Authorities say he stole the student confided to him that he guns from a neighbor's garage on was uncomfortable being in Thanksgiving Day. Team assembled to review fund allocation classes all day with Michael Car- neal's 17-year-old sister, a senior Prosecutor Timothy Kalten- □ The Advisory Com- ate Student Government presi- ACGFA falls under the Office In the proposal, the task force who is expected to be the class bach said he will seek the maxi- dent, many students expressed of Student Affairs, Gore said. selected USG to be the organiza- mum penalty of life in prison mittee for General Fee valedictorian. frustration to her about the cur- At an open forum Tuesday tion to handle the allocation be- "We talked for a long time, and without possibility of parole for Allocation is undergoing rent allocation process. night, the task force explained cause its members are elected we talked about anger and con- 25 years if the youth is tried as an examination from an Gore said the Advisory Com- the current proposal draft and and are considered to be repre- trolling that anger, and that adult.
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