ACTA ARACHNOL., 38: 31-47, December 25, 1989 Japanese Spiders of the Genus Larinia SIMON (Araneae: Araneidae) Akio TANIKAWA1' 谷 川 明 男1):日 本産 コ ガネ グモ ダマ シ属 の クモ 類 Abstract : Six species of the spider genus Larinia (Araneidae) are reported from Japan. Of these, three species, L, phthisica (L. KOCH, 1871), L, fusiformis (THORELL, 1877) and L, jeskovi MARUSIK,1986, are newly recorded from this country, and two are new to science and are described under the names, L. sekiguchii and L. onoi. The only species hitherto known from Japan, L, argiopif ormis BOSENBERGet STRAND,1906 is redescribed. After the species of the spider genus Larinia and its related groups were revised world-wide by GRASSHOFF (1970a, b, c, 1971), the American species were reported by LEVI (1975), the species of USSR were described by MARUSIK (1986), and LEVY (1986) redescribed the species from Israel. In Japan, only the species, L, argiopi formis BOSENBERG et STRAND, 1906, has been known up to the present. However, after an examination of the specimens collected from various parts of Japan, I recognized six species of the genus occurring in this country, which will be described in the present paper. Of these species, L, phthisica (L. KOCH, 1872), L. f usi f ormis (THORELL, 1877) and L. j eskovi MARUSIK, 1986, are new to the Japanese fauna, and two species are new to science. GRASSHOFF(1970a, b, c, 1971) split the Larinia complex into eight genera. LEVY (1986) accepted his classification. LEVI (1975) regarded them as subgenera, and used Larinia in its broad sense, MARUSIK (1986) followed LEVI'S concept. In this paper, I will use Larinia as a genus in the broadest sense and without subdivision. All the type specimens designated in this paper are deposited in the collection of the National Science Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tokyo. The abbreviations used in this paper are as follows: ALE, anterior lateral eye; ALE-PLE, distance between ALE and PLE ; AME, anterior median eye ; AME-AME, distance between AMEs ; DM, diameter ; L, length; MOA, median ocular area ; PLE, posterior lateral eye ; PME, posterior median eye ; PME-PME, distance between PMEs ; W, width ; WA, anterior width of MOA ; WP, posterior width of MOA. 1) Noba Senior High School, 1660, Noba-cho, Konan-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 233 Japan .-.)IIIriL'nc' ¶233r(~ 1660 -31- A. TANIKAwA Genus Larinia SIMON, 1874, s. lat. (Japanese name: Koganegumodamashi-zoku) Larinia SIMON,1874, Arachn, de France, 1 : 115.-LEvI, 1975, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., 147: 102- 105.-MARusIK, 1986, Spixiana, 9: 245-246. Li pocrea THORELL,1878, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 13: 6.-LEVY, 1986, Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc., 7: 5-6. Drexelia MCCOOK,1892, Proc. Acad, nat. sci. Philadelph., 1892: 127.-GRASSHOFF, 1971, Sencken- bergiana biol., 52: 81-82.-LEvY, 1986, Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc., 7 : 8. Kilima GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 122-123. Larinopa GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 226-227. Siwa GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 409.-LEVY, 1986, Bull. Br, arachnol. Soc., 7: 1-3. Paralarinia GRASSHOFF,1970, Senclenbergiana biol., 51: 411. Faradja GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 416-417. Mahembea GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 418. Lariniaria GRASSOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 421. Diagnosis. Carapace longer than wide, with vertical median fovea ; AMEs the largest, separated by more than one diameter from each other ; PMEs very close to each other ; MOA longer than wide, about twice as wide in front as behind ; ALE and PLE almost adjoining. Labium wider than long. Sternum longer than wide. Leg formula 1-2-4-3. Male palpal patella with two long macrosetae. Abdomen longer than wide. Remarks. Under this Genus, about 80 species were described mainly from tropical and temperate zones of all over the world. But about 30 species of these have been synonymized or transferred to other genera. So about 50 species are known at present (ROEWER, 1942; BONNET, 1957; GRASSHOFF, 1970a, b, c, 1971; LEVI, 1975, TIKADER & BISWAS, 1981; LEVY, 1986; MARUSIK, 1986; PLATNICK, 1989). Key to the Japanese Species 1. Cephalothorax marginated with gray............................................ 2 - Cephalothorax not marginated with gray ...................................... 3 2. Sternum uniformly dark gray, without marking; scape of epigynum wrinkled.... .................................................................... Larinia onoi - Sternum with yellowish marking; scape of epigynum short and triangular ... .................................................................... L. j eskovi 3. Venter of abdomen with a V-shaped dark coloured marking .................... 4 - Venter of abdomen without such a marking .................................. 5 4. Dorsum of abdomen with six pairs of small black spots besides muscle impres- -32- Japanese Spiders of the Genus Larinia sions ; cephalothorax with a gray median band widened at the posterior part of cephalic region ; scape of epigynum small and labiate ..........L. f usi f ormis - Dorsum of abdomen without black spots , or rarely with two rows of black spots larger than those in the former species ; cephalothorax with a pair of vertical lines behind PME, and rarely with gray marking as same as in the former species ; scape of epigynum much wide and triangular- ...... L. argiopi f ormis 5. Dorsum of abdomen with folium ...................................... L. sekiguchii - Dorsum of abdomen without folium .................................. L. phthisica Larinia argiopiformis BOSENBERGet STRAND, 1906 (Japanese name : Koganegumodamashi) (Figs. 1-7) Larinia argiopiformis BOSENBERGet STRAND,1906, Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 30: 212, pl. 15, fig. 423.-ROEWER, 1942, Kat. Aran., 1 : 768.-BONNET, 1957, Bib!. Aran., 2(3) : 2347.-SAITO, 1959, The Spider Book Illustrated in Colours, p. 101, pl. 15, fig. 121a, pl. 16, figs. 121b-121c. -YAGINUMA, 1986, Spiders of Japan in Colour, p. 115, fig. 60, pl. 31, fig. 3.-MARUSIK, 1986, Spixiana, 9: 251, figs. 22-24.-PLATNICK, 1989, Advances in Spider Taxonomy, p. 339. Larinia punctifera BoSENBERGet STRAND,1906, Abh. senckenb, naturf. Ges., 30: 202, pl. 4, fig. 32, pl. 11, fig. 203.-ROEWER, 1942, Kat. Aran., 1: 769.-BONNET, 1957, Bibl. Aran., 2(3) 2351.-SAITO, 1959, The Spider Book Illustrated in Colours, p. 101-102, pl. 15, fig. 122a, pl. 16, figs. 122b-122d. Lariniaria argiopiformis: GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 15: 421-423, fig. 29. Description. Measurement. Body L 8.80-12.25 mm, 7.80 mm; carapace L 3.20-4.93 mm, 3.52 mm, W 2.13-3.27 mm, 2.28 mm ; abdomen L 5.33-8.50 mm, 4.95 mm, W 2.53-4.00 mm, 2.08 mm; L of legs of 1 from Kanagawa Pref. and 1 from Miyagi Pref. as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Measurements on leg segments of L. argiopiformis Bos. et STR. (in mm Carapace L/W 1.41-1.51, b 1.54, AME-AME/AME 1.73-2.47, 2.11, PME- PME/PME 0.47-0.71, 0.62, ALE-PLE/ALE 0.46-0.64, 0.64, MOA L/W 0.74-0.86, 0.85, MOA WA/WP 1.78-2.06, 1.89, clypeus/AME 0.78-1.22, - 33 --- A. TANIKAWA Figs 1-7 Larinia argiopiformis BOSENBERG et STRAND, 1906.-1. Cephalothorax and abdomen of female, dorsal view. 2. Same, ventral view. 3. Epigynum with scape. 4. Same without scape. 5. Female genitalia, posterior view. 6. Male palp, ventral view. 7. Same, prolateral view. (Scales: 0.5 mm.) -34- Japanese Spiders of the Genus Larinia 1.11. Chelicera with 4 promarginal and 3-4 retromarginal teeth. Labium L/W 0.75- 0.88, 0.88, sternum L/W 1.48-1.60, 1.50. Tibia I DM/L 0.10-0.11, 0.08, leg I L/carapace L 4.01-4.29, 4.67. Male palp (Figs. 6-7). Terminal apophysis flattened and semitransparent . Stipes apophysis keel-shaped. Abdomen L/W 2.00-2.58, 2.39. Female genitalia (Figs. 3-5). Scape of epigynum wide and trianguler. Intromit- tent canal excurved in posterior view. Coloration and markings. : Carapace yellowish brown, with a pair of black vertical lines behind PMEs. Chelicera yellowish brown ; maxillae yellowish brown, inner margin pale yellow ; labium dark brown, distally white. Sternum dark brown, yellowish at the middle. Legs yellowish brown, frequently mottled with black. Dorsum of ab- domen yellowish brown, with a median white band bordered with brown, frequently with two rows of black spots. Venter of abdomen with a median white band bordered by V-shaped dark brown marking. Specimens examined. Izunuma, Hazama-cho, Tome-gun, Miyagi Pref., 1 , 18-V- 1986, 1 , 1-VI-1986, 1 , 5-V-1986 (subadult), 9-V-1986 (adult after breeding), A. TANIKAWAleg.; 1 , Kisarazu, China Pref., 20-IV-1973, K. KUMADAleg. ; Maioka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa Pref., 1 c, 17-VI-1983, 1 ~, 29-X-1986, A. TANI- KAWA leg. ; 1 , Mt. Ogiyama, Otukishi, Yamanashi Pref., 12-X-1986 (subadult), 30- I-1986 (adult after breeding), A. TANIKAWAleg; l , Kokubu-cho, Suzuka-shi, Mie Pref., 11-VIII-1981, A. UYEMURAleg. Distribution. Japan ; USSR, Far East (MARUSIK,1986) ; China (ZHU, 1983); Korea (PAIK & KIM, 1985). Larinia fusiformis (THORELL, 1877) (Japanese name : Nettai-koganegumodamashi~ (Figs. 8-14) Meta fusiformis THORELL,1877, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 10: 431. Larinia fusiformis : ROEWER,1942, Kat. Aran., 1 : 770.-BONNET, 1957, Bibl. Aran., 2(3) : 2349. Larinopa fusiformis: GRASSHOFF,1970, Senckenbergiana biol., 51: 231-233, figs. 15-16. Description. Measurement. Body L 6.80-10.40 mm, 6.00-7.20 mm; carapace L 2.52-3.90 mm, 2.42-3.06 mm, W 1.60-2.40 mm, 1.67-1.87 mm; abdomen L 4.25-7.25 mm, 3.48-4.65 mm, W 1.75-3.00 mm, 1.32-1.80 mm; L of legs of 1 1 from Iriomotejima Island, Okinawa Pref. as shown in Table 2. Carapace L/W 1.57-1.67, 1.45-1.68, AME-AME/AME 1.48-2.69, 1.47-1.80, PME-PME/PME 0,31-0,67, 0,31-0,42, ALE-PLE/ALE 0.29-0.58, 0.21-0.42, -35- A.
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