** ••***-r*r •w*wvi't) •..' v TOT Cranford Chronicle Augusts, 2001 Junior Legion team wraps up successful season. See page C-1 . ' . • ••:} www.maranosonsauto.com RD EXPLORER S001 NISSAN PATHFINDER S£ 1998ACURAWTCCRAGS 2001 FORD FOCUS SE EDDIE BAUER .3.5 V6,'.4x4, auto, air, p/s, • 2TJr hatch, auto, air p/s, • ISO TOURING ' Wagon, auto, air, p/s, p/b, .4 Dr, 4x4 moonroof. auto,.: t |i/b, (vW, p/joeks p/seats, ti.lt ; p/b, pAv, p/locks, tilt, Auto, air, p/s,' p/b, pAv, p/locks, pAv, p/locks, tiit, cruise, cd, •', air,n/s,n/b, |iAv, p/ipcfts •• cniisc cas$, cd changer abs; p/seats, tilt, cruise, cass, cd, p/seak, lilt cruise cass.'cd, cruise, cd, leather, abs, • dual bags, alloy wheels, VQI. 113, No. 33: : dual bags, 24,000 . dual bags, wing, 15,995. leather, abs, dual bags, 1&000 1 Thursday, August 16, 2001 50 cents . leather, abs. dual bags; • 14,000 miles VP1W148899 CRANF6RD»OARWbOp*KENtLWQ^H 39,000 miles VINSXZA72673 .miles,yiN«W518557. .. miles. WNftW$O13796 . mjlcsll VM«VT628805 . $19,995 $23,995 $15,995 $20,995 $14,095 •: 1998 FORD F-150 2001PONIMC CRAM* AM SE 1995 BUICE CUSTOM 1995 OLDS HERA SL 2000BUICKCENTUR^ XLPICKUP 6 Cyl, auto, air,- p/i, p/b,pAv, V6, auto, air, p/s,.p/b, p/w, 4Pr, 6 cyj, aiito, air, p/s, '-p/b, 4 Dr, 6cylj auto, .air; p/s, pi, Auto.ajr,p/s,;pd);cass:,abs, p/locks, cd, tilt, cruise, abs; p/locks, p/seats, tilt; cruise, p/Iocks, tilt, cass, ftbs, airbag p/w, p/locksi tilt, cruise, dgs, Around dual bags 29,000 miles dual bags, 17,000 miles cass; leather, only 21,000 only 29,000 rflilcs •:'• only 26,000 miles. ,-.i ; •'• V1NWKB72534. .. •V!N#1M5]4517 .. .'miles VrN#S1499684.; ,:•: WM/S6326538 , . • •. VIN#yi261501 ••; Town By GREG MARX p.m. during a welfare check. was well aiyare of her handicap.. 10' a.m.. Wednesday to deter- while, but she was a very pri-. $13,4^5 ,995 $9,595 $7, $13,095 THE CHRONICLE ' . .; . Police were notified by Meals- "She lived in a crib, basically," mine the exact time and cause yate person. She didn't coine ori-Wheels after food left at the : : : of both deaths.; "'.'•'.'-. • : out very often," said one neigh- 2001 FORD EXPIOREB SPQBT 1998 JEEP GRAND : 1998 NISSAN 2000 FORD TAURASSES Grariford No. 1 •he'said; . ';••.',.." •'• ••'•' . • •• •'•'•.•' .' : CRANEORD — A Cranford. home during the previous day . 2Dr, 4x4, auto,air,-p/s, p/b. '0, - : CHEROKEE LAREDO '••. HIGHUNE • .<4Dr,auto,'aJr, nft, p/b,pAv, •. The cause of death was not Police '.': suspect Judith bor. "Judy had a lot of problems. p/iocks, till, cruise, casved, abs, 4dr,4x4,auto,.air,f)/s,:{)/b, ' Aiito, air, p/s, p/b, cass, dual p/locks, p/seat, tilt, cruise, cass'; with dead ermys woman and her developmental- was'not picked up. immediately appar.ehtj but . Klauder died, leaving no pheto She wouldn't reveal everything : dual bags, 16,000 miles;. ' ji/wr, p/locks, tilt, cruise, cass,, •'•• bags 20,000 miles,-; '. • abs; dual bags, alloy wheels, ly-disabled daughtiar. were V1M/P81734 •;• ." '-. 'Jennifer Klauder, who sufr Dobbins; said there, is no indica- care for herdaughter! The: two she was. going through.". cd, a'bs/dual bags, only 37,000 . VINTO813941 . • 18,000 miles, WYG14498d 1 7 ; milesVIN#WL188006 q — The total found •;. deadl in .their 2A, fered from multiple . sclerosis "She was a very private lady,, WAS $10,995 2 TO CHOOSE FROM 7 tion of foul play. He said the. were last seen alive about 24-48 $18.99$ munber of dead crows iiifec^a Burnside Avenue . home and cerebral palsy,- weighed deaths appear to be accidental. hours befbie the discovery of always a very1 pleasant lady to , OR LEASE POH tW PER MOOTH/ $16,995 NOW $9,995 10 with the Vfest Nile Firus in ttie d y; ' ' about 39. pounds at the time of Judith Klauder sustained a the bodies, Dobbins said. me" added Winifred Seemorii MomiswmitiWTOttifio township this year has risen to According to Sgt.. Anthony death, Dobbins said. .- wound to her head, but Dobbins Judith: Klauder .was "She used to walk her little girl five, Health Officer Warren Hehl . But he added that did not in her wheelchair past her said this week.. Dobbins,:, police, discovered said, the injury, appeared to. described by neighbors as a Judith Kla.uder, ••'!60) iind indicate starvation or neglect, have been sustained in a fall. quiet, private woman. house. This has brought a real: •; Hehl said infected.crows have Jennifer Klauder, 29, at 12:06 and that the police department An autopsy was scheduled for "Judy lived here quite a sadness to our neighborhood." ..-:•. 2001 TOYOTA CAMRV IE . 1998 TOYOTA AVALOV MLS how been foiind. on both the . 1998 FORD RANGER HT ; 1998 SAAB 900 S 1998 MAZDA MLEWAS 1 Moonroof auto, air,-p/s, p/b, p/w.'' 4Dr mdftnropf, a.uto, air,'.p/s,ri/b, .Auto, air, p/s,, p/b, pAv, p/Iocks, tilt, 4pr, auto; air, ps, pb, pw, p/locks, north and south side of town. .5Spil,air,'p/s.,6cy!,p/b,cd.alloy .-. f j/lbcks, p/scats, tilt, cruise, cass, cd, Mocks, tilt, cruise, cass, abii,.dual bags, cruise, cass.cd, leather, abs, dual p/scats, tilt; cruise, cass.xd, leather, As of Monday, 21 infected .wheels, 26,000. miles. VIM RLEC36I02. leather, abs; dual.bags; alloy wheels, •bags, 34,000 miles, WNW1412860 ': 30,000 miles WN#lVU247175 ...37;00d:milcsVlN#0)2228 : 5,000 milcs.'VIf«((j4764784 crows had been found in Union ; : LEASE FOR'•••:' LEASE FOR I35S - '• .•'.'.• LEASE FOB •.' 7 '\- -'••'••.. DBASE TOR ;•• • .. ' LEASE FOR 'ouhty this year The five iii $179 PER MONTH ONLY $259 $299 PER MONTH $279 PER MONTH $299PERMONTH i* ••"-'• • - " •'" ^-~ •cfioofe most ih; tiny.njunicipality. in'the' 39M0NTHS FOBAMABII FOB A FUILV LOADED HTXUBV CAHII _JORJLHAAVALOW( 2M ORWSrNETv 1998 CHRYSLER SEBRWG UNITED CHEWVENrtlRA 20OO;FORDTAUHUSSES county."' ' . ' '. \ •..•••• -..".. .'•.•' " ';'! Moonroonroff 4x44,, aiilo,<iira,i, jfepftj ),, pAvpA, •2bt, aulo.air, p/s, |Vb, ivty p/lbcks,'li/scalst ••./.: CONVERTIBLE ;; EXTENDED VAN 4Dr, air, p/s,p/b, p/w, pTlbcIcs, p/seals?* • Hehl said township residents ~pJ\6c'is;Wsezii -lilt, cruise, cass, cd',d' J\'i;Wii lil till, cruise, easy, cd, ahs, dualbajjs, 1 ];0(J0 Auto, air, p/s, p/b,'i#, p/loc.ks.ptols, till, Auto, dual air, p/s, p/b, p/w, p/lbcks, tilt, cruise, cass, abs, dual bags, alloy (wilier, 29.000 miles VJN//W7914021 cruise, cass, cd, leather abs dual bags, tilt, cruise, cass,:7/8 pass only 22,000 have been diligent about report- miles, WIIW265U8 wheels, 17,000 miles VW#VA185800 ' IEASB IFOR •;••• 33,000 miles VIN«VT329775 • . miles 27,000 milcs.V)N#XD129132 ing dead crows. He said he has LEASE FOR Pricels) Include/si all coststobe paid by the consumer LEASE FOM LEASE FOR LEASE FOR ibrsfcaters $279 PER MONTH $249 PER MONTH $259 PER MONTH or licensing, r received ad many as S to 6 $269 PER MONTH $289 PER MONTH • - Urt reports in a day. : ; 3 TOBAWUCKUTTH FORAGBEATFlBSrCARI! WO* A WDSECB CAR FOR USO PAHCVTSfl ' By GREG MARX S EVEBf POSSIBLE OPTIONl! FORA IDLIY LOADED CONVERTIBLE!! MovttJttWJMBtfffiwmm _ He stressed again that the birds are simply an indicator of THE CHRONICLE the disease, and said residents should be most concerned with W — The past two mosquito control.. weeks have brought mixed news Neither Garwood nor to Cranford skateboarders.: v Kenilworth has reported infect- The police have announced a By GREG MARX ed crows this year. •; ' crackdown oh skaters who dam- age public property, and at THE CHRONICLE . •',: ••'. ; . arwood mayor Tuesday night's meeting the. UNION COUNTY - Finding .. Township Committee discussed enough candidates to fill teacher . the possibility of prohibiting or. vacancies has become a daunting upset with board &' 'i. i. * GARWOOD — During the regulating residential skate tasK! But local parents can feel Borough Council meeting ramps..; •" ;• , ,• .•''•• • •• . .• . .•" confident their children will have classified Tuesday, Mayor MichaelGrincofi But there are also signs that ril a qualified teacher hi every class- . said he was concerned by the maybe -—jiist maybe— the townr room this September, superinteu- ..'•• upcoming Board of Education ship may be .moving toward the dents in Cranford antl : Kenilworth said this week. ~ the first place to Ipdfc for everything meeting Tuesday at which school construction ofa municipal skate- construction options could be dis- board park. ' '."-. • When the Board of Education cussed. : . , The Mayor's Task Force on approved the hiring of three new.. Couricilwoman Kathleen Fields; headed by Commissipner teachers at Monday's meeting, Villagip, school board liaison, Dan Aschenbach; shbuld explore Kenilworth filled the last of its said the board extended an invi- potential sites; designs and icosts eijght vacancies this summer, said tation to the mayor and council for a municipal: facility and report Superintendent Lloyd Leschuk. to attend the meeting back to the committee, township: And in Cranford,. .Crincoli said he appreciated officials agreed' Tuesday .night. Superintendent . • Lawrence: the invitation and would attend, The Iksk: Force will next mee^ in1 Feinsod said he expects to hire although he was disappointed September. •'•.;• '.'".',•' • '•'''••• applicants to fill the district's last with tne: board's lack of commu-r That should come as welcome two vacancies after upcoming nication regarding, a June 4 let- news to Cranford.skateboarders final interviews. Cranford had to ter he sent to the board. ; and their families,. especiaUy ui fill about 10 to 12 spots this year, "The schopl facilities are of Feinsod. said. he utniost concern and have light of the police department's recent announcement they will Both districts met particularly heen for this community for difficult challenges this year.
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