Zeitschri des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte Rechts Rg Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History geschichte Rechtsgeschichte Legal History www.rg.mpg.de http://www.rg-rechtsgeschichte.de/rg21 Rg 21 2013 215 – 218 Kristjan Oad Berman and Livonia – Two Prodigious Strangers Dieser Beitrag steht unter einer Creative Commons cc-by-nc-nd 3.0 Forum forum Kristjan Oad Berman and Livonia – Two Prodigious Strangers Three decades aer the first print of Harold J. demystified, albeit not wholly without contro- Berman’s Law and Revolution one might think it versy. 4 near impossible to find any relevant new subject Where does Berman come into all of this? The matter, least of all primary sources, that might yield answer is – at the very core. novel results when viewed in light of Berman’s In a very brief summary, what happened in approaches and insights. Aer all, Berman’s inno- Estonia and Latvia in the last years of the 12th vations have been widely discussed, his emphases and the first years of the 13th century was the noted and some of his theses woven into the very following. A priest from Germany arrived with narrative against the background of which we view some merchants visiting their well-established trad- the legal reality and its transformations of the ing partners in what is now Latvia to preach 11th as well as the 12th and the 13th centuries. Christianity among the still pagan peoples of the Yet odd as it may seem, Berman’s views of the area. Aer some success (upon which he was consequences of the Papal Revolution have in fact consecrated a bishop), his small flock began to not been properly introduced to the study of the flounder; when he, an old man, died, his initial formation of Livonia (German Alt-Livland), the success had been rendered void. His successor was a curious medieval conglomerate of polities on the man of short temper; having unsuccessfully de- territory of present-day Estonia and Latvia. Livo- manded that the one-time converts return to nia, a loose confederation of the lands of the Christian worship, he gathered in Germany a host Teutonic Order, several Hanseatic towns and four of armed men, also securing from the pope the bishoprics, all formally under the rule of the Ger- right to style this enterprise a crusade. This bishop man emperor, developed and indeed blossomed died in battle. The third bishop now arrived, with from the 13th to the 16th century – only to be armed pilgrims of his own, to a land where conflict swallowed up by expanding empires on all sides. 1 was commonplace – between local nobles, as raids Itself quite an oddity, Livonia grew out of an even to and from further regions, and now also against stranger chain of events – the mission-turned- Christians. Conflict between various groups of crusade-turned-conquest aimed at the native Esto- Christians – the clergy, the crusaders, members of nians and Latvians, still unchristianised (!) in the a newly founded military order, to name some – first decades of the 13th century. 2 was also quick to arise. All of this took place in the These early events, a complex mesh of ambition, shade of a rising maritime empire of the king of intrigue, rivalry and war, have offered rich symbols Denmark, at first a looming threat, but by 1219 a for a most diverse range of propagandist claims reality of royal conquest in what is now Estonia. 5 from the 19th century onwards. For the German- The interpretation of what took place in the first speaking Baltic nobility it was a »bringing of three decades of the 13th century has been deter- culture« to savages; for Estonian and Latvian na- mined, as referred above, first and foremost by the tionalists, an »ancient struggle for freedom«; for political needs of the scholar’s own time. There was the Soviet regime a »fight of the allied Estonian much fighting; eventually Western Christian war- and Russian peoples against German invaders«. 3 lords and ecclesiastical notables emerged as rulers Only recently have these events been resolutely of the previously pagan lands. If on anything, the 1 A systematic new compendium in 4 S (2012) 25–80. Estonian on Livonia, S (2012), 5 For the depiction of these events in offers for the international scholar a the main narrative source covering comprehensive catalogue of (among the formation of Livonia, the others) English and German litera- Chronicle of Henry of Livonia, see ture on Livonia. in English B (2003) 25–38, 2 A recent collection of English articles 173–174; in German and the original on this subject: T et al. (2011). Latin, B (1959) 2–20; 230–233. 3 For a more detailed account, see K, K (2011). Kristjan Oad 215 Rg 21 2013 various conflicting narratives agree on the »fact« Might it be that Henry’s iura were canon law and that what took place was a secular conquest. 6 In the law merchant (the latter closely connected not the view of some, the missionary aims of the to say entwined with urban law), systems of law bishops were indeed just an excuse, an ideological now to be followed by the newly Christian local veneer covering true aims of subjugation. 7 traders in active commerce with the West? Hanse- It is with regard to the aims of the early atic towns were quick to be founded in Livonia Livonian bishops, their »master plan«, that Berman and Lübeck’s as well as other German towns’ laws may offer some highly valuable clues. When paying received already during the 13th century.12 Or on in mind Berman’s theses concerning the Catholic the other hand, these iura were »laws of Christen- Church and canon law aer the Papal Revolution, dom« and came to rule the lives of former pagans single terms and phrases in the sparse written exclusively through the mediation of Roman Cath- sources may reveal much more than they have olic clergy. Perhaps Henry the priest was referring been thought to do. In the following, two prob- to the two layers of canon law as distinguished lems with such potential will be briefly introduced, by Gratian and underlined by Berman – the ius as well as a third with a different, yet not in the least antiquum or the pre-Revolution customs of the a less interesting premise. Church as well as the new, sophisticated canon Throughout historiography the term iura chris- law already a strong century in the making by tianitatis, »laws of Christendom«, found in the Henry’s time. 13 A thorough analysis of primary chronicle of Henry of Livonia, 8 has been rightfully sources with these options in mind is of course seen as the gist of the changes brought about in the necessary before any certain conclusions may be formerly pagan lands by the formation of the drawn, but the perspective of Berman’s work as a bishoprics and other polities. 9 The prevailing view key to one of the central problems in the histo- today is that the term was used by Henry to express riography of early Livonia seems most promising. the grave changes brought about by marauding Secondly, some of Berman’s emphases may offer Christian warlords-turned-overlords. Efforts have a path to a paradigm of the formation of Livonia been made to sum up all burdens laid upon this or that does not imply an inherent urge of conquest that pagan ruler or region by militarily superior in every German notable setting foot on the east- Christians throughout a tumultuous period of ern shore of the Baltic in the early 13th century. The several decades, and the sum has been straightfor- nationalist narrative of a struggle for freedom is wardly claimed to comprise the factual essence of based strongly on the fact that Henry as well as the the term iura christianitatis. 10 For obvious reasons, unknown authors of some contemporary docu- the logic of such reasoning is dubious at best. ments did indeed use words like »under the rule«, What might help understand the original mean- »obey« and so forth to describe the situation of the ing of iura christianitatis is Berman’s trail of natives aer receiving baptism from the bishops. 14 thought concerning the emergence of several dis- The idea in general is not his, of course, but tinct Western legal systems in the aermath of the Berman did make it a point throughout his work Papal Revolution. 11 It is Henry’s curious use of the to hammer home the fact that the post-Revolution plural, »laws of Christendom«, that tempts one to Catholic Church was without reservation a full- ask whether his choice of words might be a first- fledged public authority, a state – in Berman’s hand piece of evidence, a witness report so to say, of words, the first modern state – in itself. 15 This this emergence and distinction. The whole affair of emphasis must in the case of early Livonia come christianising Livonia was able to take off because hand in hand with another, again not originally his German merchants had established contacts with but emphasised and expanded by Berman, namely their pagan colleagues from across the Baltic Sea. that in post-Revolution medieval Europe power 6 A (1918) 25; V (1990) 10 L (2011) 12–17. 15 B (1983) 113–115. 128; N (2005) 221; J 11 B (1983) 115–119. (2011) 199; S (2012) 41. 12 S (2012) 123–140. 7 N (1955) 117; L (2011) 19. 13 B (1983) 202.
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