Russian Entomol. J. 29(3): 337–342 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2020 Invertebrates of hyperhaline reservoirs of the Orenburg Region (Russia) Áåñïîçâîíî÷íûå æèâîòíûå ãèïåðãàëèííûõ âîäîåìîâ Îðåíáóðãñêîé îáëàñòè (Ðîññèÿ) A.A. Shayhutdinova1,2, M.G. Krivosheina3 À.À. Øàéõóòäèíîâà1,2, Ì.Ã. Êðèâîøåèíà3 1 Orenburg Federal Research Center, UB RAS (Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, UBRAS), Pionerskaya St. 11, Orenburg 460000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Оренбургский федеральный исследовательский центр УрО РАН (Институт клеточного и внутриклеточного симбиоза УрО РАН), улица Пионерская, 11, Оренбург 460000, Россия. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Orenburg State University, Pobedy Avenue 13, Orenburg 460018, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Оренбургский государственный университет, просп. Победы, 13, Оренбург 460018, Россия. E-mail: [email protected] 3 A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Институт проблем экологии и эволюции имени А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский просп. 33, Москва 119071 Россия. E-mail: [email protected] KEY WORDS: hyperhaline reservoir, resort area, macrozoobenthos, Branchiopoda, Insecta, dominant spe- cies, blood-suckers, reservoirs of bacteria, mass breeding. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: гипергалинный водоем, курортная зона, макрозообентос, Branchiopoda, Insecta, доминантные виды, кровососы, переносчики бактерий, массовое размножение. ABSTRACT. A study of the composition and struc- ка на территории памятника природы Гора Боевая, ture of macrozoobenthos communities of 4 hypergaline Малого Городского и Тузлучного озер (Соль-Илец- reservoirs of resort areas and places of mass recreation кие озера). Таксономический состав макрозообен- in the Orenburg Region: artificial reservoirs on the тоса включает 10 видов Branchiopoda и Insecta. По- Tuzlukkol river, a reservoir near the spring of the Gora казано, что увеличение уровня минерализации до Boevaya Nature Monument, lakes Maloe Gorodskoe 159‰ приводит к снижению видового разнообра- and Tuzluchnoe (Sol-Iletsky lakes) was fulfilled. The зия, и доминантными видами в гипергалинных во- taxonomic composition of macrozoobenthos includes доемах становятся галобионтный Artemia salina и 10 species of Branchiopoda and Insecta. It is shown галофильные Cricotopus salinophilus, Culicoides that an increase in the level of mineralization to 159‰ (Monoculicoides) riethi и Ephydra pseudomurina. Под- leads to a decrease in species diversity of biota and тверждено развитие мухи-береговушки Ephydra halobiont Artemia salina and halophilic Cricotopus attica в гипергалинных водоемах при минерализа- salinophilus, Culicoides (Monoculicoides) riethi and ции 51–67‰; этот вид, известный ранее в России с Ephydra pseudomurina become dominant species in территории Крыма и Астраханской области, впер- hyperhaline reservoirs. The development of the shore вые регистрируется в Оренбургской области. fly Ephydra attica was confirmed in hyperhaline water bodies at a mineralization level of 51–67‰; this spe- Introduction cies, previously known from the territory of Crimea and the Astrakhan region, is recorded on the territory High salinity inland waters are essential for main- of the Orenburg region for the first time. taining natural processes in arid zones. Salt water bod- ies are an important source of halophilic fauna forma- РЕЗЮМЕ. Проведено исследование состава и tion, which differs sharply from that of freshwater com- структуры сообществ макрозообентоса 4 гиперга- munities and often contains rare highly specialized линных водоемов курортных зон и мест массового forms. Of particular interest to researchers is the study отдыха Оренбургской области: искусственных во- of changes in species diversity in the salinity gradient доемов на реке Тузлукколь, водоема вблизи родни- in water bodies with different salt concentrations [Vare- How to cite this article: Shayhutdinova A.A., Krivosheina M.G. 2020. Invertebrate animals of hyperhaline reservoirs of the Orenburg Region (Russia) // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.29. No.3. P.337–342. doi: 10.15298/ rusentj.29.3.15 338 A.A. Shayhutdinova, M.G. Krivosheina schi, 1987; Zinchenko, Golovatyuk, 2013; Shayhutdi- with inclusions of mineral particles (mainly sand). More nova, 2019a,b]. With an increase in mineralization in than 5000 tourists may attend the place. such reservoirs, the number of species living in them The spring on the territory of the Gora Boevaya decreases; in some cases, a single species remains in Nature Monument has the following morphometric char- the pond. For example, Artemia salina is the only acteristics: a point source, a downward source, and a inhabitant of the reservoir in the western part of Lake permanent one. Expiration pattern — pressureless bot- Sivash [Chaban, 2012]. It is the only of the gill-footed tom feeding. This is a unique natural object associated crustaceans adapted to live in salt waters at salinity up with the release of salt formations to the surface. Min- to 300‰ and survive in chloride, sulfate and carbonate eralization was within 51–67‰. Spring water outlet waters, in acidic so in alkaline environments. In the velocity does not exceed 0.01 m/s. The spring is locat- arid zone of Uzbekistan, such a unique species is the ed on the slope of a steep deep ravine in the open air fly Ephydra pseudomurina Krivosheina, 1983, the lar- and is a cascade of bowl-shaped natural cavities with a vae of which develop in lakes in sulfate waters at a depth of 0.2 m and a width of 0.7 m. Bottom sediments salinity of 50‰ in an alkaline environment [Krivoshei- are represented by a mixture of gray silt and clay. This na, 1983, 1986]. Despite the fairly extensive informa- place is a little less popular since the spring can dry out tion on the composition, the structure of macrozoob- in summer. enthos communities of mineralized water bodies and There is a unique Iletsk rock salt deposit, which is a their dynamics at the gradient of mineralization [Will- salt dome in a salt core brought to the surface on the iams, 1998; Balushkina et al., 2007; Zinchenko et al., territory of the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg Region. A 2011], the new data continue to be relevant due to the complex of lakes was formed as a result of open-pit fact that many salt water bodies are used to improve the mining of salt, when large karst funnels, excavations of health of people in resort areas [Gogoleva et al., 2019]. used open pits and cavities of old mine workings formed In these cases, it is necessary to have the most com- in saline sediment were filled with water [Petrishchev, plete data on the species composition of invertebrates 2011]. These lakes are very popular among tourists of specific water bodies in order to assess their possi- and more than 1.5 million people attend them. We have ble impact on humans. The objects of our study were investigated 2 of them — Maloe Gorodskoe and Tu- selected hypergaline reservoirs of the Orenburg region, zluchnoe. used as resorts and places of mass recreation. Lake Maloe Gorodskoe has a karst origin, the maxi- mum depth reaches 15 m. The area of the lake is 21 030 Description of reservoirs m2. The total salt content in this reservoir is from 31.4‰ in the spring to 86.5‰ in the autumn. At the The material was collected in the spring, summer, bottom lies a layer of therapeutic mud, the total reserve 3 and autumn seasons of 2019 on four hyperhaline ponds of which is about 3 thousand m . Bottom sediments of of the Orenburg Region: artificial microreservoirs on the lake are sandy-silty. the Tuzlukkol river, a reservoir near the spring of the Lake Tuzluchnoye also has karst origin. Its area is 2 Gora Boevaya Nature Monument, lakes Maloe Gorod- 23 750 m and a depth of approximately 3–4 m. Miner- skoe and Tuzluchnoe (Sol-Iletsky District). alization fluctuates throughout the year and amounts to The Tuzlukkol river crosses the Tuzlukkol salt dome 30.3‰ in spring and 159‰ in autumn. The bottom 9.5 km from the source, where spring water outlets are sediments of Lake Tuzluchnoye are represented by a observed and two self-flowing wells from the time of thick layer (2 m or more) of black silt — a homoge- A.S. Khomentovsky [Chibilev et al., 2009] are drilled. neous fine silt with the remains of decomposed vegeta- As a result, a boggy salt marsh area was formed in the tion with the smell of hydrogen sulfide. river valley. The solonchak is of geological origin and is associated with a close occurrence of Permian salts Methods and gypsum in the core of the salt dome [Petrishchev, 2011]. There are several types of plots on the Tuzluk- To determine the species diversity of macro- kol River: fresh, saline and with intermediate salinity zoobenthos of the studied water bodies, samples were indicators. The latter forms a specific adaptive zone taken from silty soils using a DAK-100 automatic box- inhabited by invertebrates with a high capacity for type scoop on a steel cable with a grip area of 1/100 osmoregulation. We selected hyperhaline plots with m2, and from a sand and gravel substrate using a hydro- salinity from 40 to 159‰ for this research, which may biological scraper (knife length 16 cm, scraper pulling be lower, about 30‰, during short period in spring as a 1m). Samples were taken at depth 0.7–0.8 m at Tuz- result of snow melting. They are artificially created zlukkol reservoirs, at depth 0.2 at Gora Boevaya sta- microreservoirs (stations 1–3) with a varying level of tion, at depth of 0.7–1 m at Maloe Gorodskoe and mineralization during the year from 29.5 to 159.0‰, Tuzluchnoe lakes with 3 replicates each season. The with a depth of 0.7–0.8 m, with a total area of 21.5 m2 soil was washed through a sieve cloth with a mesh size on the territory. The flow velocity in the river does not of 300 µm.
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