PAGE FOURTEEN THE LETHBRIDGE HERALD SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 Sport Chatter City Rugby Series Is Arranged DAHA ROUNDUP George M.Lott OF SPORT NEWS LETHBR1DGERECE1VES INVITATION Sizing Up Prospects Of THREE TEAMS WILL COMPETE IN AND COMMENT. Turning Pro N.H.L. Teams, 1934-35 TO ENTER CROW LOOP THIS YEAR; (Canadian Press 'i NEWLY FORMED LEAGUE; LIST OF These young puckchasers who NEW YORK, Nov. 3— , move from amateur Hockey to tnc George Martin Lott, Jr.. of LESTER PATRICK OF RANGERS IN NO HURRY national league in one stride se<™- MACLEOD TEAMALSO IS INVITED Chicago, world famed ten- GAMES DRAWN AND ANNOUNCED ingly don'l inter* Mtlng veterans worry them -..-iUi rough play wlln- 7 nis player, hns turned pro- (Thlj ]j Die Ihird of a Can- Vestcrn Canada League, are two Panthers, Huskies and Maroons Will Compete foi out hitting oack. Far irom showing 'Top" Price, mnnal^r of the Uthbridge Arena and fessional. He adian Press series on National trlngmcn Patrick feeis assured will, »ny irxijaalicn to lake the raziiisr hockc,ovy team lun receive.', a letter from R. >'. Bimies of signed a con- Hockey League teams, prepar- along ivilh R capa'ole centre, form Pisko Trophy, Emblematic of City Gria Title— usus.lv dished out to rookies, tney TO™ anofficial of the Crow hockey leajjue, inviting ing for the opculnj of Ihc 1934- i powerful second or Uiirrl line Colsri\i\.., .... wtl l> . tract T h u r s- Teams Bolstered With Bulldog and have shonn liiey con swop punches v,ini .HUVIItn pnt(>, »IUr hi-s - team this• winter_ . ,„ . Tim Inflnlletter- nltlmAtfintimateSs 35 season.} nreat. 'Kltli anyone. to JIacleod. ctay to join Right to pivot this pair of starry ^Cardinal Players—First Game that a stailar invitation i, beh,* «te«ded to JUcieoci. four - monthsf NEW YORK. Nov. 3—(C.P.)—It ,'Otingstcrs will be fouglit otit aiinost on Sunday Nels Crntclificld. Canadlcns' The letterr suggesuggest, s an early meeting of the league in b a rnstorming i? just one question mark after nil- o Uio season's opening by Vu, RLp- rccroK from Mr-GUI, slarlcd U Macleod. tour under the ether skirling about New York ey. Art, Eomers of Winnipeg, and First of a schedule of six | Sunday, Nov. 18.—Panthers vs. Ihe oilier night in a Doslon- swercd. accepting: the invitation a»d Rangers as the National Hockey Danny Cox, all members of the Cynics In the City Rugby League Huikics. Canadieu exhibition when he Mr. Price has ansv v.ter his team sponsorship of; League season 1934-35 inaugural Ranger squad last year. will be played Sunday afternoon i Wednesday, Nov. 21—Mnroons vs. lansled with Johnny Oasnon pointing out that he wilt bo- ilengnteu --c- Rill O'Brien,' . approach.es. Lynn a rosslullil.T at Adams Park nt 3 o'clock bc- Panthets. and tJicu look on Jean rusie, iu the Crow league this winter. sports proniot-V ®P%. •* Lester Patrick, progressive mentor There Is also a possibility Lynn Uiecn Maroons .tud Huskies. The llirec squads will lie bolskr- - • • delcnce- There is talk in this city of securing tthe services of a of Gotham's bluc-shirted .-^uad Patrick; all-round athlete nnci son I'lio Icnguc irill consist of the •d by players from the Bulldogs and er. He will ' y??' I thai has never missed entering the of Lester, will yet sot the cail over same 1cama \shlch performed Curdlnais, Lctlibridge senior and get a percent-[\. ..- play-offs since joining the league, .lie trio. In the loop last season, namely, junior representatives in the A. R. ajre of the ix>tt refuses to be hurried In his final Should the younger Patrick make JIusVlcg, Maroons and IMnthcrs. F. U. tilts season. All games will be gross gate receipts, having cK-liberaticns over the makeup of ic grade and secure the centre Ice Tanlhcrs are present holders of played on the northslde Adams Park his team. rolo "\ltri Connolly and Mason, the tire handsome Pisko cup, em- grid and Jaiis arc again assured ol refused a flat §20,000 offer- Pfilrlck. whose active mind con- Rangers will boost cno of the blematic of city grid supremacy bang-up rugby whenever the team* win? tripped him as he copied ta ed for the tour. ceived such plays as the forward heaviest sets of forwards ever to and will make a determined bid clash. to take a pass fiom Vic Ripley. TliD pass, the penalty shot and even ihe break into the major loop together. to rctritn their laurels lor the Announcement is made by tho former HawS dropped his slick ana training school for (irr.bitrous ama- Their avenge hetgnt U n scant mcli second year In succession. locnl grid body (tint ali Holders ot ed into Ward. The ftglH crougn BEARS CONFIDENT OF teurs, believes the main \ver,k spots under six feet; average weight US The Schedule season tickets will be admitted to other Rangers and Maroons to . tne National League in the Ranger machine last season pounds end age 23. Following: is Hie scMcdule of all (James free ol charge on pres- rescue but only Die principal drew are In his reserve mateiiai. If tile joungstcrs are successful Eonics as drawn up and released entation or theiv tickets ot tire majors. EVENING RUGBY SERIES WITH President Quits Old Slanilbys Ripley anil Somers v.ill probably be Friday by the LcUibrldge mgby gate. He plans to bank r^rain mainly tho utility players. football executive: In addition to the City League The New YnrVers won their on Ihe highest scoring front line The Ranger defence nas be i Sunday, Kov, 4—Maroons vs. campaign for the PisVo trophy a scries willi Maroons by Uking modern hockey lias knouii. Tins strengthened oy the acqulsiticn of I Huskies. number of games arc bring arranged Thur.'tlay nighl's (Tame 6-4 MERALOM^MCOAST TODAY , as every fan knows, of the Alex "Minn Boy" LevlnsKy fronij \vc(Jue.«lay, Nov. t—Paj\tl>cr$ vs. for pccsseEslon of tlio J. B. Mulr after ticing the lirsl 2-2 an* Ccok brothers. Bun nnd Bill fron Toronto Maple Leafs. He will pro' Huskies. Challenge Bo-.vl at present Held by winnin- the second 4-3. They If History Repeals Itself, Albertans Should Come Out Saskatchewan wifn polished Franks uably pMr with Ott Hellcv unless Sunduy, Nov. 11—Panthers vs. the Maroons. Announcement ol rlay »53in in Winnipeg (onlsm Boucher at centre. Patrick decides definitely to drop Maroons. dates for ChallonEc 3o-,vl games tatars rr.ovins on to St. Paul on Top Today-Will Be More at Home m Murray Murdoch, Cecil Dillon Bill Cook bad; to the rearguard Wednesday, Nov. 14—Huskies vs. will be made when details are com- for another prL-season workout. and Butch Keelinjr ill round out which woukl necessitate a realign- Maroons. pleted. Afternoon Game—Aerial Attack Ham- another line with a third probably mcnt up front, Maroons had three goals oeiorc pered by Flood Lights providing a pleasant surprise to Ivan "Cl ins" Johnson tmd Earl Rangers got started. Eirl RobiiKon Ranger fpns and an unpleasant one Seibert are still considered the No. •> •> •:> •:• •> •:• '.• t •;• f » <• c- and'Allan Shields Kiring in the to opposing learns. 1 defence pair. Iirst and nave Tto:tier m the sec- Bert Connolly, keen nifttksmati of hi the goal cage a merry battle CALL1ES TO MEET MAX BAER TO ond, hut when <he 3?e\v Yurseis gol Moncton Hawks, Canada's Allan cup proceeds belv^eon Aiid.v the range it ^vas too had, champions.' and Charhr Mosor.lpnd Percy Jackcon, recently All players and executive lormcrly of Vancouver Lions of the excised from Boston Cubs. of Tnc CJlcdoiilan football (>c Dillon anil Bill Cook team aro requested to meet MEET J. JIILER teal Alex Conncll in ine sec- at AdaJns Park on Sunday ond and Dillou 501 tno mote m same Thursday i«?ht, the Be at 11 a m. Offer Accepted for Non- (be third to adrl to goals by meet th« British CjlumWa reprt- Afternoon GAnie KOMONEN AND WEBSTER BOTH Butch Keclinc ana Alex Lew- ivea u\ the second rmie ot Admittedly handkipped by r. <• <• « •> •> •:• •?• •:• •> Title Bout, Likely in insky. Hooley Smith, star Ma- the total-point series here this aft- muddy field and greasy ball and SEEK CROWE TROPHY THIS YEAR roon' centre, tallied their fourth. rncon. And the studsnts are ccn- Jnuse'd to niJht playing in the firs, January fident tliej- wm duplicate th; !ejt <-ame the Bears are set to laur.c'-. There were 36 players on the 'ce of other Alberta teams and teep their famed aeriil attack and Flyina Finn and Hamilton Qrillia Players HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 3.—(A. »t one time or another in the To- the prairie football slate c.ear charging line pla>s on a drier flela . JOilfi p.j—Mast Bacr's tlrst Nfhl 1 Veteran Well in ronto Lenf-Detroit Red Wins game against BC. comp^'it' "!- under natural light today. NEW YOKK, tlo,- 3— (A.P )— win be a. 10-round no-decision at Windsor Thursday night out •With my kind oi a break we Are feted And affafr at I>cs Motnes, Ancll in B.C.'s last three bids for a wffl Late "'em." Elated youthful John Arnold Hcydlcr. president of Running none could wore a 8oai. Georga final berth in the western final they the National Leogue of professional llotlnran, manager of the cham- coach A!c.i\ -.ViUon of the Bears. pion, satfl. Hainsrcorth, fcr LeaCs, and Sonnie have led their prairie opponents "Meralomas showed a considerably baseball clubs since 1918, yesterday (By ELMER DULMAGE, Canadian SroiUi and John P.ces Roach, lor until trie final m'nutea.
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