Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 8-23-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 23, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1983 Volume 69, Issue 2 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, August 23, 1983." (Aug 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 73gyptian TIIeeday. AugIIIt 2.'l, 111113-Vol. ., No. I e 'd · "< KIng s ream agaIn ~ e e h 1 "nsp"res marc ers ~f1u:..~~hrag on the march in 1963. He said that people from Cairo to Mount Vernon joined the trip, which This weekend a group of was sponsored and organized by students and SouUlern lllinois various religious groups and the resid£.nts will travel to local chapter' of the National Washington. D.C., to reafll"Ill a Association for the Ad­ dream - a dream that Martin vancement of Colored People. Luther King Jr. proclaimed two He sa.id the event, which drew decades ago. an estimated 200,000 people, The entourage will not be the was very moving. first to journey to the nation's "Words would fail a person capitol to promote civil rigtlts who tried to describe it." be and racial equality. About 40 said. "I felt anger, pride people from Southern Illinois frustration, the whole bit, an participated in the historic wrapped up into one ex- Mardi on Washington in 1963. ·ence. 1 knew history was ... homas Bell, a resident of . made." , northeast Carbondale, was one ~Be said that although be is of those who made the long unable to go 011 the man:b this SUlf PIa.. Ity SaU 8II.w journey ~ years ago. He said weekend, be is glad that othen that for a 23-year~ld from a from the area will be there t8 RetIrba" .:Jty m ...ger Cu'ron Fry at a .....- MayCll' Belea WesthrJ ..&dies a. Fry __ • small Southern lllinois town lleld .. It ..........t tile ean..dNe BeUday laa, flllIba, red gIvea as a lift. -r- reaffmn the goals stated by Dr. the event was "quite an ex~ King in his famous "I Have • perience." Dream" speech. "What impressed me more "There's been a lot c.l effort to than anything was all the realize those goals, but there's a Fry praised at dinner people," he said. "There were lot left to be done," be said. people from all over and from "I'm glad that the whole effort all walks of life." is bein3 revived and that ~u~ despite all the people, he said It was a peaceful event. ~:.:,w::, ~~t~ ~~ing by colleagues, Sirnon "There was a lot of love Nick Rion, of Anna, is one of ~ :: ~~ people that I the people involved in that ef­ By Karen terry tbia area eaaa-. ____- eI80 ~....,." by quoting fmot; He Ia ~ of the Kid- Lloyd Sumner, Il'AOUMlr other s.aff Writer am-ad. .. him. CarbOndale resident, also went T\vo former mayon and sis Ray recalled advice Fry gave See MARCHERS. Pa,. 3 In the past, when .someone former eo;mcU members joined him when Ray w~ considering stepped in a podium to talk Mayor Helen Westberg and the aD important decision he had about Carbondoue l.'ity Manager present City Councu in paying to make as a council member: Three ~harged with rape Carroll Fry, the comments tribute to the man paid to ad- "If you're going to direct the were sometimes less than minister council policies. orcmstra, you've got to tum Two SIU-e 8tudents and a CarfJondaJr Memorial HospitaL favorable. Westberg IllIIlOWlCed that Aug. your back on the crowd." Carbondale resident were Jadsoa County Stllte's At­ arrested and charged with rape But there was nothing but ~e: ~ ~ll J, Fry "That's why CarroB Fry bas torney John Clemons said the praise, sometimes tempered by in two separate incidents woman was apparently part 01 a bumor, for the outspoken ad­ When CarroU Fry was hired ~ FRY. Page 3 Saturday. group which travel<; around the ministrator Saturday night as city manager in 1971, "the Hamad Fabmy, 26, of 405 E. country selling subscriptions. when about 180 people gathered city didn't know how much College St., and Mamdouh ShebJ is listed at the OffICe of at the Carbondale Holiday Inn money it had or how much it Sbebl, 25, of 800 '!:. Grand Avc., Admissioos and .Records as a to honor Fry's 11 years of had obligated," according to are in the Jackson County jaiJ graduate student in geoklgy. service in Carbondale. George Karnes, a C8rbondale under $20,000 bond each. They Fahmy is not listed as a "If I were to give you a grade dentist and councilman from were arrested Saturday night student but, according to 'or diplomacy," Rep. Paul 1971 to 1m. after allegedly raping an I&­ Clemons, Fahmy Nlid during year-old Alabama woman his initial court appea.-ance tha.t Simon told F:t, ''your grade ". bet it knows now," he said. would not be high. "You woo't find a better money selling magazines ':!oor-ttHfoor. he is a student at SIU... ~. "But if I were to give you a manager than Carron Fry." according to Carbondale police. Clemons said the two itleD, grade for effectiveness," the Also praising Fry's fl.SC8.l who are Egyptian, were ap­ Makanda Democrat continued, skills. Charles Watkins, a The woman Wd police she pointed counSel from the public sold the tv-o men magazine defender's office. "that grwJe would be an A councilman from 1968 to 1971 Kevin L. Simmons, 24, of _ plus." and DOW a minister in Owen­ subseriptions at Fahmy's Simon caned Fry "one of the sbcJro, Ky., remembered Fry's residence about 2 p.m. and was S. Graham Ave., was arrested most effective public servants fll'!t public statement as city leaving wben they pulled her and cbarged with attempted back into the home, where both rape Saturday morning. He "I'18S in getting !he ~ done." manager: "Turning the City "Carroll Fry bas done an Council loose with the people's raped her. shot in the leg as he fled a i5- immense amount of good for money is like turning your wife At 3:30 p.m., police said, she year~1d girl'S room, and was this city," said Simoo. ''We loose with your checkbook" was allowed to dress and leave treated at Carbond.,le Memorial HospiW before being reaDy pay tribute to Carroll Fry Former Councilman Eldon G_ says Y. caD" fry CarnU the residence. She reported the if we make sure this city aud Ray, who served from 1978-79, 1ridIoat fried iD reQana. rape an hour later and was ,ettin, treated and released from !W RAPE, Page 3 Lottery creates three millionaires CHICAGO (AP) - A Chicago 29-32 - in Saturday's drawmg. wbere be purclJased the winning . 'I've got to get the fll'!t check Asked what his occupatiOll man who says M'S "already On a ~ entry, Collins ticket, he said calml)" "Now, first before I retire, you know," was, Shelby quipped initially. well off" and a double winner chose fi~ of tb six winning that's ju1It what I oeed." said Collins, who said he spent ;;:.r,og one step ahead of the from Pekin became two of the numbers, entiUing him to "If you win a doIIar. you win a between $48 and $50 on lottery state's three newp-st another $1,139. Lottery officials dollar; if you win a milliOll. roo tickets Saturday. He later said be was CIIk.'e a millionaires Monday. :dn::t:;~ matched five of win • million," added ColIma, Collins, who said be currently singer. The three winners will share a who has worked for 36 yean for brings home S508 a week from Shelby. who bas a wife, record $6.9 million prize in the The odds of having the win­ Ca~ Tract« Co. his job, said of his sma1Ier $1.139 Emma, and seven children, IDinois Lotto game. The third ning combination were 1 in 1.9 Collins, an engine repairer at prize: "ru probably give most said be put up $152 for tickets. millionaire bas not come for­ millioo for each $1 ticket pur­ the company's Mossvifie plant, of it away.' One son selected the numbers ward yet, lottery officials said, chased, offICials said. said be will treat his co-workers He said he picked some of the and a daughter bought the DOting that be has a year to t.1o The Jackpot - usually about to dinner and may buy a new winning numbers by Iooki at tickets. so. $1 million - grew to $6.9 million car to replace his 1m POIItiaC. winning numbers in :titer Asked bow the family would William Shelby, 46, of when four weeks went by He also said be will leave it up states. The other numbers were spend the money. Mrs. SbUb7 Chicago, and Harold Collins, 57. without a winner and unclaimed to Cathie, bis 32-year-old bolidays, he said, except for 32- said, "We will take a trip. A II of Pekin, will each receive $2. 3 money was added to tOO prize. "sweetie," to decide how to Meanwhile, Shelby ..aid at a millioo, or $115.000 a year for M When Collins was told the spencl the money, MOIIday news c:oofeMlCe in :e~~=,~ .....
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