DIRECTORY .1... CORN\VALL. ST. COL UMB MAJOR • 7'3 relating to parochial matters from 1585 ; there is a is now the property of the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorm~ reference in it to an older register not now in existence. A Vyvyan bart. and residence of Captain Richard Walter parish nurse was established here in r887, and works under C{)myn Vyvyan J.P. The manor rights in the parishes the diredion of a committee of ladies. About two miles are vested in the representatives of the late Francis south-east from the town stands Castle-an-Dinas, a large Camborne Paynter esq. and ~fessrs. Whitford and Sons. and nearly circular British or Danish encampment, con­ The principal landowners are H.R.H. the Duke of Corn­ sisting of a double vallum, with an inner area of about wall and York K.G. Edward William Brydges Willyams I,JoO by I,5oo feet; the circumference of the outer circle esq. of Carnanton, Mawgan in Pydar, the Rev. Sir Vyeli being about 964 paces and that Df the inner Donnitborne Vyvyan bart. M.A. of Trelowarren, John about 750 paces: Castle-an-Dinas, which may be Charles Williams esq. of Caerhays Castle, Henry Jenkin rendered "the castle on the fortified headLmd," is the Rowse esq. J.P. Colonel Arthur Tremayne, of Carclew, property of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York K.G. Perranarworthal, and the representatives of the late John On the down.s, about two miles from St. Columb, to­ Rowse esq. The soil is various; subsoil, mar!. The chief wards Wadebridge, are nine stones placed in a straight crops are wheat, barley, oats, mangolds and turnips. The line, and known by the name of "the Nine Maidens," area of the parish is I2,875 acres of land and 9 of water; seven of them being still erect; the highest stands about rateable value, £r4,378; the population in IgOI was 2,640, 8 feet ont of the ground ; these are now tlu1 pmperty including ofiicers and inmates in the workhouse. of Henry Jenkin Rowse esq. J.P. of Carworgie. The ancient Verger, Frederick Coombe. and exciting game o~ hurling with a silver ball is still practised here on Shrove Tuesday and the Saturday ST. OOLUl\IB ROAD, 2~ miles south, GAVERI­ week following in every year. The parish feast is held GAl~ (or Gavrigan), 4 miles south - by - east, on the nearest Sunday to the 17th November. Here GLUVIA.N, ha.lf-a-mil~ north, INmAN QUEE-NS, 3~ are the bead quarters of the G Company 2nd Volunteer south, on the road from Bodmin to Trur<J, RUTHVOS, 2~ Battalion ()f the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. south-by-east, TOLSKIDDY, I north, TREBUDAN~ON, On an eminence north of the town is Trewan, an em­ 2 south-west, TREGASWITH, r west, TREGATILLIAN, battled structure of the I5th century, with a granite half-a-mile south-east, TREKENNING, three-quarters of entrance ball of Elizabethan date; the house was restored a mile south, TREVARREN, 2! south, are villages in and enlarged by the late Richard Henry S. Vyvyan esq. the parish. OFF1CIAL ESTABLISH~IEl\TS. LOOAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, ~I. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Colan, St. Columb Major, St. Columb Minor, Crantock, Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office & Stamp Cubert, St. Enoder, St. Ervan, St. Eval, St. Issey, St. Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Mawgan, St. Merryn, Newlyn East, Newquay, Padstow, Cornwall added).-William Henry Polkinghorne, post­ Little Petherick, Wadebridge (that part formerly in master St. Breock), St. Wenn & Withiel Incoming Mails :-London night mail arrives at 7.20 ST. COLUMB MAJOR RURAL DISTRICT COU~CIL. a.m.; North mail arrives at 2.20 p.m.; London, New­ quay & St. Columb Minor, 6.50 p.m Meets at the St. Columb Guardians Board room, Work- Box closes for dispatch: -For country districts at 7·45 house, on alternate thursdays, at 3 p.m. a. m.; North mail, east, west & Par station, 10.25 Chairman, David Williams, Penquain, Wadebridge a.m.; Newquay & North mail, 12.20 p.m.; London Clerk, Charles Edward Whitford, Fore street, St. Columb night mail, 4·45 p.m.; sunday at 4.15 p.m. The office Treasurer, J oseph Passing ham Duns tan, Consolidated is open for general business from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; Bank of Cornwall sundays, for telegraphing, from 8 to 10 a.m Medical Officer of Health, Frederick Dunbar Sutherland McMahon L.R.C.P.Edin. Bank street, St. Columb Wall Letter Boxes. Surveyor, Thomas Geach, Bank street Fair street, cleared at I0.20 a.m. & 12.15 & 4.40 p.m.; Insvector of Nuisances, Ro2:er Gill Hawken. Fore street sundays, 10. IO a.m Bridge, cleared 9·55 a.m. & 1r.55• 4-25 & 7.30 p.m.; sun· PCBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. days, 9.20 a.m Cemetery, Edwin Jenkin, clerk to the parish council Black CFoss, cleared at 3·55 p.m County Court, held at I2.30 a.m. in the Town hall, bi­ Talskiddy, cleared at 4 p. m monthly, on dat~s fixed by the judg-e; His Honor Trebudannon, cleared at'3.50 p.m Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge; George Browne Winards Perch, cleared 3·45 p.m Collins & Thurstan Collins, joint registrars & high Lanhainsworth, cleared 4· IS p.m bailiffs. The parishes· within its jurisdiction ore St. Trekenning, cleared 4.15 p.m Breock, Colan, St. Columb Major, St. Columb Minor, Tregonetha, cleared 10.45 a.m Crantock, Cubert, St. Enoder, St. Ervan, St. Eval, St. Tolcarne, cleared 8.45 a.m. & 3.40 p.m. Issey, St. Mawgan, St. Merryn, Newlyn East, Newquay, St. Columb road, cleared 6.55 a.m. & 3.40 p.m Padstow (urban & rural), Little Petherick & St. Wenn For Bankruptcy purposes it is within the jurisdiction of COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR EAST PYDER PETTY the Truro court · SESSIONAL DIVISIO:N. Official Receiver, G. Appleby Jenkins, Boscawen st. Truro Bennet Richard Gully esq. B.A., D.L. Tresillian house, Certified Bailiffs appointed under the ''Law of Distress St. Columb Minor R.S.O. chairman Amendment Act, r888," William Honey Henwood, Com­ Tangye Sir Richard, Glendorgal, Newquay mercial square, Newquay & Brice Colliver, Bank street, Bennet Lieut.-Col. Edward Gully, Tresillian house, St.. St. Columb C<Jlumb Minor County Police Station, New road, Daniel Miller, inspector, Bullmore James Christian esq. Tregair, Newlyn East & 2 constables Cardell Richard esq. Killacourt, Newquay Masonic Lodge, Duke of Cornwall, No. 1529, Victoria st. Hick's George esq. Pentowan, Newquay W. W. Crossman, hon. sec. ; Thomas Gatley, ban. treas Hicks Joseph esq. Atlanta, Trevone Bay, Padstow R.S.O Mechanics' Institute, Sidney Osborne, sec. Bank street Prideaux-Brune Charles Glynn esq. D.L. Prideaux Place, Towo Hall, Market street, J. P. Dunstan, sec Pads tow VOLUNTEERS. Prideaux-Brune Col. Charles Robert, Prideaux pl.Padstw Rowse Henry Jenkin, Carworgie, St, Columb RS.O 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light In­ Retallack Capt. Francis, Rougemont, Bournemouth fantry (G Company) ; head quarters, The Armoury; Shad well Waiter Harvey Lancelot esq. Trewollack, St. Capt. C. E. Whitford; Surg.-Capt. J. C. Mackay M.D. Wenn, Bodmin medical· officer; Color-Sergt. A. G. Everett, drill in­ Truscott Richard esq. Brooklyn, Wadebridge R.S.O structor Vyvyan Capt. Richard Waiter Comyn, Trewan, St. ST. COLUMB MAJOR UNION. Columb R. S. 0 Board Meetings every alternate thursday at the Board Willyams Arthur Champion Phillips esq. D.L. Tolcarne, room, Workhouse, at 2 p.m Mawgan, St. Columb R.S.O The union comprises the parishes of St. Breock, Colan, Willyams Edward William Brydges esq. D.L. Carnanton, St. Columb Major, St. Columb Minor, Crantock, Cu­ St. Columb R.S.O bert, St. Enoder, St. Ervan, St. Eval, St. Issey, St. The chairmen, for the time being, of the Newquay, Mawgan, St. Merryn, Newlyn East, Newquay, Padstow Padstow & Wadebridge Urban k St. Columb Rural Urban & Rural, Little Petherick & St. Wenn. The area District Councils, are ex-officio magistrates of the union is 73,804 acres; rateable value in 19or, Oerk to the Ma~istrates, Thnrstan Collin s, Bank street agricultural land, £46,338; buildings &c. [48,555; Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall thP last tuesday the population is (r9o1), I5,298 in the month at 11 a.m. The following places are in­ Chairman of the Board of Guardians, David Williams, cluded in the petty ~essional division ;-St. Bn·ock, Penquain, Wadebridge .
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