Records of the Zoologica S rvey of India Volume 103 (Part 1-2) Edited by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata Zoological Survey of Ind-a Kolkata 2004 CITATION Editor~Director. 2004. Rec. zool. Surv. India, 103 (Part 1-2) : i-vi, 1 186 (Published by the Director, 2001.. Surv. India, Kolkata) Published - April, 2.004 © Government of India, 2004 ALL RIGHT,S R,ESERVED No part of this publication may be r,eproduced, stored in a retrieval :system or 'transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic,al, photoc,opying, recording or otherwis1e without the prior permission of the publisher. • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not. by 'way of trade, be lent. re-sold hired out or otherwise di,sposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover ,other than that in which it is published. The correct price of this publication is the price printed on this p,age. Any Irevised price indicated by a rubber stamp or by a sticker or by any other means ;s incorrect and shoud be unaoc,eptable . PRICE India: Rs. 350.00 Foreign : $ 20.00; £ 1.5.00 Published at the Publication Division by the Dire,ctor, Zoological Survey of India, 234/4, A J C Bose Road" 2nd MSO Building, (13th Floor), Nizam Palace, Kolkata-700 020 and printed at East India Photo Composing Centre, Kolkata-700 006. RECORD,S OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Vol. l03(Part 1-2) 2004 Pages 1-186 CONTENTS Pages Venkataraman, K., Jeyabaskaran,R., Ch. Satyanarayana, and Raghuram,K. P . ....-. Status of Coral reefs in Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve 1-15 Mukesh Ingle Ophio... Fauna of Ujjain & certain areas of Malwa region (Madhya Pradesh) 17 .. 31 Munnu, A., Chaudhuri, S., Mazumder, P. C. and Talukder, B.- Status of Assam,ese Maca'que, Macaca assamensis in Darjeeling district,. West Bengal, India 33-41 Bastawade, D. B., Sureshan, P. M. and Radbakri sh nan., C. - An illustrated key to the identification of Scorpions (Scorpionida : Arachnida) of Kerala and notes on some interesting new records 43-58 Sastry, D,. R.K., Paramasivam, S., Manikandan, K. P., Ajmal Khan, S,. and Kann.an, L. - Additions to the Echinoderm fauna of Ore,at Nicobar Island, Bay of Bengal 59-66 Dhriti B,anerjee and Bul,g.anin Mitra - Some bee-flies (Bombyliidae : Diptera) from 'Thar desert 67.. 73 Barman, R. P. - Thre,atened and endemic fishes of Tripur.a with comments on their conservation 75-81 Barman, R. P. The fishes of the .Kolleru l~e, Andhra Pradesh, India with comments on their conservation 83-89 Bhattacharyya, A.K. - - Two new species of Ascid mites (Acarina : Mesostigmata) from the Thar desert of Rajasthan, India 91-98 Chandra Kanta ,Manda -Placobdella harasundarai (Hirudinea : Glossiphonidae) ,a new species of Leech from West Bengal, India • t. 99-102 Chandra Kanta Mandai ,- Endemic .Leech fauna of .India 103 110 Chandra Kanta MandaI - Paraclepsis gardensi (Hirudinea Glossiphonidae) a n,ew species of .Leech from West Bengal, India 111-114 iv I1ango, K. - - The ~gacy of Dr. Nelson Annandale and his contribution to the Taxonomy of Phl,ebotornine sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae : Phlebotominae) transmitting Leishmaniasis 115 121 Pawan Gajbe - Description of three new species of Crab spiders (Araneae : Thomisidae) from Madhya Pradesh, India 123-130 'Gajbe, U. A. - Studies on some spiders of the families Oecobiidae, Eresidae, HersiIiidae, Urocteidae and Uloboridae (Araneae : Arachnida) from Madhya Pradesh, India 131-142 Krishnan., S t Rema Devi, K., Indra, T. J. and Raghunathan, M. B . ........ On a collection of fish from Bangalore and Kolar districts" K,arnataka 143-155 Shelley Ghosh - A note on the mites occuning on medicinal plants in Northeast India 57-164 Chandrasekhar, S. V ,A. - - Suitability .of water quality for irrigati.on. A case study of Kondakarla Lake, Andhra Pradesh 165-169 Korad, V. S. and Yardi, K. D. - New records of Bats from Central W1estem India 171 .. 177 Short Communication Mahabir Kumar -Animals from India in the Caribbean 179-183 Prabakar,D. and Radhakrishnan, C. - First record of Madasumma soror Chopard, 1969 (Gryllidae : Orthoptera: Insecta) from Kakkayam Reserve Forest, Kozhikode district, Kerala, India 185--186 COMPUTERISED DATA ON NATIONAL ZOO.LOGICAL ,COLLECTION The .National ,Zoological Collections comprising nearly 15,000 types are housed in t e Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta and are properly maintained~ . ,All these specimens have Registration numbers and are readily available for study as and when requied. Data pertaining to locality, date of collection, name of collector, sex, up to date valid,species name, name of the host (for parasite) etc., of each type of collection have already been computerised. 'The computerised data ,are stored in the computer centre of Zoologic,al Survey of In~ia. ScientistsINaturaHsts interested for any infonnation on type species present in Zoological Survey ,of India may contact the Director, 2:fJ~{)gfCal Survey of India, (M' Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700 053~ Dr. J. R. B. ALFRED Director Zoological Survey of Ind' a AN APPEAL In order to enrich the HNational Zoological Collection" (NZC) and to up date information on the occurrence and distrIbution of animal species in India Scientists/Natur.alists and researchers working on ,anim,al taxonomy/systematics are ('iequested to deposIt their identified specimens to the Zoological Survey of India at the following address: Officer inCbarge, Identification and Advisory Section, Zoological Survey of India, 2nd M. S. O. Buildt g, Nizam Palace, 234/4, A. J. C. Bose Road, ,Kolkata... 700 020.. These specimens will be registered and tbeir data will be ,computerised. They are further requested to deposit their type collection positively of ZS] and use the Registration number in the.ir pubUcation ,of ,the new taxon. Dr. J. R. B. ALFRED Director Zoological Survey of India OF INDIA • • ZOOLWICALSURVEY ,,,. ..,~ :~:~~.. .'.: ~ Rec. zool. Surv. India: 103 (Part 1-2) : 1-15, 2004 STATUS OF CORAL REEFS IN GULF OF MANNAR BIOSPHERE RESERVE K. VENKATARAMAN, R. JEYABASKARAN, CH. SATYANARAYANA AND K. P. RAGHURAM Marine Biological Station, Zoological Survey of India, 130, Santhome High Road, Chennai-600 028, India E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION The ever-increasing human pressure on the coastal zone to meet the needs of the growing coastal population has resulted in the rapid decline of biodiversity and biomass of the coastal ecosystems worldwide. "Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve" (GoMBR) situated along the southeast coast of India, comprises of a collection of 21 small islands with fringing reefs built on shallow shores of these islands (Fig. 1). They are arranged in the form of a chain between 8°46' and 9°14'N Latitude and 78°9' and 79°14'E Longitude from Mandapam in the north to Tuticorin in the south. This area is remarkable for its faunal and floral wealth, especially the coral reefs and its ~associates (Thurston, 1890, 1895, Graveley, 1927 and Pillai, 1996). Typically, coral reefs contain a number of specialized species representing almost all groups of marine animals. The holes and crevices in the reefs provide abundant shelter for fishes and invertebrates and are important for fish nurseries. The reefs of GoMBR have a variety of seaweeds, plenty of sacred chanks (Turbinella pyrum), butterfly chanks, pipefishes, sea horses, pearl oysters, corals and gorgonids, the famous sea cow (Dugong dugon) and the balanoglossus (Ptychodera flauva). Of the approximate 600,000 km2 of coral reef worldwide, it is estimated that about 10 percent have already been degraded beyond recovery and another 30 percent are likely to decline significantly within the next 20 years (Wilkinson, 2(00). Wilkinson (2000) noted that all Indo-Malayan reefs, except those in Australia are in critical or threatened condition - categories applied to reefs that are likely to collapse within the next 40 years, if conservation and management measures are not properly implemented. Only fringing and patch reefs are present in the i'ntertidal regions of GoMBR. KEY WORDS : Coral reefs, status, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. 2 RECORDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Fig. 1. : Map showing the location of 21 islands of Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. TQe lagoori (the area between the coral reef and the shore) in these islands is shallow, and can be waded during low tides. The intertidal region of Gulf of Mannar islands is sandy and muddy. Although many have documented the richness of -this area qualitatively, the quantitative data on fauna and flora of this region, which is very much needed for effective management of this unique ecosystem, is lacking. Therefore, the present study on the status of the coral reefs was conducted in all the 21 islands of GoMBR. ·MATERIAL AND METHODS Depending upon the proximity to a major town, the 21 islands of GoMBR were divided into three groups (Mandapam, Keelakarai and Tuticorin) (Fig. 1). The present study was carried out in three different phases. In the first phase seven islands of Mandapam grou,p of GoMBR starting from Shingle Island in the north to Hare Island in the south were surveyed in June 1998 initially keeping Mandapam as base camp. In the second phase another seven islands belonging to Keelakarai group from Mulli Island in the north to Anaipar Island in the south were surveyed in October to November 1998 keeping Mandapam and Ramanathapuram as base camps. The remaining seven islands belonging to Tuticorin group starting from Nallathanni Island in the north to Van Island in the south were surveyed in May 1999 keeping Ramanathapuram and_ Tuticorin as base camps. VENKA TARAMAN et ale : Status of coral reefs in Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve 3 Each Island was surveyed using "Manta tow" study method before laying the 50 m Line Intercept Transect (LIT) to find out the location of the coral reef, sea grass bed and general nature of the intertidal region.
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