,Very Best Wishes of the Season to All! The UTILITY Gas, Electric, Water, Clerical and Construction Workers REPORTER Official Publication of I. B. E. W. Local Union 1245, A. F. of L., 1918 Grove Street, Oakland 12, Calif. VOL II—No. 8 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA December, 1954 Organized Labor Good For America Milhe "From its very foundation, the organized labor moyement in this country pr oved itself good for the country. Its members, given a decent wage and decent hours, were good citi- zens. They built homes and churches and schools. They paid taxes and fought wars and helped to create the nation we are so proud of." Thus did J. Scott Milne, president of the IBEW, describe organized Here are members of the crews at Santa Maria who hive labor's contribution to America in an address a fortnight ago before the through labor and Imanagement befriended "Butch." If you look closely, you'll see the happy Labor-Management School of the University of San Francisco. trying to understand I Dne another pup right in the center of the picture. and work together, tha t our indus- Labor unions were born, Milne trial peace anti prospe rity are to said, because—to cite just a few has been at stake, organized labor come." instances—garment workers, whole has been in the thick of the battle Milne pointed to t he growing Dog's Best Friend Man families of them, labored 12, 15 —has stood, up and been counted instances where labor-i management and sometimes 18 hours a day to on the side of right and justice cooperation is working and to its By G. W. MORAN, Bus. Rep., Well, "Butch" really enjoyed life take home a wage of $2 or $3 a and the people," Milne declared. development in the e ectrical in- Coast Valleys Division for a while, but then he contracted week butcher workmen were Labor recognized early the dustry and noted tha t what has and eye infection. One of the Line- paid "less than a cent apiece to Skinny, dick and hungry, "Butch" threat of Hitler and Mussolini and been Wine can be do iae in other men took him to a Veterinarian butcher a cow—with all the dan- showed up at the new headquar- when war came against them it industries and is belt g done by and had him doctored. The men on ger and unpleasantness involved." ters of the Santa Maria Line Crews contributed mightily, in men and many. the crews paid the bill. Now a few weeks ago. Obviously a stray, In San Francisco, Milne said, in goods of war. Milne urged his a udience, as "Butch" has his own private Health "Butch" appeared to be a perfect street car drivers received $2 a And he added: "The fight which students of labor-man igement re- and Welfare Plan, in addition to Stranger to a bath! day for 12 hours work—even their organized labor has put up against lations, to get into ' the fight— all the food he can eat! horses• were rested after eight communism .. has been no nega- the fight for better labDor-manage- "What kind of a dog is this?" It has often been said that man's hours in the harness. And linemen tive battle—it has been a positive ment cooperation am industrial asked one of the Linemen. No one best friend is his dog. He always worked long hours for as little as one. For while it spoke out against peace, with a subseq uent better could agree. So, a couple of the remains the same, no matter if 10 cents an hour, with safety con- communism with its voice, it struck future for this A m erica we hardier brothers volunteered to you are rich or poor, peasant or ditions so bad that one out of out against it in deeds." love."—(Reprinted fro n San Fran.. give "Butch" his first bath. Lo and prince, thief or judge. The good every two was killed each year In the future, Milne said, "it is cisco LABOR.) Behold! "Butch" turned out to be members in Santa Maria have and no insurance company would a Collie ptip! proved, by their loving care of insure an electrical worker at any "Chow-down" was immediately "Butch," that man can also be premium. N piped and "Butch" ate his first dog's _hest. friend! _ _ ut out of the conditions came •L R.B• ORDERS ELECTION! ON square meal in a long time. The The reward for the Line Crew- labor unions that b rought decent Line Crewmen passed the hat, men comes from the vigorous bark- wages and hours and working con- CITIZENS UTILITIES PROPE RTIES raised a fund for the pup, and ing and tail-wagging- of "Butch" ditions, not just for union people "Butch" began to enjoy life. After when they come to work in the but for all working people. Just as we go to press, the National Labor Relati ons Board a few weeks of this kind of care, morning. His sad-eyed look at But labor went on from there, has announced that a Representation Election will 1 he became a healthy, active dog night, when all depart, is real proof )e held for Milne said. It fought for child la- again, that there stands a friend! employees of Citizens Utilities Company. The elect on will be • bor laws, for better schools, free held within 30 days of December 14th, the date of the NLRB textbooks and compulsory educa- tion laws. It led the fight for in- directive. spection of factories, mines and The Bargaining Unit, as defined by the Board, b ricludes all Morgan is New AFL Commentator workshops and compulsory sani- employees in the Plant, Traffic, Commercial and A ccounting tary conditions. It fought for re- Departments. Excluded are Supervisors, Chief Ope rators and AFL President George Meany announced this month that Edward P. duction of hours of labor, for the Morgan, famous newscaster, will serve as commentator on the AFL's establishment of workmen's com- the Manager's confidential secretary. radio news program beginning January 3rd. pensation . The election may be conducted by mailed ballot although The new program will be heard "live" at 7 p.m. Pacific time, Monday "In every legislative battle where through Friday, on more than 175 stations affiliated with the American no information has yet been released on that poin t. the good of the common people Broadcasting Company. Citizens Utilities is the first telephone company to be or- Schedule for California stations the "cold war" in preparation for ganized by Local 1245. The organizational drive was con- is as follows: his new duties. He is a famous ducted by employes of the company, working with Bus. Rep. Bakersfield KMPC foreign correspondent, serving for Andy Bredsteen, Labor Los Angeles KABC nine years with the United Press Al. M. Hansen. Sacramento KFBK in many parts of the world. Mor- Publisher, Mourned San Diego KCBQ gan also worked with Edward R. The death of Andrew H. Bred- San Francisco KGO Murrow on the "Thi'S I Believe" steen, widely known California Massie Returns to PG&E Employment San Bernardino KITO special radio series. He conducted labor publisher, came as a shock to Indio KREO the TV show "Chronoscope" and his many friends this month. Bro. Charles Massie, our pop- have expressed their gratitude for ular business representative in the the fine representation Charlie has Porterville KTIP a half-hour' Sunda? news review "Andy," who has published and Stockton Division, has wound up given them. He has been honored Barstow KWTC called "The World Today." printed 15 labor papers in North- nearly two years as a union repre- at a number of social gatherings Blythe KYOR Mr. Morgan has resigned as Di- ern California for many years, was sentative and is returning to work during the past couple of weeks. All California programs will be rector of News for the CBS net- only 44 years old at the time of his with the PG&E at year's end. Fellow members of the business heard from 7 to 7:15 p.m. work in order to accept the AFL death. He is survived by his widow, staff paid their tributes to Charlie "Mr. Morgan has established an assignment. Connie, and four children. Massie is expecting to return to early this month at the union outstanding reputation for work as a lineman in the Bakers- objet- Meantime, Harry Flannery, who The editors of the UTILITY RE- headquarters. Brother Massie was tive news field area of San reporting and keen anal- has been conducting the AFL's PORTER join with thousands of presented with a gleaming new ysis Joaquin Division, of national and international news program for several months, others in paying our final tribute Toastmaster as a token of the events," where he first declared Mr. Meany. will return to his regular duties to the memory of this outstanding esteem in which he is held by all., Morgan is currently in Europe, as editor of the News-Reporter, friend of the trade union move- started his work gathering background data aboutweekly publication of the AFL. ment. as a union rep- Duties in the Stockton Division resentative. After have been taken over by Bus. Rep. More than a year Al Hansen, who is well known to of, service in San many members in that area. Joaquin, he was The Wives and Local 1245 transferred to the Stockton Division Massie Can a wife and mother AFFORD surely has a direct interest in HOW the aims and purposes of employee Charles early this year.
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