Oracle® Cloud Using Oracle Developer Cloud Service E37145-38 October 2019 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Developer Cloud Service, E37145-38 Copyright © 2014, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Himanshu Marathe Contributing Authors: Eric Jendrock Contributors: Oracle Developer Cloud Service development team This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. 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Contents Preface Audience xiii Documentation Accessibility xiii Related Resources xiii Conventions xiv 1 Overview What is Oracle Developer Cloud Service? 1-1 A Word About Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 1-2 What is a Project? 1-3 Project Visibility 1-3 Key Concepts, Components, and Terms 1-3 Roles 1-5 Identity Domain Roles 1-5 Project Roles 1-6 2 Get Started Know Yourself 2-1 Know Your Identity Domain Roles 2-1 Know Your Project Role 2-2 What Actions Can Each Role Perform in a Project? 2-3 Project Home Page 2-4 Git Actions 2-5 Merge Requests Actions 2-6 Maven Actions 2-7 Docker Actions 2-7 Builds Actions 2-8 Releases Actions 2-9 Deployments Actions 2-9 Environments Actions 2-9 Issues Actions 2-9 iii Boards Actions 2-10 Wiki Actions 2-11 Snippets Actions 2-11 Set Up the Service 2-12 Create the DevCS Instance 2-12 Connect to OCI or OCI Classic 2-13 Set Up the OCI Connection 2-13 Set Up the OCI Classic Connection 2-23 Compute_Operations Role: Terms of Use 2-24 Add Users to the Identity Domain 2-24 Access Oracle Developer Cloud Service 2-25 Access DevCS 2-27 Access from IDEs 2-28 Set Your User Preferences 2-28 Update Your Display Name 2-29 Update Your Email Address 2-29 Add Your Avatar Picture 2-29 Configure Your Global Email Notifications 2-30 Upload Your Public SSH Key 2-31 Generate an SSH Key 2-31 Add the Public SSH Key to Your DevCS Account 2-31 See the News Banner 2-32 Set Up IDEs and Git Clients 2-32 Eclipse IDE 2-32 NetBeans IDE 2-34 JDeveloper 2-34 Git Command-Line Interface 2-34 Use Projects 2-35 Create a Project 2-35 Empty Project 2-35 With an Initial Git Repository 2-36 From an Exported Project 2-36 From a Project Template 2-38 From IDEs 2-39 Open a Project 2-40 Review a Project’s Summary 2-41 Add and Manage Project Users 2-42 Add Users from Another Project 2-43 iv 3 Plan Your Project Manage Software Development Environments 3-1 Set Up an Environment 3-2 Manage an Environment 3-3 Track and Manage Tasks, Defects, and Features 3-3 Set Up Issue Products and Custom Fields 3-4 Create and Configure Issue Products 3-4 Create and Configure Issue Custom Fields 3-5 Create Issues 3-6 Create an Issue from the Issues Page 3-6 Create an Issue from an IDE 3-7 Search Issues 3-7 Save a Custom Search 3-7 Share Custom Search Filters 3-8 View and Update Issues 3-8 Resolve an Issue 3-8 Mark an Issue as Duplicate 3-9 Update Time Spent on an Issue 3-9 Associate an Issue with a Sprint 3-10 Create a Relationship Between Issues 3-10 Update Multiple Issues 3-10 Update Issues from IDEs 3-11 Watch an Issue 3-11 Use Agile Boards to Manage and Update Issues 3-12 Agile Boards Concepts and Terms 3-13 Create and Configure Agile Boards 3-14 Create a Board 3-14 Add and Manage Progress States of a Board 3-15 Configure Working Days of a Board 3-17 Configure and Manage a Board 3-17 Use Scrum Boards 3-18 Create and Manage Sprints 3-18 Add and Manage Issues of a Sprint 3-20 Update Issues of an Active Sprint 3-20 Review Issue Reports of a Scrum Board 3-22 Use Kanban Boards 3-22 Add and Manage Active Issues 3-23 Update Active Issues 3-23 Review Issue Reports of a Kanban Board 3-25 Review Agile Reports and Charts 3-25 v Burndown Chart 3-25 Sprint Report 3-26 Issues Report 3-27 Epic Report 3-27 Velocity Report 3-28 Cumulative Flow Chart 3-29 Control Chart 3-30 4 Use Project's Repositories Manage Code Files Using Git Repositories 4-1 Git Concepts and Terms 4-1 Migrate to Git 4-3 Set Up a Git Repository 4-3 Create and Manage Git Repositories 4-3 Upload Files From Your Computer to the Project’s Git Repository 4-6 Push a Local Git Repository to the Project’s Git Repository 4-8 Access a Git Repository using SSH 4-9 Add and Manage Files of a Git Repository 4-10 Manage Files from the Git Page 4-10 Use Git Commands to Manage Files from Your Computer 4-11 Associate a DevCS Issue with a Commit 4-12 Copy the URL of a Git Repository or a File 4-13 View the History of Files and Repositories 4-14 Use Branches 4-14 Create a Branch 4-14 Protect a Branch 4-16 Manage a Branch 4-16 Use Tags 4-17 Create and Manage Tags 4-17 Compare Revisions 4-18 Add Comments to a File 4-19 Watch a Git Repository 4-20 Search in Git Repositories 4-20 Download an Archive of a Git Repository 4-21 Manage Binaries and Dependencies Using the Project’s Maven Repository 4-22 Maven Concepts and Terms 4-22 Upload an Artifact Manually 4-23 Upload Artifacts Using the Maven Command-Line Interface 4-24 Search Artifacts 4-25 Download an Artifact Manually 4-25 vi Copy Distribution Management Snippets 4-26 Maven Repository Administration 4-26 Configure Auto-Cleanup of Snapshots 4-27 Configure Overwrite for Artifacts 4-28 5 Collaborate with Your Team Review Source Code with Merge Requests 5-1 Merge Requests Concepts and Terms 5-1 Merge Request States 5-3 Create and Manage Merge Requests 5-3 Create a Merge Request 5-3 Add or Remove Reviewers 5-4 Link an Issue to a Merge Request 5-5 Link a Build Job to a Merge Request 5-5 Watch a Merge Request 5-6 Merge Request Email Notifications 5-6 Review a Merge Request 5-7 Open a Merge Request 5-7 View Commits and Changed Files 5-8 Add a General Comment 5-9 Add an Inline Comment to a File 5-9 Approve or Reject a Merge Request 5-10 Merge Branches and Close the Merge Request 5-11 Merge Branches 5-11 Resolve a Merge Conflict 5-12 Close a Merge Request 5-13 Merge Request and Branch Administration 5-13 Set Review and Merge Restrictions on a Repository Branch 5-13 Collaborate on Documentation Using Wikis 5-14 Create and Manage Wiki Pages 5-15 Add Comments 5-17 Watch a Wiki Page 5-18 View History and Compare Versions of a Wiki Page 5-18 Wiki Administration 5-18 Configure Edit and Delete Rights for Wiki Pages 5-19 Change a Project’s Wiki Markup Language 5-19 Set the Organization’s Default Wiki Markup Language 5-19 Share and Use Code Snippets 5-20 Create and Manage Snippets 5-20 Add and Manage Files of a Snippet 5-21 vii Copy Contents of a Snippet File 5-22 Add a Comment to a Snippet 5-22 Use Git with
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