a s m sot-i-t- ti crvnlV AnrnrtYTlV PftPTT i'T1 Or'TOTtFTl O. 1910. give par- cheerful heart helps to keep the diges T houses that functions, dinner mo . lunches, receptions and such fes- tion In good woraing oraer, biw..-- ties, one poisons the gastric Juices an.l BY FASHION tivities nobody wants to cultivate the taints the blood. As for looks, the HOBBLE SKIRT DEMANDED woman who looks as Joy had given is worse HZ it habit ' n shabby what minimi i Be Taken in and her the grand snub. She is too than the smallpox. Nature knows :!!!!i!l!ilil!iD!llii or Not, Society Mart Make Concession, to Prevailing Fad Petticoats Mart good society, for everybody wants she wants. Tou can't plant weeds In Whether Wanted for expect to bear Skirt Made Narrower, Even if Actual Hobble Is Not Employed. the other thing, the heart that Is her dooryard and them liiiiiiNiiiiP clothed in the pearl necklaces and silk- American Beauties. 'M IU 1l t ' III 'III KIM' nil en gowna of contentment, peace, love, So since so much depends upon a V 1 . V. ATOWnS youth beg my l Ill..a at. m a Ir a thj- a. nmph by reason of the wearer's charity and all the other graces; for wholesome point of view, I all l r.IBT. writes me about clothe. but I iitrAivn .iiu" , l i aaaaa, r.nnn- - and charm. The correct headpiece is a goodly ocs to try and think as does III IS hobbl I i'Mciui, inm uu fatrttf this bundle of virtues all girl readers liilllB draws the line at the I able. The wom- - swathing tnrban or an Inverted bas- with the happy heart. the dear and sensible maid who writes bare nothing 1 I .... .a- ,- aat edged a line of white under Include happi- i skirt. She will I 111 U V .1 a . aaaaraaa - all and ket, with Assuredly life Is not all easy sailing, me that it Is right to l " at An w'ffc If look Its brim shirtings or frills-- Such head- you among the etiquettes. Let the even the medium figures must goes but things are a good deal as look ness Th hnhhla vlt-- f how can we escape gear Is odd. too. therefore it with at them, and there is no happening that carkers laugh, but stick to the idea I up Willi we look to the Inexorable lines of good corsets the frocks. All the lines must be cannot be worse. So why not choose that it Is polite to be cheerful, see the It. for fashion that down In effect, even though we things, and that this rnnit Ilka tha narrow saint that noi to seem lompming i'i " and to abide with the pleasant thought, for bright side of dnl It Is deilclously hypnotic, and when one helps one along In every way. The high, nnc mAnrnA rathedral fronts? has got the taste for It. It is impossible er feeling follows on the heels of thM sees them still In Europe, shapeles to go back to the old ways of thinking. common sense the uplift that is d Knnnrl nn in their etnbraclni It is like the drink and smoking habit the reach of tears and that stays draperies, yet somehow with an eter once you fall a, victim you've got to uplifted. One has only to work for it. w go on. So go on the still hunt for the darling nal sweetness. That sort or saini you are with the churches whe Surely the subject would not be com- thing and be sure that fashionable pleted without some mention of the ef- "right." Make happiness one of the their artists carved the lines mat era thing you owe your own Our preae fects blithe thinking has on the health courtesies the to make them immortal. and looks, and though this Is scarcely heart and all the other hearts. petticoats well. In time, since l0V my department I will touch upon it. The PRUDENCE STANDISH. rhuin with the fashions In othes. we may indeed seem frights. Mean v. n. nnhn.ir ran look Just the pre Girl Talllna; thing without some concession A Chapter for the Marrying h of the hour. We hare niiinni oan find In our petticoat AM 34 years old, and though I to be? The unmarried woman Just got to take fill seem somehow closer the" any steady company I plenty of things to do that will make. them. ai haven't her life with interest and quiet peace, mi. ih.a.. t (ina- We- are odd want to marry and have a home OOiioiu acceptance of foollshnes and it Is far better to be a useful without this and family. Please tell me how I can spinster than to become a wife only In some dejrrce or omcr, impress some . - r ,n Ton wit make myself attractive and through tricks and wiles even though ,.A wavward marrying sort way, legitimate. Fwnion. see is a mm a. nice man that I am the they are. In a .Mistress without being too bold and silly. My So' while doing your best to seem fair ml!tre. garments which substantial, and I and goodly in the eyes of the "nice" With some modish character is rather man go too far lest you appear I shall snow in pictures on am not bad looking, yet I have never don't Kla vrAwlnp .IpnillTIlPBl IS M had a real rerlous beau." pressed without too much eccentricity, My correspondent has the right point and though the frocks are desTfcned for of view concerning life, for love, a home Indoor wear they are, likewise adapted and ohildren are the needs of every nor- to street use. The designs are admir- mal woman. Therefore thla letter seems able for home making, for they are all to me to have a backing of the utmost fairly simple. good sense, and if more women with this In Figure A Is revealed the close natural bent for domesticity were made sktrtband which is the fancy of the wise in time there certainly would not be hour, this .running up the front In a so many spinsters ana Dacneiors in uw narrow apron and with the rest of the world. As) to the young lady's wish to hips and gathered eligible skirt fitted to the g appear the marrying sort to the into the bottom band. Such a Jelly-ba- men, there is nothing unwomanly In it to may In months be as very natural- June three mo- the sensible mind, though, out-of-la- te as the ark. but for the ly, the situation calls for the utmost deli ment it is ardently admired by the cacy of conduct. There may be no giving woman who is slim and has aaaaaaloaraa In Ottt AS long B8 young hop In Wvan small feet and knows how to the world stands Jacks will choose their about In her constricted draperies. It Jills, and It sometimes neips ine touiw Is separate from the bodice, which l of true love along for the lady to give made with a round yoke and three-quart- er some sign to the gentleman that he is sleeves. As pictured, the dress acceptable. Is of quaker gray marquisette and It Let me Degm my nine tais. wnn uu in trimmed with a molre poplin In the last liite quoted from this young woman's Any soft wool material, serious same shade. re- letter"! have never had a set off with a matching silk, would beau.' " There, doubtless, has been her or the dress could man alise the same effect, a great mistake, for the marrying be entirely of a single goods, though does not pick as a partner the flower that contrast In color or texture gives the welcomes a million ouiieriues. mi, m most modish look. thla phrase suggests a good deal of dally- Figure B gives a second effect much ing with the wrong sort of man, let me admired Just now. but the narrowness iv at once that this is mistake number of the skirt Is redeemed by the look of one for the marrying girl. The young ease the two killings give. Each Is woman wno warns to marry, n. ""-- a band that buttons over some other special pat on under by beauty or gifted in at the left side. This little trick, at faaa no 1t IflllAr AS tO her TCI file way. the hardness of such cannot accept the phil the softens bodice Is acquaintance; she straight bands. The separate andering or TOm, JJ1CK ana niirri n fitted with a Gibson plait and has tucked wants the right man to consider her as a side sections, the sleeves and these In mla,i1kn nf his haDDlneSS. one. A simple lace Is used about tha Again, It la not improbable that the lutch neck and the belt and buttons stamp of man who happened to be in re of black velvet. this young lady's environment was too striped veiling is employed substantial foun Here a ground light and frothy for the black hairlines on a dead white dation' of her cnaracter, ana n mm but silk, cashmere, delaine, novelty, the case she may count herself lucky in poplin are all equally l I , Ttlaanctnar him. MarrlSgO cotton voile and 11 n 11 ft m.aaa " adapted to the model. At a plncb. and Is an honorable estate, and it may be some modifications.
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