A Free Retriever's Digest

A Free Retriever's Digest

A Free *etrie+er.s $i0est A% i%terested Selectio% o& Articles !e"s Feeds Vol. 2 Issue #1 February 1, 2018 Contents From the Editor (2) Selected Articles !ews Feeds (3) November 20, 2017 – January 28, 2018 (week no.’s 47 – 04) $ocume%ts o& the historical commu%ist 'eft (12) T e Cr!s!s !n "o#!a$!st T eory% T e “Grou( o) *nternat!ona$ Commun!sts” !n ,o$$an- (1.47) (ook *evie", -I% Search o& *osa.s /erita0e” (12) T e German /ar0!st 1!$$y Hu n (1.0. – 1.70) A% I%+itatio% to a $iscussio% (13) T e (rotest movements !n t e /!--$e 2ast an- t e /a3 reb 4!uevo 5urso. o% the 6roletaria% mo+ement i% Iraqi 8urdista% a%d Ira% (19) (1) /ob!$!zat!ons o) workers !n t e /!--$e 2ast (2) 1 y !s t e movement !n *ran !n reflu06 :he moveme%t i% Ira% is a 6ractical re&utatio% o& 'e%i%ism (21) 7 cr!t!8ue o) t e (os!t!ons -efen-ed by some 3rou(s o) t e commun!st Le)t -;obilizatio%s i% :u%isia1 (22) ‘Nuevo Curso’ on t e (rotests !n Tun!s!a 5ali6hate a%d barbarism, :he =%al Stru00le> (23) 7n a((ea$ )or trans$at!ons by T:;-n; <=$ka > C$ass 1ar (January 8, 2018) :he 5ommu%ist 'e&t a%d Mar?ist@/uma%ism (28) 7bstract o) ?art 2@2% T e AUnCn!s ed 7mer!can Devo$ut!on’ (Fredo Corvo) Inter%atio%alist Marxism or islamist !atio%alism> (2A) T e Eut# Left an- *s$amism (Baren- Luteraan, Henk "neev$!et, Tan /a$aka) :ur)ish Military I%+asio% o& !orther% Syria (#2) ‘Nuevo Curso’% *s Turkey start!n3 a 1or$- 1ar6 2 A Free RetrieverBs Digest From the Editor Thursday, February 1, 2018 '.S. With this issue A Free *etrie+erBs $i0est enters the second year of its existence as an independent publi- cation for the proletarian internationalist milieu. This project of collaboration and discussion ill continue as a bimonthly re!ue. In addition to the pdf-edition, an e#ort is underta$en to pro!ide the project with a web- site to extend its audience and possibilities. • %ere included are three contributions related to the historical Cerma%@$utch commu%ist 'e&t & A concise presentation of the Crou6(s) o& I%ter%atio%al 5ommu%ists in %olland by 'nton (anne$oe$ in 1)*+, ' re!ie of a recently published boo$ on the life and or$ of the -erman .arxist and council communist Dilly /uh% (1A0A @ 1A90), and the 6re6ublicatio% o& a cha6ter o% the colo%ial 7ues@ tio% i% I%do%esia from the forthcomin/ re-edition of the history of the -erman-0utch communist 1eft. • ' necessary discussion is introduced by t o articles from the Spanish forum 4!ue+o 5urso. on the out- burst of a 6roletaria% mo+eme%t i% Ira7i 8urdista% a%d Ira% at the end of last year 3 that shoo$ the po ers that be 4and one on the mo!ement in Tu%isia5, accompanied by a criti6ue of the 4more or less explicit5 1eninist approach defended by the ".7.T. and the ".7.7. respecti!ely. • The abstract of a lar/er essay critici<i%0 a s6eci=c +a%0uard role o& eth%ic mi%orities , typi- cally the blac$ in the 82', that is defended by the current of ;ar?ist@/uma%ism in continuity ith 9aya 0unaye!s$aya, is there to stress the need for an open debate amon/ internationalists ho adhere to profoundly di#erent approaches. ' call &or assista%ce by the /roup :EFd%F VGl)a (:7lass War;5 at translatin/ an extensi!e analysis of the complexity of the imperialist con<ict o!er 2yria and "ra6 has been included. 'n initiati!e to collab- orate amon/ internationalists, as for instance on translations, certainly deser!es support. This seems all the more the case as it re/ards 4to my surprise5 an interestin/ contribution from the -commu%i<atio%1 milieu 3 a tendency that does not enjoy much credit ithin the small milieu of left- in/ communism, to say the least. The section Selected Articles !e"s Feeds has been particularly challen/in/, as it tries to present a selection of press releases o!er the past t o months and an extensi!e listin/ on the re - cent stri$es and mass protests in the .iddle =ast. 't the last minute, a >rst internationalist statement on the current Tur$ish in!asion of northern 2yria could be included. .y arm than$s /o out to all readers ho ha!e contributed to this issue. 1oo$in/ for ard to recei!in/ your criti6ues and contributions. I%ter%atio%alist re0ards, /e%ry 5i%%amo% A Free *etrie+erBs $i0est aims at presenting publications that are relevant for discussions within the internationalist mi- lieu in general, and among the groups and circles who claim adherence to the international communist left(s) in particular. It in- tends to provide comments and a space for discussion. Readers are invited to send in notifications of publications by e-mail, abstracts and reviews of relevant books, articles or te ts, and presentations at discussion meetings. !ontributions should be written in "nglish and may not e ceed #$$$ words. Included bibliographical references and internet links should be e act. %rticles and contributions e press the views of their authors. &ublication is at the discretion of the editor. 'hey may be freely adopted if correctly (uoted with source reference. % notification thereof is highly appreciated. 'he editor)s e-mail address* [email protected]. G A% i%terested Selectio% o& Articles & News Feeds Selected Articles !e"s Feeds November 20, 2017 – January 28, 2018 (week no.’s 47 – 04) 1orkers’ "tru33$es !n t e /!--$e 2ast :he a"a)e%i%0 o& the 6roletariat i% Ira7i 8urdista% a%d Ira% Categories: Workers’ Struggles; Middle East; Iran, Iraq; !itle: Movili"aciones de tra#a$adores en %riente Medio S&anis' (u#lis'ed on: )ecem#er *+, *, - Week .* /ut'or0s1: 2uevo Curso We# link: 'tt&:33nuevocurso.org3movili"aciones4de4tra#a$adores4en4oriente4medio3 Su#$ect: Workers’ Mo#ili"ations and (rotests in Iraqi 5urdistan and Iran 6enre: 7a&id Statement and /nal8sis #8 a left communist forum 9engt' 0:ords1: ,.+- 7emarks: /n Englis' translation can #e read on &age -. * !itle: Is Iran Moving !o:ard a 7eal 7evolution; Englis' (u#lis'ed on: )ecem#er < , *, - Week .* /ut'or0s1: =/n Iranian Mar>ist’ We# link: 'tt&s:33:::.im'o$ournal.org3articles3iran4moving4to:ard4real4revolution3 Su#$ect: Workers’ Mo#ili"ations and (rotests in Iran 6enre: S'ort )is&atc' 9engt' 0:ords1: .+- 7emarks: Mar>ist4?umanism < !itle: 7eflections on t'e 6ro:ing /nti47egime (rotests in Iran Englis' (u#lis'ed on: )ecem#er < , *, - Week .* /ut'or0s1: @rieda /far8 A =/lliance of Middle Eastern Socialists’ We# link: 'tt&s:33:::.allianceofmesocialists.org3reflections4gro:ing4anti4regime4&rotests4 iran Su#$ect: Workers’ Mo#ili"ations and (rotests in Iran 6enre: Brief statement and com&arison :it' t'e *,,+ C6reen MovementD in Iran 9engt' 0:ords1: ,,,E 7emarks: Mar>ist4?umanism E !itle: F(or quG se desinfla el movimiento en IrHn; S&anis' (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 <, *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: 2uevo Curso We# link: 'tt&:33nuevocurso.org3&or4que4se4desinfla4en4movimiento4en4iran3 Su#$ect: %n t'e reasons of t'e decline of t'e &roletarian mo#ili"ation in Iran 6enre: / first #alance s'eet #8 a 9eft communist forum 9engt' 0:ords1: ,EKE 7emarks: /n Englis' translation can #e read on &age J. !itle: Current )evelo&ments in Iran Englis' (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 E, *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: =an Iranian comrade’ 4 Insurgent 2otes We# link: 'tt&:33insurgentnotes.com3*, J3, 3current4develo&ments4in4iran3 Su#$ect: Workers’ Mo#ili"ations and (rotests in Iran 6enre: )is&atc' 9engt' 0:ords1: K+< 4 A Free RetrieverBs Digest 1orkers’ "tru33$es !n t e /!--$e 2ast :he a"a)e%i%0 o& the 6roletariat i% Ira7i 8urdista% a%d Ira% K !itle: Iran: Bread. Io#s. @reedom. Englis' (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 ., *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: /rmin Sadeg'i, Ianuar8 Et' *, J We# link: 'tt&:33li#com.org3ne:s3iran4#read4$o#s4freedom4,., *, J Su#$ect: Workers’ mo#ili"ations and &rotests in Iran 6enre: Statement and /nal8sis #8 an =activist in Iran’ 9engt' 0:ords1: *, ,K 7emarks: - !itle: Iran: Call for demonstrations from t'e striking :orkers of t'e ?aft !a&&e' Englis' Sugar Cane Co. (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 K, *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: 9a#or activists of t'e ?aft !a&&e' Sugar Cane Co., Ianuar8 .t', *, J We# link: 'tt&:33li#com.org3ne:s3iran4call4demonstrations4striking4:orkers4'aft4ta&&e'4 sugar4cane4co4,K, *, J Su#$ect: Workers’ mo#ili"ations and &rotests in Iran 6enre: / call for demonstrations on Ianuar8 -, J.,,' 9engt' 0:ords1: ,, - 7emarks: !ranslation from @arsi. 7elated source: 'tt&s:33s'a'rok'"amani.com J !itle: Iran4 !'e Working Class 7aises Its ?ead Englis' (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 -, *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: =Communist /narc'ism’ We# link: 'tt&:33communistanarc'ism.#logs&ot.nl3*, J3, 3iran4:orking4class4raises4its4 'ead.'tml Su#$ect: Workers’ mo#ili"ations and &rotests in Iran 6enre: /n anal8sis from an anarc'ist4communist &ers&ective 9engt' 0:ords1: <,K E 7emarks: + !itle: Iran: Current &rotest rallies Englis' (u#lis'ed on: Ianuar8 -, *, J Week , /ut'or0s1: =Critique of (olitical Econom8’, Ianuar8 *nd, *, J We# link: 'tt&:33li#com.org3li#rar83iran4current4&rotest4rallies4&ecritique Su#$ect: Workers’ mo#ili"ations and &rotests in Iran 6enre: /n a&&reciation #8 a &rotagonist of Cdemocratic and &rogressive movementsD 9engt' 0:ords1: ., *+ 7emarks: !ranslation from @arsi.

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