New York, New York Scott Norwood. Wide right. Giants win. THE CHRONICLE See Sportswrap. MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1991 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 86. NO. 84 Gulf war: second week ends with battles home, abroad Oil Facilities Blown Up U.S. planes hit To Stop Flow Of Oil Protesters converge on capital U.S. F-111 bombers firing "smart" oil lines to bombs blew up oil pipeline complex By MICHAEL SAUL Gulf. But the roar of the war contol slick in Kuwait to stop Iraq from pumping WASHINGTON, D.C. — They protesters muffled their voices. millions of gallons of crude oil into came from every region of the And when the veterans passed country. Some dressed as skele­ the square, the pro-Bush crowd the Persian Gulf. j. Magness By PHILIP SHENON AP/R> Tor0i tons while others carried dead fell silent in deference to war N.Y. Times News Service bodies. heroes. Persian "We are here to lend credibility DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia — On Saturday, War veterans, Gulf to the anti-war movement," said The United States bombed Iraqi- Arab-Americans, Israelis, George Kelly, a member of Veter­ controlled oil installations along Jubail *<_| religious groups, and students ans for Peace. "We are sick and the Kuwaiti coastline in hopes of Ras Tanura alike flooded the streets of the tired of the insults and the old stemming a huge oil spill deliber­ Dhahran « nation's capital to promote peace story that dissent is disloyalty to ately unleashed by Iraq nearly a in the largest anti-war demon­ the country." week ago, the American military stration since the Vietnam era. said Sunday. Estimates of the crowd's size Other war veterans cited ana­ logies between the Persian Gulf Offering details of how valves varied with police reporting and Vietnam. "I fought in Viet­ directing oil toward the sea were 75,000 and protest coordinators nam. I was a captain in the ar­ destroyed with "smart bombs," claiming 300,000. my. I did my job," said Ed Miles, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, the Armed with drums, flags, and Sea Island a veteran wounded in an am­ commander of the American-led symbolic props, the dense crowd oil terminal bush. "I am not ashamed of what forces in the Persian Gulf, said it marched from the Mall up Penn­ I did. I am not too happy with appeared the mission Saturday where oil sylvania Avenue, past the White what our country did." night was a success and that the 1 remaining in House around to the Ellipse, flow of oil pouring into the gulf I the pipeline is where the protest ended with ad­ Though most anti-war from Kuwaiti pipelines had been still burning ditional speeches and peace protesters screamed and chan­ curtailed. songs. ted, the protesters with families Complex of pipes linking oil Arabian "Violence begets violence," said in the Gulf remained reserved He said the smoke from a fire fields to Sea Island oil terminal Gulf Jesse Jackson, a shadow senator and detached. "It is agony. I have my only at the leaking outlet was growing were destroyed to stop the flow 5 miles for Washington D.C. and a key­ note speaker at the rally. "An eye child over there in what I think is less dense and that some areas of ;: of oil into the Persian Gulf. sea at the source of the spill that 5 kilometers for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an unjust war and we are being had been covered by black film will leave us blind, ugly, dis­ manipulated by the government were turning blue. F-111F attack bomber GBU-15 "smart" bomb figured, and dead." to believe this is a good war. It's Referring to what he described Wingspan: 70 ft. Length: 12'9" A small group carrying flags not," said Kathy Brown, mother as a precision raid on the oil in­ Length: 73ft. 6 in Diameter: 18"jr mm and pictures of President George of a soldier in the Middle East. stallations, Schwarzkopf said, Maximum speed: Weight: f Bush staged a counter-protest by But Pro-Bush protesters with "We are not in the business of 1.320 mph 2,513 lbs. Lafayette Square to express sup­ relatives in the Gulf disagreed. lb See RALLY on page 4 ^ See GULF on page 11 ^ Range: 2,925 miles port for U.S. involvement in the Applicants up despite fewer high school seniors By JASON GREENWALD greater percentage applicants to ensure this year's class stays rather than the University's typi­ Bigger is better where the ad­ this year, Steele said. This trend within its target range, Steele cal two-step application. This missions department is concer­ should help equalize the Univer­ said. change led to a smaller number ned. sity's traditionally unequal num­ A smaller target size for the of applicants. So an increase in under­ ber of male and female students. class will reduce the absolute This year the University graduate applications despite a Coupled with efforts to number of students accepted. reverted to its former application national trend to the contrary decrease class size, the large ap­ The University will only accept process, so comparisons between signals good news for Richard plicant pool should tighten com­ 20 percent of applicants, com­ this year and two years ago are Steele, director of undergraduate petition for admission, Steele pared to more than 30 percent most apt, Steele said. admissions. said. last year, Steele said. The increase seems to indicate However, changes in the Uni­ The University previously that the University's popularity Last year's freshman class of versity's application procedure counted students who completed and national prominence are 1,750, the largest ever at the make comparisons to past years the first part of the two-part ap­ growing, Steele said. University, overran the target of difficult. plication in the total number of STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE applicants whether or not they While the number of graduat­ 1,564 set by the admissions of­ Last year the University ex­ Richard Steele, director of un­ fice. completed the application ing high school seniors declined perimented with a single-part dergraduate admissions more than 9 percent the last two Additional efforts will be made application for candidates, process. years, applications to the Univer­ sity increased from 13,131 to 14,080 for this year. The overall quality of this New HIV clinic slated for Durham County year's applicant pool, as indi­ cated by Scholastic Aptitude Test By PEGGY KRENDL fected Durham residents as high virus do not always develop ress. The managers' duties will scores and high school class The Durham County Health as 2,000. AIDS. include providing a patient with rank, appears "almost identical" Clinic is opening an HIV clinic The clinic will be used as an "In Durham [countyl it is diffi­ transportation to the clinic, or­ to last year, Steele said. Last February 4 to help patients in­ early intervention center for pa­ cult to constantly monitor the de­ ganizing social support groups, year, Steele told The Chronicle fected with the HIV virus with tients who have not developed velopment ofthe HIV virus in pa­ and helping patients find fi­ applications for the class of 1994 the medical, social and financial AIDS, said Irving Hoffman, di­ tients," Hoffman said. nances to pay for expenses were the "very best pool we've problems caused by the virus. rector of the Durham County It is difficult to monitor many caused by the disease. ever looked at." The clinic will be the first in Sexually Transmitted disease patients who discover they are Dr. Tom Barber, co-chief of Minority applications contrib­ Durham to periodically check up clinic. infected with HIV because they medicine at the Lincoln Commu­ uted to the greater number of on people infected with the HIV "The clinic isn't going to be a cannot afford follow-ups, said Dr. nity Health Center, said the overall applicants. While appli­ virus. primary health facility," Hof­ John Bartlett, the principal in­ clinic was the first one he knew cations from blacks increased 3.8 Last year 175 new cases of peo­ fman said, who explained the vestigator of Duke AIDS clinical of in the state that would provide percent the last two years, His­ ple infected with the HIV virus clinic would be used to monitor trials unit. care specifically for patients only panic and Asian applications were officially recorded in Dur­ patients who are infected with The clinic will provide manag­ infected with HIV and not AIDS. rose more than 30 percent. ham, and there are estimates the HIV virus. ers who will act as counselors for Doctors have already made ap- Females also counted for a placing the number of HIV in­ Patients infected with the HIV patients and monitor their prog­ See HIV on page 4 ^ PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1991 World and National Newsfile Winnie Mandela to face criminal charges Associated Press Somalia Seized: Guerrillas on By CHRISTOPHER WREN the evidence compiled against her and Nzo, who said last Sept. 18 that the con­ Sunday won apparent control of Soma­ N.Y. Times News Service was not influenced by de Klerk. gress was not seeking special treatment lia after a month of fighting forced JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — In Characteristically, Winnie Mandela has for Winnie Mandela and felt it improper longtime President Mohamed Siad her 56 years, Nomzamo Winnifred Man­ shown neither resignation nor contrition. to comment on a judicial process, reversed Barre from his official residence.
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