MALCEVALGEBRAS BY ARTHUR A. SAGLEO) 1. Introduction. This paper is an investigation of a class of nonassociative algebras which generalizes the class of Lie algebras. These algebras satisfy certain identities that were suggested to Malcev [7] when he used the com- mutator of two elements as a new multiplicative operation for an alternative algebra. As a means of establishing some notation for the present paper, a brief sketch of this development will be given here. If ^4 is any algebra (associative or not) over a field P, the original product of two elements will be denoted by juxtaposition, xy, and the following nota- tion will be adopted for elements x, y, z of A : (1.1) Commutator, xoy = (x, y) = xy — yx; (1.2) Associator, (x, y, z) = (xy)z — x(yz) ; (1.3) Jacobian, J(x, y, z) = (xy)z + (yz)x + (zx)y. An alternative algebra A is a nonassociative algebra such that for any elements xi, x2, x3 oí A, the associator (¡Ci,x2, x3) "alternates" ; that is, (xi, x2, xs) = t(xiv xh, xh) for any permutation i%,i2, i%of 1, 2, 3 where « is 1 in case the permutation is even, — 1 in case the permutation is odd. If we introduce a new product into an alternative algebra A by means of a commutator x o y, we obtain for any x, y, z of A J(x, y, z)o = (x o y) o z + (y o z) o x + (z o y) o x = 6(x, y, z). The new algebra thus obtained will be denoted by A(~K Using the preceding identity with the known identities of an alternative algebra [2] and the fact that the Jacobian is a skew-symmetric function in /l(-), we see that /1(_) satis- fies the identities (1.4) ïoï = 0, (1.5) (x o y) o (x o z) = ((x o y) o z) o x + ((y o z) o x) o x + ((z o x) o x) o y Presented to the Society, August 31, 1960; received by the editors March 14, 1961. (') This is essentially the author's Ph.D. dissertation written under Professor L. J. Paige while the author held a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles. The author would like to thank Professors A. A. Albert and L. J. Paige for the use of their unpublished paper on Malcev algebras. 426 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use MALCEV ALGEBRAS 427 for all x, y, z in A(~\ An algebra A whose multiplication satisfies (1.4) and (1.5) will be called a Malcev algebra or a Moufang-Lie algebra, so named by Malcev. Since any associative algebra is an alternative algebra A, the Malcev algebra A(~) is a natural generalization of a Lie algebra. Furthermore the algebra A'-~) of a Cayley-Dickson algebra yields a Malcev algebra which is not a Lie algebra. It is an interesting question, and as yet unsolved, whether or not all Malcev algebras are subalgebras of ^4(_) for some alternative algebra A. The corresponding question for Lie algebras is of course answered in the affirmative by the Birkhoff-Witt Theorem. Throughout this paper the algebras considered are assumed to be finite dimensional, although it should be clear when this restriction is not necessary. In §2, many basic identities that are a consequence of (1.4) and (1.5) are derived. These identities yield the result that the linear subspace, J(A, A, A), spanned by all elements of the form J(x, y, z) for x, y, z in A is an ideal of A. As we shall see J(A, A, A) is the most important ideal of A when A is not a Lie algebra. In further attempts to measure the "Lie-ness" of a Malcev algebra an extremely useful linear transformation, A(x, y), is given by zA(x, y) = J(z, x, y) for all x, y, z in A. The identities show that the linear space, A(A, A), spanned by all such A(x, y)'s is actually a Lie algebra under com- mutation. §3 is concerned with examples of Malcev algebras. In particular the Cayley-Dickson algebra A, its associated Malcev algebra -4(~) and a seven dimensional simple Malcev algebra A* obtained from .¡4(_) are all discussed in detail. It is conjectured that A* is the only simple Malcev algebra which is not a simple Lie algebra. In §4 results for Malcev algebras analogous to those for alternative algebras are discussed. Corresponding to Artin's Theo- rem for alternative algebras, namely, the subalgebra generated by two ele- ments of an alternative algebra is associative, it is shown that any two ele- ments of a Malcev algebra generate a Lie subalgebra. §5 is concerned with subspaces of a Malcev algebra which are invariant under the Lie algebra A(A, A) or invariant under the Lie transformation alge- bra £(A) [8]. It is shown that N= {xEA : xA(A, A)=0}, called the J- nucleus of A, is an ideal of A and furthermore using the definition that a semi-simple Malcev algebra is a direct sum of simple algebras, it is shown that A is a semi-simple Malcev algebra if and only if £(.4) is completely reducible in A. In this case A = N®J(A, A, A) where the /-nucleus N is a semi-simple Lie subalgebra of A and J(A, A, A) is a semi-simple subalgebra of A which is not zero unless A is a Lie algebra. A concept similar to that of solvability in a Lie algebra is defined in §6: an ideal B of a Malcev algebra A is called /-potent if defining Jl(B) = J(B, B, B) and Jk+l(B) = J(Jk(B), Jk(B), Jk(B)) there exists an A/^2 such that JN(B)=0. It is shown that a maximal J- potent ideal, 3(^4), exists and contains the maximal solvable ideal, S, of a Malcev algebra A when 5 is not a Lie algebra. Also if A is a semi-simple, License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 428 A. A. SAGLE [December non-Lie, Malcev algebra, then S(A) = 0. To prove the converse, an analogue to Engel's Theorem for Lie algebras seems necessary, however, further results indicate that the converse might not be true. §7 is concerned with the radical of a Malcev algebra A which is defined to be the minimal ideal 91 of A such that A/W is zero or semi-simple. To in- vestigate the radical, more relationships between A and £(^4) are obtained and using the results of §5 we prove the important theorem: if A is a Malcev algebra of characteristic zero, then A is semi-simple if and only if £(A) is a semi-simple Lie algebra. From this we obtain that if A is a Malcev algebra of characteristic zero, then sJl= ^4S where S is the radical of £(.4). An interest- ing result relating many of the preceding concepts is the chain of inclusions Ji(S)CJ1(S(A))CA<xCA§, = ')1lwhere a is the radical of A(A, A) and Aa is an ideal of A. Finally in this section the symmetric bilinear form f(x, y) = trace (RXRV)is introduced in a Malcev algebra and it is shown that/(x, y) is actually an invariant form. This result yields the analogue of Dieudonné's Theorem for Lie algebras: if A is a Malcev algebra with nondegenerate trace form, then A is semi-simple. In §8, derivations are discussed and it is shown that the linear transforma- tion D(x, y) = (Rx, Ry)+Rxy is a derivation. Furthermore D is an inner- derivation [8] of a Malcev algebra A if and only if D = P„-f-23, D(#„ yi) where x¿, y¿ are arbitrary in A and « is arbitrary in the /-nucleus N. The derivations of the seven dimensional Malcev algebra A* are discussed in de- tail and it is shown that the derivations of A* form a simple Lie algebra iso- morphic to the exceptional simple Lie algebra G2. Finally in §9, the holomorph 3C of a Malcev algebra is defined similarly to that of a Lie algebra: let 2} be the derivation algebra of a Malcev algebra A. Form 3C=£)©yl and define multiplication * on 3C by (Pi+oi) * (D2+a2) = (Di, D2)+aiD2—a2Di+aia2. The holomorph of a Malcev algebra is not as useful as that of a Lie algebra because of the restrictive result: 3C is a Malcev algebra if and only if for all x, y, z in A and D in 3D,J(x, y, z)D = —J(x, y, zD). 2. Fundamental identities. The principal concern of this section will be the derivation of simple results that follow immediately from the definition of a Malcev algebra. Definition. A Malcev algebra A over a field P is a nonassociative algebra, that is, a vector space over P with a distributive multiplication defined on it satisfying (2.1) x2 = 0, xy = - yx, (2.2) xyxz = (xyz)x + (yz-x)x + (zx-x)y for all x, y, z of A. It is not difficult to verify that any Lie algebra is a Malcev algebra; how- ever, this result is an immediate consequence of the following License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1961] MALCEV ALGEBRAS 429 Lemma 2.3.
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