2004 REPORT ON GIVING | BEHIND THE CORPORATION | UBC OKANAGAN STARTS UP The Magazine of The University of British Columbia | Spring 2004 Published by Publications Mail Agreement # 40063528 The University of British Columbia Alumni Association 2 Trek Spring 2004 sp RING 2 0 0 4 The Magazine of The University of British Columbia Editor Christopher Petty, mfa’86 Designer Chris Dahl Assistant Editor Vanessa Clarke Board of Directors Chair Jane Hungerford, bed’67 5 Take Note Vice-Chair Martin Ertl, bsc’93 Treasurer David Elliott, bcom’69 6 Integrating Alumni Services Members at Large ’02 – ’04 An historic agreement means enhanced alumni ser- Darlene Marzari, msw’68 Colin Smith, basc’65 vices. By Chris Petty Members at Large ’03 – ’05 Raquel Hirsch, ba’80, mba’83 11 People Connect Mark Mawhinney, ba’94 The Learning Exchange brings UBC to the Downtown Doug Robinson, bcom’71, llb’72 Eastside. And the Downtown Eastside to UBC. Committee Chair Appointments ’03 – ’05 By Ellen Schwartz Don Dalik, llb’76 Tammie Mark, bcom’88 Jesse Sims, bcom’00 15 Bringing “Law” to the Downtown Eastside Yvonne Yuan, bsc’87, msc’90, phd’95 A UBC Law student thinks the Faculty has a lot to University Representatives ’03 – ’04 offer the Downtown Eastside. By Vanessa Clarke Richard Johnston, ba’70 Jim Rogers, ba’65 17 Mad Cow Disease and the Fear of Death Amina Rai, ams President Is the fear of Mad Cow more dangerous than the Executive Director Leslie Konantz disease itself? By Scott Yates Trek Editorial Committee Insert: Report on Giving Vanessa Clarke Scott Macrae, ba’71 Chris Dahl Christopher Petty Your gift to UBC pays big dividends. Check out the Sid Katz Herbert Rosengarten details in our special section. Trek (formerly the UBC Alumni Chronicle) is published three times a year by the UBC Alumni Association and distributed free of charge to UBC alumni and friends. 22 The Arts Opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Alumni Association or the university. Address correspondence to: 24 Books Christopher Petty, Editor 26 Alumni News UBC Alumni Association 6251 Cecil Green Park Road 32 Class Acts Vancouver, bc, Canada v6t 1z1 e-mail to [email protected] Letters will be published at the editor’s discretion 35 In Memoriam and may be edited for space. For advertising rates contact 604-822-8914. Contact Numbers at UBC Address Changes 604-822-8921 e-mail [email protected] Alumni Association 604-822-3313 toll free 800-883-3088 Trek Editor 604-822-8914 ubc Info Line 604-822-4636 Belkin Gallery 604-822-2759 Bookstore 604-822-2665 Chan Centre 604-822-2697 Frederic Wood Theatre 604-822-2678 Alumni Spring Picnic Museum of Anthropology 604-822-5087 UBC graduates picnic at the Wigwam Inn, Volume 58, Number 1 | Printed in Canada by Mitchell Press Canadian Publications Mail Agreement # 40063528 May 3, 1924. This photo was sent in by Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Mary and George Plant, who wonder if Records Department 6251 Cecil Green Park Road anyone recognizes the grads pictured. Vancouver, BC v6t 1z1 Spring 2004 Trek 3 ONE GREAT UNIVERSITY – TWO GREAT CAMPUSES Quick Facts about the Okanagan’s new University of British Columbia campus The Okanagan gets a distinctive n New high-speed ORAN network research-intensive university that ECONOMIC BENEFITS builds on the achievements of UBC Okanagan will be a Okanagan University College and regional economic driver: the history of UBC. People from n Impact of 4,500 more both institutions will chart the students, new faculty and future for the new UBC campus. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | OKANAGAN staff n New research infrastructure UBC Okanagan opens its doors on n Annual economic impact: what is now the North Kelowna $263 million campus of OUC in September 2005. The first UBC degrees will SOCIAL BENEFITS be granted in May 2006. UBC Okanagan will contribute to the region: ACCESS n Health linkages UBC Okanagan opens up: THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | VANCOUVER n Community service learning n 5,500 UBC seats by 2009 n Co-op opportunities n Seats for 900 new students by n Creative and Performing Arts September 2005 n 1,000 new residence spaces WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY n More Okanagan representation on the UBC Board of LEARNING Governors UBC Okanagan will have: n Work with OUC students, faculty and staff to build the n One world-class degree future n Post-graduate programs n Create a community advisory council n Integrated region-wide college transfer n Town hall meetings and community roundtables n Distinctive programs n Its own Senate nnCampus globally linked by technology OKANAGAN RESEARCH UBC Okanagan will create: n New research funding n Expanded research programs Visit our web site for more information: www.ubc.ca/ n Links to UBC Vancouver / global research okanagan Tel: 1-866-607-9636 [TOLL FREE] TAKE NOTE UBC Okanagan to Open in 2005 nnThe first student intake at the new UBC Okanagan campus will occur in September, 2005. The North Kelowna campus of Okanagan University College will become the base for the new university, and UBC administrators will work with OUC fac- ulty and staff to expand university-level offerings there and at other regional cen- tres. OUC will continue to operate, grant- ing degrees and diplomas until August, 2005. Current students are guaranteed completion of their programs. The creation of the new campus will result in 5,500 new spaces for post-second- ary students in the Okanagan by 2010. The remaining campuses of OUC, renamed Okanagan College, will also be expanded, with more university transfer, trades and other applied training programs. Former OUC board chair, Brad Bennett, has been appointed chair of the President’s The Corporation Joel Bakan (centre) looks for psychopathy with film makers Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott UBC Okanagan Community Advisory Council, and will oversee the transition. UBC Okanagan will respond to local Robert Hare to assess corporate behav- Martha Piper, commenting on the choice needs and opportunities in teaching and iour. A psychopath is defined as a person of Kelowna, BC’s fastest growing region, research, and the campus will have its own who is pathologically self-interested, lacks for the new university, said, “A research academic senate and deputy vice chancel- the capacity to be concerned about oth- intensive UBC campus in the Okanagan lor to promote development of distinctive ers or to feel guilt or remorse when others presents an exciting opportunity to attract programs that honour OUC’s strengths are harmed, and does not feel any moral outstanding faculty and students to this and traditions.” obligation to comply with social or legal spectacular region of British Columbia. norms. When Bakan sets large corpora- Psychotic Corporations tions up against these and other indicators, UBC Okanagan The North Kelowna campus of nnCan the behaviour of corporations they don’t fare well. Okanagan University College now part of UBC. be compared to the pathological behav- Law in the US and Canada asserts that iour of individuals? Law professor Joel companies take on a persona upon incor- Bakan thinks so, and if the success of The poration, and have certain responsibilities Corporation, the film based on his book, to their shareholders, not to society in is any indication, so do millions of other general. Thus, a large car company can people. justify not correcting lethal design flaws in In The Corporation: The Pathological its products because it will cost less to pay Pursuit of Profit and Power, recently out potential law suits from victims than it released in Canadian and American would to fix the problem. Both the book bookstores, Bakan uses models of human psychopathy developed by UBC professor continued on page 8 Spring 2004 Trek 5 TAKE NOTE NEW RELATIonSHIPS, NEW OpporTunITIES UBC, Association Join Forces to Reach Alumni Two recent developments at UBC are nn“Moved by Miss Peck and Mr. Wright that an alumni associa- destined to change the nature of our tion be formed. Carried” university and the way we relate to – Minutes of the first meeting of the UBC Alumni Association, you, our graduates. May 4, 1917 The first is the provincial govern- The UBC grads who met that evening in 1917 at the Fairview ment’s announcement that the North shacks were, more or less. the same people who formed the Alma Kelowna campus of the Okanagan University College will become UBC Mater Society a few years before. In both actions, they responded Okanagan in September, 2005. This to President Wesbrook’s motto for UBC, and his belief in personal new initiative means, in the short responsibility: Tuum Est! It is Yours. term, that students from the Okanagan The new alumni association gave itself a simple mandate: “To will have access to the resources of further the interests of the university and the alumni.” They would this university, and to our expertise in research and teaching, do this by maintaining contact among alumni, the university and while continuing to benefit from the strong tradition of excel- its students; by assisting the university in keeping its needs before lence OUC has already established. In the long term, it means the public and the government; and by personal service. increased access to post-secondary education in the Okanagan: And for the next 87 years, it did just that. Alumni volunteers did 900 new seats by 2005, and a total of 5,500 additional places most of the work for the first 40 years, keeping address records by 2009. up-to-date (in shoe boxes in someone’s basement), raising money We are currently working closely with administrators, fac- through the annual fund (which it did until 1989), organizing class ulty, staff and students to ensure a smooth transition to UBC Okanagan.
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