mayosports partnership Annual Report Tuairisc Bhliantúil 2013 CONTENTS PAGE Foreword from the Chairman of Mayo Sports Partnership Cllr Henry Kenny and Sports Co-ordinator Charlie Lambert 3 Key Findings, Background, Resources and Funding 4 Challenges to MSP 5 Section One: Background, Resources and Funding 6 1.1 Background to LSP network and Mayo Sports Partnership 6 1.2 Project funding sources 7 1.3 MSP Management and Staff 8 Section Two: Achievements of Mayo Sports Partnership in 2013 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Development of Local Sports Infrastructure 9 2.3 Delivering Irish Sports Council Programmes 15 2.4 Programme Delivery 17 2.5 Building and Sustaining Partnership 20 Section Three: MSP Programme Case Studies 23 3.0 Introduction 23 3.1 Club Development / Disadvantaged 23 3.2 Integration 25 3.3 People with a Disability 27 3.4 Urban / Tourism Development 29 3.5 Active Communities 31 3.6 Unemployed / Mental Health 33 Section Four: Next Steps 35 Appendices 39 Appendix A – List of Local Sports Partnerships 40 Appendix B – Glossary of Terms 41 - 43 Appendix C – MSP Board 44 MAYO SPORTS PARTNERSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MAYO SPORTS PARTNERSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 FOREWARD FOREWORD FOREWORDOn behalf of Mayo Sports Partnership, we are delighted to welcome this annual report, which provides an overview of the work of the Partnership in 2013. On behalf of Mayo Sports Partnership, we are delighted to welcome this annual report, which provides an OnIn anbehalf era of changeof Mayo and uncertaintySports Partnership, we are still delighted we toare report delighte that interagencyd to welcome and stakeholder this annual report, which provides an overview of the work of the Partnership in 2013. collaboration is a major factor in the successful delivery of many participation opportunities for all. This report overviewgives a snapshot of ofthe these work interventions of the and Partnership of trends in modern in recreational2013. sport / physical activity. In an era of change and uncertainty we are still delighted to report thatSimilar interagency to previous years, and thestakeholder Partnership has co madellaboration significant advances and has particularly increased Inthe an number era ofof locally change delivered and programmes. uncertainty Target we areas are focused still on del duringighted 2013 included to report communities, that interagency and stakeholder collaboration is a major factor in the successful delivery of many participation opportunitiesurban / tourism, for integration all. This initiatives, report people gives with a snapshota disability, unemployed and teenage girls/ women. The of these interventions and of trends in modern recreational sport / physicalisPartnership a major activity. is factoralso continuing in the to deliversuccessful projects todelivery increase the of participation many pa andrticipation involvement ofopportunities harder to for all. This report gives a snapshot ofreach these groups interventions such as those living and in disadvantaged of trends communities. in modern recreational sport / physical activity. A particular highlight from the report has been the success of the Operation Transformation programmes and Similar to previous years, the Partnership has made significant advancesthe Meetand and has Walk particularly Initiative in Spring increased 2013. the number of locally delivered programmes. Target areas focused on duringSimilar 2013 to previous included years,communities, the Partnership urban / has made significant advances and has particularly increased the numberMSP continues of locallyto be very thankfuldelivered to County programmes. Manager Peter Hynes, Target the Irish are Sportsas Council,focused HSE, andon Ministerduring 2013 included communities, urban / tourism, integration initiatives, people with a disability, unemployed andRings teenage Department girls/ of Transport, women. Tourism andThe Sport Par fortnership their continued support and investment which enables is also continuing to deliver projects to increase the participation andtourism, usinvolvement to do our integration job. of harder initiatives, to reach people groups withsuch a disability, unemployed and teenage girls/ women. The Partnership as those living in disadvantaged communities. isFinally, also thecontinuing Partnership thanks to deliver all those whoprojects have contributed to increase to the compilation the participation of this annual report and andinvolvement of harder to reach groups such asalso those to the teamliving of instructors in disadvantaged / tutors who were communities. involved in the many programmes. Special mention goes to the Mayo Sports Partnership Administrator Padraic Durcan, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer Ray Mc Namara, A particular highlight from the report has been the success of the Operation Community Transformation Sports Project Worker programmes Anne Ronayne and and Jobbridge the placement workers Aíne O Reilly and Sean Meet and Walk Initiative in Spring 2013. ABrophy. particular highlight from the report has been the success of the Operation Transformation programmes and the Meet and Walk Initiative in Spring 2013. MSP continues to be very thankful to County Manager Peter Hynes, the Irish Sports Council, HSE, and Minister Rings Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for their continuedMSP support continues and investment to be very whichthankful enables to County us Manager Peter Hynes, the Irish Sports Council, HSE, and Minister to do our job. Rings Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for their continued support and investment which enables us toHenry do our job.Kenny Charlie Lambert Finally, the Partnership thanks all those who have contributed to the compilationChairman of this annual report and alsoSports to Co-ordinator the team of instructors / tutors who were involved in the many programmes.Finally,Mayo Sports the Special Partnership Partnership mention thanks goes to all the those Ma yowhoMayo Sportshave Partnership contributed to the compilation of this annual report and also to Sports Partnership Administrator Padraic Durcan, Sports Inclusion Disabilitythe team Officer of instructors Ray Mc Namara, / tutors Commun who wereity involved in the many programmes. Special mention goes to the Mayo Sports Project Worker Anne Ronayne and Jobbridge placement workersSports Aíne Partnership O Reilly and Administrator Sean Brophy. Padraic Durcan, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer Ray Mc Namara, Community Sports Project Worker Anne Ronayne and Jobbridge placement workers Aíne O Reilly and Sean Brophy. 3 Henry Kenny Charlie Lambert Chairman Sports Co-ordinatorHenry Kenny Charlie Lambert Mayo Sports Partnership Mayo SportsChairman Partnership Sports Co-ordinator Mayo Sports Partnership Mayo Sports Partnership 3 3 Key Findings This report is the 7th annual report of MSP using the SPEAK self-evaluation system. Background, Resources and Funding • MSP is a central pillar, within Mayo, of Delivering Irish Sports Council Programmes the Irish Sports Councils plans for increasing participation in sport to 45% by 2020 Buntús Start • €516,600 was invested in MSP in 2013. This • 349 Pre School practioners from 132 centres figure includes benefit-in-kind funding of have participated in the programme since €191,600 from partners its inception • Funding from the Irish Sports Council accounts for 40.5% of the total LSP funding Active Leadership in 2013, the remaining 59.5% is raised from • 144 sports leaders have been trained in 10 other sources. These figures include Active Leader Courses since it commenced. benefit-in-kind funding. 18 in 2013. • 18 people served on the MSP board in 2013. Code of Ethics • In 2013, 4 people worked full-time on behalf of MSP. 2 were 100% directly funded by the • 320 participants from 102 clubs completed ISC with the Sports Disability Officer funded 17 Code of Ethics Basic Awareness courses 50%. The Community Sports Project Worker • 21 participants completed 2 Club Children’s is funded by partners and generated Officer Courses. income. Two Interns were also employed under the governments Jobbridge Initiative. Programme Delivery • 8140 people participated in 61 locally Achievements of Mayo Sports delivered participation programmes Partnership in 2013 • An additional 4,380 female participants Development of Sports Infrastructure in Mayo took part in 9 local Women in Sport • In 2013, MSP has provided 560 sports clubs, programmes groups and organisations throughout the county with important information and Building and Sustaining Partnerships advice in the area of funding. • In 2013 MSP played an important role in • 80 clubs / groups were supported in making facilitating 13 networks and forums funding applications and fundraising • MSP were also actively participating on 8 • 80 groups have been supported in the local committees and networks and held delivery of their activities 12 awareness raising events • 50 groups have been supported with regard to developing their organisational or Information Provision management structures Over 8,000 individuals contacted MSP in order • MSP planned and delivered 12 training and to access general or specific sport-related education courses, workshops and seminars information. • 533 people participated on these courses. 4 Challenges to MSP With the advent of the new structure in the local of sharing facilities and other resources. authority LCDC Local Community Development The ongoing issue of obesity amongst all Committee, MSP is awaiting instructions along sectors of the population continues to be an with
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