REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 03,2004 at 7:00p.m.in the District of Campbell River Council Chambers (Main Level), 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, BC. The agenda presents the recommendations extracted from the reports that comprise the agenda background package. To request a copy of a specific report, please contact the appropriate department. OPEN PORTION OF THE MEETING TO FOLLOW THE IN-CAMERA BUSINESS AND PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P.M. Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3093, 2004 (Georgia Park - 650 Hudson Road) IN-CAMERABUSINESS: "THAT Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 90 (1) (c), (i), and (k) of the Community Charter. " 1. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: (a) Mr. Ron Fisher, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, regarding "Community 5 Crash Reduction Challenge" running from May 5-27, 2004. (b) Mr. Stan Goodrich, Campbell River Environmental Council regarding Quinsam Coal 9 Corporation. (c) Mr. Jim Dobinson regarding Official Community Plan and Rezoning at 420 Dogwood Street South. {Refer to Item 8 (c)}. 2. MINUTES: (a) April 19, 2004 Council Minutes. 36 "THAT the April 19, 2004 Council Minutes be adopted. 3. OTHER MINUTES: (a) March22,2004 YouthAdvisoryCommittee Minutes. 42 "THAT the March 22, 2004 Youth Advisory Committee Minutes be received. " (b) April14,2004 Development Liaison Group Minutes. 44 "THAT the April 14, 2004 Development Liaison Group Minutes be received." (c) April 15, 2004 North Island Woodlands Advisory Group Minutes. 48 "THAT the April 15, 2004 North Island Woodlands Advisory Group Minutes be received. (d) April15,2004 Advisory Planning Commission Minutes. 56 "THAT the April 15, 2004 Advisory Planning Commission Minutes be received. Regular Council Meeting - Monday, May 03, 2004 Page 2 4. CORRESPONDENCE: Items of correspondence for Council consideration: (a) "THAT the correspondence received April 13, 2004 from the Ministry of Small 60 Business and Economic Development regarding funding approval for the Canada/British Columbia Infrastructure Program (CBCIP), Campbell River Park Restoration be received. " (b) "THAT the April 13, 2004 correspondence from the Honourable David Anderson, 62 P.C., M.P., Minister of the Environment regarding the work of the Canadian Wildlife Service in the establishment of the Scott Islands Marine Wildlife Area (S1MWA) be received. " (c) "THAT the April 15, 2004 correspondence from Waage and Judy Christensen 64 regarding Public Boat Launches in Campbell River be received. " (d) "THAT the April 21, 2004 correspondence from Ted Olynyk, Community Relations 69 Manager, BC Hydro regarding a revised rate increase proposal be received. " 5. MAYOR'S REPORTS: 6. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) April 27, 2004 Committee of the Whole Minutes. 71 "THAT the April 27, 2004 Committee of the Whole Minutes be received. " April 27, 2004 Committee of the WholeRecommendationsfor Council's consideration: (i) "THAT staffprepare an amendment to Council Procedure Bylaw No. 3105, 2004, 71 {Refer to Item 8 (e)} revising the order of business as per the Clerk's April 21, 2003 Report and reversing items 10 and 11 as follows: 1. In-Camera Business 2. Delegations 3. Staff Reports 4. Bylaws & Permits 5. Correspondence 6. Mayor's Reports 7. Commission/Committee Reports 8. Minutes 9. Other Minutes 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business 12. Information 13. Adjournment 14. Public Question Period" (ii) "THAT Council approach the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities 72 to work with Vancouver Island municipalities and the Ministry of Transportation to develop a name for Highway 19 that is clear and understandable and recommend as one name to be considered the 'Vancouver Island Parkway/Highway 19'. " Regular Council Meeting - Monday, May 03, 2004 Page 3 7. STAFFREPORTS: A. Administrator: (i) Administrator's April 19, 2004 Report and Municipal Insurance Association's April 74 22, 2004 correspondence regarding Municipal Insurance. "THAT Council send letters to our MLA Rod Visser, Attorney General Geoff Plant and Premier Gordon Campbell petitioning the Provincial Government to replace the law ofjoint and several liability with proportional liability for property damage and economic loss and reducing the limitation period for starting legal action from 30 to 10 years. " B. Municipal Services Division: C. Corporate Services Division: D. Community Services Division: 8. BYLAWS AND PERMITS: (a) Planning Services Manager's April 27, 2004 Report regarding Text and Map 79 Amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 2700, 1998. "That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3102, 2004, receive first and second readings and proceed to public hearing. " (b) Planner Roy's April 28, 2004 Report regarding OCP and Rezoning at 420 Dogwood 94 Street South. "THAT Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3103, 2004 (420 Dogwood Street South) receive f rst and second readings and proceed to public hearing. " (c) Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3093, 2004 (Georgia Park - 650 112 Hudson Road). "THAT Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3093, 2004 (Georgia Park - 650 Hudson Road) receive third reading and be adopted. " "THAT Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3104, 2004 (420 Dogwood Street South) receive first and second readings and proceed to public hearing. " (d) Finance Manager's April 26, 2004 Report regarding Five Year Financial Plan and 115 Tax Rates Bylaws. "THAT Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3107, 2004 receive first, second and third readings. " "THAT Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3108, 2004 receive first, second and third readings. " 124 (e) Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 3109, 2004. 126 Regular Council Meeting - Monday, May 03, 2004 Page 4 "THAT Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 3109, 2004 receive first, second and third readings. " 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 10. NEW BUSINESS: 11. INFORMATION: Information items presented to Council: (a) "THAT the fax received April 16, 2004 from Michelle Dunsmore and Kirsten 127 Brynelsen regarding an invitation for Pacific Coastal Airlines 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament be received. " (b) "THAT the correspondence received April 20, 2004 from Jack Blaney, Chair of the 131 Citizens'Assembly on Electoral Reform requesting input from Council on the province's electoral system be received. " (c) "THAT the April 21, 2004 correspondence from Matthew Little, British Columbia 136 Falun Dafa Association of Canada requesting a proclamation or congratulatory letter to the Falun Dafa Association acknowledging May as "Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" be received. " (d) "THAT the April 21, 2004 copies of correspondence to Prime Minister Paul Martin 144 and Premier Gordon Campbell from Mayor Mary Reeves, the City ofAbbotsford regarding the Avian Influenza outbreak and requesting that a State of Emergency be declared in order to ensure appropriate resources are brought to bear on the crisis be received. " (e) "THAT the April 22, 2004 correspondence from Darren Entwistle, Telus thanking 146 Council for their support of Telus be received. " (f) "THAT the April 2004 Vancouver Island Regional Library Board News Brief be 148 received. " 12. ADJOURNMENT: "THAT the meeting adjourn. " Challenge Mays-27,2004 How your community can participate! ICBC Official Challenge Website at www.icbc.com 1005 Clui bq nn brokers p INSURING A SAFER BC L E What is the Community Crash Reduction How, can .our community participate? Challenge? Youcan, registeryour community by issuing a The Community Crash Reduction Challenge (The Proclamation or signing a letter of endorsement on Challenge) provides participating communities behalf of your community. Send your Proclamation or throughout BC - small and large - an opportunity endorsement to your ICBC regional loss prevention to help reduce crashes and road-related harm - and representative. compete for prizes. If you come in under yourCrash You can also issue a friendly bet to another Prediction,you can be a winner! community in your category. After The Challenge Who can participate? results are tabulated, whoever reduced crashes by the greatest percentage beyond their Crash Prediction, 165 municipalities throughout the province will be wins - and wins bragging rights. We provide some invited to take part. suggestions on issuing challenges on the back page. This is an excellent opportunity to show that your DID YOU KNOW? community cares about reducing harm on our roads. In an averageyearin BC, over a How can individuals participate? quarter million crash incidents are reported to ICBC Individuals can take a pledge to drive safely - and be eligible for prizes.Visit the Official Challenge Website Car crashes are the leading cause at www.icbc.com. of death and injury for youth in BC. r, How can other groups participate? u Schools, community groups, businesses, clubs and When is it? organizations can get involved too by issuing The Challenge will take place over a 23-day period, challenges to schools, groups or branch offices in May 5 to May 27, 2004. other communities. Their members can also pledge to drive safelyonwww.icbc.com. Some challenge ideas What are Crash Predictions? are on the back page. ICBC analyzed the number of crashes involving the residents of every community in the province over the last five years between May 5 and May 27. DID YOU KNOW? We looked at the number of crashesinvolving residents In BC, on a typical day*... of a communitytaking place anywhere in the province. There is a car crash every two That number represents your Crash Prediction. This minutes. way, the focus
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