^mm m*m QUOTE "How few our real wants, and how vast our imaginary ones." 25* —Lavater fatiitob twr cony ONE HUNDRED-SEVENTEENTH YEAR—No. 5 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY I, 1987 22 Pages This Week New Evidence Shows Cassidy Lake Illegal, Waterloo Man Claims A member of the Cassidy Lake has filed for information under the that a larger tract of recreation-only Technical School Liaison Council says Freedom of Information Act. land would be formed. If he can prove the minimum security Thomas, an associate professor of • Michigan Act 13 of 1968 provides prison on Waterloo Rd. was establish­ public health at U of M, has provided that the original deed restrictions of ed illegally in 1943 and should be clos­ information he and Sandra uncovered 1943 would not be covered under the ed. to the Michigan State Department of standard 30-year limitation because The Washtenaw County Board of Corrections, lawyers at the U.S. the land was to be used for public pur­ K Commissioners is scheduled Thurs­ Department of the Interior, and state poses and it was created by a gift R' day afternoon to consider evidence senator Lana Pollack and Rep. Mar­ from the U.S. government. compiled by J. William Thomas over garet O'Connor, among others. He has • Michigan courts have held that such the last two years. Thomas, who lives worked closely with Pratt. deed restrictions are enforceable. about a mile from the prison at 17980 Thomas contends that the prison is "My wife and I started looking into Waterloo Rd., wants the board to re­ illegal for a several reasons. this two years ago when the Depart­ quest that the state close the facility. • When the U.S. Department of the In­ ment of Corrections proposed chang­ The prison has long been a center of terior deeded the Cassidy Lake land to ing (Cassidy Lake) into a medium controversy due to the number of in­ the State of Michigan Department of security prison," Thomas said. mates who have walked away from Conservation in 1943, the deed includ­ "We thought it would be interesting the facility over the years. In addi­ ed a clause which limited the use of to find out how a prison came to be put tion, prison crowding state-wide has the land to park, recreation and con­ in the middle of recreation land. M^W^%j^^^&f^:/:^-." forced a more violent brand of servation purposes. The land would Under the Freedom of Information criminal to be held there. However, revert the interior department if the Act we got a copy of the architectural RESEARCH by a Waterloo Rd. man allegedly shows perty. The land was a gift from the U.S. Department of the the institution has survived efforts by deed restrictions were violated for feasibility study (of making Cassidy that Cassidy Lake Technical School, the controversial Interior. The deed restrictions were later transferred il­ area citizens to have it either closed more than three years. Lake a medium security prison). It minimum security prison, was established illegally in the legally, J. William Thomas claims. or fenced. • At a meeting in October of 1943, the showed two 12-foot fences with barbed 1940's when the state ignored deed restrictions oh the pro- In the opinion of Washtenaw County Michigan Conservation Commission wire and 60 high intensity light poles Commissioner Ellis Pratt, who indicated that it wanted to allow that would light up the area like Tiger represents the Cassidy Lake area, prison use of the land until six months Stadium. It seemed ludicrous to have Thomas' work may provide the first after World War IL that in the middle of a recreation area." real opportunity to have the prison • In 1964, an internal memo to the Mud Bog, Barbecue closed. Cassidy Lake will be discussed at a director of the Department of Conser­ In the opinion of the county's at­ public work session of the board of vation proposed that the deed restric­ commissioners at 4 p.m. tomorrow in torney, Bob Guenzel, Thomas' legal tions and reversionary rights on the case is sound. Thomas said at least the county administration building. Cassidy Lake land be transferred to "It looks like it will be worthwhile to one attorney from the Department of other nearby tracts of land already Highlight July 4th Fun, the Interior, and his own lawyer, have pursue it," Pratt said. owned by the state. It was noted that also told him his ease is solid. "I still get a lot of calls from uiwv vV»Vi im-m the transfer would "relieve the state (residents in the Cassidy Lake area) "The big thing will be the extreme of long-standing concern over a who are worried about the escapes legal costs involved if (the Board of technical violation of the terms of the and the types of criminals at the Fireworks May Fizzle Commissioners) pursues it," Pratt federal gift." prison." said. • The transfer of restrictions and Pratt predicted the board will vote If you have your heart set on seeing secondary insurer will be Firework The Country Mudders again are "If the legal costs go beyond a cer­ reversionary rights was made illegal­ at the initial work session to pursue a fireworks display this Saturday, you Industry Captive Insurance Fund. sponsoring the third annual In­ tain value, it may not be continued." ly in 1964 although 1964 Stat. 399 was closing the prison based on the fact may have to go to Ann Arbor or Allen had no proof of either policy at dependence Day Mud Bog beginning On his own time and at his own ex­ cited. That law was made to enable to that the state has violated the law. another neighboring community for the meeting. at noon. pense, Thomas and his wife, Sandra, state to "acquire other lands... of ap- However, Pratt said he couldn't the pleasure. Whether or not Allen can show proof It is officially sanctioned by the have commuted to Lansing to study ! proximately equal value." The idea predict what would happen when the However, if your tastes run to grill­ of insurance in time for the display re­ Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive minutes of Department of Corrections was to allow the 3tate to buy private Ways and Means Committee, which ed chicken and mud bogs, there's no mains to be seen. Not only does he Association. Winners will receive meetings from 1943 into the 1960s. He land intermingled with the recreation decides on expenditures, takes up the reason to go farther than the Chelsea have to satisfy the village in time for points toward the year-end standings. has used reference materials at the land and transfer the restrictions to it Issue two weeks afterward in another Fairgrounds' this Fourth of July. Satterthwaite to sign the permit, he More than 100 entries from around University of Michigan Library. He from some other piece of property so public work session. Chelsea, Village Council held a has to satisfy the Chelsea Community the state are expected, special session last Thursday, June 25 Fair Board as well. ' A mud bog is mud pit 200 feet long wm to discuss the question of liability in­ And, according to board secretary by 40 feet wide, in which the mud gets surance for the fireworks display. Maryann Guenther, the contract deeper from one end to the other. Despite occasional flaring tempers, Allen signed with the fair board states Four-wheel-drive vehicles, from Jeeps council granted Chelsea resident that proof of insurance must be to trucks, some up to 12 feet long, Harold Allen a permit to hold the presented to the board at least 10 days compete to see how far they can go in display provided he could prove the before the event. the pit. There are seven classes of village was named as an Insured par­ "I certainly hope he read the con­ vehicles, defined by tire size. tract he signed," Guenther said. ty on a policy for a minimum of $1 Admission is $3 for spectators 13 million, the same amount required Allen would not answer questions for The Chelsea Standard. He would and over, $1 for children 6-12. Younger last year. children are free. Allen repeatedly told the council not say how he would pay for the that the village was being $1,045 insurance premium, although Competitors have an entry fee of $20 unreasonable by insisting on a $1 at the meeting he tried to get the, per run. million policy. He said other com­ village to foot all or part of the bill. He munities typically settle for $300,000 also would not say who is paying for to $500,000. However, he did not iden­ the $5,400 worth of fireworks. Post Office tify any of those communities in par­ As of Friday, Allen had not con­ ticular. And the village didn't budge tacted Chelsea Milling Co., Dana in its demands, Corp. or Chelsea Kiwanis Club, three Closing at "I don't know how we can accept frequent sponsors of community anything lower than $1 million," said events. Noon Friday Village President Jerry batter- No matter what happens with the thwaite. fireworks, the local festivities will The Chelsea post office will be clos­ "If something, God forbid, did hap­ begin with the annual Chelsea ed Saturday, the Fourth of July. On pen, we'd have to bear the brunt of American Legion chicken barbecue at Friday, July 3, the window will close it." 11 a.m. at the fairgrounds.
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