Weekly List of Planning Decisions Application Decision Decision . Reference Location Proposal description Date Application Link Arrington CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH S/3951/18/DC Tenanted Agricultural land Discharge of Conditions 3 APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? within the WI, Wimpole Estate, (External lighting) of planning theApnID=S/3951/18/D . Arrington, Royston, SG8 0BW permission S/2214/17/FL Approved 18/01/2019 C Single storey rear extension and single storey annexe to http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4178/18/FL 197A, Ermine Way, Arrington, the rear, linked by a new k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Royston, Cambridgeshire, walkway with timber pergola APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . SG8 0AY above. Approved 16/01/2019 theApnID=S/4178/18/FL Bar Hill CP Installation of one internally http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4249/18/AD Unit 7, Viking Way, Bar Hill, illuminated fascia sign and k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, one non-illuminated hanging APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB23 8EL sign Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/4249/18/AD Barrington CP 4 Cherry plums - remove and http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4724/18/TC 33, West Green, Barrington, replace with hedge. Cherry k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, plum - remove four branches APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB22 7RZ for more light in house No Objections 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/4724/18/TC Ivy Covered Stem next to T6 - Remove tree to near ground level T17 to T32 - Various- Remove major Deadwood T17 to T32 - Various - Crown lift to 3 metres over track side only, S/4741/18/TC Remove Elm touching wire, Remove dead Alder stem Barrington Cofe Vc Primary adjacent to Birch. Remove http://plan.scambs.gov.u School, Haslingfield Road, Yew. Remove small trees on k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Barrington, Cambridge, bank growing over ditch and APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, CB22 7RG into fence. No Objections 15/01/2019 theApnID=S/4741/18/TC Barton CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH S/3202/18/NM 25, Comberton Road, Barton, Non Material Amendment of APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Planning Permission theApnID=S/3202/18/N . CB23 7BA S/0192/14/FL Withdrawn 14/01/2019 M Bassingbourn cum Kneesworth CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4328/18/FL 80, High Street, Bassingbourn k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cum Kneesworth, Royston, APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, SG8 5LF Single storey front extension Approved 15/01/2019 theApnID=S/4328/18/FL Proposed single storey rear Low Farm Cottage, Low Farm extension to the existing http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4356/18/FL Cottage Brook Road house and conversion of k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Bassingbourn, Royston, SG8 existing garage with new APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . 5NT extensions to form Annexe Approved 15/01/2019 theApnID=S/4356/18/FL Boxworth CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4058/18/FL k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH 1, School Lane, Boxworth, APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridge, CB23 4ND Two storey side extension Approved 15/01/2019 theApnID=S/4058/18/FL Caldecote CP Land at Casa De Foseta, St Erection of Three 4 bedroom http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4394/18/FL Neots Road, Caldecote, dwellings with associated car k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, parking, landscaping and APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB23 8AY access arrangements Refused 17/01/2019 theApnID=S/4394/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4457/18/FL Red Bricks, 353A, St Neots k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Road, Caldecote, Cambridge, APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB23 7QL Erection of garage Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/4457/18/FL Cambourne CP Erection of 49 retirement apartments, 238 sqm of retail/financial and professional services space S/0796/18/FL (A1/A2 use class), communal http://plan.scambs.gov.u Land South of High Street and facilities, landscaping, car k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH West of High Street, parking and ancillary APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambourne development Approved 14/01/2019 theApnID=S/0796/18/FL Coton CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4301/18/FL Erection of 3 Dwellings k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH 9 The Footpath, Coton, following demolition of existing APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridge, CB23 7PX dwelling Approved 16/01/2019 theApnID=S/4301/18/FL Croxton CP T1 - 1x Mulberry - Reduce overhanging limbs back close boundary to reduce end weight, back to suitable growth points to leave shaped T2 - 1x Field Maple - reduce by circa S/4721/18/TC 30% (3m), thin by 20% and crown clean, to maintain tree at a suitable size for cramped location. G1- 1x Hawthorn, http://plan.scambs.gov.u 4, High Street, Croxton, St Blackthorn and laburnum - fell - k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 poor form, overgrown dying APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . 6SX and smothered in ivy No Objections 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/4721/18/TC Dry Drayton CP Variation of condition 2 http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/3084/18/VC 29, Park Street, Dry Drayton, (Approved plans) pursuant to k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, planning permission APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB23 8DA S/2350/17/FL Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/3084/18/VC Fen Ditton CP Conifer - fell due to excess http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4723/18/TC size, poor condition, low k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH 2, Bakery Close, Fen Ditton, amenity value. Aim to replant APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridge, CB5 8TQ with fruit tree in same position No Objections 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/4723/18/TC Marshall Citroen, Marshall http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4793/18/PN Motor Group, 699, Newmarket k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Road, Fen Ditton, Cambridge, Prior notification of proposed APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, CB5 8SQ demolition of Citroen Building Approved 16/01/2019 theApnID=S/4793/18/PN Fowlmere CP Proposed certificate of lawful development for a single http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4357/18/LD Willowside, Long Lane, storey rear extension and a k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Fowlmere, Royston, pitched roof over existing APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, SG8 7TG single storey rear flat roof Approved 14/01/2019 theApnID=S/4357/18/LD Fulbourn CP Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/3885/18/VC 6, Wilbraham Road, Fulbourn, consent S/1818/16/FL for k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, erection of a free-standing APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB21 5GT garage/workshop building Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/3885/18/VC Non material amendment of planning permission http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/3396/17/FL rotating Plot 14 k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH S/4590/18/NM Land West Of Balsham Road, ninety degrees with a brick APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 details to the South-Western theApnID=S/4590/18/N . 5BZ elevation Approved 15/01/2019 M Gamlingay CP Application for four stables, feed store and tack room and http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/1179/18/FL Land Adjacent to Wren Park, siting of a log cabin for a k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Cinques Road, Gamlingay, temporary period of three APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Sandy, SG19 3NJ years. Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/1179/18/FL Girton CP 16 one-bedroom apartments in one two-storey building.and one small office building S/1823/18/FL including car-parking, bike http://plan.scambs.gov.u 16-22 (including Michael's storage, bin storage, garden k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Close),, High Street, store, a substation and APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridge, Girton, CB3 0PU landscaped open spaces. Refused 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/1823/18/FL Great Abington CP http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/0407/18/VC Phase 2 Land (Zone 1), Variation of condition 16 k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Granta Park, Great Abington, (Trees) to planning permission APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . CB21 6AL S/1109/15/FL (Retrospective) Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/0407/18/VC http://plan.scambs.gov.u The orientation of the k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH S/4769/18/NM 58, North Road, Great approved cartshed has been APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? Abington, Cambridge, changed by 180 degrees from theApnID=S/4769/18/N . Cambridgeshire, CB21 6AS that approved originally Approved 16/01/2019 M Great Shelford CP ***5 Day Notice*** to remove 1 williow and 1 twisted willow tree. Both trees appear were damaged by the drought last summer, prior to when we moved in (August 2018). The willow tree is leaning (as can S/0200/19/TC be seen from the photo), and overhangs the area of the garden where my son plays football. The twisted willow is close to the garden shed, and http://plan.scambs.gov.u 21, High Street, Great we are concerned about the k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Shelford, Cambridge, risk of damage should it fall APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, CB22 5EH down. No Objections 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/0200/19/TC Erection of porch and http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/2997/18/FL Magog Court, Hinton Way, associated works at existing k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Great Shelford, B1-B8 flexible use business APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire premises Approved 18/01/2019 theApnID=S/2997/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/3777/18/FL 3, Coppice Avenue, Great k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Shelford, Cambridge, Single storey front and rear APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, CB22 5AQ extension Approved 14/01/2019 theApnID=S/3777/18/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.u S/4395/18/FL 8, Woollards Lane, Great k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Shelford, Cambridge, Change of use to A5 (hot APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? . Cambridgeshire, CB22 5LZ takeaway license). Withdrawn 14/01/2019 theApnID=S/4395/18/FL G1 - Small group of cypress trees in rear garden - trees are overhanging neighbouring S/4722/18/TC properties, and are vastly http://plan.scambs.gov.u 24, Tunwells Lane, Great overgrown for the size of the k/swiftlg/apas/run/WPH Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 garden, so we would like to APPDETAIL.DisplayUrl? .
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