/ ■ ? I ■ X 2 TILE DELAWAREAN, DOVER, DELAWARE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 190(f m ---------- - __ THE DELAWAREAN, eemtatton -of the Issues at stake in the ten beef?” asked tone of 'the auditor*. State's Vi tmpaign and will be read with 41 ate lit,” responded' Roosevelt, “but - Established 1859. 1 interest! A man .possessing the senltl- you will never get 'near enough Ito be mente expressed by Mir. Ford le a safe Mt with a bullet, (or within five miles WILLIAM SAULSBDRT, Ease your burdens man to iti with executive powers. of it.” This was an' ilntimatlon that Edito* and Profeiktor. This is li'kfely to 'be the opinion of the inlterrogatior was a «xxwiard. Mr. 8Mm m Sou * b State Street, Oppeelte Court Houle. every thinking voter -wiho reads this Roosevelt 'is given to classing people by USING Telephone, No. 36. speech. who do raolt agree with, him as cowards. The 1tenderfoot of ithe Basil tolerate it The Delawarean is published each Satur­ ier and Wednesday Subscription prioe, $1.00 «DROPPING THE MASK. as they know Teddy, but to the per annum, strictly in adTanoe- Advertising rates In a speech dielivenad at Chicago denizens of the wild end wooly west tarnished on application. GOLD Correspondence solicited, but it must al­ recently, Hon. David B. Hendrason, (the epithet is regarded as a deadly in- ss ways be accompanied by the narno of the writer, Speaker of the House of Represenlaa- JsullO. lit brought trouble i.lo Teddy. not for publication, but for our information. Tho V W V proprietor disclaims all responsibility for the opin­ . tives, stalled that he endorsed the Mr. -Hanna should bring out that muz­ T / ons of correspondents. Administration of President McKinley J zle again. ! £ because it was plannedonitheid- asaad DUST I policy advocated by Alexander Ham­ iMt. Walter Morris 'has published a ilton. Commenting on Ithis 'the Balti­ pamphlet suggesting a plan to pay WASHING P0WD1 r] more 'Sun of Thursday gives the fol­ the debt of the State and to secure lowing extrade from a speech de­ more revenue without increasing the livered by Alexander Hamilton before taxes of ithe people, Mr. Morris may the Federal Convention 'in 1787, in properly be regarded as lain authority FOR PRESIDENT, Let your head save your hands. w Philadelphia. Hamilton said: on Itihe subject of finance, and any Let Gold Dust do the work for Ü WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, you. "I believe ithe British Government paper by him on such a question It makes glad the hearts of those jr~ k Of Nebraska. forms -the best model the world has would be read with interest. The who are not happy unless everything 9\ ever produced. document just published is evidently ; t- “All comimun'ilclies divide 'themselves is clean. Gold Dust is woman’s Ù- 'the 'result of much .thought and work, I FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. into the few and ithe many. The first best friend, dirt’s worst enemy. Ü and 'it .is being discussed with interest ’?*V ADLAI EWING STEVENSON, are ithe rich and the well-born; the all over Ithe 'State, The lintelliigemt others the mass of itihe people. LU Of Illinois. "The people are turbulent and discussion of .public questions by pub­ changing. They seldom judge or de­ lic spirited citizens is always of value, termine rightly. Give, therefore, the it and we believe that 'Mr. Morris has il first class a distinct and permanent Housework is hard work without Gold Dust. STATE TICKET. share in 'the graveraient. rendered a real service to the State. !“!Notibing hue a permanent body Whether all his suggestions Shall be can check ithe impudence of democ­ FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: adopted or not it will scarcely be de­ JOHN H. RODNEY, New Castle County racy. Their turbulent and unconibral- nied that some of them ought to be, In Momoriam. WILLIAM G. POSTLES, Kent County. lahle disposition requires checks. Whereas, It 'has pleased the All and .the paper should 'be considered FARM BUILDINCS, LIVE STOCK AND PRVENDER. WILLIAM E. CANNON, Sussex County “It is admitted you cannot have a Wise Providence to sever one of .the by the people and by the Legislature. F7TÎ.E Î FOR governor: 'good tixecu tive upon a democratic links of 'the chain of fnaitemial brother­ We expect ito comment upon it more FIRE! PETER J. FORD, plan. See the excellency of the Brit­ hood of Felton Council, No. 15, Jir. 0. INSURANCE New Castle County. ish executive. 'Nothing short of such in detail hereafter. 'U. A. M., in the 'removal of our dear PLACED IN STRONG MUTUAL AND STOCK COMPANIES. an executive can be efficient. 'beloved brother, Willie Purse, we bow FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: FARMERS’ MUTUAL FIRE INSUR­ “The voice of the people 'is said to in humble submission to him who THE COMMERCIAL UNION IRE IN­ Dr. WILLIAM F. HOEY, The campaign in this county has ANCE CO. OF WILMINGTON. SURANCE CO. Kent County. 'be the voice of Giod, but this maxim doet'h all things well. NEW CASTLE COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF opened with a fervor that shows all INS. CO. OF WILMINGTON. is not true. May we as individuals fully realize BROOKLYN, for CONGRESS—Constitutional Tenu, PENNSYLVANIA PIPE INSURANCE GLENS FALLS INSURANCE CO. “A democratic government of the Democrats are enlisted. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEXANDER M. DALY, from this sad and speedy dispensa­ THE AMERICAN FIRE INS. CO mass of the people «an never -be good.” K- v • Kent County. tion of Providence, that we know not Walter Morris & Geo. E. Dawson, Agts. / Here is the keynote of Republican The CenturylClub. ihow soon we, too, may be summoned for congress—Uncxpircd Tenu, Oni Wednesday next the opening before the great Councilor of the FIRS! Dover, Del. Dr. EDWARD FOWLER, imperialism sounded by one of the FIRE! meeting of the year will ibe held by ithe Universe, and be prepared at all times Sussex County. leading supporters of ithe Administra­ MARUeACTURERS, STEAM RISKS ■RIES. Dover Century Club at the usual hour to give a good account of our steward­ for attorney-general: tion. Mr. 'Henderson must have for 3.30 p. m. In View of the fact tlhiait ship. PETER L. COOPER, Jr. gotten himself when he so completely many of .the members will wish to at­ Resolved, That the members of Fel­ New Castle County. J J dropped the mask behind which Mc­ tend ithe 'State Fair the executive com ton ICoumcil 'bender lour ibeiarlt-feit ' FOR STATE TREASURER: Kinley, Hanna & Go, are wlorking. im’ittee have thought best to make sympathies wiiltih 'the family of our i WILLIAM L. SIRMAN, deceased in Ithls their hour of trial ,!TY( (Discussing 'the subject editorially 'this first meeting the business meet­ Sussex County. ing, deferring ithe regular house warm­ and grief, and share with them the the Sun says: ^ HOT IN THE FOR AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS: ing and club tea until the second blessed hope of a reunion in that bet­ l\ . IN ADDITION „TO f WALLER DONOHO, “The Alexander Hamilton theory of meeting, October 10 Not one member ter world. V, Sussex County. government ‘is .asserting itself with will wish to miss this meeting on ithe Resolved- That we drape our charter .1 in mourning for ithe space of thirty \\'t ANDARD BOS 5 FOR INSURANCE COMMISSIONER: more force in this campaign than ever lftth with itls reports from members EliMANUFACTUR before. It is not advocated in plain ion their summer outings. The presi­ days, land that these resolutions be LIZERS- FRANCIS D. BALDWIN, JMFIcrops ^4,\l||« words, except by a few indisoreet dent’s report from the General Fed­ lenitered on our minutes, and a copy FO. New Castle County. pci- WRITE US öj^PP^STATING AMOUNT YOU^ sous like Speaker Henderson and Sen­ eration at Milwaukee, and the social be sent to the family of itihe depanted ator Beveridge, but ’it ds ithe animat­ after hour at the club tea. Every btotibar. lAiso, a copy laaiclh to the “tsWill wantW?Lrop you want to use it on¥, Delawarean and Peninsula News with COUNTY TICKET. ing spirit of ithe McKinley Adminis­ member knowing friends who would v i address the.J.E.TYGERT tration and of the Republican party like ito join the club is requested to request to publish. 1 .35: SOUTH DELAWARE WE'1. Felton Council, Jt. O. U. A. M. U.3. management at present. English invite them to the meeting land club » p FOR SENATOR;' policy, English methods and English tea on the 10th and supply them with Delphi, 1 2d Dist—JAMES R. CLEMENTS, example are the models which 'application hlan|k!s, to ibe obtained 4th Dist—GEORGE D. HARRINGTON. 'Obviously ciommend themselves ito Mr. from the secretary, Miss Ella Wilson. I, McKinley and his managers as in ithe Plans being formulated for ithe work for representative: ist Dist—ROBERT Y. WALLEN, highest degree of admiration, and im­ promise a ysar full of 'interest and , > 2d Dist—JOHN L. SCOTTEN, itation. iSematlor Beveridge telle us all who desire to 'become members will V 3rd Dist—JOHN W. HUTCHINSON, we could »bit dQ follow so be cordially welcomed. vv 4th Dist—JOHN JOHNSON, 5th Dist—MARK W. COLE, splendid an example of government, 'and the President and the iS balte De­ 6th Dist—JOHN C. DILL. Keilt County Jurors. 7th Dist—WILLIAM GRAHAM, partment evidently' believe ithe same NEW Sack Suits, $5.00 to .x 1 Sth Dist—WILLIAM G. HARDESTY, 'thing, as is shown by idbe foreign pol» Clerk of the Peace Downs and S20.00. Fall Over­ 1 9th Dist—DAVID VINYARD, > 10th Dist—C, F, HARRINGTON.
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