8300 Greensboro Dr. {703} 584-867r LUKAS su¡re I2OO www'tcctAw.coM LAFURIA Tysons, VA 22102 NOI ADMIIÍIÞ IN VA LLGS GUTIERREZ er SACHS rrp July 17,2017 VIA E-MAIL AND OVERNIGHT MAIL Sara J. Clark, Secretary Department of Telecommunications and Cable 1000 Washington Street, 8th Floor, Suite 820 Boston, MA 02118-6500 Re D.T.C. Docket No. 17-3: Budget PrePay,Inc.'s Petition for Relinquishment of Its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation in Massachusetts; Budgetts Supplemental Responses to D.T.C.'s X'irst Set of Information Requests Dear Ms. Clark: Enclosed please find an original and three (3) copies of the following documents for filing in the above-referenced proceeding on behalf of Budget PrePay, Inc. ("Budget"): l. Budget's Supplemental Responses to the Department of Telecommunications and Cable's First Set of Information Requests dated June 9, 2017; 2. The requisite Certificate of Service Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the information provided. Sincerely, Todd Lantor Counsel to Budget PrePay, Inc. Enclosures cc: Courtney Hickson, Hearing Officer (w/enc. via overnight mail and e-mail) Sean Carroll, Deputy General Counsel (w/enc. via e-mail) Sandra Merrick, General Counsel (w/enc. via e-mail) Joe Tiernan, Administrator of Special Projects and Data Analytics (denc. via e-mail) Lindsay DeRoche, Director, Competition Division (w/enc. via e-mail) Joslyn Day, Director, Consumer Division (w/enc. via e-mail) Corey Pilz, Deputy Director, Consumer Division (w/enc. via e-mail) EXHIBIT A COPIBS OF ADDITIONAL STATE COMMISSION ORDERS GRANTING BUDGET PRBPAY, INC.'S ETC RBLINQUISHMENT REQUESTS FIRST SET OF INFORMATION REQUESTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMI-]NICATIONS AND CABLE BUDGET PREPAY,INC. D.T.C. DOCKET NO. 17-3 Person Responsible for Answer: Robin Enkey Date Filed: July 17,2017 D.T.C. 1-1: Identify all states in which Budget, or any of its affiliates, have received relinquishment of its ETC designation. Provide complete and detailed documentation for each such state. Supplemental Response: Below is an updated list of states (new states in green and underlined text) in which a decision has been rendered regarding Budget's request for relinquishment of its ETC designation status. Exhibit A to these Supplemental Responses includes copies of the recent, additional decisions made by the state commissions of Hawaii, Michigan and North Dakota, as well as a revised decision rendered by the Maryland PSC canceling Budget's ETC status. Arkansas Colorado Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland (revised decision) Michigan Nebraska North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Utah V/ashington West Virginia V/isconsin Wyoming BEFORE THE PUBLIC T'TILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Application of) ) BUDGET PREPÀY, rNC., dba ) DOCTKET NO. 2AL1-00?9 BI'DGET }4OBÏÏ,8 l ) For Relinguishment, of Eligible ) Telecommunicat ions Carrier ) Designation. ) ) DECISION AIIÐ ORDER NO. 3¿675 H 11Ð(-¿ e '*n 3=l''-: bZ s- 5Cól+t' \ÀJ r*- rn Y4=P 6'-. i*lf-".t -r-Fi -t ç u) (f, l\' BBFORE THE PUBI",IC TJTILITIES COMMISSION OF TI{E STATE OF HAWATI In t,he Matter of bhe Application of) ) BUDGET PREPAY, INC., dbA } Docket, No. 20r.7-00?9 BUDGET MOBILE } ) Decision and order No.3 ¿ 6 7 5 For RelinquishmenÈ of Eligíb1e ) TelecommunicaÈions Carrier ) Designat,ion. ) ) DECISIÕN AIi¡D ORDER By this Ðecisíon and'Order, the commisEion approves the reguesÈs of BUDGET PREPAY, INC., dba B1IDGET I4OBILE (rrBudget'¡), to: (1) reLinquish it,E eLigib).e telecommunlcaEions carríer ( "ETC" ) designation in the State of Hawaii (uSt,ate'r)i and {2} cancel and withdraw its Tariff No. 2.t rThe Parties are Budget and the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE åI{D CONSIT¡,IER AFFAIRS, DMSIOI{ OF CONST¡IvIER .ADVOC.âCY ( "Congumer Advocate"), an ex officio party, PurFuant Èo Hawaii Revised StatuEes S 269-51 and Ha¡¡aii Administ,rat,ive Rules 5 6-6f-62 (a) . No personÊ moved Èo intervene or participaÈe in tlris proceeding. I Background Budget¡ t].ì holds a certiticate of regist,ratÍon (ucoRul to provide wireLess t.elecommunications serviceE wiEhin Ehe State;2 and (2) iE designated ås an ETC throughout the State so1e1y t,o provide services supporÈed by, and to participaEe in t.he lorr¡- income programs of the f ederal universal eervice fund (i.e., a Lifeline-only ETC).3 On April 10. 2017, BudgeE filed iÈs application, seeking to: (1) "relinquish its ETC designation and. to discont,inue r,Ífeline service i.n Hawaii because of changes in the wÍreless industry and proposed modificat,ione Èo the tifeline program[,!" ef f ecÈive 'June 5, 2aL1 ;a and (21 cancel and withdraw ite Taríff l¡o. 2, effective.June 5, 2OL7-s Budget f ii,ed ils app).i"catíon pursuanE to 4? united States Code (.'u.S.C.u) S 2L4(e)(¿) and 47 Code of FederaL Regulations {uC.F.R.u) S 54.205. 2In re Budget Prenav, Inc. , Dockeb No. 2AL2-0195, Decision and Order No. 30669, filed on OcEober 3, 2OI2. 3In re Budget Prepay, Inc., dba Budqet Msbile , Docket No. 2CIL2-Ol2'1 , Decision and CIrder No. 3137L, f iled on ,July 26, 20L3. o&Ë ÀppLication, fíled on April 10, ?OL't {"ÀpplicaEion"), aE 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and ?. s¡pplíca!íon, at 1, 6, and 7 20L1 - 00?9 2 on June L9, 2AL7, Lhe ConEumer Àdvocate filed its posit,ion gtatement: {1) staEing its non-object.ion to Budget'a requested relief ; and (2) .recommending t.hat, Budget f iie with the commission a copy of its fort,hcoming correspondence with the federal Uníted Service'Ãdministrative Company (''UsAc"), t'¡hich ínforms the USAC of this Decision and order issued today by the commissíon. On .Tune 22, 2AL7, Budget filed its reply positíon stat,ement, stating thal it doee object, Èo the Consumer Advocate's recommendat,ion that Budget f ile with t,he commission a copy of iÈs forthcoming correepondence with the USÀC. II. Discussion 47 U.S.C, S 21.4 te) {4} states in part A State commísEion ehall permit an eligible tel"ecommunications carrier to relinquish it,s designat,ion ae euch a carríêr in any arÊa served by more t.han one eligible telecommunicaEions carrier. An eligible telec,ommunicatíons carrier that seeks to relinguish it,s eligible telecommunicat,íons carrier designaÈj-on for an area served by more than one e}igible telecommunicatione carrier shall give advance notice to the gtate commission of such relinquíehment. Príor to permitting ä Eelecommunica!ions carrier designat,ed aE an eligible Eelecommunicat,ions carrier to cease providing universal service in an area served by more t.han one e1i.gíble telecommunications carier, lhe SEate commisEíon shall require the remaining eligible telecommunications carrier or carriers to ensure that all customers served by the 247.7 - 00?9 3 relinquishing carrier wilL contínue to be served, and EhaII require sufficienÈ notice to permit the purchase or conat,rucÈion of adequat.e facillties by any remãining eligíble telecommunieations carrier. The State commission shall establish a t,ime, not to exceed one year after Èhe StaEe commission . approves such relinquishment under this paragraph, within which such purchase or construction shall .be compleÈed. 47 rI.s,c. S 2L4(e) (a)¡ ín accord 47 C,F.R. S 54,205(a) and (b) . The commission approves as reasonable BudgeE's requeat,s ,to: (1) relinguish iLs ETC designation; and (21 cancel and withdraw its Tariff No. 2.6 In supporÈ theretso, Èhe commiseion speclfically finds and eoncludes: 1. tls of AprÍI 20L?, Budget, has 53 Lifeli-ne cust.omers wit,hin its ETC service areä in the State. ? 2, Budget's sÈatevride ETC service area ie currently served by other wireless Irífeline ETCs, such as TracFone tlireless, Inc. , and Boomerang l,lireless, LLC, and the incumbenE 6See In re Total CaI1 ì'lobiIe, LLC Docket No.20L6-O4Q4, Decísion and Order No. 34384, filed on February 8, 2OL7, ât 6-7 {applying Ehe reaeonableness standard in approving a request to relinquish an EfC deeignation under 47 It.S.C. S 21a{e)(¿)); and In re T-Mobile West LtC , Docket, No. 2ù14-!304, Decision änd Order No. 32516, filed on Decenber 11, 2û14, at 6-7 (applying the reasonableness sÈandard 1n approving a request to relinquish an ETC designation under 47 U.S.C. 5 2L4 {e) {a)) . ?Eudgetts response to CA-IR-1(b) ; see also åp¡llication, at 4 (Budget provides wireless Lifeline service to customers ÈhroughouÈ, the St.ate) . 20J.7 - 0079 4 telecommunications carrier, Hawaiian Telcom, Inc.8 Thus, "fo3.lowing Ehe relinquishment of BudgeÈ's ETC designation, Budget'e ETC service area will coneinue to be served by mul.tiple ETCs. "e 3. Budget's Application serves as advanced noÈice to the commíssion of Budget'E intent to reLinquish its ETC designation. Budget, filed itE Application approximateS.y twelve weeks in advance of ahe commissionrs lssuance of thís Decision and Order Èoday 4. To the best of Budget.'e knowì-edge, " [sl ince mulEiple ETCs already serve the såme ETC service area ÈhaÈ Budget serves,rr said ETCs 'rl,¡ill not be reguired Èo purchase or construct additional facílities to ensure that Budgetts r,ifeline subscribers continue to receive service. "10 Under Èhese circumstsances, noEíce t.o these ETCs bo permit, Lhem tso purchase or construct facilities to ensure that, Budget's Lifeline cugÈomerg will conEinue Eo receive service is unnecessåry. 8.âpplicaEign, at 4 ¡ see also BudgeE's responses to CA-IR-1 (nearly 500 of Budget's former subscrÍbers have Èransferred to Boomerang lrlireless, IrL,C) and CA-IR-?.
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