Legals PAGE 10 AUGUST 20, 2020 • WEST SIDE JOURNAL cate the statue of Henry Watkins Allen from the West City of Port Allen’s Sewer Fund budget for fiscal Baton Rouge Parish Council Complex to the West year 2019-2020 to fund the purchase of a wall-mount Baton Rouge Museum. Mrs. Ray Helen Lawrence ultrasonic, open-channel effluent flowmeter for the seconded the motion. Mayor Lee asked if there was wastewater treatment facility at a cost of $2,860 from any opposition. There was none. A roll call vote Municipal and Industrial Chlorination, LLC. Mayor resulted as follows: Lee asked if anyone from the audience wished to be heard. No one answered. Mayor Lee then closed the YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- public hearing. liams NAYS: None Mr. Brandon Brown moved to adopt Ordinance No. 5 of 2020 providing for an amendment to the budget es- The motion carried. timates of the Revenues, Expenditures, and Retained Earnings of the City of Port Allen’s Sewer Fund for Mayor Lee opened the public hearing to discuss a the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending waiver of the restriction against free-standing signs June 30, 2020 to cover the additional costs associ- on commercial property adjacent to residential prop- ated with the purchase of a wall-mount ultrasonic, erty located at 673 Rosedale Road, Port Allen for the open-channel effluent flowmeter for the wastewater West Baton Rouge Teachers Federal Credit Union. treatment facility at a cost of $2,860 from Municipal Members of the audience were allowed to speak and Industrial Chlorination, LLC. Mr. Carey Wil- and provide information to the members of the City liams seconded the motion. The municipal clerk read Council. Mayor Lee asked if anyone else wished to the title of the ordinance aloud. Mayor Lee asked if be heard. No one answered. Mayor Lee then closed there was any opposition. There was none. A roll the public hearing. call vote resulted as follows: Mr. Brandon Brown moved to waive the prohibition YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- on free-standing signs on commercial property adja- liams cent to residential property located at 673 Rosedale NAYS: None Road, Port Allen, for the West Baton Rouge Teachers Federal Credit Union. Mr. Carey Williams seconded The motion carried. the motion. Mayor Lee asked if there was any oppo- sition. There was none. A roll call vote resulted as Mayor Lee opened the public hearing to obtain views follows: regarding the adoption of an ordinance to amend the City of Port Allen’s Sewer Fund budget for fiscal year YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- 2019-2020 to fund the repair of a check valve for #3 liams effluent flowmeter for the wastewater treatment fa- NAYS: None cility at a cost of $10,800 from Tullier Services for a 1-2 week delivery. Mayor Lee asked if anyone from The motion carried. the audience wished to be heard. No one answered. Mayor Lee then closed the public hearing. Mr. Brandon Brown moved to approve Mayor Lee’s recommendation for Richard Slaughter, 1150 Mich- Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to adopt Ordinance No. 6 of igan Avenue, Port Allen and Jason Caillouet, 1590 2020 providing for an amendment to the budget es- Court Street, Lot 89, Port Allen to serve on the City timates of the Revenues, Expenditures, and Retained of Port Allen’s Board of Adjustments. Mr. Carey Earnings of the City of Port Allen’s Sewer Fund for Williams seconded the motion to consider both ap- the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending pointments, in globo. Mayor Lee asked if there was June 30, 2020 to fund the repair of a check valve for any opposition. There was none. A roll call vote #3 effluent flowmeter for the wastewater treatment resulted as follows: facility at a cost of $10,800 from Tullier Services for a 1-2 week delivery. Mrs. Ray Helen Lawrence sec- YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- onded the motion. The municipal clerk read the title liams of the ordinance aloud. Mayor Lee asked if there NAYS: None was any opposition. There was none. A roll call vote resulted as follows: The motion carried. YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to approve the Mayor’s rec- liams ommended step increases for the following employ- NAYS: None REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR ees: Kerek Tillman from 109B to 109E, Andre’ Col- AND CITY COUNCIL lins from 109B to 109C, Travis Pierson from 109B The motion carried. CITY OF PORT ALLEN, LOUISIANA to 109C, Terry Coye from 108P to 108Q, and Adrian WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2020 Daigle from 108B to 108C based on their successful Mayor Lee opened the public hearing to obtain views completion of certification classes and training and regarding the adoption of an ordinance to amend the The Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Al- re-certifications in their respective positions. Mr. City of Port Allen’s Water and Gas Fund budget for len, Louisiana, met in Regular Session at 5:30 p.m. Carey Williams seconded the motion. Mayor Lee fiscal year 2019-2020 to fund the purchase of a new on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, in the Council Cham- asked if there was any opposition. There was none. water meter for the Sixth Street Water Well at a cost bers at Port Allen City Hall. A roll call vote resulted as follows: of $3,600. Mayor Lee asked if anyone from the au- dience wished to be heard. No one answered. Mayor Mayor Lee called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- Lee then closed the public hearing. and asked Lisa Hubble to lead the pledge of alle- liams giance. A roll call vote resulted as follows: NAYS: None Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to adopt Ordinance No. 7 of 2020 providing for an amendment to the budget es- Present: Ray Helen Lawrence, Garry Hubble, The motion carried. timates of the Revenues, Expenditures, and Retained Brandon Brown, Hugh Riviere and Carey Earnings of the City of Port Allen’s Water and Gas Williams Mayor Lee opened the public hearing to obtain views Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and regarding the adoption of an ordinance to amend the ending June 30, 2020 to fund the purchase of a new Absent: None City of Port Allen’s General Fund Budget for fiscal water meter for the Sixth Street Water Well at a cost year 2019-2020 to cover the additional costs associ- of $3,600. Mr. Carey Williams seconded the motion. Mrs. Ray Helen Lawrence moved to approve the ated with funding the City’s crossing guards’ salaries The municipal clerk read the title of the ordinance Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2020. for the month of June to compensate them for addi- aloud. Mayor Lee asked if there was any opposition. Mr. Brandon Brown seconded the motion. Mayor tional duties of monitoring access to City Hall during There was none. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Lee asked if there was any opposition. There was the COVID-19 pandemic including taking tempera- none and the motion carried by unanimous consent tures and mandating masks. Mayor Lee asked if YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- of the members present. anyone from audience wished to be heard. No one liams answered. Mayor Lee then closed the public hearing. NAYS: None Mayor Lee read aloud the procedure for public par- ticipation at the Regular Meetings of the Port Allen Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4 The motion carried. City Council in accordance with state statutes and of 2020 providing for an amendment to the budget local ordinances. estimates of the Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund City Attorney stated that there were no condemna- Balance of the City of Port Allen’s General Fund tions pending at this time. After a long discussion among the Mayor, the mem- for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending bers of the City Council, and members of the public, June 30, 2020 to cover the additional costs associated Lance Joseph stated that there were no alcoholic bev- Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to authorize the expenditure with funding the City’s crossing guards’ salaries for erage permits pending at this time. of funds to provide a basic sewer tie-in for two sewer the month of June to compensate them for additional lines on private property located at 729 Avenue B and duties of monitoring access to City hall during the Mayor Lee announced that the West Baton Rouge 309 Whitehead Boulevard at a cost of approximately COVID-19 pandemic including taking temperatures Parish Council meeting had been moved to the Com- $12,700.00 to be assessed to the property owners in and mandating masks. Mr. Brandon Brown second- munity Center on Jefferson Avenue beginning at 6 an amount to be determined at a later date. Mr. Gar- ed the motion. The municipal clerk read the title of p.m. to accommodate more people for the meeting. ry Hubble seconded the motion. Mayor Lee asked if the ordinance aloud. Mayor Lee asked if there was there was any opposition. There was none. A roll any opposition. There was none. A roll call vote There being no further business to come before the call vote resulted as follows: resulted as follows: City Council, Mr. Hugh Riviere moved to adjourn. Mr. Carey Williams seconded the motion. The mo- YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- YEAS: Brown, Hubble, Lawrence, Riviere, Wil- tion carried without objection and the meeting ad- liams liams journed at 6:54 p.m.
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