CJ ~ ~--; C/l < J <: CJ .() 0 O" § C\I I- 0 Cl) ::.: . 1ples, Congregations Plan ::: 1-oCll - C/l • .ast Days Of Passover ;;~~ W w • )NG REGA TION tion Mishkon Tfiloh will be held "") :; .JJ [;UDAS ACHIM at 9 a.m. in the morning for the . < . Htleboro, Mass. last two days, with evening ser­ > ; for the last days of vices at 6 o'clock. Rabbi Emanuel Lazar will deliver the sermons. • ~ '.2 at Congregation Agudas THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH W EEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. o: N ii: l Attleboro, Massachu- CONGREGATION 1 be held on Monday, OHA WE SHOLAM VOLUME LVII, NUMBER 9 FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1973 20¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES Apru LJ, at 7:30 a.m., and at 6:15 Pawtucket p.m. Services at Congregation Ohawe . Services on Tuesday, April 24, Sholam in Pawtucket will be con­ will be at 7: 15 a.m. with the ser­ ducted by Louis Schwartz, Morris Guerrilla Leader, Yassir Arafat, mon by Rabbi Philip Kaplan at 8 Schwartz and Jack Lapin. a.m., followed by Yizkor services Monday and Tuesday morning at 8: 15 a.m. services will be at 9 o'clock with Threatens 'Big Vengeance' For Raid CONGREGATION Yizkor services at 9 a.m. on Tues­ BEIRUT, Lebanon - Yassir B'NAI ISRAEL day, April 24. Arafat said Mr. Meyer had to link the United States to the Woonsocket Arafat, the Palestinan guerrilla coordinated with Maj. Gen. Israeli raid . CONGREGATION At Congregation B'nai Israel in leader, was quoted by two Aharon Yariv, a top- le ve l security Charge Denied by U.S. SHAARE ZEDEK­ Woonsocket, there will be a fami­ Lebanese new s papers as adviser to Premier Gold a Meir of The charge has been denied by SONS OF ABRAHAM threatening "big vengenace" for ly service on Monday, April 23, at Israel. in the killing in Pari s in the United States, which has said Pro•idence 9 a.m. with Rabbi William Kauf­ what he charged was United States J a nuary o f M a hmoud a l­ that the campaign was an attempt Morning services at Congrega­ collaboration with Israel in the man delivering his sermon at that Hamshari, a represe ntative in to provoke violence against the tion Shaare Zedek-Sons ol Abra­ time. Evening services will be at killing ol three Palestinian leaders France of the P a les tin ia n American Embassy here, and ham_ will be at 9 a.m. on Monday, here. 6:30 o'clock. Liberation Organi zati on. perhaps against American interests April 23, and Tuesday, April 24. Mr. Arafat reportedly asserted There will be an early service Mr. Arafat was also said to in other Arab countries. Rabbi Leon M . Mozeson will de­ that a station wagon with on Tuesday, April 24, at 7:30 a.m. have commented on reports in the liver his sermon at 10:30 a.m. and diplomatic license plates belonging In the article in As Sala, Mr. and the family service at 9 a.m. American press tha t another Yizkor services will be held at 11 to the United States Embassy was Arafat was quoted as saying: ··The Yizkor memorial prayers will be guerrilla leader. Salah Kh a la f, had a.m . on Tuesday. parked at a gasoline station near commando movement will take its recited at both services. given orders by telephone to Black Services on Monday evening the building where the guerrilla time, but when vengeance comes it CONGREGATION September terrorists in Khartoum, will be big .,. will be at 6:25 o'clock. leaders were killed. MISHKON TFILOH the capital of the Sudan, to kill (In Was hington the State The United States Embassy Pro•idence CONGREGATION two American diplomats and a Department sa id the here is now protected by a Passover services at Congrega- SONS OF JACOB Belgian diplomat last month . ••irresponsible behavior' and strengthened guard ol Lebanese & SONS OF ZION "extremist tactics·· of Arab The purpose of th ose reports. troops. A protest march by Pro•idence guerrilla leaders were likely to be Mr. Arafat was quoted as saying. students following the Israeli raid Congregation Sons of Jacob & damaging to the interests of the were to justify his murder by the was turned away fr om the streets Sons of Zion will hold their Passo­ United States Central Intelligence leading to the embassy. ver services on Sunday, Monday Palestinian people. The depart­ Agency. The attempt by the Palestinian and Tuesday, April 22, 23 and 24 ment also again denied that the The guerrilla leaders reported commando move ment to involve at 6:40 p.m. , and on Monday and United States was involved in the remarks have contributed to a the United States in the Israeli Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. l6raeli commando raid in Beirut.) press and radio campaign th at the raid is based o n repo rted Yizkor services on Tuesday will Mr. Arafat, who has been Palestinian and left-wing Arab movements of automobiles to and be at 10 a.m. Rabbi M . Drazin receiving visits from many 'l. countries such as Iraq. Syria a nd fr om th,,. .,.....,. h.,. ..... ,... _ ,i.. ... ... : .......... ... ~. politica l _ figure s e x pressi ng ' will conduct the services. I ;s,..,.., l.. ....... - -··-•- .J :__ . J T EMPLE BETH AM that the same station wagon was Warwick later seen transporting four Saboteurs Fail In New Attempt An early Friday evening service people, one of whom had "a bro­ will be held at Temple Beth Am ken left shoulder," according to To Blow Up Aramco Pipeline on April 20 at 5:45 o'clock. the newspapers. He also asserted Avd Aramco is itself owned by Services for the concluding days that some of the arms used by the BEIRUT , Leban o n Standard Oil of California, Exxon, of Passover will be held on Sun­ Israeli raiders, which were found Unknown saboteurs tried to blow Mobil and Texaco. day, April 22 at 6 p.m. and at 9:30 here, had been manufactured in up the Arabian-American Oil Explosives planted by armed a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday, April the United States, such as Mos­ Company's pipeline last week , raiders early last Saturday at 23, and Tuesday, April 24. Yizkor sberg & Sons model I 52-K .22 Government sources in southern Zahrani destroyed one Tapline will be observed during Tuesday caliber pistol using long rifle car­ Lebanon reported. morning's service. Explosive charges went off storage tank, baldly damaged two IIONARD WALDMAN tridges. others and slightly damaged a Rabbi Bernard Rotman and Mr. Arafat's reported views under the pipeline lour miles from fourth. The ensuing 14-hour lire Cantor Irving Poll will conduct the were published in the newspapers the Zahrani terminal, which is five consumed 30,000 barrels of oil. Waldman Named services. Al Bairaq and As Safa. The two miles south of Saida, the The blowing up of the storage accounts were essentially si milar. informants added. They caused Associate Director TEMPLE BETH DAVID tanks came a few hours alter The version in Al Bairaq only dents and the flow of oil was Leonard Waldman of New ANSHEIKOVNO Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian included an accusation by Mr. not affected. York City has been appointed as Pro,idence guerrilla leader, reportedly vowed Arafat that a former United Army patrols were reported associate executive director of the Passover services for Sunday "big vengeance" for what he States Ambassador to Lebanon, guarding the Lebanese section of Jewish Federation ol Rhode Is­ and Monday, April 22 and 23 will charged was United States Armin H . Meyer, who is now with the 850-mile pipeline, which can land, it has been announced by be held at 6 p.m. at Temple Beth collaboration in the Israeli the State Department in carry 440,000 barrels of oil daily Max Alperin, president of the David-Anshei Kovno, commando attack in Beirut and Washington , was recently from Saudi Arabian oilfields Passover morning services !or Saida in which three guerrilla JFRI. appointed the head ol an through Jordan and Syria to the Mr. Waldman, who has been Monday and Tuesday, April 23 leaders were assassinated. American intelligence team to oil terminal port of Saida. serving as national director of and 24, will be held at 9 o'clock. The pipeline is owned by the The Yizkor service will be held on "coordinate with Israeli The guerrillas denied community relations for the, intelligence against Palestinian Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company responsibility for the sabotage ol American Zionist Youth Founda­ Tuesday at 10 a.m. Services will - known here as Tapline - be conducted by Cantor Charles guerrillas." the oil terminal and charged that tion in New York City for the Role in Paris Killing which in turn is owned by it was the work .of Israeli raiders past two years, will begin his Ross. Arabian-American, or Aramco. (Continued on pagel 6) The paper added that Mr. coming by sea; Israel has denied duties on April 25. that charge. A group calling itself A native of Montreal, Canada, the Lebanese Revolutionary Mr. Waldman is a graduate of Guard took responsibility for the Bishop's University and McGill sabotage. University. Following his gradu­ ation from McGill in 1948, he Pumping of Oil Resumed went to Israel as a Machal BEIRUT - Pumping of crude volunteer. A founding member of oil resumed at the Tapline refinery Kibbutz Kissulim in the Negev, he near Saida only 16 hours after the later became a member of Kib­ explosions that burned out one of butz Cabri where he lived until its storage tanks, a company 1962.
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