Anni 2014-2015 Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" >> Sua-Rd di Struttura: "SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI, BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE (DISTABiF)" Parte II: Risultati della ricerca Sezione D - Produzione scientifica QUADRO D.1 D.1 Produzione Scientifica Titolo Autori Anno Giornale Volume Pagine BioMed New insight into adiponectin role in Nigro, E., Scudiero, O., Monaco, M.L., Palmieri, A., Research obesity and obesity-related diseases Mazzarella, G., Costagliola, C., Bianco, A., Daniele, A. 2014 International - Thestrup, T., Litzlbauer, J., Bartholomäus, I., Mues, M., Russo, L., Dana, H., Kovalchuk, Y., Liang, Y., Optimized ratiometric calcium sensors Kalamakis, G., Laukat, Y., Becker, S., Witte, G., Geiger, for functional in vivo imaging of neurons A., Allen, T., Rome, L.C., Chen, T.-W., Kim, D.S., and T lymphocytes Garaschuk, O., Griesinger, C., Griesbeck, O. 2014 Nature Methods 11 175-182 The sucrose-trehalose 6-phosphate Yadav, U.P., Ivakov, A., Feil, R., Duan, G.Y., Walther, Journal of (Tre6P) nexus: Specificity and D., Giavalisco, P., Piques, M., Carillo, P., Hubberten, Experimental mechanisms of sucrose signalling by H.-M., Stitt, M., Lunn, J.E. 2014 Botany 65 1051-1068 Valentini, R., Arneth, A., Bombelli, A., Castaldi, S., Cazzolla Gatti, R., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., Grieco, E., A full greenhouse gases budget of africa: Hartmann, J., Henry, M., Houghton, R.A., Jung, M., Synthesis, uncertainties, and Kutsch, W.L., Malhi, Y., Mayorga, E., Merbold, L., vulnerabilities Murray-Tortarolo, G., Papale, D., Peylin, P., Poulter, B., 2014 Biogeosciences 11 381-407 1 Raymond, P.A., Santini, M., Sitch, S., Vaglio Laurin, G., Van Der Werf, G.R., Williams, C.A., Scholes, R.J. European Effect of biochar addition on soil Rutigliano, F.A., Romano, M., Marzaioli, R., Baglivo, I., Journal of Soil microbial community in a wheat crop Baronti, S., Miglietta, F., Castaldi, S. 2014 Biology 60 9-15 Canesi, L., Frenzilli, G., Balbi, T., Bernardeschi, M., Ciacci, C., Corsolini, S., Della Torre, C., Fabbri, R., Interactive effects of n-TiO2 and 2,3,7,8- Faleri, C., Focardi, S., Guidi, P., Kočan, A., Marcomini, TCDD on the marine bivalve Mytilus A., Mariottini, M., Nigro, M., Pozo-Gallardo, K., Rocco, Aquatic galloprovincialis L., Scarcelli, V., Smerilli, A., Corsi, I. 2014 Toxicology 153 53-65 Seasonal transfer of oxygen isotopes from precipitation and soil to the tree Treydte, K., Boda, S., Graf Pannatier, E., Fonti, P., ring: Source water versus needle water Frank, D., Ullrich, B., Saurer, M., Siegwolf, R., enrichment Battipaglia, G., Werner, W., Gessler, A. 2014 New Phytologist 202 772-783 Oßwald, W., Fleischmann, F., Rigling, D., Coelho, A.C., Cravador, A., Diez, J., Dalio, R.J., Horta Jung, M., Pfanz, H., Robin, C., Sipos, G., Solla, A., Cech, T., Strategies of attack and defence in Chambery, A., Diamandis, S., Hansen, E., Jung, T., Forest woody plant-Phytophthora interactions Orlikowski, L.B., Parke, J., Prospero, S., Werres, S. 2014 Pathology 44 169-190 Drought impact on water use efficiency and intra-annual density fluctuations in Battipaglia, G., De Micco, V., Brand, W.A., Saurer, M., Plant, Cell and Erica arborea on Elba (Italy) Aronne, G., Linke, P., Cherubini, P. 2014 Environment 37 382-391 Resources, A waste management planning based on Conservation substance flow analysis Arena, U., Di Gregorio, F. 2014 and Recycling 85 54-66 Journal of Considerations about the correct Chemical evaluation of sorption thermodynamic Salvestrini, S., Leone, V., Iovino, P., Canzano, S., Thermodynamic parameters from equilibrium isotherms Capasso, S. 2014 s 68 310-316 Thyroid: Biological actions of Senese, R., Cioffi, F., De Lange, P., Goglia, F., Lanni, Journal of 'nonclassical' thyroid hormones A. 2014 Endocrinology 221 R1-R12 Tornatore, L., Sandomenico, A., Raimondo, D., Low, C., Rocci, A., Tralau-Stewart, C., Capece, D., D'Andrea, D., Bua, M., Boyle, E., vanDuin, M., Zoppoli, P., Jaxa- Chamiec, A., Thotakura, A., Dyson, J., Walker, B., Cancer-Selective Targeting of the Nf-ΚB Leonardi, A., Chambery, A., Driessen, C., Sonneveld, Survival Pathway With Gadd45Β/Mkk7 P., Morgan, G., Palumbo, A., Tramontano, A., Inhibitors Rahemtulla, A., Ruvo, M., Franzoso, G. 2014 Cancer Cell 26 495-508 Gasification of a solid recovered fuel in a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor Arena, U., Di Gregorio, F. 2014 Fuel 117 528-536 2 Luongo, L., Guida, F., Imperatore, R., Napolitano, F., Gatta, L., Cristino, L., Giordano, C., Siniscalco, D., Di The A1 adenosine receptor as a new Marzo, V., Bellini, G., Petrelli, R., Cappellacci, L., player in microglia physiology Usiello, A., de Novellis, V., Rossi, F., Maione, S. 2014 GLIA 62 122-132 Saliva from obese individuals Piombino, P., Genovese, A., Esposito, S., Moio, L., suppresses the release of aroma Cutolo, P.P., Chambery, A., Severino, V., Moneta, E., compounds from wine Smith, D.P., Owens, S.M., Gilbert, J.A., Ercolini, D. 2014 PLoS ONE 9 - Acute and chronic toxicity of six anticancer drugs on rotifers and Parrella, A., Lavorgna, M., Criscuolo, E., Russo, C., crustaceans Fiumano, V., Isidori, M. 2014 Chemosphere 115 59-66 Optical properties of diatom nanostructured biosilica in Ferrara, M.A., Dardano, P., De Stefano, L., Rea, I., Arachnoidiscus sp: Micro-optics from Coppola, G., Rendina, I., Congestri, R., Antonucci, A., mother nature De Stefano, M., De Tommasi, E. 2014 PLoS ONE 9 - Valente, S., Liu, Y., Schnekenburger, M., Zwergel, C., Cosconati, S., Gros, C., Tardugno, M., Labella, D., Florean, C., Minden, S., Hashimoto, H., Chang, Y., Selective non-nucleoside inhibitors of Zhang, X., Kirsch, G., Novellino, E., Arimondo, P.B., Journal of human DNA methyltransferases active in Miele, E., Ferretti, E., Gulino, A., Diederich, M., Cheng, Medicinal cancer including in cancer stem cells X., Mai, A. 2014 Chemistry 57 701-713 Improving the efficacy of inhaled drugs in Advanced Drug cystic fibrosis: Challenges and emerging d'Angelo, I., Conte, C., La Rotonda, M.I., Miro, A., Delivery drug delivery strategies Quaglia, F., Ungaro, F. 2014 Reviews 75 92-111 miR-338-3p is over-expressed in blood, De Felice, B., Annunziata, A., Fiorentino, G., Borra, M., CFS, serum and spinal cord from Biffali, E., Coppola, C., Cotrufo, R., Brettschneider, J., sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Giordana, M.L., Dalmay, T., Wheeler, G., D’Alessandro, patients R. 2014 Neurogenetics 15 243-253 Identification of highly conserved Corona, A., Di Leva, F.S., Thierry, S., Pescatori, L., residues involved in inhibition of HIV-1 Crucitti, G.C., Subra, F., Delelis, O., Esposito, F., Antimicrobial RNase H function by diketo acid Rigogliuso, G., Costi, R., Cosconati, S., Novellino, E., Agents and derivatives Di Santo, R., Tramontano, E. 2014 Chemotherapy 58 6101-6110 Biological evaluation of zirconia/PEG Materials hybrid materials synthesized via sol-gel Catauro, M., Papale, F., Bollino, F., Gallicchio, M., Science and technique Pacifico, S. 2014 Engineering C 40 253-259 Rossi, G., Montagnani, C., Abeli, T., Gargano, D., Peruzzi, L., Fenu, G., Magrini, S., Gennai, M., Foggi, B., Wagensommer, R.P., Ravera, S., Cogoni, A., Aleffi, M., Are Red Lists really useful for plant Alessandrini, A., Bacchetta, G., Bagella, S., Bartolucci, conservation? The New Red List of the F., Bedini, G., Bernardo, L., Bovio, M., Castello, M., Italian Flora in the perspective of Conti, F., Domina, G., Farris, E., Gentili, R., Gigante, Plant national conservation policies D., Peccenini, S., Persiani, A.M., Poggio, L., Prosser, 2014 Biosystems 148 187-190 3 F., Santangelo, A., Selvaggi, A., Villani, M.C., Wilhalm, T., Zappa, E., Zotti, M., Tartaglini, N., Ardenghi, N.M.G., Blasi, C., Raimondo, F.M., Venturella, G., Cogoni, D., Puglisi, M., Campisi, P., Miserere, L., Perrino, E.V., Strumia, S., Iberite, M., Lucchese, F., Fabrini, G., Orsenigo, S. Soil quality recovery and crop yield Agriculture, enhancement by combined application of Bonanomi, G., D'Ascoli, R., Scotti, R., Gaglione, S.A., Ecosystems compost and wood to vegetables grown Caceres, M.G., Sultana, S., Scelza, R., Rao, M.A., and under plastic tunnels Zoina, A. 2014 Environment 192 1-7 Smets, B., d'Oreye, N., Kervyn, F., Kervyn, M., Albino, F., Arellano, S.R., Bagalwa, M., Balagizi, C., Carn, S.A., Darrah, T.H., Fernández, J., Galle, B., González, P.J., Head, E., Karume, K., Kavotha, D., Lukaya, F., Detailed multidisciplinary monitoring Mashagiro, N., Mavonga, G., Norman, P., Osodundu, reveals pre- and co-eruptive signals at E., Pallero, J.L.G., Prieto, J.F., Samsonov, S., Nyamulagira volcano (North Kivu, Syauswa, M., Tedesco, D., Tiampo, K., Wauthier, C., Bulletin of Democratic Republic of Congo) Yalire, M.M. 2014 Volcanology 76 1-35 Current knowledge of D-aspartate in glandular tissues Di Fiore, M.M., Santillo, A., Chieffi Baccari, G. 2014 Amino Acids 46 1805-1818 Chemical composition, nutritional value and antioxidant properties of Pacifico, S., Di Maro, A., Petriccione, M., Galasso, S., autochthonous Prunus avium cultivars Piccolella, S., Di Giuseppe, A.M.A., Scortichini, M., Food Research from Campania Region Monaco, P. 2014 International 64 188-199 The impact of selective logging and clearcutting on forest structure, tree Cazzolla Gatti, R., Castaldi, S., Lindsell, J.A., Coomes, diversity and above-ground biomass of D.A., Marchetti, M., Maesano, M., Di Paola, A., Ecological African tropical forests Paparella, F., Valentini, R. 2014 Research 30 119-132 Energy generation by air gasification of two industrial plastic wastes ina pilot scale fluidized bed reactor Arena, U., Di Gregorio, F. 2014 Energy 68 735-743 Stimulation of androgen production by d- aspartate through the enhancement of StAR, P450scc and 3β-HSD mRNA levels in vivo rat testis and in culture of immature rat Leydig cells Raucci, F., D'Aniello, A., Di Fiore, M.M. 2014 Steroids 84 103-110 Shedding light on diatom photonics by Di Caprio, G., Coppola, G., Stefano, L.D., Stefano, Journal of means of digital holography M.D., Antonucci, A., Congestri, R., Tommasi, E.D.
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