СВОБОДА JLSVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ТЩКР VаШ4'гЛілм аа мv rainioENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y EDITIOWeelcN l Ї VOL. LXXWlШ. No. І35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 17.1979 25 CENTS N.Y. priest gets greeting from Romaniuk MOTOZ greeted ІП Toronto TORONTO, Ont. - Some 500 per– annivcrsarjf:^pf the Organization of sons — representatives of Ukrainian Ukrainian Nationalists; Dr. Roman community organizations and institu– Malashchuk, president of the World tions. members of the ODUM. Plast Ukrainian Liberation Front; and v. and SUM youth organizations and Kyryliuk, vice-president of the World schoolchildren - greeted valentyn Congress of Free Ukrainians. Moroz here as he arrived at Toronto The audience sang a round of international Airport on Wednesday, "Mnohaya Lita" for Mr. Moroz. June 6. at about 11 p.m. Mr. Moroz thanked the participants As Mr. Moroz entered the airport for their attention to him and noted that waiting room he was greeted by two he had heard about the great strength of children, B. Chabursky and Petrusiv, Ukrainians in Canada. who recited a poem and presented him He said that "Ukraine now finds itself A photograph of the postcard from the Rev. Romaniuk. with a bouquet of flowers. Mrs. A. in difficult circumstances of enslave– Fedak of the Ukrainian Women's Asso– ment" and that "together we must help NEW YORK. N.Y. - The Rt. Rev. wish you all that is good and pray that ciation of Canada branch welcomed the her - not sometime, not with interrup– Serhij Kindzeriawyj-Pastukhiv received God's mercy will never abandon you. former political prisoner with the tradi– tions -– but now." a postcard on June 6 from the Rev. Please write me more about yourself tional bread and salt. "1 came to you so that together we vasyl Romaniuk from Yakutia. The and your work in the vineyard of Christ, Welcoming remarks were delivered could help in this matter," he stressed. note on the postcard is dated May 15. if possible, please send me a photo- by Dr. O. Rudzik, president of the After the singing of the Ukrainian graph of yourself and the church in The Rev. Romaniuk sent his greet– тогоіно wancn ormeTmatmancaitt- traiiwiat aiimerii, ivir TvTeroz left in which you serve. You ask what 1 need. order to rest before his trip the next ings to the Rt. Rev. Pastukhiv on the dian Committee; Dr. Anatole Bedriy, The cold is very harsh here and it would chairman of the committee on the 50th morning to Ottawa. reverse side of a postcard published by not hurt to have some warm clothing; І the Museum of Ukrainian Folk Art can do without everything else. 1 greet with a picture of a wooden carved plate you and ask your prayers," wrote the Yins family arrives in New York on it. He began the note with the Ukrai– Rev. Romaniuk. nian Easter greeting "Khrystos His address is 678300, Yakutskaya NEW YORK. N.Y. - The family of emerged on June 13, and Soviet officials voskres." ASSR, Kobiaisky rayon, pos. Sanhar. Pastor Georgi vins, the dissident Bap– delayed their boarding the flight. They "1 am very moved by your Paschal do vostrcbovaniia. Romaniuk vasyliy tist leader from the Soviet Union who subsequently boarded a flight to Frank– greetings and your attention to me. І Em. arrived in the United States seven weeks furt, West Germany, and from there ago, were to have joined him in freedom they departed for New York on board a on Thursday, June 14. TWA jet. They are the first relatives of any of Pastor vins's wife said in Frankfurt: UCCA executive board holds the five political prisoners from the "We waited all day long at the Moscow Soviet Union who were exchanged for airport." two convicted Soviet spies to arrive in "They kept piling up obstacles be– meeting in New York the West, included in the group arc cause they did not want us to leave for Pastor vins's mother Lidia. wife Nadia. New York," she said. Association about the release and NEW YORK. N.Y. (UCCA Special). five children and a niece. The family was in Moscow, a U.S. diplomat said that arrival of Mr. Moroz. who was entrust– - On Saturday. June 2, at the UCCA also accompanied by a 150-pound St. the families of valentyn Moroz and ed initially to the care of the U N A by t he conference room in New York City the Bernard. Aleksandr Ginzburg would soon join State Department. UCCA executive board held its meet– The vins family received exit visas them. The official said that no problems Mr. Bazarko noted that the maxi– ing, attended by almost every member from American officals on June 12 and were expected for the relatives of Mr. mum success of Mr. Moioz's appear– of the board. The meeting was opened were scheduled to depart the following Moroz to join him. ances during his first days in the United by UCCA President Prof. Lev E. day on a non-stop Aeroflot flight to A State Department spokesman in States must be attributed to the UNA Dobriansky and conducted by New York's J.F.K. international Air- Washington. D.C.. said that as of June and its executive officers: Dr. Flis, Msgr. Robert Moskal. UCCA execu– port. 13 he had no information concerning tive vice president. Supreme Secretary Walter Sochan, According to a State Department the emigration status of Raisa Moroz Before the reading of the minutes Supreme Treasurer Ulana Diachuk and and 17-year-old valentyn Moroz Jr. from the last meeting by lgnatius M. their co-workers in the UNA main official, certain customs problems Billinsky. a UCCA secretary. UCCA office and the editorial staff of Svobo– administrative director lvan Bazarko da. who took care of Mr. Moroz after called on all present to rise and in a his release and made contact with U.S. Michigan state legislature seeks minute of silence to pay tribute to four and international media. This was also outstanding members of the UCCA noted by other persons during the who passed away in the last few months, discussion. release of Yuriy Shukhevych namely: Dr. Denys Kwitkowsky Mr. Bazarko also reported that some Below is the text of the Michigan State House of Representatives concurrent (Detroit. Mich.). Julian Revay (New misunderstandings occurred after the resolution No. 236 memorializing the president of the United States and the York. N.Y.). Prof, lvan Wowchuk press (Svoboda. May 9) published a Congress to open negotiations with the Soviet Union for the release of Yuriy (Pittsburgh. Pa.) and Mykhailo Pana– statement by Mr. Moroz which he made Shukhevych. ft was introduced by Reps. Thaddeus C. Stopczynski and Stanley siuk (Chicago, ill.). during the meeting with representatives Stopczvnski and Sens. Miller, Welhorn and Ross, it was adoptedhy the House of of the Ukrainian press on May 7. Mr. Representatives on May 23 and the Senate on May 31. Arrival of valentyn Moroz Moroz said that from that day on he would be under the care of the UCCA. Whereas, the President of the United Stales has expressed deep concern for Mr. Ba7arko then reported exten– The Svoboda report also said that all human rights in the world and has recently been successful in negotiating the release sively on the release and arrival in the mail and other matters pertaining to of five political prisoners from the Soviet Union, in addition, the president and the United States of valentyn Moroz and Mr. Moroz should be referred to the Congress of the United States have intervened in several other cases on behalf of about his appearances throughout the UCCA. individuals deprived of their human rights in the Soviet Union; and nation in the last five weeks. The office The difficulty of the situation lies in Whereas, Yuriy Shukhevych. a Ukrainian, has been incarcerated in Soviet of Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski of the White the fact that the UCCA's care of Mr. prisons for almost 30 years. He was initially imprisoned at the age of 15, simply House telephoned Dr. John O. Flis. Moroz is limited to the forwarding of because he was the son of a general in the Ukrainian insurgent Army, and later president of the Ukrainian National (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) . THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 17.1979 No. 135 Badzio's wife seeks worldwide help for him NEW YORK, N.Y. - Svitliana Death" and written on the basis of theo– sure of the myth about Ukrainian which the author categorizes as a state Kyrychenko, wife of Ukrainian political retical and practical material, the pre- bourgeois nationalism, with which the of siege... prisoner Yuriy Badzio, has appealed in conditions and reasons for the cmcr– entire Ukrainian national independence The chapter titled "Perspectives, or a an open letter to the world citizenry. gence of Lenin's idea of the fusion of na– movement against Russia is identified: Word about the Unity of Mankind's Eurocommunist activists and the lca– tions are analyzed, and the evolution of analyzes the theory and practice of anti– History" is replete with the idea of na– ders of the USSR to support her hus– Bolshevik national policy is traced. A U krainian propaganda, which in the tional-historical optimism... band who she says has become a victim logical analysis of the phenomenon and USSR has been raised to the level of an The socialistic character of Soviet of the KGB. historical practice led the author to con- all-state policy and which is conducted society is thoroughly analyzed in this Badzio is the author of an extraor– elude that this is not a scientific theory under the cover of battle against so- chapter.
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