INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY General Conference FIRST SESSION LIST OF DELEGATES VIENNA, 15 CTOBER 1957 GC. 1/INF/6 Printed In Austria AFGHANISTAN ALEANIA Representative: M. Koco PRIFTI Ambassadeur Extiaordinaire et Pienipotentiaire Prague, Czechoslovakia Alternate: Irakli VAKEFLLITJ Directeur de ia Direction Generate de 1'Faergitique ARGENTINA Representative; Ing. Oscar A. QUIHILLAT rresideme ue la Comision Nacional ds Energia Atomica Alternate: Dr. Jcse Bernardo COLI O Dhector de la Comision Nacional de Energia Atoinica Advisers: Dr. Edaarao T. PAPDO Consejero Embajada de la Argentina en Viena Dr. Marti'a B. CRESPI Jefe de la Division de Qv.imica inorgamca ae la Ccmision Nacional de Energia Atomica Sr. Jorge C. ALFONZO Secetario de £mbajada Ministeiio dc Rclaciones Exteriores y Culto 2 3 AUSTRALIA Representative: Professor John Philip BAXTER Chairman of the Australian Atomic Energy Com­ mission Alternate: Mr. John Douglas LI OYD HOOD Australian Department of External Affair.; Advisers: Mr. Frank Lincoln BETT Research Olflcer Australian Atomic Energy Commirsion .Mr. Ivor Gordon BOWDEN Australian Department of External Aiiairs . Wife present 4 AUSTRIA Representative: *Dr. Karl GRUBER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alternates: Professor Dr. Hanns THTRBING Member of the Bundesrat (Upper Chamber of Parlia­ ment); Head of the Institute for Theoretical Phy­ sics of the University of Vienna *Dr. Heinrich HAYMERL^ Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Chancellery Department for Foreign Affairs *Dr. Hans THALBERG Counsellor of Legation, Federal Chancellery. Depart- "nent foi Foreign Aftairs; Director, Austrian Liaison OfScc to the IAEA .Dipl.-Ing. Richard POLACZEK Federal Chancellery, Department fcr Economic Co­ operation *Dr. Guslnv OF.TKER Federal Ministry of Education; Professor lor Nuclear Physics, Technical University, Vienna *Prof. Dr. Leopold BREITENECKER Federal Ministry for Scciai Administration; Director General of Public Health *Pr-f. Dr. Al'red ZEI.LER Federal Ministry for Agriculture ard Forestry; Hea ' of the Isotope Laboratory of the Federal Research Institute foi Agricultural Chemics, Vienn? •Dipl.-fn^. Rudolf RENNER Federal Ministry for Tr=.de and Reconstruction 5 AUSTRIA (coi.tint-ed) *Dr. Wilhoim KOVATS Federfl Ministry for Communications and Power D>\ Adalbert OKLICEK Federal Ministry tor Communications end Pow^r; Professor for Chemical Engineering, Technical University, Vienna •Dr. Michael KIGATSBERGER "Oesterrekhische Studiengosellschaft fiir Atom- energie", Vienna Dr. Heinrich GLEISSNER Federal Chancellery, Department for Foreign Affairs *Dr. Friedrich ZANETTI Federal Chancellery, Depaitment for Foreign Affairs, Austrian Liaison Office to the IAEA BELGIUM .) Representative: *M. Robert MEUWTS Charge d'Affaires Belgian Embassy, Vienna '; f.atificstion not yet deposited 6 BRAZIL, Representative. Mr. Joao Carlos MUNIZ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alternates: •Rear-Admiral Octacilio CUNHA President of the Nuclear Energy National Commission Mr. Carlos Alfredo BERNARDES Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Octavio Augu:to DIAS CARNEIRO Minister Plenipotentiary; Member of the Nuclear Energy National Commission Professor Joaquim COSTA RIBEIRO University of Rio ue Janeiro •Professor Luiz CINTRA do PRADO University of Sao Paulo •Commander Pav.lo Antonio TELLES 3ARDY Member of the military staff attached to the I -ai- dent of the Republic Parliamentary observer: Mr. Renato ARCHER Member of Congress Advisers: •Major Carlos Molmaii CAIROL1 Mr. Paulo da COSTA FRANCO Second Secretary of Embassy Captain Mauricio PEIXOTO MEIRA •Mr. Eduardo MOREIRA KOSANNAH Third Secretary of Embassy 7 BRAZIL (continued; Mr. Faulo Tarso FLECHA de LT.MA Third Secretarj- of Embassy Mr. Victor Augusto NUNES VASSE'JR Thud Secretary of Embassy BULGARIA Representative: M. le Prof. Guerogui Stefanov NADJAKOV Academicien. Vice-President du Corr.ite oe i'utiU- sation de l'enersie atomioue a des fins paciSques aupres du Consuil des Ministres Alternate: M. Lubomir Dimitrov POPOV Conseiller au Conscil des Ministres Adviier: M. BorislP.v Ivanov KONSTAKTINOV Heme Secretaire de Legation au Depaitement des Organisations et Traites intermtionaux r.upics du It'inistere r-es Affaires Etrangeies S BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Representative: Mr. A. N. SEVCHENKO Academician of the Academy of Sciences ot the Byelorussian SSR. ^rotessor Alternate: Mr. N. A. BORISEVICH University Reader Candidate Doctor of Physics and Applied Mathematics Adviser: Mr. B. V. KUDRYA.VTSEV Expert adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Byelorussian SSR Secretary: Mr. S. A. BRONNIKOV Second Secretary at the Ministry of Soieign Affairs of the Byelorussian SCR Interpreter: Miss N. KOVALENKO 9 CANADA Representative: II. E. Mr. M. H. WERSKOF. Q.C. Peiinpnent Representative of Canada and Ambassador European Office of the United Nations, Geneva Alternates: Mr. W. J. BENNETT, O.B.E. President, Atomic Energv of Canada Limited, Ottawa Mr. W. K. BARTON Counsellor Canadian Embassy, Vienna .Mr. S. POLLOCK Director, International Programmes Department of Finanre. Ottwa Adviser?: Mr. J. IvT. COOK First Secretary Canadian Embassy, Rome Political Adviser and Secretary of Delegation Mr. P WATSON Ato:rr'c Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa Technical Adviser CEYLON Representative: *Mr Sena Pandjkabhaya WICKRAMASINHA Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ceylon it. Germany 10 CHILE ') Representative: Sr. Tobias BARROS Charge d'Affpiles Embassy of Chile, Vienna CHINA Representative: Dr. Wei HSIOH-R.^N Adviser to the Chinese Mission to the United Nations Alterratc: Mr. Tsing-Chang LIU Counsellor Chinese Embassy, Athens Adviser: Mr. Argon C. T. KUAN First Secretary Chinese Embassy, Paris COLOMBIA M .Representative: Sr. Dr. Gerardo CABRERA Director del Institute Colombiano de Investigations Nucleares. Alternate: Sr. Dr. Alvaro Corral MALPONADO Institute Coiombiano de Investigations Nccleares ') Ratification not yet deposited 3 11 CUBA Representative: *Dr. Pedro CORPiON CAULA Encargado de Negcoics Embajada do Cuba, Vienna CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representative: *H.E. Dr. Pavel WINKLER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alternates: Mr. Jaii NEUMANN First Deputy Minister of Chemical Industry Dr. Augustin-SEVCIK Head ot the Nuclear Energy Administration Ministry of Power Mr. Cestmir SIMANE Director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics Dr. Jifi fiVAB Official of the Ministry of Foreign Air'?i-s Mr. Zdcnek SEINER Official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. VercHav SOBEK Official of the Ministry of Foreign Af:d:is Dr. Frant.sek KRECHL Official of the Ministry of Chemical Industry Secretaries: Mr. Frantisek VLCEK Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prague Mrs. Zorka CENKOVA Ministry of Foreign Afiairs, Prague 12 DENMARK Representative: Mi. H. H. KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of State. Chairman of the Executive Board of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission Alternates: .Mr. Jens CKRISTENSEN Danish Charge d'Aff-iirei, Vienna *Mr. Ole PERDEPSEN Chief of Section for Economic and Political Affairs, Danish Atomic Energy Commission Advisers: Mr. Ebbe RASMUSSEN Professor, Dr. phi!., University of Copenhagen Mr. GOMARD Assistant Professor Legal Adviser to the Danish Atomic Energy Commis­ sion Mr. Olav GRUE Assistant Chief of Section, Danish Atomic Energy Commission Secretary of Delegation DOMINICAN REPUBLTC Representative: Sr. Mayor Radiologo Dr. Rafael B. GONZALEZ M Secretario General de la Comision Naconal de In- ves:igaciones Atomica^ 13 ECUADOR .) Representative: ST. Rudolf SCHMIDTTHUBER EGYPT Representative: Dr. Ibrahim Hilmi Abdel RAHIvIAN Secretaire General Je la Commission de l'Erergie Atornique • Alternates: *M. Ismail FAHMY Conseiller d'Ambassade Dr. Mohamed Mourad GHALEB Professeur Adjoint Universite d'Alexandrie Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ivlaabound EL GUEBKLY Profosseur Adjoint de Chirme Nucleaire auprc-s de Jr Commission de l'Energie Ato.inque FINLAND n Representative: Mr. C. O. FPJETSCH Charge d'Affaires Legation of Finland, Vienna Mr. Martti MUTRU General Secretary of the Atomic Energy Board Ministry of Commerce and Industry Helsinki ') notification not yet deposited 14 FRANCE Representative: M. Pierre GUILI Al'MAT Administrateur General du Commissariat a FEnergi; Atomique Alternates: M. Francis PEREIN Kant Commissaire a 1' Eneigie Atomique *M. Bertrand GOLDSCKMIDT Delegue de ia Fiance du Cornell Jes Gouverneurs de l'Agence Internationale de l'Energie Aiomique *M. Frangois de ROSE Mimstre Plenipotentiaire, Chef du Service de Coordi­ nation des Questions Atormques *.Mr. Jeaa RENOU Directeur Adjoint des Relations Exterieures au Com- misrarlal a 1'Energie Atomique M. Bernard LECORNU Dhecteur du Cabinet du Sous-Secretaire a i'Ericrgie Atomique *JVI. Paul FCUCHET Conseillei d'Ambasy^de Ambassade de France u Vienne M. Jean MORAT Administrateur de Classes Exceptionnelles au Mini- stere des Finances Advisers: M. Olivic- DELEAU Conseiiler d Atr.bassade M. Bernard TOUSSAINT Conseiller d'Arnbassarle 15 FRANCE (continued; M. Michel IIAUSV/1RTH Chei de Cabinet dJ Secretaire cl'Eu.t a i'Energie Atomique 'M. Rene ZILIER Secretaire d'Ambassade Ambassade de France a Vienne M. Claude CKAYET Secretaire d'AmU.ssade *M. Roch TILLETTE de MAUTORT Conseiller au Commissariat a l'Energie Atomiqoe M. Jacques MARTIN Secretaire d'Ambassade 16 GERMANY. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Representative Dr. CAJcSTENS Miiiistei Plenipotentiary Foreign Office (Subsequently): Dr. MUELLER-GPAAF Gerrran Ambassador to Austria Alternates: Dr. HADRICH First Secretary Foreign Office Dr. PRETSCH Counsellor,
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