?■ • ' •,rr;.• _ ; Rent Your Property and Keep It Rented Through Herald Want Ads Amxmn cements Bmmeti Scrricet Rentals I | .... I Yankees Look Better As NOT ) iri , MISSIONS A WISE BOYS * 8 Travel Opportunities 63 Apartments Halt .... V ."" WOOD & DODD They Tigers’ Spree MONEY THREE ROOM »oatbea»r 'port- PLACING ment. BUGS STAMPEDE • \ INSURANCE 1533 West St. Charles McAllen 1 (By Associated Press) 2 in the third game ol their highly Reynosi SURETY BONDS A-13 All according to set of five. As a result . TEXAS LEAGUE good things, important Phones 1M Ill r Steers end Cats Bow To Bets Put On Hit Leaders Wednesday's Results BUS SETH MAN A pa tmeo U^Coot com- time-honored tradition, must end, the Detroit lead had been reduced Brownsf ills fortabie, (umlahsd ’Porters San Antonio 6. Dallas 1. DAILY SCHEDULE apartment. Big Sticks; the remarkable winning But Not On Texa* • including to 5 1*2 games Thursday and the Galveston 9. Fort Worth 3. Spivey Kowalski Building Phone 1331 2130 And Buffs Lose streak which carried the Detroit Leaves Leaves Yankees' position looked somewhat Winner Tulsa 9. Houston 2. Tigers pennantward for more than McAllen Reynas I .== FOR RENT—Home like apartment. into Oklahoma City 2. Beaumont I. <By the Associated Press) two weeks. more hopeful as they moved 8:30 am. 1 30 a m. I Will lease two Avar y duplex con- BY BILL PARKER 10:00 a m. 6:00 a m. The havoc-wrecking artillery el After 14 consecutive triumphs, the fourth contest with two mar* Standing* venient for large family of adults. the the Tigers struck trouble Wednes- DALLAS. Aug. 16. <A»>_Wise men 13:00 p m. 11:00 a m. Phone 197, 1349 West Elisabeth. Ban Antonio Missions and Gal- ai the younger generation, Johnny W. Pet Employment Team- L. 2:00 p m. 1:00 m. veston Buccaneers over the day when the Yankees end young of Wall Street claim there ie no p B-S3 ripped and Elden Auker. slated San Antonio . 72 53 .57i Johnny Broaca subdued them 8 to Murphy 6:00 p m. 6:00 p m 37 league battle Iront again such ae a cinch a« . 53 Salesmen—Agents for mound thing wager long Galveston 72 A7i 4:00 p m. 3:00 p m. VALLEY VIEW Apartments; at- W®> to victories and duty. day night as on. The Texa* Tulsa . 65 58 A2i Broaca. he allowed 10 the battle is loop 6:00 pm. 3 pm. AGENTS WANTED to represen i tractive, cool, one-bed-room apart- left Them in a deadlock for first although 65 A2i to Beaumont . 60 Special bus from Raynoea Sat- Old Lins Reserve Life In ment new available. B-43 had control and has 16 more days operate—the Legal place. hits, Wednesday Dallas . 64 61 .51 urday and Sunday 10:30 p m. suranoe Liberal con At Dallas, the Missions bsnbard- Grant battle is still on. and here's a few Company. who him, Houston . 58 87 .46- FIVE ROOM furnished [ ‘Bitsy’ Tommy Bridges, opposed tract. See H. L. Gunn. Goners | apartment, ■d Charlie B&mabe from sure ; Southpaw did not. That was the deciding things. Fort Worth . 53 72 .42- McAllen, Box 391. 115.00 month Phone 578. 442 Levee he second to Agent, Texas, mound In the inning That Beau Bell, Galveston right- Okla. City .. 50 75 .401 is 48 factor of the contest. The crowd as B-* *lr_. 6 to 1. The Buccaneers on- Leads Field fielder. will lead the circuit in Automotive shored at and Wunbsrd- well as the result was in distinct Games Thursday MODERN Tar- Fort Worth doubles. He got one Wednesday t prtvate apartment. for >d the Cats for a 9 to 3 decision NEWPORT R. L, Aug !•.—(Ah— contrast to that of Tuesday when to give him a total of 48. 10 more San Antonio at Dallas, night. nished. one or two men. Phone was for San Antonio first 15 Garages A Service Sta. 318 or 505 Washington. B-150 It nothing Because he is leading the other Detroit won two games. Instead of than Alexander Hoofcs. Tulsa Galveston at Ft. Worth, night. Mcrchandus ® smother by j the Steers. Inspired six survivors in the Newport Casino 80,000 fans, only about 15,000 were sacker who is runner-up. Beaumont at Okla City, night. he seven-hit of tall Abe tournament e Hooks will the Houston at 2 65 Houses pitching singles tennis by present on a drab afternoon. That Alex pace Tulsa, night games 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous Hiller, the Missions, after losing bracket, Byron "BUsy" Grant, Adverse weather forced the Na- league in triples. He has 20 tar Wrecker Service tve consecutive games to Galves- looked forward Thursday to en- leaders, the Giants, ahead of any other rival. NATIONAL LEAGUE tional league New Is the Time to ton, really enjoyed themselves as joying a well-earned rest while the to spend six hours in dividing a That Hugh Shelley. Beaumont Teams- W. L. Pet. Phone 1111 hey pounded Barnabe and South- others battle for places in the double bill with Pittsburgh. They leftfielder. will show the way in New York ..*..71 41 .634 BUY YOl^R HOME Jaw Fred Stielv for 10 hits. round. Phone 940 semi-final won, 5 to 4, and then Pittsburgh stolen bases- He Is credited with Chloago . 66 44 .600 Night and C. A. Jonnard and Dick Whit- was tired Wednes- The 63 46 Texas Building "Bitsy’' very replied with a 4 to 3 triumph. 33. miles In front. St. LOUIS . .578 Stevenson Motor Co., Inc. vorth shouldered the bur- when he finished down pitching day wearing Giants remained four games ahead That Ash Hiiiin. San Antonios Boston . 55 54 .505 5th sad Elisabeth. Brownsville Loan Assn. len for Fort Worth but could not the Man- Cubs and a higher-ranked Gregory of the idle Pittsburgh sensational youngster, will win the Pittsburgh . 54 55 495 Pay Like Rent Buccaneers rap- of Newark. N. J in a hard behind Boston. arry the load. The gin game most games. Through Wednesday Brooklyn . 45 63 .417 434 Uth SL Phone 183 >ed 12 hits, three live-set match. National double- them for flying fought Another league night he had 22 victories. Philadelphia . 44 64 407 11 Autoa Wanted «ff Baseman Buck one of the other survivors resulted In an even break the bat of Third Only header That Vernon Ken/edy, tall Ok'a- Cincinnati . 40 71 .360 WILL cash for 1st ’feusett who batted in a pair of was unseeded—J. Gilbert Hall of when the last-place Reds belted Van homa City speed ball wisard. will PAY $260.00 a Wednesday's Result* Ford sedan In con uns. Galveston broke loose with New York, who entered the quarter- Mungo. Brooklyn's star pitcher for win strike out honors Vernon has model A good when the cham- and ditlon. Box B-51 Herald S-5 five-run stampede in the seventh finals defending a 7 to 5 decision in the opener 139. counting the six he got Wed- New York 5-3. Pittsburgh 4-4. Real Estate ~1 nning that sent fans home early. pion. Francis X. Shields of the U. the Dodgers retaliated by winning. nesday night. Cincinnati 7-7, Brooklyn 5-4. 8 The first division Beaumont Ex- Davis Cup contingent, defaulted 5 to 4. Boston at Chicago rain because of a that he The Athletics downed the White KMrters caught a tartar in Okla- leg Injury Something not listed as sure Philadelphia at St. Louis, ram. Frontier Lumber Co. 74 For Sale or Trade carried back from Sox twice with the aid of timely loma City losing, 3 to 1. Vernon England. things are: Batmen Services The draw Hall the home runs to make H five In a row. Thursday’s Game* | | FOR Oklahoma Cennedy. the league leading strtke- pits against That Beau Bell, current batting TRADE by owner. four brilliant Frankie Parker of Jimmie Poxx clouted his 37th homer Rhode >ut artist, held Beaumont to Spring leader, will continue in front. He is Boston at Chicago f2>. wheat land. Ozark acreage. Lake. N. J. Sidney Wood, who with two aboard In the eighth to 24 Dressmaking FOR SALE—Used structural steel Island seashore for land lit* to outpitch Wade and Schulte getting stiff competition from Ches- Brooklyn at Cincinnati. property, hits. shared the international singles give Merrlt Cain a 7 to 4 victory sufficient for building 33x64 feet in Brownsville — Karl vho allowed the Indians seven ter Morgan. San Antonio center- New York at Pittsburgh. territory assignments with Shields, moves in the opener while Dlb Williams': DRESSMAKING «no alteration) l G. H Blngley. Los Presnos, Texas Green. 738 last Enid. ThA Tulsa Oilers dug deeper into fielder. and Alex Hooks. Philadelphia at 8t Louis (2). Broadway, against Berkeley Bell, the erst- circuit blow was a big factor in Mrs. Neal, formerly with Penney1 B-52 Oklahoma B-8 he division by taking the hus- That Bell will not retain his lead (feu while tumbling Texan who is the 2 to 1 second victory. Phone 483. B-i; ling Houston Buffaloes. 9 to 2. play- in total hits. two for five Wed- AMERICAN LEAGUE Hi* ■ ing the best game of his career The only other game saw south- 61 Wanted • Miscellaneous 75 or Trade ikipper Jake Atz had bis Oilers nesday’ gave him a total of Teams— W. L. Pet Buy this season, and last runner- "Rube'7 Walberg surpass night the a*me of year's paw George 25 fiuildera-Contractors ired up for opening 182.
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